The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-15, Page 71950 a n 4i were • ,n iie sx,iu G iutn,�' Fntarid. trip;: ,r c•s ,kn. 4 anti; cn LGfjG it:. , 1 y. kIgire- ss a t1 ip.' arid essial' .Sec: y Mar- • 'who asterri. ?aisley:• "ice. in• 1 Sun- a� ser n n�•=tie-;-'-' iuriday' '•.. ted,. by •• inth Rey,.s t dtno. ' aeI ec: kri and ver. the King 'THURSDAY,. JUNE 15th, 1950 WEDDING BELLS . HISHOLM--WATSON The marriage of Wilma Marion,. , daughter. :of Mr;J'and .Mrs, Harry' 'Watson, R. 3, Auburn, to Benson want Chisholm, son of .Mr. and Mrs, BenChisholm, Colborne TuwnShip•, tookplace in the 11:e - tory of the • Roman Catholic ,Church. at • St° Augustine, The doable ring' ceremony. was per- formed by Rev.' Fr, Smith. • The bride wore a white' gabar= aft with orchid: corsage anal bite accessories. She ••was .attended ':by her ter; Eleanor; • Watson . of London,; in: lavefl i r gabardine suit with. white accessories and corsage or yellow®. roses: Rarlald 'Clrisholni; of D;ungar non, vas .grpilmsman, • 'Fo'r a.`. .trip to ••Ottawa and r• Maantrsal,,, the bride' donned , .a pink and white shorty coat: On their return they will reside on the gr',00in's :'fmim .in Coibor:ne ToWns1:4, •THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO BL.41.1cr'8 W'.1\11.8, " The Juni meeting of Flake's WKS-. Was. held Tuekday,,,:,Ju,ne fith .in I uk. s hall, with thirteen .Members • fa, went, 'C hi s w' S' a ' grandtnott:rc.1 s' ' rtrc°etint and the five grandmothers present, Mrs. Isaac Cranston, Mr .G: ariund'ers,• IVlts. k � Currin, Mrs, Irvine Henry. and Mrs, C.: �WuolleY coach gu•vt:. a reading, Th•e presi- dent, Mrs. Henry„,"..v'as• in ,the chair, •11ti's••Craai-i ton read the bc.'>:ip,tut•e. At the close of • the meeting. refreshments shrrrents ere serv- ed by, the: ; a'auni;er members, in•- cluding deliciu'us.grrandmother's ,crake.'iniAtle .by:'Ws: Henry T:TENp•°;NORRI A.LLIN' • H OS OR .PAIO .D: BY HACK.ETT TO'LK•. The ' basement' " af' ' Hackett's Church was cro'dAd with friends. and 'well-wishers an Tuesday • ev- • ening, June •6tb, on the occasion of the farewell for Mr; an.d °Mrs.. • Albert Alton and Miss. Bernadean .aff„er •a lifetime spent in. Belfast m.enllbers • and actilve workers Of. Hackett's ohurch,, ,A short pro- gram was given' including com= Triunity singing, piano. solos. by Mrs. Spence Irwin, Miss Mary Al- ton, and Jirnxriie Hackett; speech- es, by T. A. •Cameron -and; 13,oy, Alton;.; readi4giby :I'Irs, Woolley; duet by • i onalda',and.° Freda Hac kett :and,, the ,':Journal Bert"'Alton:..During the program Miss, °1✓1nil.ra organist; .Was Called to',the front 'and the fol': •lowing '.address '• read by: Miss wAt an cafterncrun. c'cremony.. Sat 'Leri adean Alton. y urduy - • i;ri Trinity Methodist, Dear Elmira, Church, liigh1a11d 'Park, Miehi- : We your. friends •aid fellow gan,. Dr .:Paul ,Morrison united in marriage, Miss Carolyn. Allin, daughter of the late Mr, arid Mrs. . 1ia:ruld A ll i n of 1.,ticl, nov•, Ontario. 'CLIAAR1NG SALE of all blank- . to, \Jh ''r•nn :N ',r I Norris, i>, 1:1 •cif' 1VIr. ets, greatly reduced.; The: Maykct ancl 11Ii � Vl i1Ji'Yn Norris, Of Car- :.e,t.ta, V e:it Virginia, Store, .Luckhow. ' Beatt.y i ea et Beatty .Deep• Well Pumps' Beatty' Three -Way Trumps Chicago' :Aermotor Deep Well C g ;. Pumps and Windmills • Plumbing, Heating,, Eavetroughing Pump• and •Windmill''' Repairing Isamu / • ■ a.•: • • 1 •■ r9.,. a / a i `. ■ / 1 ■ r: i / / . ■ iand:�i• a. e a' 1 . •i • / .• Les. OR :II • • r; • ars..■ r.' / itzpatricl :Rr 1f-3-, Go�derich:' 'Phone 1.2-r -3. ' Dungannon ::The bride 1'v:a:;. given in mar-: r'i'ri� c • },y h7Or •uncle:. -1\11:. Huntley Gordon of ;Detroit, Michigan, Car- worker's workers in, Ii.ackett's -United Church have;lor};g desired -to show i. .,sortie tangible way, our,: deep ppre a'iation'of' Four, cheerful' and .1 c � .faithful service .as" organist of church and Sunday :S.chool.. Music is 'an iniport•ant .Part Of the :worship • service, add- ing greatly .to: its:, reverence and beauty, therefore the off.ibe of LANGSIDE a: ilt- R CLEANER The Ladies ,Aid • �eltl glint- CLOSER, • ing on Tuesday , att a home Of.. "'PAGE SEVEN' TRE IDE4 GIFT h Sheaves: an LESS.T:IME., Mrs.. Peter Moffat, Kinloss, "^• • The W.1VLS. met at the Manse on Thursday. Mrs. Neil. MacDon- ald presided. Mrs. •; John Richard - eon prepared the program. . Anniversary .services. will: be held thiS :Sunday; June 18th 'with Hardwick; ;Teeswater, an charge: Services 'at ."1,1 a.m. and,. 8.00 p.m., 'DST; -On Monday, June:, 19.th at '8.30 p.M. the ,Ladies Aid. are holding a social evening the, church, The ,Y:P S ,met on Monday • ev ening at, the. home of: Mrand Mrs. Charlie.Tiffin. `Jirn R ehar V �ro son .yeas • In charge: � of the p . _ bram: 'Miss Emn'ria Richardson is visit- ing; ;with.. frierds in Detroit - Miss, Dolena Om of London ',is.. spending the `week' at home ,IVIr,• and Mrs.' j. S ' itli of 1Kin- ,ca dine ..spent Sun d 'with Mr. and Mrs: F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffat arid. family and 'Mr. and. Mrs.. :Eugene. Conley and family staertt Sunday. .with Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Arnold Vint Miss Helen DonaIdson of •Galt: is ,spending' a' few: days at her, rying a cr csCe:nt bouquet. of rose' 't-,rganist. is a `•responsi'ble post- bids "wind .baby calla •ladies; .theI tion, calling• 'for' .,special: talent bride' ore a dress': of cl fihandy Atted swiss s athY : • These: attributes mu soline de-sF,rtr q�et .�t ffeta- yau-possess toga h�glx-degree, anct They fingertip:veil. 0fillusion was :.that'. youhave• given 'them so •b held in" place'y'• a: cup trimmed whale-heartedly:in ..the work of seed pearls.,•1 the.'Lord, adds immeasurably to ,The atteridants, Jean Allin of their •usefulness. Tor,.ontd.as.maid-of=honor and the • 'We ask. you,• .therefore,: "bridesrnaid,` •Isobel Wilson; of Sar, ria, .and Leofta Norris of Caretta ledgement of our, debt to. you 'and West,.'Virginia, wore • matching, hope we'' may •long,` continue to gowns ;'of wh .te embroidered or- • Sing. praises : to the • sweet :ganza• ; over orchid :taffeta and' accompaniment; of ' your' ,music: picture' hats ' trf 'oi'ghid Mohair,' Signed, on. :behalf of '+ your They carried ''colonial, bouquets ;of- lrien•ds at Hacketts: yellow ..:daisi.es a,nd`•: