The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-16, Page 4AGE FOUR. A TVA ..0 ,KNO V.° •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • "WANT AD°. RATES -,-1st insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent insertions 1. cent a word. Minimum charge. 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legal advertising 10 'cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents .Per line subsequent insertions, • HOUSE FOR RENT in Lucknow. GARAGE TO RENT. Apply to Apply to : Jack Parrish, Charles Congrarn, Lucknow.' FUR ; SALE --• Renfrew' kitchen TEACHER WANTED—Protestant . 'stove,' good condition. Lew Tay- Ior, Lucknow, CORN PICKING - custom .corn • picking done, • Burton Collins; er-3. 'phone 5- Ripley, • FOR SALE—small staid- walnut organ, ideal' for °converting, into a .'walnut desk, 'Express . Office, CAR, FOR SALE , 1946 Dodge sedan. Apply to Mrs. John Jam- ieson, amieson,;Lucknow. CATTLE WANTED --can handle about 20 head of feeder cattle for • the winter. Duncan .Farrish R .3 Lucknow teacher for U.S.S, No. 14, Huron Township' ,(Paramount) . on High- way 8.6 four miles: west of Luck - now, ' duxes to commence, begin- ning of January. Applicatio re- ceived. up to December 1st" 950 .ail' Apply to Orland Richards, sec.-. treas., R. 3, Lucknow; "• .,LIVESTOCK WANTED • Up to- $5:00 each for Dead or Disabled ".Horses,. Cows, Hogs,: at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect. Wingham "561-J. W illazn Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. ' ROOFING; EAVETROUGHING Flat roofs repaired, new roofs, PIANO FOR • SALE-Heintzman piano: in good condition. Apply to Busseil Middleton, R. '6, Luck:, now. FOR SALE chesterfield gybed,,, set of cupboard doors and electric • washing machine. Gordon Fisher, Lucknow. WANTED -quantity . of sod land, suitable for growing flax • Ander- son Flax Products Limited,: phone, 21-w. 'Lucknow. . LIVING ROOM DRAPES=almost new, floral design,;. complete with track, each curtain two and tWothirds 'yards' by. 46". .;Phone FOR SALE—Case corn, picker, W4 . McCornick-Deering' tractor, 1940 Pontiac. New'. model • :Z tractors now , available.. • George Wraith, Luckngw; SNOWSUITS FOR:. SALE --three piece salmon '• pink, ..white, 'fur Gari rn;' 2 -piece, red with •white fur trim. Both•' size `4, freshly clean- . ed. Mh s. Wm:. ' G. Humphrey, Lucknow: . HOGS piclked'ixp • and delivered direct to• Kitchener each: Thurs- ., day. Prompt and satisfactory re-' turns direct from plant.: ; Call. C�+ordon ,Brooks,„ 'phone 137 'J,. Lucknow FAR1Vx MACHINERY—Fairbanks. iMorse hammer mills, New Idea: farm • equipment, Minneapolis- • Moline tractors and Machinery. NEW. I D•.E A '.DISTRIBUT.OR'S, Goderich, Ontario; Phone Carlow 2821. • FLOCKS TO SUPPLY US with hatching eggs. 'Flocks . culled and bloodtested free • of , charge: High guaranteed ., premium paid: On some breeds can take eggs the year, round. Apply .Tweddle,,.Chick Hatcheries Limited. ,PERSONAL . SKINNY MEN,, WOMEN!. Gain .5, • ,to .15 lbs. New, pep,' too: Try fain-. ous , Ostrex .Tonic Tablets for • double;results; new healthy; flesh;, .new vigor. New "get ..acquaint_ ed" size "'only • 60c. All druggists, eavetroughing, spray . painting, etc.- Satisfaction• guaranteed.: Work done.' anywhere: • Sylvester Fort- ney, R. 2,.. Mildmay, phone 60-i-15. • TENDERS Township of West. Wawanbsh Tenders for Snowplowing Tenders will be.received by the undersigned' until 6.00 pan., De- cemiber '1st, 4950, fqr snowre- moval on Township roads. Ten- ders to state price per hour while working and to be for one ,heavy duty truck • equipped' with V -plow and wing, hydraulically oper to:d. Tenders •will 'alsobe 'received for one heavy duty' truck, Township to supply` plow. -and wing: Low est or any tender not necessarily accepted Lorne Ivers, Road-Superinten- dent; oadSuperinten-dent;Dungannon, Ontario:' PRIVATE © SALE Of... ;. IIOUSEH'OLD FURNITURE 9piece .oak dining .:room suite, 2 : or -3, -piece chesterfield • suite, ivory; sand green kitchen 'cabinet,. IR�a�ler++n��N!!l�►tr�l:rw�!o.+��+�..Z. COMING EVFENTS I HOT FOWL 'SUFFER' At Kinlough Anglican. Church; Wednesday, November 22nd. Sup- per served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock,. Program .following,' Admission: adults $1.00, children ,50c. ° .SCOUT 'BANQUET'. The, Annual .Meeting and Elec- tion of Officers of the Boy y ,Scouts Association, 1st Lucknow • Group, .will be. held. Friday, November' 17th and: will take the form of a Parents and Boys Banquet, • . DANCE ',AT ST. HELENS Bruce's • orchestra; with .Clark Johnston as.. master of ceremon- ies will .provide Music ,for dant= ing at a social 'evening in St. Helen's• Community `1-i,'a, ll,: Friday, November 17th, under W. I. ails- pices. Lunch:, • served. Admission, 50c and 20c.. . KIKLOUO.H ; The' community was shocked- and saddened 'to 'learn: of the sud- den . passing of ,the late Mrs. Jes-` sie Crispin who taught at S.S. No. 3 and [made many friends who extend sincere sympathy, to the • bereaved. Many ,from, '.here at tended' the 'funeral on. Thursday. Mr. and, MrsGlen 'Campbell, Jack ..and Glenna of near Amber ley visited . Wednesday with Mr,:' and° Mr`s. Bert Nicholson. Congratulations, .to'"Mr. &. Mrs.. Weir .Eckenswiller on the arrival of: a little girl: . ..,Miss Veronica Murray, .R.N., .of. Walkerton visited .during thepast week with her •'aprents, Mr.and Mrs.. P. A. Murray.. • APPRECIATION` We mould like to 'take this op- portunity to.expresS our. sincere thanks for the kindness and ex ,pressions of sympathy . and :help' 'Shown to us 'by 'our, . neighbors and friends during. the. illness and death of our husband and father. We wish :to especially'.thank`Rev. G. S. Baulch,' Miss Margaret Mal color, accompanist, and Robert McDonald, .soloist, .and Dr. John ston and Dr.' Corrin for their kind and.. faithful attendance,.' as 'well as, to all those • who` sent floral tributes.• Mrs: Thomas `.H.: Harris and. JOHNSTONE'S. FUNERAL HOME` 'Phone Day or Night Ambulance .Service USE OF .'FUNERAL: HOME At • No. Extra Cost ,Moderate Prices 'attennan: FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral,. _Home Available) AMBULANCE•SERVICE, (Day or Night. Service) FURNITURE 'Phone 181, ' Lucknow, . Ont; EMLE McLENNAN: • Lochalsh, • R. 3, Lucknow :Experienced. Licensed AUCTI.O,NEER Terms Reasonable. • 'Phone Ripley 12-27. TKUR.S„ NOVEMBER 16th, 1950 DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN' Havelock St„ south of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW Telephone 1.75. BUSINESS and: "TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS .':' For The .. Small Merchant; Professional' na.n and the. Farmer. • J. PYMM S.. MM �...O.. Bole 74'. -Lucknow„ 'Ont. Office in, Kilpatrick Block •'Phone 23'-w ` T. ARMSTRONG OPT0MET1 IST IN LUCKNOW OW• FIRST WEDNESDAY` OF. .EACH'MONTH ///from to. 6 p.m. _at • WM. SCIIMID'S STORE Agnews' Agenq Howard: Agnew - Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF .Ontario Insurance. Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established ' Over '30 •Years :Ago Beatty: tub stand: L. C. Thompson,,'Phoie 33 AUCTION -SALE OF CATTLE At.. the. farm :of pan T McKin non, `' Con: , 6, 'Km loss, ori'..Thurs- day, Thurs-day,: November 16 at' 1.00 .o'clock. 1' cows, supposed to be :in calf; 35 : heifers, some, •supposed 'to `-be in calf; 7 feeding steers; 7calves. Terms, 6 months' credit on Batik approved, joint notes. bearing ibank. interest. Dan T. McKinnon, Prop:; Well. '• Henderson, Auc° AUCTION-. SALE. of cows. and. young cattle (mostly. Herefords) in', Ashfield Township, south •,of Crewe Church, Thursday, Nov- ember 23rd at 1.30.' T. 4. Culbert, Prap: Well •Henderson, • Auc AUCTION SALE of farm' stock and invpleinents, Con. .7, Bruce Township, 4 mile's east of Under- wood on .Tuesday,.:Novernber: 21. See bills:' Shipley. Bros., Prop.;'. Donald B.' Blue, .Auc: :PURPLE GROVE The sympathy ,of 'the .commun-. ity;• ' is. extended to Miss Jean • • Stothers in the loss of ,her aunt, Mrs.' Jessie Crispin., •• Mrs. Will Dick of Toronto, Mrs: .Walter Thompson •and Wanda. visited.recently'with' Mrs. George. Emerson, ,Sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter., Forster and ' family of: -Ripley and Mr. Currie Colwell (visited at Mi' Donald McCosh's on ' Sunday. Miss Marvil1e Scott and Miss Muriel Fischer of Toronto spent the week -end, visiting' around the Grove. A 'number from' Purple Grove .attendedthe hot fowl supper at ' Kingarf last ,Friday night. . Mr. and- 1VI s. Gordon Avis and, Carl of • Tiverton visited with Mr, and .Mrs:. Will Walsh on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown of; Glarnis and'' .Misses Leetie and Ma :Gawley of: Ripley spent Sun- day with .: Mr. Victor Gawley ` Miss Margaret Robertson and. Donald visited with Mr. 'Goldie Huston on Sunday. ary cCosh celebrated—her loth birthday last week. .Ruthie' 'Forster: `visited 'with her. ' Mr. ,and Mrs. Don McCosh and Mrs. Clark' Needham attended •a meeting in Paisley'. of the Bruce • Medica1 :Ser.'vices; Former 'Resident Bereaved The death Occurred in Vancou- ver on October 8th of Mr. Charles Standem. He had been Seriously ill 'for a month, Mrs.. Standen, a former resident Kinloss Township is no* making her hoine/at Pioneer Mines, B.C. with her ,son-in-law and daUghteri Mr. and* Mrs; Elmer McPherson, (nee t 0. OF ` TH'ANKS: E. G.: Crispin, George and John and the • Stothers Family .are' CARiOAD OF rued 'Beet .PIL Servite and Satisfaction Plumbing and Heating Business :39 Residence 138 Co -Operative Life Insurance Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable LUCR,, NOW 'Phone -.70-r-10 Dungannon beep Well and Shallow' Well. Punips; sold. an,d, installed, EAVETROUGHING • AIR' CONDITIONING rt Gilmore • FAMILY IJOSFITALIZATION SICK arid.ACCIDENT 'Phone 17'4' Lticknow 0 Lisure In • Sure Insurance'; ., WIND Western Farmers'. Weather. FIRE Hawick; Farmers' Mutual Car, ,Accident, Sickness • • Consult JOHN .FARR"IS H.: 'Phone -169-J; Lucknow `INSURANCE` FIRE, CASUALTY,: AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE . ,.T6:Protett Your Jack, 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon ANDREW .Barrister and ,SolicitOr .liAJCIENOiy, ONTARIO. . Office 135 Residence 31-J NOW IS THE /TIME' 3 sizes ---42x32, 22x38, 28x48 ',Roller Bearing . Coinliete Pi, Stuirt, MacKenzie 04rrister, and Solicitor vym*Ewtori, ONTARIO LUCKNO8V Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK Hethe'rington, LC. Barrister, Etc. .gieh Moinday Located •on the giound floor' * in the front of John Kilpatrick's, Building • office 48 Residence' 97