The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-26, Page 1• .S $2:50, Yearly In Advance "-- .50e Extra to U.S.A.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; TJ TJRS,,. OCTOBER 26th, 1950. terriiic' �lolum� But.. iron Content Higher Than pesirable: .: At a'- special, meeting of the V l;lage.':Council.. on Saturday af- terrloon, • . the . Board . decided ' to; discontinue test 'drilling opera- • tions,; and to investigate the• pos- sibilities of the'No 5 well;, where a tremendous •''volurne • of,Water was struck, but which has ahigh- er •ironj-content than. is 'desirable: °Five. test holes were gunk 'al- together, at a cost, approaching - . $5,000. Wells.'. No. 1 on Standpipe Hill and No.' 3, near. Alex. Haniil- ton's residence, were. "dry" holes; Well No. 2, north of the ' flax- anill produced a fairly -good flow of water but Was high ' in `iron and at the rock was strong 'fr.orn' sulphur. 'Well No. 4, on the commons; 'Cam be developed to' a. `minimum of .100 gallonsa minute of a quaff ity of ',water low in iron content. This -well.. would be -the otilY'al- ternative if the. No. 5. well is not approved.. • • The No. '5, well is .locat ed southw of the flaxrnill on -the •river flats • on the :Gammie property, This well has been' test -pumped and' Its, volume: .is' • described .: like M • "pumping out =of the lake" .The soil formation indicates•"no secii- • ment and there is believed to be an unlimited. supply of water. that .F would do X,ucktiow':for • practically .er Howe v. the iron: content is higher than ineets • the approval of the`.•Di� e 'artment, of Health.'. Original tests showed it '.; be 1..7' iron but ; :after. urnfnf;. ' thi i dre:01)0 .t 1,5..' The Depart—Ont. fa r s�n her than .5 of ir o n:' The . "hardness test".,: ;which i5 a' lime. content, . is 270 to 2:80;' .':h;ich is ;nit excessive ' as th ori,:inal_ well noted for its.• soft ness,-'runs• 260. in ,hardness ,Thi;; lime 'content ` is what ;cos.,' up: pipes. The..Counci `) u5 • 'i -Ten,' advised -that.in'Cayug.a.they have a sim- ilar iron condition in their. water' • 'which they are treating with 'a ;phosphate.: which : pi -events ' the iron front. Precipitating and keeps it . in solution. ',nig,' treatMent, which can . be done': for a cost of few' cents::a day,, does .net elim- • INFANTS BAPTIZED AT • LUCKNOW AND DUNGGANNON' On Sunday,,October 15th, Rev. Charles A. Winn .conducted' bap- tismal services at Lucknow and Erskine: Presbyterian Churches When eight children were bap- tized. At Luekn�ow" six were bap- tized: William ":Hugh, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh.Cuming; Roderick Francis, `son of Mr,' and. Mrs. •I -. n. nes • MacSween; ''Sandra:. Lynne, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Boak; Dale Albert; so'n' of :Mr. MAILING LIST REVISED f t• e r some. • delay, The Sentinel mailing list was re: ' 'vised on Saturday and the' label date on your paper this.': week 'should show the cpr- rest date towhich your sub-, scription is 'paid. ., A" glance at the label is in order for all subscribers,; and if ' you are in arrears please. ' attend to this: matter prompt-' ly.• • In case of errorease.le ad - � ; vise the office. immedia'tely.:, Johnston..faintly are at present :build a home n Lucknow; • TWELVE PAGES• TWO MORE .VILLAGE PROPERTIES CIIANGE HANDS IAV E' TAKEN O�/E R TAYLOR FARM Added to numerous property changes o f late; was the sale last week of:•two 'more village homes:' • Mr, and Mrs. H M. (Mac) Mac- Lennan have purchased (Mac) home on • havelock • Street owned by Mr; and .Mrs;, Ronald'; VanCamp. The : MacLennans are Presently tenanting x the "apartment. above ? ;Glen and Jean have $ou ht.th '. g e Mason's, garage:. - :farm Of her parents' Mr: 'and Mr The :other' real .estate deal was Ewart Taylor just'south • s, .the' purchase Of' Mr: and Mrs. ,and to k u '' i• of town o p residence there Mr. and Mrs, .Glen, Walden (nee Jean Taylor) ' were honored: a farewell party at Reid's Corn ers' on•.Tuesday »evening /of last, week -when they were presented!: with two 'lovely occasional chairs arida. purse,'of• Marley. ''• Redvers .•(Meff);• Johnston of the Thanksgiving 'Day. •Mr, and Mrs; ' residence of.the late NIrs . Donald Taylor are remaining • on the farm Ferguson' on Outram Street The for the time' being, ,but .'plan to SINK HOLE NOW .. 'residing, in ,the home owned by,. 'Rev.' J.. C. 'un was c ttoh i • Temple- Clark lust east of the • ITa r BELI EVED- • :