The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 7195i(Q,., tS,. the, d in• Oct ce of the rs t the • and Mani At J, S. r Un- ming, . esley eh ief sector'. 3, an, tng b1i:• . very read nto 4. ,`The hers' On- cher•s, ]gush: on &. i Mr:- n'S., _ation galie.. Pub-• brief- • re Pres Tees- )ward.: West .Mr( sec.- ryW Rlsch .• played. leis of son • &' ;played tier. ,.: THURS., OC'T'OBER 26th, 1950 THE LUCKNOW •'SENTINEL, LtICKNQW, ONTARIO , PAGN .SEW' 1 TUE'E- f'N>TI NATIONS AR1EF W,A� S'ECTION'AL J'Us,TII+'IiEI) INTERI NG KOREA, MET AT LANGSIDE Maitland Presbyterial • H Sec Tonal Ineeting of the, central .division. .'was held . in Langside 'Presbyterian • church on Thui's- 'day, October . 19th, Mrs. 'A,. Nimmo, Wingham ; presided The scripture reading •and Meditation Was 'taken Iby Mrs, Inglis and Mrs. Zinn, ,Belmor e. Mrs. • 11. 1:7. A, ,Currie, Whitechurch, led in prayer. 'Mrs, 'Gordon Wall . Wel-, corned the' ladies. Mrs, R. Mow; bray;. Wingham,, gave the' min- utes and also. the ;report of 'the. Synodical executive rxieeting.. Mrs. • John 1VfieGee;;:'Calvin,. sang., .The treasurer's. report; prepared by • 1VIrs, Bell, .was ,react -..,12y H, McKinnon; Ripley,. Mrs. Dr Ita'e, Wingham, gave the offering Ypx '- civil ^ wear it was - apparent to ;abs er., Mrs..., Allan MacAuley, R"Tale~, senior'thatt the Fresibyterial • president,• gave a' e s war 'was `pi ovok- d by Russia: � - . i mostinteresting report of the . The. Korean :war., is 'not being pre-Assemibly Congress which`.fought „merely to protect .•South. she attended- .-in- ::.Montreal. Shu .NO r(.'a,but to.se'cure world peace." told of,. the self -searching meet- ;Kotea• •is for Stalin a. testin ins which were held and of :the g • re -awakening w'hich'is hoped• for, :ground, lust as C•zei:koslovakfa was a .1, s.tiog ground for ;Hitler: -Mrs; Clare-Grant,,Teeswater; gave' in the case of Czeclioslo akin • :. Y the closing prayer• Hitler was • appeased .' Westerp Division .SectiionaL . , ' ppe'ased and Czecko- sl.ovakia• bets a,5 ed, .This . time the . The Sectional meeting of. the answer:; must; be different and• they Western. Division was held in t.hc Presbyterian . Ch .irch, Ripley,. on `Saturday, October :14th . ';Mrs` G. "L. ':Baulch, South—Kinloss,: pie sided: Mist Pe.arl',' Henderson,• of Lucknow,•led Tri the scripture'. and meditation The theme, t The, Power of Prayer"...Miss .',Iva . Carr, Dungannon, _ :led : 'izi: ' pray.ei ' • Mrs,. MacKay, • Ripley, :welcomed .the On July lst, 1950, North Korea launched an unprovoked attack on the :ltepubi'c of :South 'Korea,. The s ignifit.';ance of this war was fare -reaching. • North. Korea was a Communist satellite - of Russia. while South K'or.ea wits a United Nations' supported republic, It. became obvious" within: a few days, that • South Korea• cull not' long resist the Russian equipped armies bf North Korea., United States ail; ,support and later, ground troops,: entered the wi<rr with the consent of the Un, 'ited. Naltions and 'these were fol- lowed ol-low,ed ,by token forces. frorn. other members, •Althotigh Russia clai.med;in. the U.N. assembly that the •cure fliet was only a . loca:liz'ed. Mowbra , Wir gham, gave the:, minutes. find wise the report, of the:' Synodical: executi;ve: .meeting, Mpg. ; ' Jack MacKenzie Ashfield, sang.'',Miss .Nellie Mal-. colin; ,.Kinlough,, 'gave the .offer ing . prayer. Mrs' A11en :MacAuley,'.iple��, ••Presbyterial; president,. gave a ..most 'interesting report of , the. pie -Assembly Con,gress which she attended in.' Montreal,. She told of the self scai'chini; meet Trigs :which , were held an•d ,of.''tlic re-awaketiirrig; which is hoed 'for• 1VIrs:. B;e11,, Kincardine,`,av( tht. .treasurer's ; 'report • and ' Mr;. Carrap'bell,; Kincardine; have thee. closing 'prayer. TALKING ABOUT '.PARRS •rn An' •article last' w eek in the, Kincardine • News . about district parks, reference was niad(.'• as 'follows. 'to, .the..1oca•1 park: '`Down, in . Lucknow;, Caledonia ' 'park; 'epee, the • scene of 'the fain - ed 'Caledonian': games. brought thousands •. by; special train from all .over • western O'n-. ' t.ario, as.; well a's : from; the birder states enjoys;' a pleasant setting. ;too, is 'a n;atui:a:l .amphitheatre; Which- intel'iigerit Planning could ,enhance, thoughletting 'an; open :ditch -•drain intoand through the east -side •of,,t'he •perk car hardly be. termed .an advantage".....' • • United' Nations are determined lo avoid' a repetition of this take. Korea is thefirst real r. test• 'of the United, Nations' strength. Appeasement; and disunion *now 'will set the stage for future ag- gression,•while.decisive action`in 'the fern' of 'firm resistance will. se•rve .as. a .determentto, future ggressors,.: . That is why I believe the is' „If stiffed in, ;Korean iriterv.en :tion;: —•) ,.H.S. STUDENT. 'CHURCH NEWS Zion' W,M.S. Friday afternoon, October 13th Zion W,M.S. met •at the • home of Mrs.. Allan 'Ritchie with 18 in attendance and •the president, Mrs, W,• 0. Hunter in the chair. The meeting opened .with 'prayer • Eby Rev. C. B. Woolley. The ser- ,retary, Mrs. Nelson Raynard,' read the minutes of, the previous. meeting and called the roll. Mrs.' Cecil "Gardner read: the scripture' lessen and a splendid report . of the sectional meetng, of. the W. •M. S., held at. the Nile' October 12th Was prepared: ` and read by Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. Readings were,given iby Mrs. Will. Hunter and Mrs. Fred Anderson, and the final pages :ofthe.study- booki "Grdfng , with the years" ,read, by Mrs, Robert ` Helm,, -.Plans' were :made for the anrtua.1''bazaar_ and. 'the' ladies each •agreed to donate a. diaper for Greek: ,babies. Mrs. Wes. Ritchie, re,ndered: anorg an. solo after which 'Mr. ' Woolley closedthe meeting with prayer,,. A vicar: was'addiSessing Sunday is heal .' childi'.en After. • Several. rnin(ites he asked "And''now is't}iere..any boy or. ^ho would like::to• ask me a: Biu.( sticjn.: .-a' inori ent thei°e was " it c•ne(,> and then a shrill little va'ice piped i�Ui "PT(as.e, sir;. why. did the••angels • up and...clown.Jacob's; ladder" t'hen',th v htid. wings?" ."A h;' ayes; that's, 'a :good ques- ti:niti n.iid the •vicar "Niv-:would anyone like:t(o answer it?'' . and lunch was.served by the hos- tess, assisted: b.y Mrs. Cecil Gard- ner, Mrs'' Wes Ritchie, Mrs. Peter Cook and. Mrs: Will. Hunter. United Church, Evening Auxiliary The, regular ' ,meeting: of '.the evening Auxiliary was, •held at the home of. Mrs. `•N., `'H: -"Hedley • with 32 present, `.The meeting opened: with hymn 249 '•followed iby Mrs: George Joyht'readingthe scripture. •M'rs. Alex ° McNaygave a .travelogue on' her trip to the West• Coast °whicti .wash very in- '.teresting Pleasing. vocal. numbers 'were" given ,.by Mrs Bob "'Camp - "EUTIURISTIC" :• Thar(; ' is a Dr•uggist• in our town Whir spui;ns'the .intiriage tie, A ',lik(�ab1 ? sort• of a chap ,he' is; • A kind and, arniable guy, '•.•' This:33-Year. •Bachelor A ,drugg'is`t, good; :and..'true, :'Is h.aj pvin •hisk life, alone 1.t'.'nev:ei• gots him: bltle; He ha' .a. cheery smile all day,• '• .A friend 'to. all he meets He plays • an...organ; reads a lot, No. cuStomer lie cheats. He says he's not 't.he ""marrying kiniivriieiivOrnefltyt)ei' And gays it' with some: glee; r f�( • , 1 •' The:Oppo4lte sex dont tickle hrrn, �gain 5 ,� E • i bs.: A ct'libatc he'll be ' ands' Get few P m :'igor It's beim pt'e;lictc,d' here P1' ► tlrer i,, . wha{ a thrill! l ony iimbs_fill�otit;; t'RlY L(+IJBWa ' •i'iil fiat body• loses•its sickly, 'bean=pale" ' wk ' 'i'1.14tt 'h(,. 011 bended tilee, Etirchcstlbloraise d szrex, wciul gbuilding tfJU: ytrt,tild l)1(*i1(} hitt.•("i1U5e: t(i. 5;ome • Riye� you' mtira cp, nourishment, puts i esh (•n '' ain't,' • t l i'1• . ,t,are boncs.'Don't fear getting lo(r•fat• `top When + r y't" You reach weight yoit desire, intrad i R,ry sire only \r 1 el \ Ot1 t)1t" w`i,fc y be'. 600, rry'O:strcx ',ionic Tablets for new • i (,units, , S,G.vv.Vei'. mew PCD, vim Add vitalitY,'today. At ail•dr'uggists.. • . . _.. Sall rrl •1�I.A,•.!n••1 "in��U�b. ll�l,�f 1l1/�Il�l l � l �l,�il�l lel f�• • ': Cash, 0 `I'ees�►►ater..'Ltons Club $1,000 • TOWN HALL, TEESWATET : EMIB� • ls:t ' WEDNESDAY, NI O`V Games Start. at 8.30 PA. 16 Regular Games L$10 Prize Fah• Game 2 Specials $100 Prire Each Garlic... JACKPOT SPECIAL.-- $600 ^ FREE $25 :Special I REE: Mystery Game, Extra. and • Special, Cards ' 25c. . .Phritt>t#�iai X1.1 proceeds for Swinttihitig; roal Eund: . o�i�1�N�,�r„wr+,iw+rwi!Irf��>iir�l,�wlrirarl►n!�+r�i"�r . n+liwr�INrr,�r.ui�t►n+ , I 1 110b01r,i ,1.0.11 c r arc is+ + • AT LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL* Froom the Collection of:The Art Gallery of Toronto' Contemporary Canadian Water Colours Landscapes,' portraits, abstractions, etc., in••this selection o original water' colours by • noted Canadian artists. MON OCT:. 23 t MON. ,OCT;..:'30. r EARLY ONTARIO .ARCHITECTURE 22 Panels designed ' to ' shows • _ g orriething of ; the 'character ' of ; pioneer settleMent Ontario.,and.,,. make people aware than Pod: architectureof the -past, is a heritage .to :be Taher b� , ishlyd MON;., NOV. 6 .to '1VION,, Display Nightly. from. 7.00 to. 9.00 . PIONEER RELICS OF LOCAL ORIGIN ALSO •DISPLAYON. 1 ‘10.O�t10�11Qi;.oilipl,a,.imp,.,r bell arid.,4 'group of .girls. consist- ing .of::. Marlene ;MacLennan, Gladys Chin, Gladys. Kilpatrick, •Ruth : Johnston, Betty Johnston; The topic: '. `•`The. United, 'C'hurch, re -e inters ' Japan.' was given in 'a I very:interesting• manners by Mrs. I-larold;.Allin. The meeting closed d .',. with the.1V)vi':zpah be , , d,c ned i`tion fol- tight. .out..'of ten. , readers: coni lowed :by, • a social half hour. ' suit the .Want Ads: E Nt • .ACTICALLY CUTT IN CANAD N spetciully 1Yeavy :Demand i' Ontario and Quebec CALL AT OR WRITE YO ►%TONAL VIPLOYMENT FOR FULL INFORM R • IE CREST ERVICE OFFICE:: - TION EDERAL DEPARTMENT: MILTON F. GREGG, ' Minister. A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister.. • r. , • • • rl 1