The Lucknow Sentinel, 1950-05-04, Page 8PAGE; =ME • . LUCKNO R -1 NTARI . bw SENTINEL• , ATAY-4th, -14350 Mother s SUNDAY, MAY 14th CHOOSE 'YOUR GIFT "EARLY TO INSURE BETTER SELECTION Give Mother something smart to Wear on her daY °' Something she will be delighted to receive. SMART HANDBAGS—Clever stylei smartly fitted. 131ack, wI 10(40N HOSE-4irat quality shade§ to pleaSe'Mother 'sizes SLIPSTailoreci.' '4n-4'1:ace 'trinianing; Straight :cut, '13140c -en '' Certified Seed on Hand; - COBBLERS KATAIIDINS SEBAGO GREEN MOUNTAINS CHIPPAWAS Also DP), 1 lrai* Stock Sebago 'and Katandin R. FINLAYSO 'Phone 91-w, Lucknow • PRING :APPEtITE: wport BORN - Hospital on•Thurs,day; April 20th .RITSSELLin Regina fin t attar- . day,' April' 29th to •INfr: and Mrs: happy to' announce' the birth of their son '• John Angus at 'York County: Hospital, Newmarket, on Anderion annonnee the birth of their • son, - Michael, David,:: on now 'doing excaVation. wark 'that ..inCludes haseMents for three :rieW. homes in. the' One is for L.10. ThoMpson erson• and. Clark FinfaySOn; 'a second. is for 'Ed Little of Kip- , loss on ..the lot adjoining 'the new McKay hoine,•aricl the '3td• 1 SEE BY T (Continued from page, 1) ' Phurch Anniversary will be. Marl:tea on Sunday, the evening ,,,service being held at 7.30. The minister will be Rev. William • THAT prize.s' are • already being announieed. for the Lucknow Flair,, with D. R, Finlayson offering, merchandise in excess largest stalks of TOR Ctop)Cibrn. exhibited.' at itri'T show, ' Patient .in Wingharn Hos- :.,pital, with 5,:fraetutedihip. 'The' When Mrs: Ashton: slipPed on. a rug; at the home of trierid ,where she -Was , attending a merribers 'of Old , Light ---toaie: and -their -wives were, en Aelitained- by the Teeswater Lodge last • j_111,UrsdaY. 'The LticknOw brothers' were headt ed bY George;Joynt,.Who acted' as. WOrshipful_ Master in the absenee.. .Dt.,Jaines E: Little,. Who -Wais. 'attending . a:: dental LAIAES' LONG SPRING COATS a few left at GREATLY:REDUCED PRICES':' FOR isiyto$ 40$E, may we suggeS.A.AYSER , the only he§e.Maile.with. the ',guaranteetrponAwist heel, LADIES' HOUSEDRESSES in 'bright- checks. and flowered siston's • . . fi4one.. ()Mari o ot er's a THAT A: M. 'Nicholson, ;national • .treasUrer of the C CT:. party addressed the a.nnual.:meeting .the Perth TidMg ossociatiori in Stratford on' Friday even-. ing. The; attendance was Made .up, 'entirely of representatives. from the Straitford C.C.F. Club which at present, is the Main:. . stay of the Party strength in PloYd Wilson • and Mfg.- Stuart ',Collyer in 'arranging ,the card party fast ,week, and ialsO,..that thepies Were donated by moth- ers of the Rangers and bYrneni-. Red Seal' Sweet Mixed Pickles Big economy 4? oz. jar Mazoli' Salad Oil Ideal for salad dtessings deep .frying' Barker's Cream Cookies .Asaorted flavors merit of. 'Steele BiAggs, Seeds Garden Peas, Corn .14 Beans. by bulk * • Dutch Sett Onions OMPSON S The Store of Friendly Service Phone 82 - We Deliver` THAT,. Willard Thotripson• Won, a nice set of .dishes at The Play - ening, hoiding the lucky ticket in the- month-end" draw. .It's second. win at The Playhouse as he 'wen a $5.00 ear ticket on the LegiOn • drdikv last fall. ' tea ilast week in honor .of Mrs. *Iviuhro, prior, to .the departure of she and her ,husband, for their hoineland' in Scotland. A gift .was presented to, Mrs. Munro, by the' gathering. Mrs. er cavating done at theW. W; Hill ,•reSiderice on . Quality where ,a new,. garage, and, an approach to it; • will be built on the sbuthiside of the lionie. THAT Gordon Irwin had:a nar- TONIii escape while uploading' a: :tractor in Godericii recently leaped, .clear • 'enoUgh .to avoid :;MC.Farlan 'assisted. arranging but,•: fortunately ,,not. broken. ,the' Ford :garage Goderieli THAT•o'picture taken by 'Gladys on. the tax. bill, wduld. 'boost fauiblication. 'The picture cant- the- rate Y.: ebont 3 i/g A, idned -"The Island'.', --.was-,taken IS ' eirig.7.'considered. to .'by.' Gladys *Wile atteridirig• . spread. the exPendititres, over.. - tAirip 'at Doe Lake last: the event. 'THAT -the Village COupCil is Wrestling *ith the 'problem of how to, finance the purchoie "of additional, fire fidhting equip--; ment, requisitioned by the Fire . -Company, aS this particular ex- ' pencliture, if financed directly liro • Ladies' Plastic Raincoats 'with hood, small, medium an Foundation. GarmentS 'by' Gothic, Nu -Back, Liguori ' GothaM Gold Stripe.' DON'T BE CAUGHT SHORT! Stock' Up iOn. Shirts Shorts N -O -W! CLEANING NEEDS ,ARE., MONDAYS & THIJR$DAYS. - THE BEST NAMES Or Fit 'and Wear. ChOose from These.Lipes STERLING e.have a Work Shoe for: Every 0:;pt • THAT Donald Ferguson, and Jirri'l. 'Sailors :reporting :for dtitilbA',. Beaton were 'among' the lake i'• week at Port"..Qtylberne. find,,,,tliiern Jackets,. stprdy • Sanforized A great variety. that i,eany.:soict. Tables:of odds.and ends from all )3oys' and, Ken'g'__Work Parits and riOys: T..-BSOhltir5t.s.11;118.1eHy17.0n.t. th.°111. by",'Price.i;acrodis i9c,; 25,c iins ...that give serviee. , 'for; $1.00 DRESS GOODS, :PRINTED COTTONS • MEN'S.. T,SHIRTS: • dred Yards dress materials—Silka,r erg,' In lengths ler...oronS,. dres's.-. , There- are stripeS;.'' eheqks .C.01113IINATIONS, •(„1,f., •1 • Satins; -Rayons, '•etc; 'Have' been - es, houSecoats;etc; 14a • • Oet .otit••• our. Sewing, thaelnne.p 1000• yardg hetter lass :printed . -For' the then -La " fine.: lot Here' is 'a bargain. SeVeral :Cottons,: 'bright .aS the May flew. I Shirts,. •short- and long .‘sle&/es, Men'.s cool SOritig • •