The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-16, Page 1'1950. "IN.+ . for iese this; Lik up 8.25: 9.75 trio. in last 3 :Fair; " r . quite en his':.. with ` a broken:• s doing •ning, a. . his hat so • he around he . Bole ten out ped the s niuch• r it. /1 ;2.50 Yearly In Advance — 50c Extra to U; ,S:A,. C LUCK:NOW, ONTARIO, THIJRS.,, NOVEMBER 16th 1950 • HELD SERVICE OF I 1IR` REMEMB J. . � sSAI DURNIy FOUND 'FATHER 52 MARRIED TODAY NCF • Lucknow, in' • common with other centres .across. the Domin- Jen, • paid tribute on .Saturday to those 'Who laid down their lives in twoworld ;wars.. Always a `solemn •occasion, Saturday's ser- vice seemed the mores(); because of" the' dark.. c lot ds'' of war that again hang se ominously.' Members 'of the Lucknow The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe DEAD SUNDAY Leslie of Chariton was the scene a ha •William Henry Allen died.Sud- of ppy family gathering on denly on,, Sundayeveningat his Sunday .when Mr. and' Mrs. '.P.. ho g. nA, Du,rnin and Carol of London, me just west of the Anglican Miss rBetty, Dur ` Church. Death was due to a heart ,gin of Lucknow, attack. Bill, as.! he was ,best sand Mr. and Mrs.,Henry•:Carter ''known; made his .hom of: Ripley gathered:in: honordiscovered his of 'son Alexi' wh�a, his their parents, Mr. and Mrs'... Sam father dead in. Durgin;' 'Lucknow ,. 'who are, to -a chair 'when he that , e arrived' home about 11.45 evening., Mr;: Alen ' had r, e' 'ben down• street • that evening about ten °o'clock and . had apparently sutcumibed shortly after arriving home. He. had-"r""ernoved one shoe when 'stricken.; Mr..,Allen was• 69 years' of age; having'. been . born at Grand Val- ley al ley,..on July: ,25th;:.,1881. He was -Bruce County •C'euecil in ses'- one of a famil of three children dreg ay, Thursday, Novem'ber'16th Branch:. of . the Canadian Legion celebrating•; •their 52n ;wed'din �. and.• of the" Ladies Auxiliary; :anniversary, , members of the . High School • • cadets corps, _Girl Guides, B° o ..,. - r..v►xi ies,. Boy Scouts'and Cubs, torn), ed an impressive parade, 150 strong, that :was headed • by the Lucknow High School Band: The parade assembled at the "Arena. andproceeded to thePresbyter-• COUNTY 'APPOINTS .BOARD 'MEMBER sign .last -week ' at . Walkerton of.the late ian • hurch for service at 10.00 named Mr. Mr.and Mrs. Steven r A. E. McKim the Allen. For many 'ears Mr: Allen a,rn.: Froxri there :the 1 y Y n gathering County appointee on the' Luck- farmed in the. Dundalk district. His; wife, f o.r in e r.l y . Carolyn Beamish, predeceased h i tri; .' 24 years ago; and: about: twelve years ago Mr.,Y Allen : accompanied his son Alex to:Lucknow where they `established a' ; trucking'' business. More recently Alex established an l afalf" ' amsl ]],, s ,and his father assisted him 4n the plant arid in'their. 'private trucking ,Op- erations. ,Mr. Allen' vias an, 'in- dustrious and 'indefatiga;ble work ,er, but of 'date; a heart condition forced hien to take things easier. The remains `rested at. the: Mac- ad charge,Huron, . R.' MacKenzie. ALuck-,ILennan'Funeral:Homeuntil Tues Rev.. S. E. now, Public School representative '• day'. •;when theywere taken to' Ieris readthe i i.• .,s., yet to'' be "�.rrarned.' to complete the McMillan ,Funeral, Home • in Rev..'G,.' ; S the seven -Man .Board that will Dundalk for" service on : Wednes - Baulch,"was unable;to be present `supersede' the local' Board of Ed- day,. with interment :in 'Dundalk due: to illness and .Rev.. W. .;J • ucatron• at the year's end.- emetei' Mumford 'was taking : part iii a •' Have.Had Plans Submitted,, y P,'!r. Allen is: survived -by, one.- 'simi ar ' service at. Holyrood Designs fo,r a' new • school' have° Son Alex. three daughters:, Mi"sl • moved back.' to the Cenotaph for now' District High School Board the customary ceremony at'11.00' which becomes.o erative at�' �'.cl' ck. Thep ,the o,.,.. h parade"' then pro -first of the.year.. Mr. McKim. has ceeded: to the Recreational Caen been .amember. of :the Board of. tre for 'flismissal, from : where °Education here for .several years, Legion. 'members `,visited . both and is. well acquainted' with th Greenhill: and South ' Kinloss Proceedings 'to .date in the e estab Cemeteries .for the '.decoration of lishmentof a• :district high' school; veterans' 'graves. Other : Hoard members already A mixed .choir with. Mr, Ever- named nclude a representative ' resentatrve ett ,West : at 'the organ, •lead hifzom ea:ch..:municipality involved'. :the, singing in. the. Presbyterian in. the: plan, namely: Lucknow, Church, where the pastor,, Rev..; R.obt. Rae; Ashfield, : Mae- : ., - • Chas A. Winn welcomed ..,.' th e, Kenzie; W.. est Wawanosh T. J ; gathering. Rev..A. E. :Sa1ke1 • Kinloss Allister Hughes. padre of the Legion, of : the service, an Hayward' of .St. Scripture less • t' • The address .was sdelivered by already . been : submitted by aehi-• StanleY Y Harve ,:.of. ,Markdal v e, Bev,. Wier :,w.he .; titres ed ;bow .tecta interested •in •"the construe= .Mrs: i'Stanle -Rae :of Walkerton easily we forget until brought :to. tion, of a district high school here, Mrs. Claytoi •Vanhatten:of Walk --I y remembrance. This is a . time to and. members' of both Boards .are erton and•. a �' r' th .",. . f b o er Thomas ;of i rag �remerribe�” , -our- servicemen' �ut- si.tt... into 'hear 'thea ' construe=' • • r. �, e. Dundalk.': Mostly to remember our God 'wh'o i tion experts ha b ug' 't th h twold ro n .us roug wor wars. hiring t e stress of.war, we, sought .God • on our knees; but .H: with.' victory we became callous, . ;,,CRI he said. The :sin' of sins is , our `neglect of God and the cause '.of I N• MAIL MONDAY. wars. If weput our ru so lel trust. ly Anybody telling fortunes in in. armies and 'might, we: will be "L' ucknow and 'District. maysafely overcome,. he. "warned. ' • ' forecast' "There's a .' letter:. cof1-. Jin to ou Monday or.,Tuesday'.', g Y STMAS SEALS �• At the Cenotaph Rev, Winn, led in .prayer,.. and after • the two- ' minute: •silence, six : wreaths were placed, The Province . of :Ontario wreath was- placed by Mrs. Wm.. • Buckingham of Belfast, the Aux-' , iliary wreath by Mrs: Roy 'Black, ' the Legion wreath by Bob Simp- son, the Institute 'wreath' by Mrs, anyone fail .•to receive them in A. J.. 'Wilson the Village Of ? y • . 'W so and • t e . g ., the. mail,. Lucknow and Business Men s As- "Anxious' as we are that every- sociation. wreaths by Chas. Web- one in' Lucknow and District will • s'ter and J: H. Hall: Frank '1VIaeKenze played the try to support the Christmas Seal ,nx' D--BitoKcE•—BOLI L Roo• Wayne' Jamieson, two-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Stewart 'Jam- ieson; fell_ off - the abed last Friday and •fractured his collarbone: He strapped up" to correct the injury and on top of that the youngster, has a touch •'of pneumonia for which- he• ha's re says F. G.' Brewer, who, assisted ceived`penicillin treatment by cornmittee members, -`has been 'working: for some tine to see that no family . in the district'. is .left out when.Christmas Seal' letters are mailed., Seals' are obtainable i' lamenthe bagpipes and Morley Chin t '"Flowers of. the Forest": sale we are erre. anus that' i everyone are take advantage, of onthe uberculosrs prevention ser - and George Andet'son trumpeted ices for which the: Christmas ` the'Last .Post and Reveille. Rev: Seals . ay'.• When for: example; 1 SEE BY THE., SENTINEL A. E. ' Tavener pronounced , the i' , mass survey we hope benediction > Bad con- there :is a . ,coon and the` n ..• every' pet'son t%�i11 attenr4'',, said eluded an impressive service • • What we want is.. •Brew 4, with the National :Anthem. Mr, one'to five their Christ- Ken Cameron was the . parade for eve y A ,. ma Seal money and then' see to Christ- marshal and Cliff Crawford. and; cs" et . their money's Bi forparty.The it that tai v g U Pappas. the co worth: Th<rt :.the way to 'get a Scout and Cub ' color party. was • : , • reall egyeents • _• . . . : •r Bill pr.ogiam 'that Y p, . comprised of Art Baker, tuberculosis,, Fisher and Roy Emberlin. The campaign' fetter which ac • THAT the next 'big dance' event, .will be the Kairshea Institute's annual St. AndreW's Ball ' on. Friday., Nove ober .24th. THAT Reg McBride, who recent- -ly went from. Guelph ,to West- ern Canada, , is now located at Portage .La Prairie, where he, plans to. Tecate ' `They shall not grow old convli�inies the. seals neat week,. o--= As :we that 'are left grow old:' outlines briefly`' some of the 'work Age shall not weary, or the carried on by ur' annual lona-. yfars condemn; tions in the;;o ° relentless. war against; At thew going down of the sun, . tuberculosis, . And in the morning, A; : culosi , program of tuber VYe, shall • renieniber there", culosr coritirol is , achievru,g. en - L. A. FINNEY RETIRES. L. A. • Finney, manager.. of the B oaf Commerce at Listowel forretired and is 14 'years, has tett succeeded by J. G. Woolley, .ef Milverton, Mr: and Mrs. Finney' will' continue to live :in Listowel,:. .They have one tson,. Douglas, who" is following the banking �buSi= gess.' • The bank• staff made a pies- entation to Mr, Finney before his retirement: Mr,. Finney was man; ager of the Lucknow. Branch: prior to its closing ' couraging results, made possible by theincreasing public recog- nition of the fact that,-"tubercul- osis. hat,. tuberculosis, like .any communicable. Adis'-- ease, is e icr`ybody s 'business . The 'degree 'of progress that is a ade• yearly in the' bid. to event uafly Zvi e out tuberculosis„, .de - p ends ',largely to theannual re - ,sponse; ...to this Christmas: Seal • fend aP peal,' which is spprisored locally b,v the. Clansmen.: Club.,. last yes`r`r amounted' to � Donations 1.0030. Will Luc lcifew and District resident;, ,rir (e' 1 the cha11errge again this year" THAT' Murray Gaunt and Ivan. -McQuillan will leave for the Royal the latter': part of •the week where.•.:athey ' will show their Shorthorn and` Hereford steers it the King's' Guinea competition there on Monday. —o-- ; THAT at the unearthly : hour of 5.00 a.m. last Saturday morn=. ing the horn on the Thompson chariot developed, a short err cult ',and set up A terrific .wail.' The car was parked outside and the noise must have awakened 'thewhole neighborhood, al ;though..w e didn't intercept any' 'f'lying boots- as We made a pyjama -run to' shut oft, the, blaring thing, (Continued on page 8')' • AGAIN, EARLY PLEASE:.. I Periodically we urge• adver- tisers, • press . corsfespondents and ton"tibutors of news • to have copy in early. Early •doesn't mean Tuesday for actually Tuesday is. the deadline.time -for all copy,.. with ,'the exception of. "Want s„• . • Last week:; we': ca• rried' . over °enough type for extra pages, but it was., a "last :minute rush .. of BRUCE` GROUP ASK MARGERINE *BAN At a, Joint meeting'of the Bruce County Cream 'and Hog Pro- ducers held last • week at Walk,• erton, resolutions were passed asking a complete bait on bunter substitutes; the handling of .con 'demnation insurance on hogs to • be placed in the hands of the hog producers instead; of.,the ,packers. copy ''that : caused' the •holdf-oiver• and to ` etii Much' of this copy •could ,have P ton ' the Dominion' been in he r , i Goverrunent; • to.. announce '. next p evous Saturday,, ' contract price before• the. and • would have' enabled us to year. s make rovisron� for xtr .15 of Decerim;bex,• �__:._ p e a •pages Representatives were present at the start of the week. from .every townshipin the The •Sentinel's regular' advei'- a Co. ' Eldred. Aiken ' of Amabel was .tisers are generally very good ected president of the o ' Pro= at havin .their coHe e g py .in , before dupers Association; ' 'succeeding' the Tuesday noon deadline, 'but John MacMurch 'of Ri le. . from . novo :until after Christmas : .y pade Louis' Davis, wine president.. of it would be appreciated if they the•Ontarro Cream. Producers - would arrange to have their ads As socati.ori, told tine meeting 'that .in on . Monday. • SCOUTS MAKING 'CAMP FUND ' DRIVE� labor : unions are assisting.the: farm organization in • asking. for. a coniplete.:ban on butter substi, tute, realizing that if:the i armors''• income continues to decline it will k seriously effect employment : in To mark their first : birthday. the Lucknow.BoyScouts and neub the titles. . He. referred' to the legal.' ro- Pack will hold their annual meet- p I fession, medical profession, truck-. ing On ,Friday evening in : the i form of..a ban uet• ` o:.ing industry as all being protect banquet, ; , t be. held at : ed bylegislation,'n the Recreational Centre, and', for and that many Which , large industries have tarriff Pro- hich the Women s.Institute will tection. "We r are' not only"` asking for. somethin other eo ' le a IVlembers of ,the Local Associa- g p • .p, al - en Of.. Boy which is: the ready 'enjoy, but ; we, are .asking Yfor somethingthat: will adult or.' anizatien behind these.protect; g the. economy of the entire 'coup S=outh .);Tovernents, are currently .. Y conducting;a drive for Scout:.try.., he concluded; funds.. The`purpose of this rive Charles McInnes, president of `• . P 1?.d the • .Ontario , •.: Ho is;.that .'tlie local troop xnay:have - Hog . Producers;. share in the'' Scout,tri _ stressed :the .importance ' of get- , a catnip In ting control of the`• product 'fur-. ' verhuron: This;. camp was :priom-. aril a project of the Walkerton ther . through. 'a central selling, Y agency responsible to , the o C.ompany,�; lint otkier txoo s •:.in,.: pro7 Sa eon d'istric't . are,' .norw lacer,' who will sell° the; product ug,. sharing1n the undertakingwith based on the::cost•' of.producticin.. g Federation 'Joins. Effort: a .view to; making it a permanent Scout Camp, w►rich meets widh The ,Federation.: of Agriculture .611 the requir•enients. of, the De- is• now '.throwing its entire''force,. ptnrentt•-of- %tette . `� behind th dairy fanners in their The`: res orae. to date :in .''the efforts to' have. banned the man p ufa tur .. total cam, ar has beenvery en- c e ...and sale `o f nnargerine. o p y :This step was taken'at: a direct.: couraging, but the ., . canvassers• ors' 'meeting Of • the Ontario Fed-``. haven.t• _yet finished their�.�rourids,, Anyone who ; wishes .: toi : : •onat eration held .in Toronto on Fri . - and. d .e, day•, • ' � and. has not:yet been contacted; • • This. sub `ect will be one of may leave their . contribution: at J the' important 'topics for .di emission'a McKim s Drug'; Store: 1' . P s t the annual meeting of Huron. Co. P Federation of Agriculture to bee . SUIT SALESMAN • .. held . in• Clinton. ,next Wednesday: � • • WON CLOTHES • First: prize in the Legion's Re- membrance Night : draw was won Eby '.Bob :.MacKenzie of. Toronto, salesman for Cambridge Clothes. The ' prize" was as Tip . Top suit and overcoat.. ' 1. Second prize,',a Sunbeam mix - master., was.won by Mrs. ` Bill Lee of Wingham; • 3rd, a bicycle,. Elmer Huffman df Langside; 4th, blankets, Archie Smith 'of Luck now. The tickets were drawn by P. Petersen,; trumpet' 'player "iii Carruther's orchestra:, and a' nat- ive of Denmark who. came to this, country not long'. ago. The draw was made at dance intermission time. Preceding the dance was a cash bing that at- tracted • a• • fairly good . crowd.. Prizes for• the 20 games and: four - specials totalled $124. ,The jack- pot 'prize of $15 was °won by Mrs. W. A. •Solomon:. Bob Andrew and. Mrs:: Chas: Webster,, each won 811 games and•' Miss Helen Hamilton' and• Mrs. Hugh` .Curring.. split ':a $10 •special. Mrs; T. A. MacDon- ald arid' Mrs. Orville ' Elliott won. .two'. prizes each• and three, bro- thers, Bob, Tom and John 'How- ard each won .a prize. Regular game • winners in order were: Dorothy • Gibson;. •Mrs. Gordon Fisher, Mrs, T. A. MacDonald; Mrs, Orville Elliott,. Mrs, T. A. . MacDonald, `Mrs: Orville Elliott,. tharlie McILean; Morgan . Hen- derson, Allan Miller,, John Mac- Rae, (Bob Howard, ,Mrs.. Harold Ritchie), Mrs, f N. H. Hedley, Bob Parrish, P. Petersen, Tom How- ard, John Howard,' Mrs, Clarence Greer, Harold Elliott, Leonard •MacDonald, o(Bill;Lee, .Miss . Lena Robinson), CHANGES MADE,. IN. P.QST. OFFICE'; LAYOUT Postmaster Kenneth .Cameron has had •changes made at the local office, that., will be, much more ' convenientfor the staff; andwillpermit better service generally, The three wickets' are now. all on. the south partition, with• the nest. of :lock boxes Moved ' to he west . end of the lobby,: or to' the right as., one• -enters.. The.general'deliver: wicket s .y is directly, in front as one enters • the 'office and `:•permits, the • staff':, " to. be at work at; thesorting table and sill.: keep an eye :.on this, wicket; The other two wickets are:. to the left and the approxi-. mate location of where' the lock' boxes . were previously situated., The charige should prove par ticulaxly ' advantageous . at this time of year,, as the • Christmas rush will soon be gathering mom-_ entuin. TO •RESUME ACTIVITIES TO WIPE OFF REC CENTRE 'DEBT • • Tnaetive for the past Jew' •. months, The ' Clansmen 'held a ' meeting on Monday' evening at .; which plans were laid for some. future money -raising events to Wipe off a club, debt •of $400 in- curred in the Recreational Cen- tre:'project, The. Clansmen Club put more than $7000into this project. A dance is slated for December and a .bingo 'committee was set `up. to confer with the Legion in ,re- gard to the hoiding al a:"bingo at a. futttie date,