The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-11-09, Page 7• 1950 • THLTRS., . NQVEMB.ER '9th, x9,50, DUNGANNON A good deal'of,Controversy• these days in this Community and • others is in regards to that letter old Maize at Wingham •Hospital, r eI«v-- in the mail called :``tax November 5th,,. a son. just so: many shopping days till Xmas --sure takes a 'Wallop o11 last summer's Wages! M : . . Mrs, R. Caldwell is visiting' a few .days with friends in Goder, ich. Mrs Melvin Reed, Toronto; Mrs. repeated in unison.. The roll call BORN' -,-to Mr. and Mrs. Hu McWhinney ' at Goderich Hospitg . on' November 1st, a sen. , a aQRN—to Mr. and Mrs.Har A f LUCK:N'QW,•'1L11LitJ h WEDDING BELLS. 1> • LINNELL—MacINTO SII. • Mrs. Thomas Park entertained the Ladies° Guild of St. P.aui's 4nglicarr church on Friday of =: ternoon at her, home Mrs.. Ben Mole; president, was in the'chair.. Mrs, Lorne Ivers read, the 70th psalm and the Lord's prayer was. Ernest Sherwood of 'Vancouver & Mr. and .Mrs: Harry Sherwood:of •A: Exeter visited with Mrs. Reed & Girvin during last "week. • Several' Women's Institute lad- ICs, of Dungannon: spent Monday evening 'at 'Blyth in; •donor of. the :golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrin•Lgeour• Among- those. froan this district were Mr. • Mels vin Jones andhis mother, Mrs. Minnie • J ones, a schoolmate and friend' orIVI s,. Scrimgeour, . We extend congratulations. to Thomas 'McCann, 4th Con: of West Wawanosh, who observed his ../39th birthday pn Saturday, November 14th. A' big turkey din ner ;party was in• order and at St. Joseph Parish: Hall,. Clinton, in which town' his: sister, ° Miss Carrie M,Ca'nn resides. ,Wilfred' McQuillan played bagpipe ,selec tions and the :gathering ,present- ed pr. esented Mr. McCann: with an, arm. chair: • M. Jas Stonehouse left the. • latterpart af' last week to spend; •the winter at 'the : .home 'of . Mr. and.' Mrs: Chas.: Scott, Auburn. Mrs. '-J. Killough is ,visiting a few :days' With tier :daughter, Mrs, ' Wm. ' Kelly; Seaforth, i Mrs,.•''Rrbert Stothers. and ' in fant: ` daughter, Mary 'Kathleen, .are visiting the former's"> sister, Mrs. Wi1b McLeod,:Kincardine The sudden,death of Mrs. ;les- sie',Crispin',on 'Sunday came: as a distinct s hock to , d11 in this dis, • 'trict.' We extend our °syrnpat,hy to her family ';and . friends Mrs.' •' Henry Horton .of the' village i$,: a 'sister and Mr.: S. $: Stothers,'op- erating,thefarm,•on the old ,home • Stead,' 9th Con..' of •Asrifield' is a:. brother. was answered by payment of fees. Plans . were continued for the"bazaar and tea in November. At the . October meeting 'held at. 'Mrs, Ben M5o-1e's print was. dis- tributed 'for Making' articles. for sale. Mrs; Tom ,Young' :gave . a reading "The Best for.. Christ". At. the close, of the: afternoon Mrs. Park. ' served., tea land refresh ments. /ST. HELENS: , Dr• , Mumford of'Lucknow will be the. guest speakerat the an- nual' "thankoffering` of the WMS to .be held in the United Church •on; Sunday' evening at 7.30. The. morning .service .and the Sunday School have been. withdrawn, ; i Mr. and ;Mrs.Stanley ' Todd: and Andrew of Egmoildville were Week end. visitors. with Mrs.' D. Her many friends were griev-' ed to,hear of the death ,of Mrs Dan Martin.. after/ an illness' of several months. Sympathy-, is• ex! tended, to her family, sisters and brothers: The November :meeting :':of the 'Women's . Institute ' was, ;'hel'c at' the hone of Mrs. E: J. . Thom'.with Mrs: '- Charles : McDonald : in the. chair •'and, with Mrs.• Andrew Gaunt a.t • the piano:; The: roll call "The most neighborly 'thing •'that ever happened oto me received a :full : response. Cards' of apprecia- tion were: read' frarn the •Gaunt and Todd families. It •:was decid°- .ed, to hold' an •At Home, with: Mrs. Fred,McQ:uillin, Miss 'Jean Aitch, ;$son and -'.Mrs.', C. . 'McDonald in charge 'and 'with` Mrs.John Bron,' 'Mrs. • E. •.13arbour, • Mrs G!'• Mr, and Mrs:` RicC.Finnigan, MacPherson and Mrs.`yWm ,Hum who in .recent• weeks have'retic- phi•'ey•• as lunch omthittee Mrs, • AC M/■ . It The Marriage' was solemnized on Saturday, November .,4th at 2.04' o'clock at ' New St, 'James Presbyterian Church, London, of Dorothea' Helen Maciintosh; dau- ghter' of Mr. and Mrs, James H. •MacIntosh of Wingham., formerly of Kinloss, and Mr:: Wilfred Charles Linnell, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Thomas Linriejl of Kerneka.. Rev,. Richard Stewart officiated. Given in '• marriage by her .father, the bride .was lovely; in a 'gown fashioned' of, whitesatin° and chantilly6• lace, with, long sleeves ;tapering: over' the .hands. The : fitted .. bodice was..} top ed. with:''a • sweetheart neckline • over which ;draped •a' net stole, caught With. pearls and the full skirt was inserted with chantilly lace.. An embroidered • fingertip veil `was held in place by a corot,•of pearls and she carried a cascade of Better Time roses. • Miss 'Shirley.. Hayes y as maid of honor Was gowned 'rn :sky .. blue taffeta. with a cascaded.ski t.:She. carried pink Bria'rclif on a muff that 'snatched her headdress. The groomsman;. was Mr. Ray Whit:: At' the. reception at Llyn Lodge, the bride's' mother received in 'a tissue.. faille • .wine; dress with black accessories with ,a corsage of cream :Johanna 'Hill roses. The' groom's' rnother''chose a printed:: navy' crepe with black accessor ies and .a. corsage of Pink Happy; Day roses. Fortheir wedding trip'to Nia'- `and� gara ,points ' east, the bride; donned a!; green, tissue faille dress•' with cinnamon accessories and corsage of yellow:.Queen' Eliza beth roses: On their return .Mr. and, Mrs: Lirinell will.reside at E elaware, Ontario.' Mrs. E.V.: Rice as hostesses. Mrs. Curran moveda vote of thanks to the host and hostesses., ` Mr., 'Bill MacPherson pent a :few days •at.his home here, ,after a : trip ,West as far as Vancouver: •Bill has spent the past rrionths• on.: boats sailing, •between Fort Wil- liam :and'' Goderich.' o par es ,;an. Donna of London 'were .week -end visitors with :relatives here•' ' The.: Women's Institute is• plan. ning a social in the Community Hall;, on, Friday, November 17Th. Bruce's`' , orchestra Will • provide: music for dancing and Clark Johnston will 'be Master :of nm les,. • . . •A85' • „West . Wawanosh and • moved to held . in—Dungannon op,' October. Goderich are next Tuesday •;•cede lath. •A two, minute : silence. • was tbrating •'their `golden wedding' and observed ih memory 'of th:e .pass= • will : be .at home, to their' friends'. )ng' of. a member; .Mrs:, D, Martin.' afternoon and' evening. Relatives. Mys: John'`•Cameron `read a .poem .who will attend from: a :distance "To` the 'Fallen'':: The topie on cit are ;M,r: and . Mrs. , H. R. Bailey • and daughter. Margaret of : Oak Lake, Manitoba, .' who :arrived- at the Finnigan . homestead• last ; Sat- . tarday izenship• and education was taken by Mrs Lorne Woods' and Mrs. Curran read '"Pattern'.for Peace"' nc wa ser-, •At the conclusion .lu h vied .with `Mrs.. Harvey Webb and 061.1041 .x.1104 mmrN••ieciosrlom.r r•••••.l•06•liii••0•••••rir1,•M••••••<>•ooi. :'• • Is In Full Swing, Now Of ' LADIES' .COATS,. MEN'S; OVERCOATS and SUITS.. STATION' 'WAGON.' COATS . PARKAS. PARKAS• and CLIILDREN S WEAR 9 o • ' SKIRTS, BLOUSES and •SWEATERS Never have 'you seen such a 'varut of;'styles' lr ',, A11 -wool Plaids, Jerseys,, Etc. Ladies' Suits &Ladies! Coats AS KL,OW AS $10.00; This is a real buy—do notMiss • out ox1 seeing. these. If you ;are unable to, round', up the family in the day time,'; call 70 Teeswater '•for' any evening service, We deem fit 'a'pleasure, to nerveyou ,at any, time. , To Save This Fall' Drop In At • "The Family's Ready.To-Wear Store" . �yi� �1 t�+ �y>•.-. ... �., ' .', .. �'�i�i�.� rJ''' I• Q TEES A F,It, ONT.- , NT '�.. - �• •Or1 Y4111.7141111•b1111•f7•11111Vu40 01n1iAa•u•11.¢.w►u11�r+ ►IYi.►b4►841."1 7411"ii.41.1 4"4 6 .. :/' v VET JOINS STAFF OF BRUCE CO., HEALTH UNIT• R u ss el Doriand, D..V. M., D,V.P.H., a 1949 graduate of On- tario Veterinary College, Guelph, has recently joined the staff of the Health Unit.' Prior to joining the R,C.A,F. in 1940, he'received ' his primary education at Etobi- coke High • School. He ' served qq verseas as a -wireless operator a`2x . ,gunner with -the -Canadian -•Canadian Bomber Group. He' cj7mp eted two tams of duty While overseas,. re ceiving the D.F.M. for ..his 'dis- tinguished services. He was dis- charged from ,the..RCAF, •in 1945 'and entered the Ontario Veterin- ary, College. He: took his D V:P.H. last, year at ;the School' of 'Hy. glens, • Toronto: Dr. Dorlan,d: Will 1be% of great' g service to milk producers, dairy- men and.nleat dealers in the Co:., His'•initial project will be a Mast- itis survey of dairy herds' in. the County. •"My memory is excellent," said the ageing man. "There' are only three ' things, "I can't remember:. faces, dates,' and I can't remember' what the third thing, is": PAGE SEVEI c Fewer Culls with Cloro-Caps Reduce the number• of culls' in your flock:Worm birds with 1 Dr. Salsbury :s C1Qro-Caps, dividual tablet wormer that . • ' : removes- tapeworm . (Baillie- • ""tins species'), large .' . roundworms,;, and cecal worms., Worms: cause run-, down , birds, poor layers. Get Cloro- Caps now! CRAWFORD'S Feed Store and HaichFrY 'Phone 165, . I,:ucknow • H. ARMSTRONG, Teeswater, Ont. E. G. ZINN and SONS, R. R. 1, Dungannon E. HEWITT Kincardine, Ont. • ayes:'up to 30% on fuel bills 13y automatically, controlling. datnpers from upstairs, 'the `bine coal' TEMP -MASTER Aa- t'omatic Neat Regulator pre - . 0104S+'i,.4#111112i'*,i0 vents the over and.underheat- ing that' waste fuel dollars, • Pays for itself. Ask for FREE I-YOME • DEMONSTRATION. STEAD Y -B CERN/ !NG! SAFE I HEALTHFUL! Yes, winter will be a lot more carefree when you've got a • supply of `,blue coal' in your basement. `blue. coal'r. s`. . extra -rich ,in beat units to keep 'you snug on izerri days. And because steady heat helps. cut ' down on colds, .no wonder 'blue coal' is 'the' choice of so many families with children. 'Try 'blue coal' and feel the difference, COME` IN OR PHONE, TODAY uclknow• Coal' Company MURDIE, MANAGER,_ *PHONE 10 ,. 1