The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-06-08, Page 2'PAGE TWO THE 'LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , DUNGANiON Miss Irene Menary, elder dau- ghter of Mr. aid Mrs. Hugh Men-. airy, 9th ;Con,''.of .Ashfield, was feted on :Monday' night,- prior to • her marriage, with a misceltan- coos; shower and presentation by 'friends and members of .the Blake United Church; in the Blake's community hall, " WBich •- was at- tractively .decorated for :the oc- rasion: Rev,- C, B,.• Woolley, pas- ' tar,. of the: church, presided as ',chairmanfor the 'evening,' which began with" Miss •� Shirley .Sher- Mr, and 'Illus, .Palmer Kilpat rick,• 'Cheryl a» Brian spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Kilpatrick.. Mr,, and Mrs. Melvin. Henry & ;family ''of 'Pine' River ,spent Fri- day evening with. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester :Finnigan, 14r, and *Mrs.. Clifford Crozier, Billie', and Joanne, visited -Sunday in �W•ng. h and attended flow- er service in; the ;United Church there. Mr. 'Roy Maize spent ••two, days : •in..London' attending. the London' 'Conference of the United church •of. Canada. ' - ' • Master Lorne Henry of • P'irie River spent:; •the 'week -end" With e*. and aunt• Mr. ' and .Mrs. his. unci.._ ...... .., , .• Chester Finnigan. • .Mr'. and Mrs.- Jack Curran ,and farziily spent • Sunday. evening•. With' 'Mr.' and Mrs. Allan Corbett and family of Cedar` Valley,' 'and Mrs. Cecil' Blake and 'family spent Sunday . evening wit h Mr..arid 'Mrs. • S.. J. Kilpat- rick.. •. 'W'ood .., :playing wedding pan++arch strains to which Irene was usli-• specially •decorated. seat . �ered' to a apec . y ., 4 in the:, centr+�. of the .half." Mrs.. • Wooley :.,gave a 1 ' ja orous . read ' ing •Alfie tenburg played -' - and .. Lo • amouth organ selection.: A hum- .orates debate provided .part of the 'entertainment.. • M i s s Shirley •Sherwood, affirmied that .single• life has more' advantages than married 'life and the negative was taken by' Ivan Rivett and War-. r the eveningthe Zinn. During bride-to-be and Mr: Keith Blake,; her, [Fiance, Were read an. address .of best: wishes.' A .lovely' aril;+ght • 'floor lamp and a' heavy ,piece of • , •aluminum kilx henware w.vaspre- seiited to them.. They each re- sponded in words Of appreciation and• 'voiced +a.swelcome•to their future borne.: At', the close of the• cv+erii'ng' a. delicious lunch was served and the bride Mand ' groom' passed :cake..... Mrs. Hugh Menary,ron two' of ternoons and evenings` previous to her daughter Irene's'E wedding, entertained- at trousseau° tea s •f or -. 100. guests.; Assisting With the tea Were Mrs..•'WYn. .Andrew, Mars. ris Cobk, ''Mrs. ` Clifford' Kit pattick and Mrs Livingstone, Menary: .,re : by ansa. e -act: la s d "the United Churdi• -W. A: • and . e'n- acted .; b I.tr:•Persons from the • Y Dugs `' United Walton : Y.P':;ii of..'D s Church was' held: Monday night in, the Parish hall: The. ,:Play, • en- titled'' "Henpeekea' Heirs'' , was' •;well given with: Rev.: `G :Hazel PEE-WEE..TROPHY PRESENTED ,As a preliminary ,feature'.of the -Flood Relief bingo on Monday bight, Lucknow Pee.-Wees :were presented with the • Reg McGee and Sons trophy, emblematic of the ';championship of 'the Young Canada Day hockey' tournament held in the Gederich. Arena dur- ing Easter week,: Bill Pa'p pas, president of . the Charnber of Comirrerce and man- ing play • the . la to be well' named Mrs'.`. John .Ryan left.' Tuesday. for Isle gton after .receiving word that her;; daughter,' Mrs. Gordon. ill :With an infection froth contact With some plants: °' while . working i . the :flower ,gear - h g n. den. The spread of .the infection was so2newhat'4'affling the. spec-. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan,` Lorne 'Henrynd •: Tom Master Y 'Culbert 'attended the Junior Far - C n Sat- urday; ,-field day at Corrie o_• ' ager of :the•, Pee -Wee Club, was • master of 'ceremonies•and called 'on a foursome of Goderichites- who: were , present' for., 'the ;;pies.- `ncludedl "Nip". „pres- entation.' They. • � .. r Whetatane;" the prime exponent of THURSD:AY,, JUNE .8th, '195Q. L.O,OK•I NO� 'rB K ,;;ARDS. THROUGH THE. SENTINEL: '.FILES • o . o'clock the east wail had col- . Sixty: Years � Ag The, Junior ' Sepoy Chid• was organized with lowing .officers: hon.. ipres.,, Jas. Bryan; pres., M. Campbell,: Jr..; vice pres.; D. R. .McIntosh; cap;`- gain, Jaynes Kerr; secretary, D, N,. • ,aWrence; ' treasurer; . 'John Berr: field "captain," William Yr, Grundy, .Jr.;-'inanaging; commit- ttee, F. Gordon, Ab Whitely, Dave , .Thompson and George•Kerr. P..•Cook, graduate of the On-- y .f lapsed inho the tawn'besici Hol, Lacrosse lyrnan's Bakery. Aon .hour later tkle.. fol- the • west wall collapsed, John: I-layworth was badly burned and barely escaped from tlhe base- menta Kenneth • "Maclntosh of Stratford jumped from' the ;sec* : oil .storey oaf the building _when smoke and fire e�ut:off his escape,; Mr,- and'Mrs. Charles Stubbert M who had the hotel leased;°'lost. e rythin . they: ;owned. Duck•. How's Old fire 'Protection • sySten ,provided poor ,water'pressure and, .: en be ide Dr Ten callbd Ibut on Tarriival could d •Yo'ung ana. a . ay, ],and;, man�agero � �._Y, . .. . Mrs. �'enneth Carne'fon;' 'wlio' •' M 1' in Frill, who helped , ; •J. Bennett, : painter,.' .ape. nod • a Arena,. e v 'ate Alex• � D�.avison s. tario. Veterinary College,' • who . ' the • Kincardine Fire. Bi !:gado. was specialized in ' herse ' dentistry, w Lorne Lake- evened an 'o Ice s o Canada D office. ,- ' nothing. . y. - derich n'ant s O Of the Ga • LUCIEN"VINE :, a former Roina•n '�t Spoke, to 'over: +Catliol'vc ries , p ., P. aikerton •Pres 700 .people • in, W, hui:ch recently.;.'The hyterian C, service '• was 'conducted by' the Pastor; Rey.: Wtrn;•. A. 'Henderson and Dr; ,C°'.Fi: MacDonald • of. Bluer. vale offered prayer Mrs. Frank • Jones cn,. Tuesday entertained•friends to a trousseau. tea • in 'honor, : of her. -youngest aU hter Pauline rwhose mar7. riage.takes• pace :Saturday, 'June :10th at .• Erskine.' Presbyterian • 'church,'.Dunganion ;Mrs.. ,Ernily Durnin, Margaret Joy and 'J. C. ,spent the Week -;end gat El'rnira,' and:. on their return were ;accompanied by. Mrs. W. H. IVI„, *hp had ' been visiting, hers .sari Bill and'' family . for week and also• her:daugihter,, Mrs. Alfred Heffferd; .Toronto.: Recent �visi'tors, With Mises Nettie and 'Rebina Sproul ` were Mr. •: and Mrs.J.. D.. Hesson and 'Miss Clara •,Sproul, Stratford '.and. Mr Wm: Begley, Hamilton;'. and Mrs..Robert W lsono.ofrGoderich Mr.. tack Rivett• was seriously ill last. •week' arid received: •treat- 'meet for a few days at Victoria`. 3-oizder-was retu ' ed. home. h 'i roe e d ed .home• and is much mp . •'Rev. M. G. Newton of en's United Church' preached at, Dungannon:- United church Sunday morning in exchange with Rev.:' J. 'Bright, who °gave the 'anniversary address . at White- church fox' VLr. Newton OVIrs. 'T: Park .gave` her. home•. for'the June meeting:of St. -Paul's, Anglican. 'Guild':with• a: fair `atten g dance... Mrs. "'Ben Mole. ::presided and opened b • reading • the 105th .0 Y psalm' and. •the Lord's prayer.'was r eated ' in union.. Rev. A.E. a•nd Mrs.Tavener were present. Plans. 'Were made for confirma- tion onfirmation and a reception on June . ` �ed and 'e El evert +~-ill abe confrrh x ceive• memberslii at Dungannon: P • had been bedfast for: tV,�a year's I o make the event a sue; shop oppose _ ' neat y t ftYrniture :'shop.. died:' at her Borrie: here in: her :cess and Reg McGee, donor of 55th Year:, ;' ' anad.e the Pres- Fire at. Bervi;e destroyed N, ,. • f 'i a .. Mrs,. : Nin, and Mrs;, John Blake inov,: the trophy, vsrho • Jack•Ghin' on,behalf' Mclntyre's • Post f c e.d • to Win Iia• w: eritation to .., , e and _, ., . g m her c. N1r, Blak of the (bays:, . , assns ed a i ahari�'s i~lc�rist, :aelse eedham sred d, Vit• gg • ,Gabel s s Firedestroyed•m +llunoc-Ott • hsstole,GallaghrttG e 1VIr.' Pa pas •: ealled . on '.:Coach , and d. welling,•- George Pappas 'tore D 'Thompson and, Trainer o:. •• •Gar!butt s tailor shop;' ,N. ,Harr;., • eurpled house on,•,Allisl:a�r;'s'Hughec' ' a ersen "to take a bow. d:• store W:..Anderson's farm.. It was 'an ;old ;la•ncltti• •1; Ori P t . ,gan s fee , and roup Individual • cups .. g dwelling.•the Lucknow-HoTyi�oid road,' • cos were ' iesenfed'tto each ;M as' `held at' the McCharles Brothers' leased the pho p A banquet w n the:.tro..h winning. team: � ' .in:Ibonor.ofAlex Mc_east store ire the John'ton::Block boy o , p• Y Cain. House . ho .nor Baker ' Kenneth .•MacNay;. Inti i•e looal merchant,. who was.::'and'' ,fitted it up: for. a grocer4y., n Sieve , prior City s or, . Ernie Crvbson;•Ian1•Marshall, departing• 'fore .Sup y, +Carnegie, •Kenneth • Hodgkinson, Jack Chin, Bab Mowlb-Fay, •Roy: y Frri�,berlin, Len Clark, JimmYWit- son;. Bill Fisher, Clair •Thuelle and 'Wayne Mason.: In coping the trophy the Lusk - now lads wonfour straight games~ scoring 31 goals `with.. only: one. ;scoredagainst tii.em' • ■'uu■i■■ uu■.■■1■■■uu iiIUusiones■sus■■UUii■ss;.0 ■ Have YOU Made Your Donation To The :• ie: ■ • ■ • ■ ■ • •In • • -Lucknow Leave :Donations At Y ." , Bank' 'of Montreal' Sentinel' Office: �. : ' M'cl im's .Drug Store. ■ •• i' .; o • ii Give■ Liberaily r P ,. r ■i Local campaign sponsored by Lucknow ■ in`7Vhunicip�tl I (Council: and. The Chamber of Commerce. ■'' ni■■is■■I■'U■■1.■■w*Ih1■■■ ■misty'shill■■ru's■sih■iism■ OBITUARY ERNOL ARDN If—S , G 1g TEUl ce ; in. ok a ' The . marriage •t` 4 p Win' hams .on May- 24th of:'Joyce , g . Helen., • Steuernol second eldest daughter of Mr. 'and .Mrs:. :Elsner. Steuernol of Teeswater and Mark • Ivan `Gardner, • son of Mr:and Mrs; Mark Gardner of 'Wiingham. • The Rev 'Alex,Nimmo per >f "i�med the -cereony at ' the. 0 Presbyterian, .Manse.' was . becomIn 1 dressed in...aa feather' . blue •-suit, grey hat and grey shoes, and her si ter June 'Beryl, Ibridesntai-d,. was attired ` in grey suit,' navy: blue.. hat : and: �''rey shoes. Mr., Bbl g Lorne. Gardner brother 'of ,the w.as best man: . groom, , •'A' wed ing.arid birthday,, ,d tier, was ,`served ..at 'the home- of the groom's, mother,; Mrs:. Mark: Gardner,. it being the date of.lief : 'birthday, also ;the •birthday of. het, eldest son, Lorne Earl in the evening 'the• bridal Y . ,the ; . 2 from :,�Iolyroad co Early b. motor`. to. Hamilton, , up Yth :ity `' and �• 'Bu• falo: • The Kinlougk : cam unl y Niagara' Falls-aridf Mrs, Robert `McConnell before ldiichigan. 'ng black ack . plug -hats eats mem- Weare P g bets. of Lucknow; Lodge No. 112. I.O.O.F.•' headed by 'the Fire Bri-. ade•' Band .marched to the .Baptist church where : they`' were addressed .by the pastor, 'Rev. J. B MoKirinon • Thirty -Five .Years Ago Bell and Dowse were advertis ;nag. .a' -`,`Great ;Dissolution A Wood` -sawing bee rwas, held at Jean. 'Ches.-nth' who trained for' a . nurse: at Rochester; passet1 her. •R N: • examinations • Ma:1co1m C p ampbel 1, . a son of, .Lucknow's •firsy merchant, ,died in , 'Cobalt.' and'; Was bullied. in South'•Kkiloss Cemetery: Ile was. , the las' °r of, six.,brotliers, and was: . urvived' by. two sisters Mrs. H,' Fierce of Winnipeg; :and Mrs T. Watson of ' Lucknow, ' at ,;whose home the ; 'funeral servie'e '• was held: Notwithstanding: • the loss of • John Hogan's'followed.by+a°dance the Cain• House by .fine, Locknote':' rartepayers, .,voted l2� • to 118, that: continued' Ito the wee. •sma +a ai�nstinst llin hours, with• :music 'provided' by• • g . a • , g a. $65,000,':aom.-. esti.c' .water 'system. Messes: Towle; .1VIcKenzie, 'Nelson.... and Lannan, ,accompanied by Miss . : • BarnbyBagpipe ':imisic''• was fur - Y .. nished by. 'Messrs.'. Fairish and MacKenzie. • The deattih of J. G. ' Murdoch occurred suddenly on February 24th' in. his, 57th year, removing . a Ten ;Years Ago In early . Marcie George Robin g son ` enlisted in the YR C A;F. Georgetown Ji.minated Luck- ' • o. a d n ,:bv;.. leading business man, an :pi • 11-7 'on ° the- retied. TheSopa, spirited _ novas. o l Hat o ld Ritchie: 1' u a g Citizen. He had attendedine ':. 't -he 'funeral of; Walter Stewart ' def.; Geor-,g4--Book,—,Keith McC.or' or - that : afternoon, another `.protnin- •snick centre ;.Babe' Book;;canis, ent business man of•''the .village. Herold Greer Jack.; l± ;she:alt.;. Mr. Murdoch was reeve: of ,tbe Bill' Harris. Cam Thompson, El 'village : at "the''titme; •of •his death.,. • wood Solemn,. Leonai d• McDan- The. Mallough hotel.; at Dun-'' ald, Bob McKenzie fire. gannoh,, 'was..•.destroyed '.by . Mr.. and . Mrs; George Swan, Sr. The 'building was owned. by •Ev= -erect Malloug h andthe business were.:5'4 'yea's mai r•ied operated. by J aures Durbin: • 'James •Webster, died.' at his Rural • delivery o'f .-11-1 ail :Was home West of 74th commenced • on• routes 3 and 6 year.. out of Lucknow :androuteS, 1' and The,"farm ;borne ofLorne Far- risk .was: destroyerd bey. fire>..• 'the L O.L:' Lodge honored 'Mr. „& THAT one the : High Scllof 'the': memnbers''of..thee rrioved' to'Bervie:' ' : 'oo l., .. Band lost their Judge Klein was ? appointed 'Bruce :Countvi wage to.su'cceed, cornet mouthpiece. and is. very,, . anxious. to 'have: the finder re- :the late ,Mr. Barrett: • turn ; Dave Moody, former Lucknow,. it.: , ' barber, died ,suddenly at Berlin (Kitchener). A. brother Robert died suddenly two weeks before. I sat before the glowing. fire, My' m sigaz.ine'• a nread, . : Twenty . Years " Ago Then I slipped 'off t'o drew-blantl Fred Fomsythe, agricultural rep- • and ` Lay back, With nodding ,head.'resentative, held .a ; meeting in Lucknow to discuss making Bruce The long long years were wiped County. a restricted area for 'away stamping .Out, bovine •tu'bercul- And I again a ;boy • SWEET DREAMS' osis. Around the Hernlock •City- school -The 'Cain I -louse Lueknaw's Those school mates whooped with only hotel, was destroyed by:fi.re. joys/ • but of the happy past they -carne I knew 'thein all' by name, We played the •old school''games, 'Once mores They' all looke$F just the ,same Aird then the school bell rang, and we •• - Marched in, in one lank. row, We answered te the. roll call just As in the long ago.' 'Then I 'awoke; tw• aa just a .dream But' Oh-- t was •ju ,t: swell,: To sdeyy' iy school mates once., " ' again o- P And. hear, the old school bell. • 1VI;'"luckinghan ,. which _ broke' out' about • 11, a:m.,-en. Friday, March 28.th., *By one, . Rev. F,, C.. McRitchie of the •. Ktoin:WaLou+gh lkertoparish'n,tiv'-*.. tr;lnsferred.` : • ... �-et Johnston /.Roulstnn nit Ol i died in his '87th: yea F. •Nlalcolin retired after thirty- i in tll'c' tt',mAtey'l ousi' eight "years , Hess. The,Lucknnw F1OOC "lihed in 1865, hitch-bee,n in opera- tion for X75, years, • : $igh, School fiil;�l city awards were . made, •a5. senior boys, Jatk Leith; runner-up, Gor- don Seward junior, ' Ross Pat tn; n -p,' GParrish; senior girls, :Mtii~y Sa1kerantid, rctn:; Hers-uersop,ruEvelynneruT`ai'lor,. G'a►'olyn Al in; ' junior; ,i at:hel in'e «Prost, runner-up; 'Moi -mei Ri•'tchie,• Ge tt eral a.profefericy Shields•were wo by '• Catherine 'Johnston' and Fern /,40.1. If.Ow11.t1"P01110ii41111,O41.ME41=i411.iY O ir.M.Nl41/1.oi111k n.10►'•r+u•_r,®n 41011114,10 1 Ian~ Ile amm.e to ' Child and Photography .. . .. - e�ialky n ,Animal Photo r phy A�'. 'SP , . PORTRAITS. -WEDDING..- COMMERCIAL ; Filmerass Devel.Roepai>rr'edecl `Fi and Prielnteepdhone 24199H, War Segrvice .. : lit harry Cami 1'1 ..tor,r,Yi}Yi4 r,YisO irn.iiiin+r4Y 040••owr Y,40iOi o• oro++t+i►r r..0# '