The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 3Ne• 'THURS., OCTOBER 26:A h, .1:950 , . Local a. . TSE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL Mrs, Mary Ross of town visited in Toronto •for a couple of 'days last week, 0. , .;Mr. ;and Mrs. 'Morgan Johnston. of Ripley spent the past• ten days in New York City,. Oneida and Niagara Falls; Mr, a d 1Vlrs ,`•Cxoldie Cockwell of ;Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs, Chas, • Cook and with Jack Gillies tan. Saturday, Mrs. Dorlan'd and: family, J.arie,; Doris;, and rgiCailii and Miss Flo'a ,Andrew of London visited Sn Sunday, with 110. and Mrs, W. G. • •Andrew; Miss ,Gwen; stewt,ii t, .Mr. Jack • 'Wilson and:. Mr, ind M•r1: Nor; nian MacDonald .0 f Stratford were Sunday guests of: unci 1VIrs. Philip 'S,tewsirt, . ' `Mr, and Mrs,' Watsrin.'Wc;bster and. Mac 'of. -Varna,'' Mrs. Robert Webster of Clinton and Mrs, l�leil. Campbell: of. 'town. y'isitecl .over • the • 'week -end wth ' friends 'in '.Hamilton. and. Puslinch;'. 1VIr, Milton ,Naylor 'Of Kettleby '• and daughters 'Betty of : Queeras- • .v ille •a'nd Dorothy,.'of .Toi onto'. vise ited at the home of;•Mi , and Mrs Will Trivia:and with other friends on. Sunday.' •Miss 'Gretta Campbelh whb was. a: patie t 'in : Wingharn for • sorrre• time foliowing.a -Major operation, is at :.the home' • of ;'Miss .Sadie' • Johnston, Reg N., of Ashfield... Gretta" expects :to return to., her borne, in town shortly.• 'PICKAJP AND DELIVERY LAUNDRY'. SERVICE 'ON' FAMILY WASHING: ' For Service and:Satisfaction call ARMS'TRONG'S 5nowwhite Laundry •.'Phone.• 92 w : Lucknow' LUCKNOW.. . ITED CHURCH f. Minister Res% W J Mumford,: MA... BD „ .STD:: i • Mi EEarle'Hodgins made a busi- ness .trip to Montreal fora few days last week•. . 1Viiss'Lotti•e' Armstrong of Lon" don'spent. Sunday with Mrs. A, D. 1Vfackenzie and 'Jean Lees.. 11(fi . and Mrs. Harry Torrance of North Bay spent the Week -end with Mr. and Mrs, J, .D. Ander.- . son, Mr. and Mrs '.:Joe: Agnew of Toit)nto.Spent the week -enol with bis par'ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew. Mr, and Mrs,., Norrnan,',Ho1mes of • Oshawa ,:spent `the week -end ),A,'11,11'., `hot' daughter;': Mus, Chas; Webster'and Mr. Webster: d1VIi and Mrs, Waiter Inglis anti. sons' of Cainpbellville ,spent: the ,w•rt."k-end with Mi., and Mrs: Torn Inglis, 'Mr, Inglis returned home With therm . forr 'a• visit. '. Mis;;. Shirley Hodgins'.and• Mrs. Fat; isl Moffat 'spent. a couple of dayS Strat10 d. last 'week',. as delegates, from the Ju.nior-Farm- ors, of Teeswater • and the •Kafir- she:a Institute..'. . Mr. Martin Hadel • and Miss Margaret • Mallay, Mr. and Mrs. George' A:Linley of . Detroit were week -end .visitors.' with 'Mrs Jos- ephine :Cameron of•Belgrav'e Mrs. Cameron; •returned to Detroit'•for a few ,weeks visit° wi•th'_Mr: and Mrs.• Liiiley, KINGSBRIDG;E •. Mr; .and Mrs,'Mike;Martin and Son spent the week. -end with his brither Nacc. •Mrs, . Noce `Martin' who had 'been isiting in Hamil ton' i etui`ned .h'orne'with,'them;. • 'Mrs.,•Nora Sennett' and' Cather- and Mrs. '.Jack Kenny ;spent' the'.week-end•.'hei e`•''' Mi 'Beit Matin" was h.ciine for •a: fcw days All(AMVlar,tin visited l'l'er s•on, 1tc��i Fr. '11r.1Vlarti'n .over .Su'nday. Mi•. and Mrs.,>J::Ki:ng;and fam'L rl ".;k4 ire "Suncla.y i hors t�" ih Mr; olid Mrs. -W, Miss Elizabeth: Martinis spend.- ing' .a while with Mr.' arid. Mrs. Martin, ' Mr, and -Mrs.,Gene Frayne',• were in Hesston for a few' day r isiting her parents.• . Mr. and Mist l- I. ;Lanrrbe•tus 8. •Mr:'.. and Mrs. A. Lambertus' visit.. ted onSunday with Mr, .and Mis. Sunday, October 29th, 1950'.. 1,1 1). a.ma What's '.'The Use: U. • Religion? „/ ,'1:215 :prm Sunday Schoo'1. 7 p.m.: The ntc Driver:. • Shamgai ' "Smile,. brothel;... srnile, .' When you. smile another. smiles, ,d'.� miles 'of smiles; ditchOs • antianti attention , to. strer QDD.. • JQi3'S'`:N:EGLECTED . At Saturday's . special• meetinic LucKNOW,: ONTABIO • .OBITUARY: MRS. L•OSEPH :HANNA, On Wednesday, Oetoiber 18th, the death occurred in Wingham General Hospital of Mrs. Mar- garet Hanna, beloved wife of Joseph Hanna, in her ^80th. year. •1Yfrs.`Hpnria ,was born on the 10th Concession of Kinloss, the daughter of the late George° Pur,, ivis ,and Elizabeth , Scott, ' where she ,resided 'until November of 1896 :when she' ' went• to Salt Spring 'IS1and, BC, In 1902, .she Married .,';Joseph . Ma'lcona, who passed -away five years ;later. For some years ,she' Continued ..to. live with her ' brother.Percy in Idaho and later Oregon; Returning to: fk•inl9ss• in 1922 she married Jos eph 'Hanna of• the •.10th .Conies. .cion Where.'she had sinee••resided;. ...As 'long • as health ' permitted ,Mrs: Hanna was" actively 'associa- ted. with church and cornmunity work. A friend to ' a11, she'• made many' ;warm'. and lasting friends .who . -are 'saddened by. 'her pass- ing.. ass- ing. ;. Early .in' September; she had the •'misfortune• to', ' fall., in' her home, ,fracturing' her. hip,' which injury confined herto bed until' her death six ;weeks later. 17ur.:: ing this time: she bore her pain and, suffering. With Christian fort- itude inperfect. recognition ;.of God's will. . . Besides' her husband she°'leaves 'to' mOUrn 'her ' 1os, , two .brothers, Percy of Ganges? B.C. and Joe.' S. of Vaughn; :1Virontanna also 4: step children; (Edna): Mrs, .Mor- ley %Bell,. Gorrie;'' .(Irene) Mrs.. Morrell Bell, Toronto; '(Martha' Mrs.• Gordon McKee,:.Toronto .and Ernest at' home, as well as se -V..•• er'al nieces and: :nephews:: in ' the U.SA 'and a niece, : Mrs: • Arthir Bartlett of St„ Marys and : a cous- in,. Mrs. John Lane". of Kirnlough, who ' were present at;.the . funeral. The funeral ,Was' conducted from her late residence, :Kinloss ••Township, to the 'W: G....Church: Funeral' ,Chapel, :Teeswater, . • on Saturday, October . 2lst. The Rev. *D. Proctor officiated at the.: ser- vice 'With :burial., .in Teeswater' Cernetery, Pallbearers were ;John Ross, Earl Hodgins;'• Arthur . Bartlett,, Frank Nfaulden;'`,Morley Bell and Stewart `'.did : knots'.` with .• othe' girls: Guides : are . trying ' thl Cyclist badge,:on Thursday' at 4:0.1 Guides o'clock 3: closed by:playing t ' game and singing Taps,The neki, meeting will v� ill ,be at 1 ai er: eine :on, on,°Y'il show yore: how to milk No��ice: Perhaps I'd better stain on a •calf.. • of the Village(' Council,; severa: carlcls' and.• ends" 'that require at' tcnti.ori «`erc,. oi•dere'd �1one,; Thesi I. matters .'had been •neglected 'dui to 'well•. drilling; arid:.,.tree.. mingming. O per+ations, and include;; " s'uc}i iteths a �i ei'd cutting, r.fl mo•t ai. of tree tarps, i epairing soon And there aie'miles ani -4 fcc tice cin' main street, • repairirc. And life's. worthwhile. because! s ir;ns. week -end' with Misses. Donna ani_ Karen Nicholson r. •arid Mrs,., ,Tack • ' F odgin:s 'spent Sii'tur day•• in • Georgetown.., Mis;.; Billy, Firth• Parry,, R.N. oy Detroitreturned to her nursin; f duties in '• that;city after 'a: •visir ;e you Smoile; _ • • It at'as pointed: out • that , ne', So smile, brothel, smile"2: I. street light:'; are to' be installs .. ,. �3. .r�o�..�..�...••••��•�t "shortly 01) 111\'t'loc1 •Stteet, ..oM44ilo411144ll41•44u40441i444,r 44•uu4u....a4M4n4MMr,0114..1MI.aANN.4 1,211111D.1.11* 11.111110. 11.11.0 rll...f 40.4 Phone 7;6: DAY or NIGHTA,MLBU.L.ANCE SERVICE U so • of Funeral e. At No Extra Cot• .MODERATE PRICES rANiw�lu�tti��►n�r'i�Mbwiii�Ntii�►iriruwu� �,r,nwrrwrr,waitraas►t,aw•n�i►i,+�H��'''�"�i' 1 PAGE. THREE After all 'is said and • .done,, how' ;does ' it taste in, the cup That is what counts! V9 EA B. .,--jell th:e' er ',ect. av0ur. 4 e Personal Memo e Sev+3.'` • sided • at the' organ. ZION 1VIr •Robert McGowan of -.Blyth. is visiting a i`ewdays. with Mrs. .Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. ,Gor- don' Kirkland. . Mr;Herb Herb Eilber of Creditori & Mrs.. Ward Fritz and•Mary•;Lou' of Zurich :visited on Sunday with Mr;" and Mrs. Fred `Anderson. Mr,.. andMr Chester "flitchie ,of. Detroit visited. for. the Week,`. end with Mt. and.:Mrs: William: r Ritchie. Congratulations are , extended to Mr., 'and Mrs. Charlie Wilkins, newlyweds and we welcome them. to'the community.: Mrs. 'Cecil: Blake arid 'children' of Dungannon visited last Satur- day with Mr. Wand 'WS.. Gerdmi Kirkland 'and family, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson .Raynard !. AY .proportioned HO S�ER1 'FA SHiION'S, FAVORI J'ES tape more • Kayser, the fashion '.leader, brings:' you 'a 'line of dramatically:•designed,, fully prop'or- t,c ned-hosiery, :With tiltil 'e yte f a _ Pot`is sh°owrrrg,; � and4, r " p �.. s: y.. all'the famous for fit stented features: Only Kayser has the patented "Fit,AII"•'Heel, the ti y knit in heel pucker which eliminates unsightly twisting• -01 'seams, Proportioned: to fit whether you're short, me-: drum, or tall ...in shades coolly calculated to be warmt bewitching. Ashton' S. r.. 1 Tot Too'Teeth.. and Ladies' Wear •' ,.rr►o...o.....ura...r,,1....o411Yowus H..►rr4111•6r -001.r 4111110.o.r.+rY1.4,rn0.,," • "Our daughter has • married a boiler -maker". "Oh, dear, does . that mean' our • grand children •, will be fit t t I e steam engines?„., ,. find family visited in Gdder'ich'ofr Sunday, • 0 M.n it• •