The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-08, Page 8• THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL,. ttu KNOW, ONTARio • 1 ' .a for , z . . FATI-IER'S, DAA", SUNDAY, JUNE 18th ade of Presents i T.o, simplify this problem of Father's I)ay ,hopping bere •1 • Arm the gifts, Dad seems to -favor: FORSYTH SKIRTS,—White and Stripe ,Broadcloth PIES. . FORSYTH FORyS3�TH''SHORTS.�• ' NLERCLTRY SOCKS HOLEI'ROOF 'SOUKS i' • FORSYTR: PYJAMAS—Broadcloth. ; AOI.EPROOF.TOPS & B'RrFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS empleton BORN' I > NDERSON" In Walkerton ori Wednesday, May 3lst,. to Rev: and • Mrs, Wm., A. ,Hen- derson of Walkerton, ' a son: • , THOMSON—in Wingbani $ospi- tal ;on Wednesday, May; 31st, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Dan Thomson, : 2nd Concession, a son,. ' •PRITCHARD-iii•Winghain 'Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, ',June •lst to Mr an:d'Mrs .•Elmo Pritcl - ',rd, ; R. ' 1, Lucknow, a son::' The infant' died' a few, •hours after. birth. AITCIISON-in 'London on S urday, June •3rd, to .Mr, 'and Mrs. Jinn Artethsn (nee Celia rWilson); of London, :a, :son. McDONAGB>--in: ,'Wingham .Gen eral: Hospital' on Saturday, June 3rd to Mr. and.. _ Mrs. Jack, Mcg Donagh, 11." 3 Lucknow, a son, ' THAT.. Mr John D.. Ross •acted` .;as' projectionist •onil •S'upday ev - ening for the showing of a film in, the •United•Church,, depicting • ;the persecution. :of the early �s rw eel at T_H, O _M PS O_ N ' S Maf f ets' l(Vliole:: Wheat , Riseuuits 2 Jboxes • 7c., Edd's Redbird Matches Eddy'a . Special! 3 .boxes 23c Club House ,`Coffee Special 1 . ib. • 90c Hawes Lemon, Oil., • Bottle. . '., :25.c Makes' furniture & woodwork. shine like new .; Christies Cheese ' Ritz Bob .' . :. 23c' • For party, picnic or that .. botween meals snack. • PRINCESS `SOAP FLAKES I.. • r Safe .•for your •firiest• silk; . .woollen•s. BJJX 29c J.t iC. • 1' MPSON'S "The Store of Friendly • Service" • Phone 82` .We Deliver Christians: THAT 'Mr Herbert • Dirstein of '- Elmwood :' • w,a s temperance • speaker around the . Ashfield • CirOStinday :and presented ,the termperahce case;' Very im- press vely. ,THAT' Lorne Ritchie;•: who ' .suf- fered a back.. injury 4n a. fall :a • dear .ago; underwent. an op- eration on his ' spine in Owen, Sound Hospital on Puesday.'Mr. ite it is surprising to see what A• SSEE B THE SENTINEL. . (Continued from page 1) • THAT Alex NLaclntyre .complet- ed :his. 2nd pre -medical year with,frst•elass honors -as shown. in results issued, by t e' ersity of Toronto last /week; THAT there is a Sentinel reader who would, like to locate an •old-fashioned °,picture -viewing stereoseepe,. Iwl ich'. would,, be aVailaIble'::f'or •hospital:, use. -6— THAT We slipped up. in passing .'on a. 'chuckle that arose from :the recent earlymor'ping' :f ire` call to 'Norman Stewart's. sFire. Chief K.: C 'NLurdie got the Stewart hones mi, ed in taking instructions` over'th,e �phone!and.� • dashed: kouth to the home of Mrs. A. ••P. Stewart' probably thinking that, he was showing his heels oto•the. rest of the. Bri-• gade as there wasn't. another, in-esi ht. Arriving ` at the.. -•----soul. g • • lll~'t7RS!I AY, JUNE (ith, 1950 • • That Summer Vacation is not too far distant. •Now is te.. Wile to complete- your Summer Wardrobe while • • the ;Selection is good. SLACKS -=gabardine, froetpoint, alpine;, checks. Sizes 13 20r St OR ^S corduroy, dril ,. gabardine,•. alpine, all sha des ansa• sizes, • T:wSIIIljTS small; mediurri and large , Nylon . Pullovers and Cai digans ; Nylon Anklets,. sizes 9-1O ., SEE THE NEW. "•Linda Line" Combination, Blouse and Mi riff--ideal for wear with Slacks or Shorts, :or in ,. SUNDRESSES—�w%th.. bolero,pinafore style, s�lc,s. 12 2Q;,•. COTTON' DRESSES—,sizes'`` 12-F20, 38-44; f Also' Play Togs and Dress. Vii tSty.les for'. Girl's agzic} Boys..': TOT -TO -TEEN and` LADIES' WEAR' 'Phone 89-w Lucknow, Ontario 0. ! III I I !li iI (!i I i II I'I! I 1 ,IIIflllllllllllllfIII! IIIIIIIIIullllll11111111 Illlullllllllllll 111 IIL IL .ILI, I lllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIiIIILIII 1161111111 :i � I I art ihoine he met Otto : �1161..,1111lItl.11ll:., i 11 . 1 I I I II I IIIIIIIIILIIII,rJlllll!l 1111111 :tew etersen, pyjamas, 'who wanted to .know •of• the Chief:where the fire Was., To the reply "It's here",. Otto got , the idea maybe , he really. Was 'missing something'andgex- • citedly repiiedi `Well, I'll .go and see •THAT• J Greer:has. (beep. • I the 'lightning ,rods: on check'lig g g , ,. ;schools in':Ashfield. Township, "Wand`pgrods uttin , :,on two of the schools not previously equip- ped.: "In ` checking the. rods , on the.: Dungannon school, he. Adis"-. 'covered one _point badlyfused,. indic•,oting that at some time it has. served its :purpose in , pre, tecting the school. Mr. Greer is: keepinig• the.rad::as a souv'eriir. • He says that in the 35. years • .that. ,he has . installed rods;:.he has never losta building' that was ; rodded. —O- THAT Iallfalfa" : suffered ,heavily during the past` winter due, to eaving. To the aiveraig'e urban- • ` SIVE WHAT • • FATHER'S EXPECTING: - •a t .lvai 0. At. sale this •spring and are now living' in. Port' ' WE1g'in where ,Lorne is. the Rawleigh agent' iii that, district. Lilo-' I'.US "CUIL UU w LILebe,; ejn embedded ,roots.., Last; week" we mere shown a:two-foot root,., 'heaved. • cleanly, out of the. ,ground , by the action on Jack Frost last winter when, alfalfa. THAT the weekly 'cominuiiity fields lacked their usual blank= sales at Jack %Maclntosh's' sale' 1;- ' et of protecting snow:` Our: in• ,barn' -are -:-quite. _s successful_ and 1 _ ,are bringing, together. '.,.large numbers •• 'of (livestock,. fbuyets:, and. •sellers• --each.. Wednesday: Last week's sale saW a turnolver. of 'about $6;000. A conuminity •:.furniture sale; .including. every- -thing. and ` anything but , live_ stock, . is ' `slated ' for Saturday ` • ward': Hotel •'afternoon,: June. l7th. —o-- formantsays'that 'hundreds. of acres of al"fal-fa were destroyed last :winter: • • SHIRTS SPORTS. SHIRTS' PYJAMAS TIES ,-SHORTS.. SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS" Choose from'our - Complete S.toc FORSYTH ARROLFOUR ST: •x .L'adiesand Men's ;We:ar" 'Phone 85 Lucknow:; Grit; I � I li :�IlllllllllfllllllllllllllllllUI1111111111111161dIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIINIII.IIIIIIHIIIfIIIIIII OfIIlI1111111111{IIINIIIIIIIIIIIINllll1111;R1(�IIN',IIL,iIIdidII,111,I,IIILNII,llllli . k..• —V_ ',THAT Mrs: Lloyd. Ashton was in Toronto. on Tuesday 'attending the. fashion 'show • and dinner.:' that evening• inthe King Ed —o� TEAT a• g; e n e r a 1 proficiency THAT, there comes a time in the shield is rbein{g • put up .!by the ' life of;: every little .girl: and: boy •Lucknow. .high , School Band - when they:lose those' first teeth. Qnlyband members are eligible Elizabeth Finlayson,` is going for this award,' through .that stage now,, . with •—o—• \1 .its accompanying lisp Last THAT•the sulbscriiber who queried week Elizabeth .came second in about the control of silver fish, the 'rade, for' girls age 7.•T'he. has followed. Graham •"'Mac - party' Who ''Was .. recording the Nay's': recommendations _ a n d. • ,names didn't • know the l.giris: found the "`recipe" sam.ost effect personally" so Elizabeth's name ive. She Wishes -to let' Mr. • Mac - went into the records as it• Nay know .this• and tothank' sounded to hian (and was pith- him; (verymuch for the time he lisped thlat` way), as Elizabeth • took to forward thisinformer- "Phillisson." tion to The Sentinel. or Spring and Summer Wear`:. r'. (e'n's, Boys' and. Children's Sizes Goodrich' and: Fleet Foot. :anvas Outing' Shoes We have a complete stock' of these lines. for';, summer wear, for every member of the family• THAT W. N. .(Bill)' '• Crawford, son of Mr: and Mrs. Orah Craig - ford of London and formerly of,Ripley, graduated in Medi= cine; from Western. University on Saturday. THAT • Rewe J; ,*C4, McNab of •Lz'cknow and' Reeve;'•Gearge Tiffin. of: • Kinloss are, among Brucereeves attending= Coun4y y e the June. session ,this week at Wharton, Il: `Summer and. SpringMerchandis