The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 111950 ►tlantic onager. Drthern niter in parka. . issocia- i. horse..: in'':witb CTOI"3ER 1.50•' TILE, L 1'e"KNOW—SENTINEL 3r -LIT =OW NTARIOr SAGE FiE,'M Bedroom •' Uere's- A.. Real :'Buy er. Suites..at $115,, "$130; '$139 } and. up REV. • AND MRS A LANE MARK 25TH ANNIVE tSARY Rev.. and Mrs.. Andrew T.,e, Brussels, formerly of Clinton, .cel- ebrated their silver wedding an- i n -i; niversary on Saturday,. October, 1.4th at their home in Brussels. A family luncheon at noon' was . attended: by a' large ,.number .of • :relatives including" all : brothers and. sisters of Mr. and Mrs:, Lane; Mr, J. R. Lane, clerk of ,Kin-. Kiri- loss Township and "Mrs. Lane; 'Ry. W, P. • and Mrs. 'Lane,- Tor- onto; .'Dr. R, D., and Mrs. 'Lane; .Toronto; Rev p. •J: and Mrs. - Lane, 'Clinton;' Mrs. W: D. Mac- donald, Toronto;•: Malcolm, sand Mrs. Lane, Kinlough; Mr: and. Mrs. Fred • •Gibson, Paris; Miss Marion Mitchell, Kitchener: During the even.ing, Rev. and. Mrs. Lane were "at home" to, the: members of their congregations, and were :the;: recipients •6f 'many. tbeautiful gifts. to mark• theoc-• casion. Clinton . News -Record. • We. Deliver 'Phone 181 L.ucknow. When In Need' •of Furniture.. and Household Furnishings Drop In And Look Around; 'Successor To A \T; Davison &,: Son .. .7" 6004 001.1.aleA.1filmAf/../f4mor4.1�►U oeff0AmA4lr mli�{ SIA. i in fl•l,�lA�ol••,••• DAN' .ACTON REGRETS YAS$ED. AV'VAY 1� I.DNESUAY ' PASSING .OF '.WM ' HORNF LL The death of Miss' Margaret. .: Mr:• ' Dan- Al oe wr,.i.te ..:fi cini_:..1VIa"cKirinon, age' 37 years, occur ' Vancouyer expressing,regret' up ycd iii' • 'Walkerton' Hospital •on on learningyof the °death of 'Wnii; Wedni!sdav of last wec,k: ` The Hornell.. "1 knew. him <.real ''z�c>H ' un.i•ial serVicc, \vas helot rit John.;: • hh,en he :was at :;Rey'el ;tok. irnci:.tcln� .: r .we had many a (tay u4tc r n^,:,rr with. internment now",;. say:: 'Mr. A1`tcrz•r,; who at$0uth•:1?inlosa;C:',er�ictc.ry:; that time was located at .ihtv el slake` a's a . bridge and building.iteadrn... Treats foreman . for the' C,P,_I1', 1'c i4.' gc• ; ;ttu iai' :vt ii`ca you read Mr. Alton is 'sei vring his ' Sith t'1'li Qr.: 1�3i�; Ia, {ar�rres = The • terni .ris president of thr; Bruce ::,..:ne..:il.;iii 1'ie•tdrial Re Cpunty Ol'd Boys anal GirlsA : <lc :,� and• Pra'i l: "hc C:1mic, Week sociation Vit: VancouVea; lie . e,n_ :I\. with Detroit Sun - closed a welcome •card .You i e nTissing :s.ome Association's 'social event' for the thine, Iii you niis's. they-Three'Big 1950-51 season 'which got. under,' ng �7ar~•ncs ,and iitlic�r fascrnati way with a successful d rete at. contc'ritti irf Detroit S u'n d a y the White Rose ballroorn Oh Oct,: Time. Get:Y'ourr .copy. Of Detroit er S.Unela\' ,hirr}c;8 eVel'.y: . GUN LAW 1 The .days of the ,014- West are back,; 'Our boysall tate a gun, 'They're all dressed up. in cowboy • duds, All Mounties, every . one, Behind each tree ,a gunman lurks, He's trigger happy, too,' A shootin'° iron in each hand,. He's out to • ambush you.' • ;When the big ,boys, are all in school We. still have western.. law,; The wee''lads make you'. raise your hands yor they're quick • on the draw. Ashfield Presbyterian. W.M.•S: • The , October meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. was held ..at the home `'of Miss ''Sadie Johnston. Mrs,.'N.eil G. MacKenzie presicted and. theprogram, was :in keeping. With' . Thanksgiving., Mrs.: David IticiVfurchy- read the scripture less son and Mrs. Donald: it MacKen- zie 'read the .;meditation on 'it:; Mrs.. Neil' G; •MacKenzie offered a Thanksgiving prayer. We were' pleased•to• rave Mrs: ",(Rev.) Mc, Donald,,,who addressed the :meet ing,' Sh.e .chose "Grateful Remem- brance" as.her subject., She asked: Us all: to re:n'r.enlber God's Maw�' gifts to'; us.. -'The' past. has been o `Victorious.'through. the joint, of for is • of: such 'noble, brave. men a`s John Geddes Gordan, Dr.. Lest i?. MacKay. and. Rev., 'and Mrs. 'Goforth for;,; the Presbyterian Church. Mrs; 1VIcDonald offered jjraver. After: •singing "hymn 5$7, Ui.r 'B,rotchie r.ead'a''' piper^:';on Sorg of ThanksgiVing;''. Mrs.•;..Ia. M'€i.cLeaz gave the' Glad, irid-'. Ings' i.0 oyer The. todies • discussed `the scctioria1" Meeting held at'Rip-' lr_1; A:.car•d of •sympathy was',to sent o, Nfi-s: Colin '.McGr':e `gor. he ._t.; 1• b. Lord's pr ayes repeated in unison closed 'the,. meeting. • Lunch: -.was served • and a social.'time spent. The nunnber of ladies• present was thirty .and • thr ee :childreri. • A, wee .lad :points is to pistol, Says he, "I'm; slirigin' lead, • You stole the steersoff my ranch land.. ,. Stranger -I'11 shoot you 'dead." I'm just so -sick of this gun law, This- bullet -ridden towri,- Tired .pretending I fell dead, They a T''t shoot, when I'm down. Wm. M.. Buckingh:am. • • • Made /,Presentation Friends in the Whitechurch community . called' on Mr, and Mrs, Robert Adams before they Moved to the Hutchison farm in .West Wawan,osI , when they pre- sented, them . with a sum: of money. The. .address was read by Gordon Weliwood' and, the pres entation made by Mrs, Walter: He appeared 'before -„:the com- pany `officer, charged with using insulting 'language to . his. ser geant; "Please, Sir", he protested, • was only . ans'weing a 'question"., ."What'' question?" snappedthe officer: "Well, sir., ;the sergeant 'said,” !What do. you •thinkI am?' and I: told him". • y' ' . Teeswater H. ARMSTRONG E.G.j I and 2 hi SONS, ' ` STT Krcarc�ne 'A. _E HEWITT, : 9 Ont nt. Jiu anni n 4 , 7cea.r III 10.4 • op•niiokir. •in•,uiconou,r 40. es• was • .ovr 1 1 i' 1 1 K. THE FASTER.THE GAIN; .YOU MAKE.. , ab AA .. M .... 1, 3 To Gain 50 Pounds: HOGS WEIGHING` 75 to ,1`24, ibs 125 to 174 lbs. , 17540 224 Ibs. . NEED FEED ..8 167lbs. .190 lbs. 1 2061bs. IP .... a 11 'Don't'.let' yesterday's feeding methods rob you of today's profits: Make: sure; your hogs go to'maret in record time by feeding a "fresh -mixed" well-balanced .hog grower made with =T�t;<'c�n�al T:og:��ah,cexat�ir�Xe •� v ,- - This contains a high level - of Natural sources, sof the A:nifmal ' Protein, Factor for rapid •growth. It',iS' loaded with vitamins for • health,' and balanced with•'friiner.als to, give you a' porkLproducin;g ,grower,., National, Tog Concentrate saves you time, saves you labour, . saves you .grain—and. -makes you money. 'WILLiAM , STONE SONS LIMITED INGr ERSOLh ONTARIO See Your NATIONAL Dealer,today FEED MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE Fertilize Your Crops with' NATIONAL -well -cured, properly -blended FERTILIZER • NH -3 'Phone cknow 4i