The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-29, Page 4;PAGE . FOUR' THE isigiumorow LUCKNOW SENTINEL, • LUCKNQW, .ONTARIO "WANT AD" RATES -1st insertion 2 cents, •a word, subsequent insertions. 1 -cent . a word,: Minimum _charge %.5'• . Replies care •, -of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 :cents per • count line first . insertion, 5 centsper line subsequent insertions: SAVE $30,00on a Beatty electric WONDERFUL 'VALUES on "Kit - washer. , Coane- in and, see it, Wm. chener Big -4, .started, chicks for ..IVrurdie,'. & Son, .. • prompt ' deliyery. Ask agent for `"' our lo*: prices, and particulars. FQR SALE ---21/4 ,.bunches of nom' .ED., v., BAKER,Lucknow; , reen •arrow3ock sF ingles...Call at ti •r idence of G. A. Greer.' .Mes� FOR SAtE -*"4 baicrier NIc.Clary electric • stove. J C., Johnston, Lucknow ..FOUND -a' pair of glasses,* 'Own- er may. obtainsame. at: The Sen- tinel. Office. FOR ' SALE Beatty electric ironer,' demonstrator, at. a mane- . ed .price,', a. bargain. Wni..Murdie .Son.. • FOR • SALE --2 . 'purebred •Short- -horn (bulls, 12 and 15 . months; PERSONAL both •roan. Apply to Junes* For- ;SKINNY MENWOMEN',. Grin iter. • 5 to • 15 lbs: `Nr pep, too. Try" BRAY :HAS PLJII.ETS' tidayold, started, immediate 'delivery $14:90 up. 'Order :in :advance for _mixed chicks; cockerels;•,, also' for ug- fist°Septe'mber. Hatching 3 times eekl Ag .nt— , w y'' July D. R. FINLAY Ol , fLucknew, • ROOFING' •EAVETR.OUGHING Flat roofs "repaired, ,new roofs, eavetroughing, spray ` painting, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work done 'anywhere., Sylvester Fort ney, R. 2, Mildmay, .,phone 60-r-15. SCRAP. WANTtri -- 'scrap 'iron, old sacks, horse; hair r and car bat- te es." G "'Dorsch,;' St.- •Helens,G phone 56,-r-5: ;Lucknow;` CAR FOR' SALE ' -= 1941 Chev: coach in Al: • condition, : Jim Hus • ton, R. 6, Lucknow, phone' 10-16 Ripley. FOR ..SALE= -quantity stif stand ing : hay, tim°othy` and alfalfa: Y Harold Gaunt, R. 2,' Lucknow; phone 44-r-3. ' FOR: `SALE'- new'' Modern one- storey home, immediate. .possess- ' ion. Apply to Geo. Orvis, ,Luck= Pow. it , famous , Ostrex Tonic Tablets for ` double results, : ',new healthy flesh; .new :vaigor.; New; "get ac- • quainted" size, only •60c.. All drug gists.•. '':The L;adies. Auxiliary to :the Canadian • Legion., B. E.. S. L.; • Branch, No, :309,: will ;.hold their Mrs: Milton Walsh ;is spending, a few, weeks •with Mrs: Sam; Em-, meeting: in •:the Auxiliary r• oorYis, .. Tuesda' • 'J 4th at' 8 00 p.irri: erson who is improving after.' her y' � recent illness. ,sharp. All a}ireanbers_. are request- e, 'for •,':. ; Mr..• John Wahl 'is' ,. receiving ,ed to ..be �present ;� �Gomrriitte _ _ x_ .. ..:. July is as follows: Comrades • -.S. .5. treatment : to• Kincardine Hospi PARAMOUNT • 'I11-170RSDAY, ,J COMING NTS EVA The June meeting, of Para • mount Women's Institute was. SUNDAY ' SCILQQt..PICN'IC held at the home of Mrs.. James The. ' annual Sunday School, and MacDonald,. Lucknow. Mrs.. Fred. Co ationa ,' : picnic of the Martin, president,was in charge. L`‘cw 'United Church will be 1VIrs, Robt.:Reid gave a splendid held at the "Foot: of the, 12th". sn report of the di�trict annual held Ashfield .Township on Thursday, at Hlolyrood. The sum of $10.00 July 6th. A truck will leave the Was donated to the Manitoba Re- church at. 1.15. _1'ief.'Fund. The program consisted' • IitEof community by. .singing; reading CEPTION AT° ZION' Mrs, Orland.. Richards, harp solo. There will be • a 'reception in by Mrs. J. Webster, reading by 1Vfi1 *honor" of . ., and UTE. Alvin•. Mrs. Wim. Buckingham, solo by Ritchie,' at •Zion Hall uinder. "aus=' .Mrs. J. Hamilton. .The grand -.P ices :of L.01: 1 44,, on • Friday, other'sprize,Was von. by Mrs. ,June 30th. ,McDowell's orchestra, n? , J, -Iendersn sors T. Dexter won . M drnothei's ' Everyone 'we'lcoxie, Ladies please the gran prize ,for •tell- bring ing a story, •�r4 in lunckr. cant st was =eon ' ' c. S'ec Js..,Ketchabaw, Re .. H. • Ensign. There ' ducted •.lVkrs.. IJ g h' .randmothers . pr.es- AY.�A'1a VVH.ITE • RC .W.ere• eight; • PLAY.. CITU N ,: ' d }�' , �'•t' e. .. Ent. :Lunch. Was ;.;sez•ve ... by , h . ,A three -act play -"Hem-Pecked , , •. ": Will lbe . '. resented by Wal-iostees Henry w l p •r. "and Mrs,;,. Walter, Dexter ton Y.P U.� m Wh�`techurch Com- •.� •.1V! munity. Memorial' Hall, Wednes- ,motored to London on Sunday.' da • July 5th• at 9.00 D;S,T 'un- •to visit Mrs: Kennedy: who is ill' der �auspces of Whitechurch Un- • in :St, • Jo seph's'; ital. Hosp, ; ited Church WA'. Numbers,'be-; ,Mi, Jack Maclntosh visited on tween' _acts, Lunch .served. • Adults, Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Frank 50c, children'•25c. Ritchie Mr. Robt..Harnilton has bought •KAIRSHEA PfCNIC' Mr. Wm. Kempton% farm: .• Kairshea. Women's 'Institute ' ' picnic will. • be , held . on 'Friday, dune" 30t1TTat Poplar.-Be+ach77Bas�- 'kelt _ lunch; Sports. Ka.irshea' -stitute'.:Memlbers, .please, .note:: that; thosewishing to buy pins .are '%asked to leave their name.' and mo eye with the . sec. tress., as: soono'ssibie.; PURPLE GRAVE Hamilton, M: Hodgins; V: Purvis. r tar; AVCTI'ON1 SALE STOVE FOR':: SALE -Princess Pat On Thursday,* June ,29th at •8.00 coal orwood' range with water p.m ,•at•,Lot 4, Con, 12,,W D. Ash- • front, also a 9x1:1 Axaninster'rug,- field, ':a• frame house. on• •wall;' Apply.'.to CeeilBlake,: Duran- 26x18;•qiiantity',•,of oneinch• lum non; • phone 50-r-3. • ber and `'scantlings and some :posts, Jack lVlacIn'tosh, •Prop..;.. R: 3f LucknoMr, phone . Dungannon, 62-i-,11.; Wel'. Henderson, Auc. FOR SALE . Lumber, .timbers, pests, slabs, •. wood, etc., reason- able : prices. See; us' and' save ,money:; :benne• y ; k aun , p • ' 466 'or '401W2 Wirigharn, CARS The family. of the , late `;Mrs.. RADIATOR , CLEANING as re 1 • . Nancy Kennedy wish to acknow. • pairing 'at 'reasonable• •;cost::, Try ' `th:i'''cere t auks all• �the Bluevale • Repair Shop , for you.• ledge . vvi . sin thanks . rad troubles.. Phone'Harry Elliott, kind acts and expressions of Sym - 48=w -1 Vin haxrr..' pafhy.. 'extended _thea. :at the .time 6 g • of the death.'of their . Mother, ;with HOUSE FOR SALE=eight-room special thanks to • :Rev 1VI; G:' ton ,fraan:e liotzse in;L'ticknow, hard= ew. • woad • floors,- hard and soft water modern "conveniences`.. ,Apply, to. Wan FiJher,:' Lucknow; :Mr. and Mrs.' Ward : , Gemmel .and Billie of Exeter. 1VIrs.. Cox, .•her• brother; Jack Switzer and Mrs. ,Crispin; :\rete :recent visitors at the home of Mr. :'John • Emerj son.:• • Mrs. Edert Bushell, George & : Katherine are spending a. week at, their home :here Those.....attending : the Junior Farmers Meeting -at :Guelph were • _ . . lc:.. �-�A . ne ews J.os. Agnew oWa<rd. Ag ,new , MEMBER , OF • Ontario' Insurance Agents' Association 'GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years' Ago. 'Telephones: Business 39. • Residence 13,8 POSITION WANTED' • — H i g h school ' .;girl: wants position for July and /'August,. preferalbly. , at the lake..Phone Ripley 1.1=r-8, or .,write Mildred Anger,' R. '6 • Luck- • lins and. Francis.:Boyle. Mr. .George Emerson, Jr.,' has` purchased• a new Dodge sedan 'The, ;Instituteionic was::, eld: p h at 'Poplar Beach on ' Moiiday. •'Miss, IVlargaret: Robertson and' Donald spent a day tit Mr, Goldie. Huston's Mr.' and -Mrs. ;Joe Fitzsimmons and Marlene ° . of: Pinkerton,: Mr NOTICES TOCREDITORS". • and Mrs, : Waltei•. Foister: and persons 11` • havin . claims favi ily, 'Mrs. Johns Colwell.. were g recent' visitors at the home of Mr: against • the estate ' of • Francis Agar„"late of . the Village :sof Dungannon•, in the 'County of. Huron, Widow, who died on or about the '21st .day of •May; X9504 are notified" to send to the under- signed on or before the 3rd . day of. July A.D., 1950, •full :particulars, LAWN MOWERS' Of their, clairris in writing ' Tin - REPAIRED 'AND' SHARPENED mediately -after ,the Said 3rd. day. •'For . prompt and efficient 16f July the assets Lot the: said • • service see or call testatrix.' w i 1 i. be 4distributed. E. .W. RICE, ST. ':HELENS- amongst ' t h a parties entitled 'Phone 42-r-31, Lucknow... ;thereto,: ; having regard . only to claims , of , which :the .'executor shall then have' notice: • DATED this -twelfth •; day .June 'A.D.. 1950. ; Crawford & .I-Ietherington, Winghsm., Ontario Solicitors for . the 'Executor. NOTICE: • TO' CREDITQRS, IN nig� MATTER of : `the Estate •,M Donald' Finlayson, late of. the Villaige oi:•Lucknow in the Cum= ty of Bruce,. Retired, Farmer, `de-. • ceased. . NOTICE ^ IS . HEREBY GIVEN that all, persons having 'any claim against ,the Estate of the Said Dona14 Finlayson who,_ died at. Lucknow, Ont., on or 'about the third day• of .,June, A.D. 1050 are required to. file thein, duly veri fied, with the undersigned adminL :istrato•r on or before . the 22nd day of July, A:D, • 1950. AND NOTICE• IS'•..FURTHF;R given that iAfter the said date the administrator will proceed to. distribute , the said 2state. among the 'personentitled :thereto'. and he \will, not be responsible 'for ' the said assets' or any part there- .to anyone of whose claim he shall ' rot: then have received not:, - Dated at'Lucknow, Ont., this. 19th day .of June, A.D. 1950. Orville Finlayson ';,11.. R 6, ,Luoknow, Onto "Adrninistrator. • - of: NOTICE :TO CREDITORS All persons" having claim s' against the :estate of RUSSFI',L, C. ROBERTSON, late of the vill- age ;, of -Lucknow 'in the. County of Bruce, who died on or. about the third 'clay of May, A.D.. 1950, are notified' toSend to the Under- signed on or :before the fifteenth day of July, A:D, 105b,M full par- ticulars of 'their clair'iis in 'writ- ing:. Itim,ediately after. the said. 15th day of Ju•Iy the assets, of the said 'testator will be distributed • amongst . 'the ' parties entitled thereto, having regard, only .'to Claims . of -which the' executor shall then have notice. Dated this 24th day of June,' A.D... 1950:. Crawford &_,IIenthering:tgn, Barristers; etc. Wingham, 'Ontario. Solicitors for theExecutors(' Don ' McCosh. Mr.' and Mrs: Secord Graham.; Mr.: arid Mrs. Craigie, •Mr. and Mrs... 1AcCreight, Mr. and. Mrs., Saridres and • Mr. Bill Graham. visited ' at' the home' of Mr.. and. Mrs. Victor' , Gawley., Repairs to 'all: makes of cars Also agents for COCKSHUTT 'NE• 29th, .1950 SDR. T. B. CLELAN.D VETERINAUI N Havelock St.; south of Supertest Garage LUCINO'W, Telephone 175* and.; .; .k . *TAX . SERV.IC ONTH j Y. A'I L .AU.I)tI'S For• They. Sinall Mercha. t '>l•Pr � n , w c,sional jnari ':and . the Farre( r, • S: ` J. PYMM,:._ 'P,o. Box 74 -: Lucknow; Ont. • Wide .in •Ki'lpa.trick Block 'Phone 23-w . T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST IN L,UCKN,QWT;- FIRST, WEDNESDAY; OF EACH -MONTH • _ from 10ar.;to6pm at -• - MiD'� ORF-...•,,.: A kJ • ,• Insure In Sure Insurance WIND Fai•►ne1;Weather FIRE. •` Howick 'Fa:rin•c�rs'°:3'1�rtual', ' Car, Accident, Sickness . x Consult :JO'H N°, ;FARRI SH 'Phone 169-J, :I uekiiow Western CARD. OF ,THANKS The family. Of the late .Mrs: W. J McGuirewish to express their grateful ` -appreciation. 'for the kindnesses .. shown during their• recent bereavement. •, .'`We wish to thank our many. friends for their ;kind expressions of sympathy '. during • our. !recent bereavement. ' -• . Mrs. Orlviilier• Jones; Mrs, ,Nellie Scott. • •.SerVice ind• Satisfaction �lufb ng Ileating. Deep Well and Shallow Well Pumps sold and installed.:, r , • 'EAVETROVG, HING AIRCONDY'r"f (NII\iG' ' ro .° • Art :Gilmore{ R R, 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r430Dungannon. -'Phone 53, Dungannon INSURANCE Co -Operative ;Lite Insurance' Co-Oper:4ive 'Automobile Insurance, Mercantile &' Fartn Fire - Insurance Economical and Reliable . : _•TRON A►. � •C�►I�A� • `LlICKNOW 'Phone 701-r-10 Dungannon / / / 0 u d 'State. Farm u tori obile nsur. ance .Company: •. ASSURES "SOU • LOW -RATES 'ith protection in a 1'iigh .category. Investigate Before You Invest ALEX aALEX T. .1� c.N Agent, Phone 1.77 Lucknow 1 NOW IS THE: TIME. To Order A Threshing Machine 3 sizes- 22x32, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing Complete H. HODGINS R. 'R. 1, Holyrood, Ont. °. 'phone 36-r-13 Teeswater'� 1 NSU,RA. CE:,:. FIRECASUALTY, AU'i'QM O R I I I' AND I.I FE To Pi otect 1 i :.Inst. With. J;,rk 'I��clay. J A.McDCNAG%i R; lt. 3,'I;ucicnn;t��, Ont:, 'Pl otic �li:lt-ii, .1)ung innoii' • R. W.' ANDREW Barrister: and' Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office. in tli.e .Joynt Block. � • Telep tone Off ice 135, . Resicierice' 31-3- ► MacKenzie . .t� . Stuar ',Barrister . and Solicitor V.VA'LKCRE(N, ()N'i'ARIO. I:N- EUCKNOW . bF'FI(.�)'.JI N HENPI??,I.SP+' i-'N1,OC . R. S Hetherington" K Cr, "''Barrister, rte, Winghain and t;,iicknoW: Il�t "LUCItNOW Each 'Monday. aria Wednesday. Located on the World floor in .the ffont of John Kiipatrirlc's E;uildti 'Phone Wingliam • Office 48 Residence