The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 9Iiticn . 38, THURS., •OCTOBER;26th,-0-50.-. • a,. THE` LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCK'TOW, .O1 TARIO. FOUR' H CONCESSION Lyceum Theatr�.j W I NGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT .7:15 Thursd.a,y, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 26, 27, 28' GREGORY .PECK, HELEN WESCOTT 1 E`. GUNFIGHTER •MATINEE' ,ATl1,Rll1'J,,Y Monday,..Tuesday; Wednesday OCT 30. 31;` NOV. 1. JOAN LESLIE The:, Skipper .Surprised 1 His Wife ' IDIDDipinr PAGE- ,N, IN. • Old. 'Neighbors and friends of the lute Miss aMaggie MacKinnon were Sorry to hear of her death. , Mrs, Johnson of Chesley visit; ckt..at.•the. home of .her, son Har- old Johnson last week, and,help- ed care `for Bertie who has, just returned fromthe hospital jin London.wher'e ;lie .had an_ opera- tion- on his nose, '� Miss- Margaret MacDonald 'at tended .the teachers' convention in Chesley last Thursday.. Mr. and-. Mrs. Fred Gilchrist• entertained relatives from. Sher- bourne last. week,° ' .1Vi s. R. Martin spent the 'week.' end with her sister, Mrs. -Martin,. who, is not. well at present .and with other relatives. • Mr: • and .Mrs.:Eldon. • `Johnson' and Son and Mr. and Mrs: John- "o'f Wingh'arzr visited .. at the home- of'Ir.•a, Dickie last Thurs.: ct�ly . : Mrs; .Eline•r Osborne visited .her daughter; Mrs: D:' MacCallum in. C•hesley .last Thursday,-; ., Rev..' G. •Baul'ch was aa� caller on the :Fourth •last Tuesday.. : ' Denver Dickie is sick with ° VVHITECHURCH ' 'Mr. and Mrs, EarlCaslick 'of ‘Culross have moved into their home in the village which they purchased frorn Mrs. A. Fox. We. welcome ' them.' Mr. Nat Thompson .entertained Capt.'and Mrs.,DeVet•ies. of Wing- ham to a fowl supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson one evening last week. Mr. and M'rs Don Newman who have. been, 'in, the service:' station here. -moved ' to Wirigham on : Saturday.' ' !Quite 'a number ofyoung peo- ple. attended'the Young Peopl'e's meeting at Brussels .last Wednes day evening. 'Mrs. , Tichborne 'of Goderich spent 'the: end. of .the Week' ,with her :.mother, Mrs. 'Kennedy''. Mrs.. Rev Currie :'and son Jim- rnie°:•spent a few days at Owen. Sound .last .week " . Mr.. and. Mrs. Victor :Emerson. and. Mrs.. Russell. Ritchie spent Sunday at Palmerston. Mr., and Mrs. Bruce. Ryan .orf" Goderich' spent '`Sunday':with! Mr.. and. Mrs.. Ryan here. chicken -pox Mr • 'and° Mrs. 'Frank Coulter • Mrs .Fraser MacKinnon is, still .: have ' moved tothe home • which in. hospital:in. London.. they ptirchiased from Mr; Robert 'Adams... '•■■■■.■■■■■■uuuuu■u■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■iuu■■■u■■■■■■■.. ■ 0. ■. ritish Colu ba • ■ :. ■ ■ The Dungannon :Branch of the Women's. Institute. met on Thrzrs:. ■ . day night at. the Arorne . of Mrs. • :W: A. 'Culbert • for.: the _October ■ 'meeting. Mrs:. Dur •iYi n -Phillips, • president, was . in; 'the.: chair. The roll call was• answeredby some; thing I am' thankful . for. 'Adon ation; of $10 was given'. to Canada .Saye the Children Fund. It ;was decided to give ;a ` parity to the children in the Parish Hall.`: on: Hallowe'en night.' 1VLrs: Durnin • Phillips" was': appo.rted' to attend the area' convention: in London. this :week. ,Mrs: McConnell gave a paper' on. Home' Economics and: • Health .Mrs Cecil :Blake gave 'a` ■ :.9 r.eadingExhibits of articles 'Made. 'from sugaror flour sacks were 'on hand.;' It- .was 'decided to. hold. a '-uchre • .party in, .the. 'hall, .ih fake• -the N-ationa UNGAN,NO', • o.'' 1, 2 and E ARE: BOOKING`.ORDERS . • for" Red Cedar Shingles .in • the.' above grades. e . 11 •■ ■ ■ O . 5 " EARLY IN NOVEMBE Iniers .Filled According. '. To Booking Date. . en,deIs..ofl! , - ■ . Limited...R. • : 'Phone. 15.0 LuCknow ■ ■ • 1 • ■ ■■■■■\■■■■■■•■■i■■■n■■•t■h■■■■■i■■■■■■■■•■■f■_.: Feeds, 1Fertilier' Phone •7 1 rger Groceries . . • Phone 27, • 1 hand Chesnut .ancl Stove Coal`..:. BEST INDIES • CANE MOLASSES• H S.I-IIPM. ENT ON HAND • • . FRES • a . .: •� ,�,.1 ; L1)fi iiiti►�.rie yWt�ur . FEAT1LIZED A PASTURE.. ND.. IIA fields yfromnbeing •Wrn'tc�i' 1 rlic�ci, We! write;(' t that .every a.r'nier fertilise nne „field and arc the ri'. ifit., ym!rself. NOTE +. shed' At Par ;-..United.Co=Olin Interest ('lingoes C1e:a h • at 'Feed and Iertilizer. 1utkn�o . District 1(1 P r.ative C- Anthem lunch iwas served and''a social. tune , was •'sp.ent:•over the =tea cups.' BORN., -to. Mr: 'and. Mrs Rob;t. Stothers ' (nee;';Heleri Anderson); at Goderich Hospital on Tuesday,' October 24th;., a daughter: Con= gratula."tions. ,Rev, l; . • G: Purchase and Mrs;,.. Purchase of Ivan,. near: London,. were visitors at the week -end with Rev.. James and Mrs. Bright. of .the United Church parsonage. Rev. Purchase,, •a lifelong friend of Mr; Bright; favored by preach- ing an anniversary sermon. Sun day, evening ' at • the,, United Church. The •Dungannon. United Church looked .lovely With ferns, chrys-. anthernums, gladioli 'and dahlias. for anniversary services o'n Sun- day -at X11 a.m.,and 7.a0. p.m. The guest speaker in the morning was Rev. '1 J,' Mahoney of , :Exeter .and gave a bright. and inspiring. address 'on' "Thankfulness". H. Jk XVrahoney in •reviewing his .diar y"rn ntioned : of . being prey-. 'cnt On one other occasion;„during- the pastorate' of: the late Rev. T: R. Turner at. 'D unganr onk', The • regular i'choir; .attended arid :sang' an anthem. Mrs. Ralph Tester of Port Albert was guest `soloist. Mrs, ,Bill Bradley of Goderich. Placed a- .lrealftiful ` bbugiiet of mums at the altar -in memory of her grandparents, £he.late Mr. and Mrs.:•Herbert Alton:. Rev, F. G. Purchase ;of Ivan was the guest• speaker in the •evening. Piano duet music as.giyen•by' Miss Bar- bara Wilson, and Kenneth iVIcAl1- ister as a prelude and at the time of. the offering Mr, Lorne Hyde' of Goderich sang two lovely solos.. accompanied- at the,piano. by :Miss. Eunice Milne, of Goderich.. The Dungannon male choir •of 18 led in singing the hymns and sang "Faith is the Victory", .directed and accompanied at the piano,b'y the organist, TVfrs:'L, Stingel. Ttev. Bright' exchanged pulpits with' Rev, • Mahoney. and' preached in " �!► "� w.._...�w411 e PLAYHOUSE Presents. . Q Thursc'ay, Frida. y", Saturday; October 26, 27, 28 is :Took ;The �N'e And 'how she 'took': it Hear Yvonne DeCarlo sing "Clancy. lowered the - Booni".' A . real treat for the whole family and in teelnico;tor. • . PLUS - News and Cartoon. Monday,. Tuesday, Wednesday,.Oct..30, 31., .Nov. o, :we- are not, predicting• the 'weather we are just telling you the : name of a.. wonderful picture—. addeniy It's Spring': A° delightful comedy: A ; the morning • at Exeter: . Rev, :Four: Square". Mrs.. Richard Mc - Bright . ,was pres•ent. at, .the even irig service to -•-welcome his life- long friend,::,Rev. •Pur('ch Se .:The receipts for the day were around The •Erskine Presbyterian "W.' M. Sk'. Thankoffering ;sertice was held in the church' *Thursday' „ af- ternoon,. Mrs. <John Bennet, pres . ident,i,,was. in the' chair. 1Vliss ,,Iva Carr ' .was in ;charge a of the devote ional period and chose... as a tc$pic' "In everything.5give thanks" Mrs., Allan Reed sang a solo "The City. Whinney gave •',the • dedicatory prayer, and Mrs. • Robt. McAllistex gave a.;'report on the .Young Pep.- ple's. Rally on the' previous even ing. Mrs: McWhinney gave an • in spiring talk' ''and' closed • with a :prayer of thanksgivings A social. half e hour : was'• . enjoyed: in the basement • Mr and Mrs Roy Rutledge` and Betty of Goderich were. Sunday • Visitors;