The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-18, Page 611 Eq. • PAGE SIX �':i ,� Trrinotom , • 'HE, • LUCKNOW SENT.INEL, LUCKNOW, OBITUARY LAUGHLIN McKENZIE The death of Laughlin McKen' zie, a lifelong resident of Kinloss. • TaWWnship,' occurred at his hone, Concession 9, ' on; Tuesday, May' 2nd. Death .was due to. a heart .condition from whiel_ he hasbeen siffected 'for, some, time. 'r • Mr.' McKenzie was in. his' 77th • year. He was a ' son of the late John .. ,and Christina ' McKenzie, and was :born on aecesnlber ''28th,. -1.873 on ,t,,he farm, where he ,s pent. his lifetiane . '' An industrious . farmer and a. goad. n eighbor, • • kind.' and jovial, McKenzie was held in the i 'hesit esteems in,' his cdm.mun :ty ervic • .Wig' 'held The,' funerals e s fiat 'his date' residence on Friday, Mlay. ' 5th, conducted by Rev;. G. S. Bauloh. of Kinlough Presbyter • fan Church. ' . Internient' ' was ,in •South Kinloss; Com,etery, 'the •pallbearers being; Janes: Parks,. Angus . McIntosh, Frank . Thomp- son, John ' Ross, Arthur Hodgins and John McInnes.. ' United. Church, W,M S.. The IVfay meeting of the After noon. Woman's Missionary Society of the United 'Church was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Andrew. Mrs. Mumiford presided for the devotior`ral'; and business period. The prgorarn was under the. can venership of: Mrs. J.' Hall,, Mrs. T, Anderson and M,rs; T. I1. Cam- eron. A. chapter from the book,, "Seven, Seven of Years" byRo •land B. -Bingham was read --by Mrs. Roy Oulibert. The' :book deals, with the work of, :the interior :missions of, Africa, Mrs; Nell Mc- Kenzie read ,the Scripture' and Nlrs., I -origins and Hazel Webster two wo. interesting .stories., -Mrs. Hall . • . : ,Mrs:: ": Joynt 'favored' .., an. _d with a :vocal duet,• accompanied: by Mrs,',Grant McDiarnud, :Mrs;` T. Burns: will ;be• hostess:•for. the June meeting and ball ,members the invited to be present for this silver jubilee meeting. • Mr.: 'McKenzie. issurvived by one: sister, Miss Annie McKenzie with whdrn he: Made his home: He was predeceased'. by two fibro • ethers; and one sister. DIyJMFING GRO'Ul. ,P AGAIN IN ORDER, ASK TO KEEP IT SO The perennial headache of municipal councils in Lucky* is the disregard for keeping the 'dumping ground in a sanitary and , sightly, condition. ' ,Again, at censiderable expense to the :ratepayers,: :the grounds have been cleaned up and : put in order, andan,, appeal (which' bas been repeated 'again . a,nd again). is' made to. those • usrng the dump 'to •dispose of refuse :in an • orderly f aShion, ,and ;in its ,proper ' •; place. ' • A'Warning is also issued against. li •htin fires, at the. dump,' . g g••, ., cept'.by those authorized to. do so. A'"fi're, lit at ; the"5south end of ,the dump last Sunday, threatened. to get out' of 'control, and the. fire' •riiek..ha d to 'be called out to ex- tinguish- the. blaze.'; . •" •' • .�.. • II MOTHER'S DAY OBSERVED BY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The May meeting' -was :held. 'in the Council °Cham'ber on, May .12 with • the president, Mas.. son presiding After :opening ex ercises, business was dealt :with •andycornmittees 'formed.' 'to man- age the:rummage. sale' which .will be, held in the Recreational.,Hall: On Saturday, May •27_th. Ireot er--•f-er--44e- month ua. in the chair forthe' program part which took the form``of Mother's Day:. Mrs., Douglas,'who was the delegate to the' Guelph Corn. en=, tion, , • gave an ' interesting report of the two days spent there, when' 1,000 Women' were present fr oirjm. all : over Canada, Some thoughts gleaned were: , "When mother •kno k's the, best, the :'family.'. soon ',will"; "Cranky Mothers•.and isY ed floors do a •;lot' to..fui•ther.. juvenile delnquency", "Never tire of your ,individyial 'r-espon sibility„. __ e The toll call was answered: by ``The: month I was married in", Community singing,' led 'by ' Mrs. Joynt, was, follawed by.the.motto "Re is :happiest that finds peace in', his horn"!•'.prepared: by Miss .Hazel: Webster.. Joyce 'and Joan' 'Campbell :sang 'a very pleasing .duet.;, - Miss Mary McLeod; read a O`IVT:xe • • rt A • • PURPLE GROVE, Mr. and Mrs, Jiro Boyle visited with Mr. Walter Collins -recently. Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald IVIcCoah,. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill :visited. on Sunday with . Mr. Chas,•Col- lins of Kinlough, Mr. and .Mrs. Currie ,Colwell, Mrs: JohnColwell and Joe For- ster visited ,at the home of Mr., Donald 11lTcCoSh, Those..'attending the district cirectorymeeting at the home•• of Mrs., Bob Hamilton were Mrs,. Donald : McCosh, Mrs.',Stanley Fair Mrs, • Frank Maulden. fn .young .le R� number of• the ,y g .peop . around '`Purple Grove attended •the: meeting.,of the Young' Peo- ple's. Society at, at, the Presbytetka Manse, Lucknow Mrs, : Andy Patterson spent. 'Tuesday at the home :of her dau- ghter, Mrs:- Burton' Collins. 'Those attending the meeting of the presbyterial' • at Kincardine. were .' -Miss :Margaret . and Nellie, Malcolm, : •Mrs. John Enreson, Miss Margaget Robertson, Mrs. Ben Scott. - °Mr. and: Mrs, 11feTier and fam= • TI- UKSDA,Y;' NMAy.48th, •1954; THE.•VOICE;. 'OF TEMPERANCE ' is atr; axiom that reforms can.. nog+ ecd until there is :a, pressureibeaffof, publicteopinion.: also an axiom• that there' is, no.. • thing like the facts te. i determine • public op:iniOn.' In the matter .ot the use of (beverage ;alcohol the facts are getting. into the. public' .mind• They. aar.e .reported in every newspaper. • They • are ..Seen on every highay, They are seen in and. outside every beverage room„' 'They are :Sordid . an,rl' tragic facts, It isrnevitablir th41.,irt ' course' of•. time public ". `opus:icn 'ti'll • be ;. moulded Iby"the '.facts and wiil'• juthadige it beverage :Huron;•alcohol tU be the:.: 'haiinvful and . ciestiru'etive'peagen t t is.,'The Ten)rance' Federation has:a • , gopd ° 7 that' the pressure of this in.f orni, ed public opinion.will .yet bring .about many ..much,needed- tem,, .. :perance, r'eforrns.----Advt: ily of Paisley: Mr; and Mrs. Ger.,, don Avis'and Carl, of Tiverton,. Mrs. Herold Bannerrnan and. son, Larry of Blackhorse'•spent.Sun. • 'day. With their parents,: Mr,. and 1Virs. Will Walsh. • 7-11 who was born” 130 years ago on, May ' 12th. 'This. coincided with =the date : of 'the day of , the meet ing. Noreen Kilpatrick rendered a (piano solo . while. the . topic for. 'the day; "Mother" was, prepared, by Mies .bean–MacLeod.-___A„-ton;- test Dean: M-acL'eod.-=::-A.-eon.;:.test :on old fashioned flowers;, Closed', the . meeting, after ..whioh the:hostesse's'. served lunch. • :An informal. touch. was given 4o this part,'•of.:the ,:meeting,. in, the form of a lovely cake supplied by. Mrs. E. Congram,who :is a shut- in and appreciative of the Insti= tute and ,its 'activities. ; • en you take; Over the &nil, one of these,days, you'll want to talk. to, him. YOu,can, discuss your affairs in.a friendly way, as `have done,, Arid you'll find he knows a lot. -/ 44/ / EWA IZZde says Dad • • knows,we farmers need bank Credit sometimes'to put in a -crop, .sometimes to take off a harvest. if ive nee&rnarket *formation he 'can get it. for Us.. RerneMbet When we electrified the farin? Our bank manager Made me the loan. He's bo:oit,od uS up that way for. years, And that's what mit bank manager is there for—to CiOp you.and,ine to manage. sPON$ altio YO :4 it ie . . There's so much more' fun now:with: `our ;now Sterling piano ; better partis$ and more r en s n •' ua • nies i ecause pia i .-. • Taxes him at night "Best buy I ever, made,' said Dad, and he's right} A decorator' styled Sterling, with,full,88 note .keyb ard,. costs so little and gives so much enjoyment. Don't miss Sterling's remarkably low price atm in today; .. e.' • ante CHARGES. will, be 'laid 1.r.alk: erton against dog, owners who let 111. their. earlineS run ati- large' during , • ardson :read the SeriPture and I, Mrs. PeteLkoffatgateithe, , was giVen, by Mrs, :Robert „Scott, • Presbyterial . report: Mrs, prayer. Mrs, Gordon Wall was .MOffat with the' joint. meeting of the Horne Helpers and the Atikil- iary Which ie to be held at the Friday-, eVening,-Jtine 2nd, at B.30 Walter Abra,rhs,', mr., and Sharon Elaine; daughter of Mr, and Mrs; Lloyd Moffat, and Wil- liam, David, eon of Mr, and. Mrs. David Moffat Were baptized' on Miss Dolena Orr •of London spent last. week -end at her home. The Ladles' Aid meeting will be held -at. the home of Charlie Tiffin,on Thursday even-, ing; ikaY 18th. (Note change of • rrt 'Phone 711J1 Wingliam HERE'S THE RIGHT CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE • • • • 0 11.1 V .OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR YOUR. CONVENIEr.aiD russels or • B:k.ettitt,u-sYst......t.sto-!:N., ,le.$AeraVits,431Ce:. De4er::: milinionstimitioan'egat ••0116. • : 1049 CHEVROLET SEDAN; 2-inne 2-1948' CHEVROLET 'SEDANS A, 2-1948 CHEVROLET COACHES • '1948 PONTIAC SEDAN 1947 CH VROL 111 COACH 1937 'VHEVROI ET STANDARD COACH 1931 CHEVROLET 'COACH' • * 1935 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH, 1934 DODGE SEDAN • • 19:'34 CHEVROLET COUPE - • '1946 Cill'EVR- IN 1937 PORD•'34ON STAKE,, $125.00 117 cash L7 Tra&b: