The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-10-05, Page 5PAGE SX .4UCKNOW SWUM, L1JCICN9W1 04' 'HORSES 3Ieavy Draft • Foal, Stewart Needham; two- - year-old, Jarnes Picken; span; Ross M,e.K.1411-194, • • Light Draft,BroOdIVIare Stewart Needham itY Leghorn, ,eockerel and pullet„ ennedy 1$t ineach;. cockerel -8,c a pullets, Kennedy; best cockerel and Pullet, Kennedy; domestic pets, Dale Haldenby, Bert Alton • '•• • GRAIN • • Fall wheat, Oliver VieCharles; 1st and 2rl4• foal •Stew.agt• Need- :oats Oliver MoCharles'• Top Crop • ham' span Stewart •Needharn: field corn stalks, R. G. IVIartin, Percherons• & Belgium Span, JarnepPicker'. AGeneral'•PuirPose 'Span ,EIrno .Pritehsrd,' 'Oliver. Smith , Ross :IVIcKague; . '••,bbrse,'Elnio- Pritchard; Ross Mc- . ICagtie„. •••Elme Prktchard, • Mrs. Alex Punves; field corn stalks, other variety,' Roy Alton; °12 ears corn, Mrs. Alex Purves, TOY Alton;-sunflowers,Mrs: Gor- don Kirkland: ' ,„„" ' • *ROOTS & VEGETABLES .• Early potatoes.: S. C. Rathwell, Specials , L.• ,IVIcKay; late,- potatoes, Mrs. .;'Bet female, :james Pieken it Kirkland, S. C.. RathwelI; yelloVv- .arid 2nd„ Stewart' Needriam,;:geld- ' "rig, Elmo Pritchard; Ross .Mc7 • .Kaglie, Elmo. Pritehard; • mare' or •gelding, Stewart • Needharri•;„ tan - 4m :hitch, James Picken. and El- . „rno Pritchard, Stewart Needham and Oliver Smith; best •groorned rse 'James: PiCken, .'Elmo Frit- ard: • • . CATTLE Shorthorn. . ". •'Bull, '2 years, McDonald Bros.; bull; 1 year, Andre* Gaunt, Mc- Donald, 2nd and Orci;: bull calf,. • St., :McDonald,' Gaunt; bull calf, McDonald, ist;. 2nd;* Gaunt; ,'cow, McDonald,: Gaunt;..1VIcDon- • ald; . 2 -year-old ' heifer, Gaunt, ° ',McDonald; year -Old heifer; Mc- Donald, .1st •ari'd 2nd, -Gaunt; heif- er calf, Sr.; .Gaunt; 1; 2,. 3; heifer 2.....kcalf, • Jr.', .McDonald; female, Gaunt; Senior. herd, McDonald,. Gaunt, junior-. herd, Gaunt, Mc- Donald;: bull, McDonald; .get of McDonald 2nd and 3rd., uorefords Billyears,', George Kennedy; • John Black; bull 1..year„, Ken-. nedy, Black, bull calf, Sr, Black,. •'• • Kennedy 2nd • and. 3rd, bull Jr, • Kennedy 1St and. 2nd, Black; !cow; .13160c,•.KenriedY 2nd k3rd;. 2 -year-old heifer,.Black,,kennedY 2nd 84 3rd, year-old heifer, Black 'Stand 2nd; ,Kerniedy;•heifer calf; Sr., Kennedy lit and ,2nd,. 'Black; heifer 'calf, •Jr:, 'Black, . Kennedy 2nd and 3rd, female, Black; Sr. berd,.:•-.Kerinedy,T•Black; rhei d, ,•Black, Kennedy; bul1,131aCk; gso • • of. sire; Black, ,Kennedy. • • r011ed, Angus. • „ •.• . • , years,. F.. G.' Todd and Son; bull,. 1 year, Glen•CarripbelI; • bull calf, Sr, Todd; bull Calf,.Jr., : Campbell;_cm, Tocid;•• 2 -year-old rnangels, I.,..McKay; red mangels, Mrs: .Alcx • Purves; ISugar. beet, ;Purves; •'Swede turnips, 'Lorne Woods, Mrs: 'Purves; , pie. punipking, Mrs. ,W! •-,MacIntyre, Mrs. .Win. MacKenzit;• cabbage, Mrs. Ira Dick* L. McKay; sq u a s ,• R. Martin; L. McKay; lar.gest squash,' MartirWlargest pumpkin R.. G. Martin, Mrs. 'Go. Kennedy;. cti- cum!bers, Mrs. GO Fisher, Mrs, Kirkland.;„• parsnips, Mrs. Kirk- land.,' • L, -McKay; carrots,. Mrs. :Wm. IVlacKenZie; Mrs. Kirkland; •:beets', 4.: McKay, Mrs. MaCKeriii zie; bantain corn, Wallace Mil- ler,. :Mrs. •MacKenzie; corn, other • variety, Mrs. Dickie, Ray Alton; celery, Mrs..kerinedy;...cauliflOw-• er,, Mrs: 'Kennedy; small beans; L. McKay; --other • beans, Mrs.. J:rryLavis, Mrs: Win.. Niacin- tYre;: Dutch sets;.. L. McKay; top onions; • Roy Al- ton;• Yellow .oriions; is. Kennedy.: .L: "McKay; Onion special, L. Mc7 ,Kay; three Vegetables, Mrs. Kirk-. • land: L. ,.McKay., garden' collect - Mrs: Kirkland,' L. MCKay; • hay •: sheaf, Mrs: Kirkland. .• DAIRY &,.TABLE SUPPLIES Layer cake, Magic, Mrs. Oliver Charles, 'Mrs, Cliff .:•:Geddes; raisin pie; Mrs, R. G. Martin, Mrs. Wm: ,MacIntyre; white bread, Mrs: MacIntyre; Mrs, Geddes; Whole wheat •bread, .Mrs. Mac-. Intyre, , Mrs. MCCh,arles;•• Mrs. •MaChityre, Mrs'. Ma:Charles; buns, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. ,MacIn7 tyre; .faricy buns, Mts.. MacIntyre, Mrs. Geddes; fruit loaf,.Mrs. 1VIac- •-Intyre, Mrs. McCharles,; .tea bis- cuits, Mrs. Geddes., ..• Mrs.: Alex Purves; scones, 1VIrs. •MeCharles: .1VIrs. Geddes; • Muffins;•,Mrs : Me7 PICKLES • ° Qnions, MrS. • McCharles; 'cumber, 9 •day, 'Mrs. ',ay's; Mrs. Salkekl; mustard,: Mrs. McChar- les, Mrs. MacKenzie; . breadand butter; Mrs. • MacKenzie,. Mrs, Kennedy; peaches, 1VIrs. MeChatc• les;. Pears, Mr. McCharles; cat- sup, Mrs. McCharles; .chili. satiee, Mrs: ,:lVIOCharles*,. Mrs; LaVis; beets, Mrs, Kennedy; IVIrS: Mac- Kineitinarepe.dleY;sylirounieYM,':Mr:rsP. isckaiikeelmcs" ONTARIO OCTOBAR 5th 1954 ' • Salads •& Supper Dishes Vegetable salad, Mrs, ,Ged.cles, Mrs: McCharles'; •plate, salads, 1VIrs. McCharles,Mrs. Geddes; jellied meat, Mrs. *Charles; Mrs. .Figher; salmon Jost Mrs: Me - Charles, IVIrs. Fisher; cheese dish, Mit. Fisher, Mrs. IVIeCharles; sal- ad'dressing, Mrs.. •Geddes, Mrs. Stewart; - vegetable soup,. Mrs. ,Pisher„ Mrs. Salkeld; hard soap, Mrs. IVIacKerizie, 'Mrs. Nlechar- .les; ,baked beans, Mrs. MoCharles, Mrs, Geddes;' apple' dishes, Mrs. MoCharles; Mrs.' SteWart; potato - dishes; Mrs. McCharles, Mrs: Ged- des; torriato dishes,' Mrs..Geddes, Mrs. , McCharles. ' • • FRUIT • •Alexanders, 'Lorne. Woods;- • Baldwins, • Woods; Wallace Mil- • ler; C u 1 v ,e r . Lorne Woods, B e n . Da v s„ Miller; : ;Woods; Duchess,. T., Salkeld, •Woods; Talman Sweets; Woods,Salkeld; ,Cranberry Pippin, Woods; Gray-, ,ensteins, Roy' Alton; Wealthy, Woods, Salkeld; Canada Red;' Woods, Miller; l'Orirpkins; Woods; Salkeld; Pepuraukie, 'Mil- ler,,Woods; Marin:Moods; Miller;: 'Wolfe' River, Wood; King PipPin, Woods; Blenheim Pippin, R.. G. Martin, Woods, Ribson ''Pippin, • Woods; Ontario,. Lorne Woods- . . Rhode :Island:.. Greenings, Lorne. 'Woods; Delicious, 'Woods, ..,Salk- eld; Russet- Miller' Woods; Snow Woods, Miller; Spy, Salkeld; ler; Wagner, Woods, Miller; Mc -4: Intosh' Red; Woods,: Miller; other Fall variety.„ Salkeld, WOOCIS; Other.. Winter. ,4 .variety, Miller,- WobdS;• .3 Fall- varietieS,.. WoOds, Salkeld; four • winter• varieties, Woods; • Salkeld, c' o 11 e c•t o n„ Woods, Miller; Crabapples,- Mil- ler, Wbods; Fall pears, Woods; Miller; • Winter 'Pears; • Salkeld; Woods;' peaches,. Woeds, Alton; .Salkeld;' plums, red, Miller, Alton; plums,. yellow, Woods, Miller; grapes, , • bine, Salkeld; grapes, red,' Salk- .eld; .grape cllection, Salkeld; quince, ,Miller; 'Alton; �one pl lWoods, Miller; ,hamper cif Wealthy,: Woods, Salkeld; ham- per McIntosh, WQods;• • Miller,. Salkeld; hamper SPY, _'..Woods, Miller; hamper Talman Sweets, Woods, Miller; • dessert apples; Woods•.• •• • , • . heifer, Todd 1/St and 2nd; Year-, cookies' Mrs. Geddes,' Mrs. Mc Charles;' ;oatmeal cookies, Mrs. McCharles,. , Mrs. Geddes;. giriger 'cookies; • Mrs.....,MaCIrityre„. : Mrs. Geddes; drop cOokies;iMrs:,, • 'herd, Todd, bull,: Todd; get.:'of MacKenzie,• M • McCharles• sire, Campbell.,•• ; • . short read,- 'Mrs. „Geddes,. 'Mrs. 'Grade Cattle ' : • • , • • McCharies; Macaroons, MrS. Ira • Heifer calf, Oliver, McCharles, Dickie, ;Mrs.', Geddes;, doughnuts, steer, year old; Ivan McQuillin.::• Mrs. .McCharles;- Johnny. ,cake,. Specials • ••: .••: Mrs.' McCharles, 4Purves,7 'Champion female, Gaunt', Todd, orange cake, Mrs McCharles, Mrs., McDonald, Champion 'bull; ,Toold, Geddes; -Crinnb .cake, Mrs. Geo. 'Black; -• McDonald; • fat • s:t e e r FiSher, Mrs. :Geddes; g i ri*g e bread, Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. Ged- des; sponge' cake,, Mrs. McChat-•• les; angel, cake,' 'MS. Geddes; ehocolate• cake; Mrs; Geddes, Mrs. McCharles; • white. cake.- Mr. Geddes. ,Mrs. 'Fisher;; Jelly • roll; Mrs. Fisher; fruit'cakei dark, Mrs.. IVIcCharles,. Mrs.. PUrveS; fruit cake; white';•Mrs. Fisher,Mrs. Me- ldhifer,r, Todd; heifer calf,: Sr.; Todd 'lst and'.' 2nd; heifer calf, •`Jr., ,Todd; • , Cambell;.• • `female; Todd; senior herd, Todd; •Jimior • Gaunt, "Ann Todd, Gladys,. Gib- son; : junior. herd, Gaunt,.. Todd, • McDonald; steer 'or, heifer, boy . or girl, Murray Gaunt; Ann' Todd, ' Ernie 'Gibson, Ivan •McQUillin,. • • Barry McQuillin; block • Gaunt, del; Senior herd, Todd, . D�ri; beef cattle', Gaunt. " • 'SHEEP . , OXfords-.---Ernke* .Bro.s.:: first In Charles; 'butter tarts, Mrs. Geddes, all sections; Shrbpshire Downs- ,; mr,s, 1VA,Charles; 'jam- tarts,. NIrs. Entice Bros. :first in all -sections, lVIrs, 'Geddes; '.apple ;;Sotithdor,Yns'•---Ernke Bros, first in .pie, Mrs: McCharles, Mrs. R. G. all sections; any other pure bred, Martin; 'punipkin pie, Mr.s. Ged, —Enike.,BrOs. first in all Sections: des, D./Yrs. McCharles; raisin, pie, • Cla ..B fit t in an • rs„ Martin:. • M • ss e ros. s . virg. 1VICCharle4 sections ; • • meat ni(•.,, Mrs. McCharles; lerrion • SWINE . pie, Mrs.' Geddes, ,,,,Mts,.• C.,„Ste*- Bodr, 1948 McDonald •,13ros.; art. fancy de4sort. Mrs. McChar- boar, 1950, ,McDonald r Srhain- les, Mrs, Steyi.',Irt;• run cakes; Mrs, - pion boat, McDonald; Jr, rharn- , bieme. ivrt4s,, Geddes; working Pion , boar. McDonald; grind iyin'tos• lunch, Mrs Salkeld; school ehampion boar; McDonald; sow, • luricii, Mrs. . f-;alkeld; Working 1948, MCDonald; sow, . 1949,.Mc- !rah's- dinrcer,.. Mrs. Goildes: if Donald; : ,sow, 1950, .McDonald: ternoon '14,a', Mrs. Geddes, Uri.' •soW, Crawford prize, Alex Pur,- mccharios. • 6 ' I'es;•• Senier champion sow, Mc- • Canned Fruit & Veg-etahles • Donald'. 1U.nier' eharrinion sow, • 1Wc1)onald; senior herd, ,MrDon.- borriqs. GNideg, Mrs, solo- ; , u or er mon; • aid ni h d 1V1CDonal I; get s noTries. Mrs. Kennedv,, ofs. sire, MeDonald-: best Pen, ,Mc.7 Mrs.. Salkeld; penes, Mrs, Solo -4 • • WOMEN'S CLOTHING • Night dress, Mrs. Salkeld; bed jacket„. Mrs. Bryce; other bed, jacket,- Mrs. :Salkeld, Mrs. Bryce, - slip; • Mr,s. Salkeld; py-• jartas, Mts. ‘Salkeld; house dress, Mit.,•Salkeld; apron, Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs. Bryce; :hostess apron, Mrs:. Salkeld, Mts. Bryce; blouse, Mrs. Salkeld, •Mrs; Stewart; pullover, Mrs. Bryce; jacket, Mts. Salketd; • sweater, • Mrs:. Salkeld; . .:gloveS; Mrs, 'Salkeld, Mts. ,Bryc,e. . • MEN'S 'CLOTHING , • Pyjarrias, Mrs.: Salkeld;', initts,, Mrs: • ' McCharles, Mrs, • Bryce; gloves; Mrs.: Bryce, Mrs, • Saikeld; socks, fine, Mrs. Kirkland, :Mrs: •Salkeld; socks, course, M.S. Salk- elcl, Mrs. Purves.. • •• BOY'S CLOTHING 'PUllever, Mrs, Kirkland, -Mrs. MeCharles; suit'. Mrs: • Salkeld; knicker. Socks, Mrs. McCharles. •' GIRL'S CLOTHING, DresS and bloomers, Sa17 keld: Mrs. Bryce; dress; Mrs. Sal- keld; Sun dress,. Mrs, 'Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld;."sWeater, Mrs. Roy. ton, Mrs. lVfcCharles: • •• INFANT'S WEAR • „ Dress, Mrs.' 13ryce; . Mrs, Salk-. Donald; , Eaton .Co. Special, mon, •Niro,.. -Deal ,1ViS. eld,, ,roritpers, Mrs, 4•13ryee, Mrs. bacon ,hogs WM. S, McGuire„ njoicie,Mr McCharles;" cherries, Salkeld; 'jacket and bonnet; cro- Fred McQtrillin 2nd and gid, A Mrs„Solomorx. Mrs. : 1VI chetect- Mrs. Salkeld; rs. Bryce; . . ti)01:0Thst„ Solomon. Mrs, Dick- • Altoh, Bert Alton.. 'knitted set! Mrs.' Salkeld, • Mrs. ibt,,rh, *Mrs' stesvart: bearis, Bryce; carriage Covet, wool, . • POULTRY Mrs 'Gander, Toulouse George Al-, vrrs. GoddeS: tomqtoes. Mrs. God': Salkeld; •othei. •carriage cover,• at • , • .1°114. Italdenby„ Kennedy; deg, Ws. -MrCos; harltomo . Mrs. Salketd. goose,. Touloti$e, Haldenhy„ Ken- juicers. , M - MeCharleS; apple. Reinouelled 'Clothes nedy 2nd and 3rd; grinders inice. Mrs, 1•VreCharles. Mrs'. •*. eirr,skitt,N. lyl'it; Bryce Mrs, • den Kenne'dy, lst 'and .2ncl* gooqe 'Ainden; Kennedy`.1st and 2nd. Chickens of,1950 ` • Leghorn, eoekeret 'and pillet, • ...Kennedy 1st in each; Plymouth Rock, eockerel;..K 'ennedy; ' Kennedy ist & 2nd; 'NeXT •./Phire 'cockerel, Kennedy 1st; and 2nd; fmllet; Kermedy lst, 12nd -8e. 3rdt., Barred 'Rock, ceekdel „and Pullet, Kennedy 1st in des; gooseberry•Mrs. Fish- cr; sfiqrwberry jam; Mrs, Gedd:es, 1Vrrc.. S old ; roSpherry jatri, k Mrs, Gedde,4.; currarlt, Mi -S, Harry Lavisi .Mrs. Sol101d; rhuharb conserve, Mr .' S, Macin- fvijSeach tionstoi.6, :Airrg. .S010 - , mon, ,Mrs„ .Diokie; apple jellSi, con cloth, mtg. Bryce; buffet set Mrs,: ,MeChatIO, Mrs. Dickie; :Mrs. Bryce, :Mrs. Salkeld; defile black rtirliarit. Mrs. McChArles; set, Mrs •• 134,Yee, Mrs. galkeld; ,oronge rii!romaIttde, Mrs.' Snlkeld, pplow ea,se and sheet, Mrsi-Yee, S keld: girl's 'dress, Mrs', 'Salk - old,' Mrs. Bryce; girl's coat, Mrs, Salkeld f trousers., Mrs. Salkeici, Mrs, McCharles, •' Linen • / • • Table cloth, Mrs, Bryce; lunch- weleAllii11i&I,; case,_ white, Mrs. BrYce, Mrs, Salkeld; 'pillow case, Color- ed,' Mrs.. Salkeld, Mrs: 'Bryce; cross stitch, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Sal- keld;table runner, Mrs. McChar- les; Mrs, Salkeld; shopping bag, Mrs. Bryce,' Mrs. Salkeld; pillow case, lace trim,, Mrs. Bryce, • Mrs. • Salkeld; guest towels, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; .• bridge set, Mrs; Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; needlepoint, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; chester- field set, Mrs. Bryce; tatting, Mrs. Bryce;.' Work 'bag,Mrs.. •Salkeld, 'Mrs. McChailes; pUrse, Mrs. Sal- .keld; Mrs. MoCharles; 4e:a cosy, lVr.Salkeld; funcheen set;, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs., ' Salkeld; 'buffet set, crocheted, Mrs: Bryce; Mrs. Sal- • keld; after meal clotli,. Mrs, Bryce. Mrs. Salkeld, . • • _Quilts : • •• Pieced quilt, Mrs. $alkeld;. op, . • yllque, :Mrs. :.Salkeld; pieced. and applique, Mrs. •Salkeld, 'Mrs. Bryce; fancy .quilting,, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; pieced Woollen, 1VIrS. Bryce; Mrs. McCharleS; Corri • forter, Mrs. Stewart; knitted bed- spread, Mrs. McCharles; other bedspread, M r s • McCharles; • afghan, Mrs.- Salkeld; hociked rug, Mrs.' Bryce, 1VIrs. Purves. •Entb,roislered •cushicin, Mr $ . Bryce; poreh cushidn, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; wool" cushion, Mrs. •IVIcCharles; other cushion, Mrs: McClratles'; remodelled :articles, Mrs. .1VIcCharles, . Mrs. -Salkeld-' ceritre, piece,Mrs,' Bryce, Mrs, Salkeld; tray ;Cloth; • Mrs. :Bryce, Mrs. Saliceld; wool embroidery, Bryce, • Mrs: Salkeld; 'tut work :Mrs Bryce- • fancy 'work Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Bryce; fabric • toys,' MrS: Salkeld; •Mrs. McChar- les.; Christmas gifts; Mrs e Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs, MeCharles.. . Women's 'Organizations. • • lst; St.Helen s Institute; 2n1, 4tairshea; 3rd: LticknoW: Women's' Institute. • '; 2 • 'Poster IsinkeitEhiARMIr§s: • Salkeld;• snapshot collection, Mrs.Purves; decorated' table,' Mrs. Salkeld.. •• FLOWERS .• Asters,. red, Mrs,' Solomon, Willard Thempson; asters, white, Mrs: Kirkland, rs 'Purves; ast-, erS, pink, Mrs. :Stewart.,11/1rs..$ • 1 onion; aster,. Mrs. Solomon., Mrs. ,:Stewart; aster •,colleation, • Mrs•.. Solomon' • 'dahlias cactus MrsT'-Salkeld, Mrs. Solomon; lias; decorative; Mrs. Stew.art, S. C. Ratiwe1i; dalilias;.'show, :Mrs. Solornbn; Mrs. Kirkland; dahlias; collection,'. Mrs. Solornon;, S. C. Rathwell; dah1ias, ponj p,orri, Mrs. Solomon, IVIrs. Salkeld;• gladioli; S: C Rathwell: Mrs.' Salkeld; 'gladioli, red.; Mrs: Salk- eld, Mrs: S.olomon;.gladioli,:white, Mrs, •Salkeld;:' S. C. , Rathwell; yelloW,. 'Mrs: Salkeld; gladioli,purple, t Mrs. . Salkeld; marigold, African, W. Thompson, Mrs'. Solomon; marigold, French, W. • Thompson,. S. C:'• Rathwell; snapdragon Collectibn: Mrs. nicin, S." C. RathWell; 'Zinnias; S. • Wheat, AllanMoCharles, Wayne Hackett, 4obel McPherson; oats, Wayne : Haqicett, Allan McChar- les; 'barley, Wayne Hackett; .corn; Ernie Magoffin,..Do,nald Kirkland; sweet corn, Wayne; Hackett, Ross McDonagb;. sun - 'flower, 'Mabel McPherson,, David Kirkland, Donald Kirkland; beets, Wayne Hackett, Allad Ernie Magoffin; carrots, David • Kirkland,: Donald -.Kirk- land: eriver Dickie; onions', Iso- bel McPherson; Ernie Mageffin: Allan eCharles; parsnips, ' Kirkland, Donald„Kirkland; pelt, • aloes; Wayne. Hackett, .Davicl Kirkland; 'Ernie Mag,pffin;•,cab bage, David Kirkland, Isobel•Mc- Pherson,. McCharles; Oie • purnpkin,IAllan *Charles, Ernie: Magoffiri, Wayne Hackett; field, pumpkin,- Donald Kirkland, Billy. Kennedy, Gordon Fisher; squash.; ,Wayne, Hackett,' Allan McChar- les; turnips, Wayne Hackett, AI- • Jan • lVfeCharles; niangolcls, • J, Lavis, Ernie Magoffin; Cucumbers,,. Donald, Kirkland, Wayne liack: • ett,, David Kirkland'. • •Fruit• . . Spy, Isobel IVIoPherson, :Bobby• • Andrew ,Donna Woods;' russet, PPrMa. Woods, Isobel McPherson; Taiwan Sweets,. 'Donna, -Wopds, 7Bobby . Andrew, ,Isobel McPher- • son; other Fall apples,''Bobby An drew, Donna Woods, Wayne.:Hac- kett; . other Winter apples, Donna • Woods,: 'Bobby Andre*, Isobel McPherson; .:plums, Iscobel Mc- Pherson, Doima.WOods; -tomatoes, Ernie. ,Magoffin, Allan 1VIcCha,-.. • leg, "Wayne Hackett; snow, Bobby Andrew. Donna 'Woods Isobel McPherson; McIntosh, Bobby An- • drew,. Donna . Woods; Isabel Mc, Pherson; king,. Isobel MePhersen, Donna Woods; ..pears Donna • Woods: Isobel McPherson.. • DOI/wait Science , Girl's apton, , Anne Petersen,' Mabel Stanley, Jean: Stanley; ' clothes pm bag„ Gertie Campbell; • fancy article; Isobel MeDiarrnid,,, David Kirkland,Allan. MeChar- les; useful artiele, 1)avid.'Kirk.• •land, Allan aVIcCharles.... .Crafts.: • First' prize crafts--4-S.S. West • •Wawanosh. • C. RathWell, W. Thompson; best collection -"S Rathivell W. Thompsbri; annuals, Mrs. Sole - mon, Mrs. 'Kirkland; rOses; 'white, W. ,Thoiripson; roses, '. pink, Mrs. Solorhorf; • rose, c'ollection, W. Thompson;. table- bouquet, 'W. Thorripson, •MrS. Purves; calen- dula. S. C. R'athweli, W,.:Thomp•- son; petunia, W. Thompson, Mrs. Solomon; best gladioli "S'pike; • S. C. Rathwell: Mise Solomon, Mrs. Salkeld; :gladloli Collectio ,ri Mrs: Salkeld, S. C. Rathwell,' Willard Thompson; perennial collection:, Mrs. Salkeld; 7pansy 'collection, Mrs, ,Salkeld,.. Mrs. Solomon; liv-. rOorri Jactuquet, Mrs. ,Salkeld, Mrs.. Purves; 'begonia, rex, .1VIrs, SolomOn; Other ,begonia, Fisher, 'Mrs.. •Salkeld; fern, Mrs, isher, double eranium, Ms. Stewart; house plant, Mrs. Pun- veS,..z, cactus, 2 Mrs Stewart Mrs. Ptinves. ' . School Children's Competitions , Calf, Jack Kennedy, Billy Ken- nedy, MarY Alton,, Kennetyi ton, Donald McCharles; market Kirkland', Kenneth Alton, Mary hog, Donald .-Kirkland, David Alton, Ivan MCQUillin, Barry Mc- QniIlin; best Calf, lack Kennedy. Poultry , . • White' Leghorn, •coskerel. and 'pullet, David ennedy, first in each; PenUtility fowl, Mail Mc - Charles, IDonald Kirkland,. Bob, Taylor; gosling, Halderiby; 'ducks, Pekin, -Lloyd Collins; chicks; other breed, Dale lialrlep- by, Ross 1VieDonagh; bantaims, Bert Alton, Ernie Magoffiri; Hugh Menary, Allan McCharles;',. pig- eons, Jim Wilson.„ • Grain. aikatiliMat,-,,V11111:0111000.1i4111:1111111114e,ditiliiitillef,4!kaliV.: • No. Projects ; lit, 8,S. No. 8, Ashfield, model farm; 2nd, S:S: We.st• Wa- wanosh, 'pioneer life; ant SS. No. 2; Kinloss; farmers of yester47 Year; 4th, SS. "NO:: 15, Ashfield,' house plants,: Flowers Aster, Anne Todd, Bobby An- drew,.. Wayne HaCkett; petunia, • Wayne Hackett, 'Anne Todd; "zin7 nia, •Emberliny Anne Todd, Isebel,... McPherson; cosmos, Anne, . Todd, Isobel McPherson,. Billy• Kennedy; dahlia, Anne Todd;.ari-• inial • collection,„ :Wayne Hackett, Ruth Einberlin, David Kirkland; marigold, Ruth Emberlin; Todd, Wayne, Hackett; Scabiosa, Isobel ":• McPherson; .naSturthim, Donald Kirkland, Isobel McF'her-' son; •Frerich'inarigOld, Anne Todd,, 7-7:777-77 Ruth Emberlin; Isobel 1VrePhersori; 7- SnaPdafgon, Ruth •Emberlin,• Iso- bel McPherson; gladioli, ,'Bobby.:::. Andrew,' Isobel McPhersOn; Arnie. Todd;' table bouquet,' Allan Met... Charles, l• Isobel. :'1Vlepherson, Wayne,,Hackett.• ctimczi, TRADE MARK REG. Tasty with sandwiches Upholstering Chesterfields. And Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Factory • Guarantee. Free ,Pick -UP and Delivery STRATFORD: UPHOLSTERING..(0. 42 Brunswick St. Stratford tior further information. ••• enquire at JOHNSTONE'S • Furniture Store 'Phone, 18, LuCknOw r