The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 4PAGE FOIJR l UCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; a 01 "WANT AD" RATES—1St 1St insertion 2 tents a word, subsequent,' insertions 1 cent .4 word.Minimum charge.25 .cents. Replies care Of The Sentinel 10. cents •extra. Legal advertising . 10 cents per couit linen first ' insertion, 5 cents, per line subsequent oinsertions, HOUSE FOR SALE . in Luck- HORSES. WANTED at once; ndw, 7.'r:pours, hot, Water heated. large number of meat horsse, will • Whitehead,' R. 2, . Apply ,at Sentinel Office. 'g�a]y 2c lb. Ear: • • : � Eden .Grove, FOR. SALE�•-`194'l Dodge ,2 dour,, • • Or :will trade ori light 'truck" Ap= . 'ply, Greer. Radio. & Electric, Luck.. • FOR SALE .--• about' 80 Rock',x Hemp pullets;, 'laying.: P. -A. °•Mur- ray,. R., 1, Holyrood, phone 8-r-20 : Ripley,. • FOR SALE. OR R EXCHANGE-- ,will sell .two good coal heaters Or exchange them. for one good upright wood burning heater. Howard Robinson, Lucknow, FOR SALE—Kelvinator. ''refriger- ator, 10 cubic' ft., .16 months''. old, first. reasonable offer'. Apply W. B. Andrew, phone 72-r-21, F'l'ees- •, • water. FOR .,SALE cream •.and green enamel • McClary range, with_ warming•• el et,.. a,ter front and two -late el tr'ic annex. A 'bar- n P , gain, •Apply t L'. '!C:. Thompson. WANTED • - `Reliable .married couple to: work' good 1.00, acre farm on, shares or wodld sell farm situated` . :1 :miles east" .of 4angside. ' • Apply Alex Cameron, Lucknow CLOTTING WANTIID , second - Band' clothinlg '.'needed for grow -4 ing 16 -year-old. boy, tall for his age: Anything •will, `be apprecia•: ted. Please :::leave at Sentinel Of- fice. FLOCKS TO SUPPLY US with hatching eggs: Flocks culled'•and 4 ?; .14 4 ', • .P, `abloodtested free .of, charge" High, guaranteed premium' paid On some .breeds can. 'take eggs the year round: Apply Tweddle Chick Hateeries Limited:' '' . h ..; L- VE-STAGK--A Up ;,to $5.00 each for: Dead or Disabled,Horses,. Cows, Hogs, .at your farm . Prompt service Phone. collect Winghaan, 561-J. William - Stone Sons, ` Limited, Ingersoll, Ont.! ROOFING, EAVETROUGHINGr'. Flat ,rooxfs •repair.,ed, new ' roofs, eavetroughing, spray ' '1?ainting; etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work ,4lo ._ ne an anyWhere. • Sylvester Fort noy, R: 2, Mildmay; :phone60- LUMBER fest prices paid for, 414 ,Oak,: Elm; Maple, Birch, Cherry:Wal. • nut. Prompt payments.. See or write James • Cole Fiir:nittire Coni-: pan,y, .Ingersoll AUCTION SALE `OF. • LIVESTOCK • At the Harris Stock Yards 4. RIPLEY,,.on' . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '3rd • COMING EVENTS BAZAAR AND TEA • The ladies of Zion' W'.4, will hold a ,bazaar 'and. tea, sewirig and homemade baking sale •oh. Sat- tirday, October 28th in the Leg- ion Rooms, Lucknow. 1 . 1 PLAY AND DANCE In Dungannon • Parish Hall, Wim. Sellick.' of 'Teeswater., , October 27th' under aus=" . ' M" and Mrs. J. • O Donnell 'of pices Friday, October Dungannon L.O.L..:324. Holyrrood spent the week -end in "Cracked•:Nuts" will "be present Nevi York "City. ' R' 1 • Oddfellow's and:Re :.; Mt's 'to Bruce's orchestra, • O'Donnell's, brother's, wed - ed .: kr:' : and Mrs. Donald ,Watson. TH17.RS OCTOBER' '26th, 1950 ' IOLYROOD Miss.. Willa. Synnott' of Toronto. visited Mr:. and Mrs, Geo. Hiltz over the week -end. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ray nard..Ackert over"' the week -end , Were 'Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Graham and4Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walden of Ripley, Mr, and Mrs. John Reid of Pine River and Mr; and'Mrs, ',bekahs.• Play. at 8,3 ed by lP eY 0 Dance a fter ding and'.fanaily. visited Mr. Watson's ,RECEPTION, AT ZION`• parents at F.ullarton • and • .also There Will ,be•. a , dance 'xecep- with friends in Toronto over the tion in, Zion Hall oh Friday,-C'3et- ;week -end. by ober 27th, por►sored L.O.LMr. & Mrs. Jack Ackert; spent: :• , 1044; iri honor , - - ' Mrs. the week -end" in Detroit attend' Ir ing their cousin's, Clayton El- liott's wedd.ing.. Mr, and Mrs.•Eest Ackert arid' Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard' Elliott Wes- tern are spending 'a few' weeks,'in Canada • Vis'itors at Mr.' and- Mrs, • Jixn Smith's •were Mr.. and Mrs. Wm; • Baptist, Mr. ..and'' Mrs. • • Russell ,5 cows, springing; TO heifers;. Charlie Wilkins (nee Mayme. spririgiig; . 25 spring And summer calves; 25 • yearling ' steers and: 'heifers 10 two-year-old, steers, Ali , good quality stock ,bought 'in the sUrroundirig country. Thos. Harris &: Son, 'Prop.;,' Donald B. Blue; •Auc. Several contestants :will be heard Baptist and Gerald of. Teeswater; win). Ladies. ple•ase:,bring 'lunch. Everybody welcome;, ' BLIC SPEAKING CONTEST PUBLIC, . X. public` school speaking con° test• will be held in the ' Town Hali .in: Lucknow on Monday .ev ening, /October '30th: at 7.30 p,m; IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of,'our••dear'r mother: W7110 passed away two year ..ago; October'. 28th. In Coin. 'hearts your rnernory •. . lingers, • • Always tender, fond and, true, There's' not a clay," clebar mother,- We do not think of 'you: =Sadly missed'. and ever femem .bered. by son=in-law and. Baugh - ter, Mr.. and Mrs: J W W.I. Swan. and: Family:• NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL 'persons shaving efaims` against the;. estate: of Angus MacKay, elate of the Village of Lucknow in 'the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, ' deceased; who died on` or about the 'Sixth day of September A.D. 1950:':are,'not ified •send to the',undersigned on or about the Tenth` day of November ,A.D: ,1950. full.:.. partic ulars' of their claims i'n` writing: I•rnmediately'after'the .Tenth ,day of . November the assets of the said Testator . will 'be distributed. amongst t h e parties .• entitled thereto " having regard only' ' to claims of•''which the •• Executors shall. then have notice. Dated .this 19th day ;of Octbber A43.1'.1950 :, 'Crawford: & Hetherington, NOTJCE . St: • Peter's Sunday School '.will 'be field at the usual time •on .Suri= day inornings. Announcement had lbeen made to try afternoon Ses- sions, ' 'but this : has now 'been changed ,• and . the School will continue in ' the . morning until �mfur"ther . notice. .. NOTIC CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST ' P- VOTE WS W'S., LISTx,. - OSTING--�Ob'-'V-.0 Veters'.' Lists, 1950, 1Vlunicipality Of; West ; Wawanosli, County -. of .Huron. . Barristers, • &c; • Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for. Executors.; .to decide a winner • to ` speak at Paisley.on November ' 3rd. There,: will also, be group singing and .,musical‘ selections. Silver col.. lection. MASQUERADE DANCE AND . <BINGO Ian • the : Recreational Centre, Lucknow, Tuesday,, October, '31st: Bingo ;8 to •10, 'free ,admission: Dancing • after to Carruthers or- chestra: Admission 5pc. Auspices Ladies .: Auxiliary; to , Canadian Legion: L,• Linch 'counter; Everyone', welcome Support the 'Auxiliary: and.. have a good. time for your -r self'; on. ''I allowe'en. Costume !prizes. for fancy lady, fancy gent, .comic lady,`. comic gent, fancy and; cothic dressed 'couples... ILE ;$aENNAH.w Lochalsh, R..3, Lucknow .Experienced .Licensed VCT IO• NEER ,A Terms.. Reasonable • .'Phone Ripley 12-27.:.: '.. •CARD . OF• THANKS Mr::.Joseph.•Hanna and family: wish to express •:their'since thanks sand appreciation to .`' friends and .neighbors who' were so very 'kind, • :,helpful' and.. sympathetic during: the illness: and::,at.: .the time.- of t'he death of. Mrs: ;Hann." .t.uget hospital .- at ....a student rse, J. Elgin : Toms .former:: West roil, school inspector died,, in derich.• t S.S., No., 3, West. Wawanosh, , ss Lena: Hackett was 'teaching: Bert ,McAllister,.. Jeari Purdon, Fowler, :.Elwood Fowler, •Er'n, Durnin, .: Joe Foran, Helen ruin;' • Helen .Fowler Harold. in, , Elmer Foran, Roy • Fowl Leo Foran, Norman Foran. .NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ALL persons : having: claims against' the estate � of Jacob, ; Her: Ebert 1V1iller .late' ofthe Village of. Li eknow in'the County of •Bruce, Gentleman,.' d ceased;'who:, died on or. about the ,28th'day of Sep' tenilber,, A.D.. 1950; are notified to send to the ,undersigned on 'or before the ':l lth -.day of Noveni-• tber; 1950, ;frill 'particulars of their. claims. in .writing, Immediately .after 'the. said filth day . of •No-..' vember, the assets: of ' the said testator Will • • b e distributed. •amongst , • the parties entitled thereto, having regard Only to; claims of which '' the executrix shall then have `notice. DATED this:19th day of ' Oct- ober, 'A D 195b,' Crawford & Hetherington,, Wirigham Ontario ' Solicitors for the Executrix.. NOTICE. TO .CREDITORS ALL Pei'so6s'7 hard:ng ."-c aims. against, the estate'of Wiliam Rog- erson Hornell, late of the Village. of Lucknow in, the : County 1 of • Notice is •"hereby given that I Erlxce, Merchant, deceased, " who have , complied with Section 8 of ,The .Voters'• Lits Act .and that, I have, posted' up- at my office 'at Dungannon, on .the 14th day of October, 1950, the list of all per- sons 'entitled to vote in the . said Municipality at Municipal Elect-• died on or about the'.25th day of, •September', A.D., 1950, .are -not- ified to sehd to the undersigned on 'br: before the 11th day • of No- vember, 1950,, full particulars of their claim in writing, Immedi- ately after. the : said l lth •day of tions, and that, such list• remains November, the 'assets of thesaid there for inspection: And I hereby call upon. all ,vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings 'to' have any errors or Ems= sidns. corrected according to law, the last day fon apppela1.being• the 4th day of Novembet, 1950: • Dated this14th day of October, 1950, . • DUBNIN PI ILLIPS, Clerk, testator will b e •'distributed arriongs't . th e parties. entitled thereto,. having regard only to Claims of :which the executrix shall then have notice: DATED this 19th day .of Oct - .,ober, A:ISP 1950, ' Crawford & Hetherington, Witigharn,: Ontario . A " Solicitors for the Executrix gnew •IOC > SA Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario;; Insurance. Agents' Association w D R. T B. C LELAN D • P. • VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest `Garage LUC:KNOW Telephone 175 { . BUSIN 8S•anid. TAX SERVICE'v MONTHLY AUDItS ,For The Srriall•Nlerchant, Professional err and 'the -Farmer: S J. PYMM •P.O.:Box 74. !' Lucknow, Ont. Office. in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone . 23:W :AR,MSTR.ONG ,OPTOMETRIST IN': LUcK FIRST WEDNESDNOWAY \.. F. EAC1. from. , 10 a rri,., t011.1 o. 6• p xn:• MONTH' at VM..SCHMID'S STORE.. Insure.. In Sure Insurance • WIND Western Farmers' Weather FIRE Howicki Farmers' Mutual Car, 'Accident, Sickness' Consult' `,.:..' :JQHN. FARRISH,` 'Fhone`169 J,. Lucknow Teti. Years Ago Fire destroyed the barn of Ste= • rt :1VIcGill:vray, _.Con l0, Ash - Id. A barn :full , of hay, 1100 shell" of grain and 16 pigs were ' Chided ` 'tri the loss, on which ere Was: no insurance: ••. Jim Murray's barn Was,. a,- -Dyed ,by fire at Paramount. 'ke Hogan's"threshing sepa.ratoy nt up in the conflagration and. • If you've something to sell that -sornebody 'wants a •Want Ad is the answer. GENERAL INSURANCE - 11 Established•• Over 30 Years: Ago Telephones: Business 39 :' Residence 138 INSURANCE •4- :Co -Operative Life Insurance Co-dperative Autol!lobile Ir nee nsu a Mercantile &k Farm . Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable See' T. A. CAMERON • L' UCKNOW P: ' •;"'Phone70-r-10' Dungannon ■ Service 'and Satisfaction' /. Plumbing and Heating Deep'Well and Shallow Well, Pumps sold and installed: EAVETROUGHING AI'R CONDITIONING Art' Gilmore .R.4.3,LU•CKNOW 'Phone• 614-13, •Dungannon• 'RAL 'GENE INSURANCE AUT:QMOBILE; FAMILY HOSPITALIZATION', SICK and "ACCIDENT .` . Investigate Before You Invest • ALEX ::AIrEX 'i'..:MacNAY ''Phone 177, 'Lucknow' t. NOW IS' THE TIME To :Order A Threshing Machine 3 sizes -22x32, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing Complete EA1tL 14. HDIJGINS ' It, R. 1, Holyrood, Ont. 'phone 36-r-1:3 TeesWater, INSURANCE - ACTOMOBILE AND ,LIFE.' ' Protect ,Your Jack, • Inure With'•JJack Today. J. A:.McDONAGH R. R 3'y., Lucknow, :Ont./ • 'Phone 614,:Dungannon R. 8#1.' ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor. LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO Office in- the.-Joynt Block 'Telephone: Office 135 ' Residence .31-J ,Stuart. MacKenzie. Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO) ' II+1 LIJCI{NOW _ Each Wednesday ' OFFICE IN' HENDERSON' BLOCK . S Hetherington, K.C. Barrister; Etc. • ' Wingham and; Lucknow" IN LUCKNOW • Each 1Vlonday and Wednesday. Located on the groiilnd.' floor in ;the front of • John Kilpatrick`s Building 'Phone Winsliam 97 Office 48 ` Residence