The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-19, Page 8THE, LUCKTow SENTINEL,: LucKNQW, ONTARIO. e Prepared For 'Colder Nights n $ oa POLO PYJAMAS--cosy,.comfortable, smart pyjamas for Fall '. and . Winter wear. Perfect for lounging pyjamas,_ too..: Made of l nterloclt knitted cotton. Long sleeves .and; ankles finished with. snug fitting cuff, .:Small, medium. and .large, FLWLTE PYJAMASsoft warm 'woolet`te pyjamas, Butcher• Boy style; sizes S,.. m. L. A. GIRLS' PYJAM4S=very. 'attractive two-piece woolette py- ::jamas, warm 'andcosy for winter.. Sizes 8-14 years. ` ,FLETTE. NIGI `IVOWNS=Ladies'' white flette nightgowns, s eeves rimmed • with fancy stitch -i .. 'high neck' and long 1 , t ing. L.' and O.S."sizes. A . ; OOLETTE .WIGHTGOWN5—.Smartly printed woolette ', nightgowns,., form *fitting. ;Sizes S, and' 'Medium. • ;"- WEEK -'END Kraft" DeLuxe Sikes 8 perfect slices of '.pasteurized`: • process cheese iy lb 33e Kelloggs 'Rice Krispies: Free plastic fruit knife in each package. ox 17e: Maple Leaf Mincemeat 2 pie . size 43c Walker's Chocolate Chip Cookies . . Box 42c Blue & Gold Fancy Peas • 10 oz: tin ... ... '2 for 27c ow in Stock :for°, your , Christmas Baking A -fresh supply of mixed fruits, •peels:.and cherries.. Buy •now' while stocks are ;'complete Vi MPS E BY. THE, SENTI (Continued from page 1) THAT members of/the teaching. staff f -of Winglam Public school recently. honored. A� W. Ander ton Who for twenty' year's has been ;m music • supervisor in that school. : :T.HAT Mrs. "Robert .. Nelson of Ashfield has 'moved: to the apartment above the Fruit Market Miss Jean Nelson,; whb.•. has' been With her mother since Mx, Nelson's death, has return' ... , ed, to Toronto THAT Innes •MacSweer , who' •is a' director'; of :' the Grey -Bruce Honey Association, .toured .that district last week to: encourage beekeepers to: Vote•:•in iconnec- tion.`. with , the proposed. market ing stherne that is being sought. milder, :the provisions: ' of the: Farm 'Products, Marketing .Act: "The StOre of` Friendly Service" Phone `.82 •—•We. Deliver : Maher Died `Suddenly MI.'S:. Arthur Bailagh of Cori.' 2, Culros;'• died ' suddenly, in Tor- - . unto General Hospital on:October • 8th:• She. had•, undergone a major operation, the previous week.. The funeral was -held last Wednesday. from, Knox -Presbyterian: Churgh;: Teeswater, to Teeswater �Cemetl . CHURCH 'NEWS. Mrs. Mumford's Graup • The noeeting of Mrs. Mumford,', Group, of W.A. • met at the horfre:• of Mrs. Hamilton and Helen and was opened with the singing .of. hymn 492and Mrs, 'Mumford read a`' poem . as a. prayer. Mrs.• • Black yo"lunteered•to look after the Red. Cross work that is to be done in QUI' "group• and; a quilting" will be held in: the: Red' Cross rooms on October 19th." Arrangements, were made for ''the laymen's banquet to :'be held' in the 'church it Noy ember:. Mrs. Roberts was coned "to our • group.. and the hos- tess. thanked. 'Miss Murdie' read, ,psalm, 100.; Margaret: Rae sang. and Mrs. Ali'in gave. a very pleas-. ing instrumental•,'". Miss; 'Hamilton conducted a'r contest and hymn 258 Was sung and' the mizpah bene-' diction repeated and a social /half hour spent.. McNay-Kil'patrick :Group Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie was',hos- teas for • the. ..McNay -Kilpatrick. Group. with. 20 : • ladies present. Mrs.: W: • B. Anderson presided andopened the meeting, with hymn,' and prayer.. Mrs. Umbach read .the scripture les:son..'Mrs. Har ld Treieaveri' sang . a solo, ",Coun°t your ' many blessings', ac- companied by Mrs, J. Kilpatrick. After • the .business 'period, was. • over' the following program:. -was given: Mrs. Roy Culbert'.galve two. readings, one. •on .Queen• Victoria and one- on: Queen Elizabeth; a piano solo,. .by Mrs. -Harold A11ii ;� a contest was, conducted :by 'Mrs. M. Greer:'. Lunch'' was served by. the committee and the meeting closed. Our, next meeting is.to,be; held at the :home of Mrs. F. G. Brewer ' with. Mrs.. George • Joynt THAT ' Hackett's W.M:S. hei'ai:. 25 -cent tea: Tuesday,. Octo•er 10th at the home of:Mrs. fred . Hackett. .. The. ; l••a.d i e s brought in the articles they have been preparing' for their.: annual bazaar. 0 THAT E. H. Agnew; had the win- dow at•the Municipal Office' ef- fectively decorated 'last 'week on•'the occasion of Fire P.reven- • tion Week.: Centre of atterition was an ` .illuminated: sign that gave a , realistic impression , of. raging,:forest fire. • 1 presiding. ' South Kinloss The Octdber meeting of • the South ' Kinloss W:M.S: was : held at the. home of Mrs. Alex Suther' land with '.;16 members and' , a number of visitors . present. ,Ow- ing Owing to the absence of the presr::. dent,; -.Mrs. D L:: MacKinnon oc- cupied • the chs ir. The meeting opened .with- hymn,.69'1' followed by, prayer by Mrs. D; L,, Mac. Kinnon.. The roll bail was; • ans- wered with a.Thanksgiving verse HLIRSA,:. OCTOI ER 19th,, 1950 •epksr �i�tr rel 011,10x,11 +r !ta.!f )1�1 91>wi.lf lr�l4ro�N >NrglA/`o N:,116 - •DRAMATICALLY NEW!. .64r04,4 , Don't be surprised if women say, "Darling, what lovely new • nylons!''',',.and. men just whisper, "Darling!" You ll thrill 1 wonderfulto new WHISPER NYLONS , bewitching ... 1 g P attei .g,,hardly more than an •ihusion . , created ..for . you by.Superilk. of London, Canada, makers of "Canada's • finesthosiery creations" for a. quarter. century! WHISPER NYLONS°are super-inspecteda.for s4eer perfection . ; , they -Wear 'and wear and wear' And only ; WHISPER NYLONS are. ,"Vyratexed"*' to. king ' you tight to stay fresh -looking ,,A1,Qnger' a "' Ask: •to see' "t, hem, today . 1"' An' exclusive process ;to ensure retention of •fife & resilence. SUPERSILK HOSIERY' MILLS, •LQPIDON ; CAN1IDIA Foy' 25 years Manufacturers of • "Canada's Finest Hosiery Creations" S. EBTER EN'S WEAR Lucknow,; Ont - „LADLES' AND: M. Phone 85 SPECIAL ONE-PIECE SNOW SUITS . . Sizes 1-3, 4 '5, 6 .: $3.95; $4.95 and $5.95, • iris' Ready To Wear: - COAT SETS—Sizes, ear:COAT-,SETS—Sizes, 2-3x, 48.x,. COATS -7-12, 12-14x STATION :WAGON COATS -=-Sizes' 4-6x,, 8-14. Wool Dresses,' Skirts, Wool Plaid Slacks, Blouses, ,Cardigans. and Pullovers, • BOYS'—Parkas, Station. Wagon Coats, ` Breeches, Trousers; • Suits. 'LADIE:S'! `STATION WAGON COATS ini Cavalry •or Satin with, 1VIou on collars. COATS Champi's 'tinned, with or 'w,ithot t fur, fitted of loose,• TOT -TO -TEEN :and hone •890 LADIES' S WEAR Lucknow, Ontario The :. scrip .ure anme a ion' ' • y was given ':by Martha Sutherland: Maclnty� e. closed , the meeting, Elmer Umbach ...favored •with'. • a'W' prayer piano instrumental. followed, by `a; i' United ChuW M.S. reading by Mi,ss Dean MacLeod..' . The. Women's.' Missionary ,Sob -A solo b •Mrs. Chadwick'was iety'of• the United ;Church; held much enjoyed. ,letter from Rev. their .October. meeting . at the Hugh ,MacMillan'; Was' read by 'hoxre of Mrs: W. L�'MacKenzie.' Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Miss Annie ; Iiod kin - Mrs.: Wilfred Anderson presided,- MacKay and Mrs. Wib g and the secrety'ar , lViirs. P.•• W son favored' with. a ;duetpfollow- ed,by, a reading by ,Mrs,' Ted Coll Hoag, read the minutes: Mrs.. Mumford . led in prayer, . and yer.ori .Thanksgiving. ,,Those tak- a ens were read b Mrs.' Mac- ing .part in the )prayer circle were ; P, p Y Mrs. W. F. MacDonald; - Mrs. L, Donald,; Mrs.. Hodgins :and Mrs: C. MacIver,; .Mrs, :Bruce Mach ri Halt Tlie - second program ,' of the i e study book "The United Church zie . Mrs. Gibson; andj:.Mrs Ross>. ' re-enters Janan" was' g'i� en by ' Miss- Hazel Webster. Mrs. Wesle:. y Joynt sang a; Japanese hymn,. er Mrs: • Blake Alton'' of. Belfast MacMillan. Mrs, L... C. •MacIver is a .daughter.. ' ` " gaVe `the closing. remarks.. Hymn .* 1 l) v./�li�1i�1>•clv0.4414 41.d 1)•r111•0/1 > 1)�i1 Ms ll�A14/1;0 0 „�>)•o�41 A/�1 1.1 )MONi�100 >N>•t• 1i .'Phone 20 . "1 2 for 27c I - 51c 5.1b.: bag 46c 31c � • 3 for 2' c • A BASKET FULL OF SAVINGS FOR Imo Pori< and Beans i Country Kist 14 oz. Whole Kernel Corn _ Did You, i your. Shoes This Morning?. a Stokley's 48, oz. 2 for 31c HorseY Orange. Juice for 21c Robin' Hood Oats for 29c Vita B, !arge pkg. Heini Baby Foods Kraft Dinner .. • • "Holy Spirit we butribly Plans, were made for the Bruce held October 17th in the chureh. The' program was. undei, the 'con - F.. Gilchrist and Miss H. 'Web- ster. The hostess and committee' r4ecl--1 Hunter -Jones Group' • The October' meeting was held the hoithe of M,rs..Ver:non. 'ter with. an .attendance of . sea• un :teen members The ser i,ptu;i e «�. giver} by; Mrs. Hoag `after whic h Mrs. Ed Hodgins ' le'd , in prayer; The' treasurer's report .was 'then' given. We were pleased:•to°,=kn'o`b, that $712.50 •''has been, raised Sir 'far' this'year iby.•the 'group° }nd, that:. $23,25: , was taken in at• the baking. sale a few :weeks ago.,. The. answering.. of the roll .c�a11.proved. interesting:. It Was ' decided . to quilt a Red Cross quilt next week. • Miss .MacGregor: kindly' offered her 'home�..for the :qu,ilting: Plein,. were 1so made for the laymen` banq et to be in the.'chure}i: Reade gs• . Were given by :Mrs,' hharis, 'ers; Hazel W:ebst��i. and Mrs...How rd :Robinson. 1V1'r .Jones and Mr Harvey Web tl�r ' sang a vocal duet,. After' the c io - ing exert%sed. `a contest .wits hold;" and ' lunch served Ti,lbest 'Brownies :..Heinz: 'TOM* Soup. 6 tint.' 69c itaz, 0,406 - 461116 FRESH FRUITS -AND Oranges, 2887s,' 252's VC 40c - 45c .1 5 for 29c" )44,44441144}40.S441.4044/46.441144141.44/1111.41110NAII.0414.14111,011.44441444.11111111414i16401;11.04.46411110.111404111111.4)/IN 411.64111111,444.0441414) 4.1.044% .4' Ngvv FALL LINES are now in ,stocic at NO INCREA4E IN PRICES Shoes definitely' Will .be higher this Fall. athwe