The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 16.i c t PAGE. SIXTEEN , 0.44. >t 4 4 1W4 .10141 440, THE LUCKNOW StNT•INEL, LUCKNO'W, ONTARIO/ • I Heartiest . best wishes for your bright and 'happy 5. and the gladdest, glad New Years! 3 $1 • 'hone 110 Buy Ripley .Resilience : Clerk. Cast,, Tie -Breaking . Vote Mr, Nand .Mrs. Lloyd Wylds of ' Tames .Reach .and • Gordon Cann. Kincardine purchased; Bruce ' were tied 'for a seat 'on ttie Safi-, 1Vtathieson's property on the out-.geen :Township: • Council:: A re- 'skirts of °;Ripley. Lloyd will ear- count • held by; Judge J. F: • P: • •ry on themail route and will go Birnie failed to make any change. into thechicken' raising business. in:the final, standing of 305 votes Mr. and Mrs:' ,Mathieson have ,.each, and to Clerk A. A. 'Mc- moved to Owen --Sound -•.where.:. Kinnon_ fe1L the unenviable task Bruce is employed in the : Post 'of pasting the, tie-breaker vote by -Office; • which .;Mr: Retch, was elected, Lucknow•. TKURS,, DECEMBER, 22nd, 1949 (ra*foYd '.s (hiCk at 3tar Operations In January Ernie. Crawford, local • feed Building Has InterestinlistorY merchant and .poultry'man, is. The.. building • which -houses launching a new venture early these joint operations, as well as in the new .year, When he will Mr. Crawford's feed business has,-, commence the operation of a an interesting 'background, of in- eliick hatchery. " terest at least to • old-timers, . Originally !is*.'building was Ernie has built the 'hatchery• ''•the Wesleyan Methodist. Church and Was used as such. until the `erection ofthe new Metho•dist 85`-64 :years. ago--- Church �in 18 during,the ;gastorate sof Rev. Geo... Turk, The.p1 'church, which sat on the corneof •Outram' and, Will, oughby St. ''was purchasedby' the' late, : Adam ' Thompson, } . carriage •rnaker and b1acksrriith,He:'moved: it to itspresent location on Main 'St., and on the site of the'. old church tbiiilt a' brick house,' now owned ' by M. "C. Orr of Chesley and tenanted by the McKay' and Mustard families. Mr.; Thompson used the build• ing.as a ca "'age shop and: livery 'stable •anduilt an:: adjoining room in a section ;of . his feed shag on' main street, and has: kris ,incubators installed : and ready. for odperation •He plans to start. hatching inmid-January with his first ''hame-hatchedchicks avail - Ole in early February. ; The: • Crawford.; _ Hatchery will. specialize Leghorn-lock'cross; New:..•Hampshire-Rock; cross' and Barred Rocks.' The capacity of the 'four -unit incubator , is . 9,600 eggs, but • provision has. , been made -for doub,g; this capacity,. as -the demand. , arran1i . • For some time, past Ernie ,has very successfully, operated. brood- ing 'pens in the upstairs 6f h',s place, of :'business; where he, ha`s accoiriodation for some,. 5,000 chinks. With the most modern; equipment °for. '`hatching ` a n ,brooding opeartions, he Will com- bine these. dual . activities, With a view to giving thicken raisers the last word. in .'service and:Sat: isfaction, L • blacksmith shop which has since. been ;removed,, and; the property is now Used by Mr. Crawford as a'parking . lot The (building served as a livery stable, under thQ.,Tliompson fam ;and ' later 'was operated in turn : by John. Blake and W J,. and : Rdbert "-Doug7,as "With, the,. advent bf the motor car, the liv- ery 'stable eventually: became' a garage, and was operated as such by Cecil Mullin and Harold Park :(and; probably. others):: Event: ually T W. Smith purchased' it icor'. scar storage 'purposes, , and from .'Mr. Smith- the Fire 'Com- pany purchased the building for a 'temporary fire hall, and; then disposed of. it, .to' Mr 'Crawford who made extensive; 'repairs', :to, thebiuilding, which included new asph�ait shingle siding' and a ;cloy- ink of; the "church windows"' whitch,•for : three score years had unniistaka(bly, , told `: of the'. first purpose of . this structure,• COWS - $2.50 each; HORSES $2.50 Ea, HOGS -:50c per cwt,; ( Over 250 lbs. each). Phone'coilect', Ripley 182. Wingham. 561-j, Ingersoll William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL ONTARIO it NG :THOSE. o'toc .GRACE ,Mac1'HERSON "AMONG ti • M , 44 The •Royal, Connaught Hotel,' Hamilton, '`was the recent scent of ,a., colorful' event highlighted.. by, the presentation :of d'iplomas, and` lovely, tbrorize medals' to fit: teen medallists iii ,ballroom dans- ing in : waltz, '.,fox • trot, :'; samiba,_ runiba, tango • and :,:syncopated swing:, The wards Were inade•by. Ken Soble, and the', new. med •allists igaife ari`,exhibition of syn- capated swing: ,Mira` Grace lVlacPhersorii. farm - .Orly of Lucknow; was one .Of Hasnil'ton's first Medallists, Grae is • a member, of the' "400 Club" Which is an exclusive dub`; of advanced : dancers who have been doing exhibition ;dancing at the Brant Inn; Burlington Master' of "Ceremonies• for the: medallist • presentations; W a s Gordie' Tapp, of: C iML,',who in trodced a variety`''show reipre senting the United. Nations. Miss 'MacPherson was dressedn` Scot- tish costume',:.. representing Scot,. lea nd. t T R.A DE. MAR* Five lovelypatterns from -left to right: Coronation,: lady Hamilton, Evening Star,, Mornit.g Star, Milady. Services start at .. $44.75 WM. : SCHMID.., Jeweller t • J.GUN F SCHUE T, veteran; Mildrpay merchant, • died .last Wednesday. eott4ii..o4psrii•irntl li.om4itiitiustN >4•••.iNpoieao auw4u;im4U dlief o!'"1") BOAC I NG: • DAY • 499 1 Hereby • Declare. foxing pay" • 4 • ,risk, for iteither way ...both .,rade-tnarks meanthe same: thing. • AuthQrtzed bottler of Coca-Cola under contract With. Coca-Cola Ltd. GO.DEt I.CH BOTTLING' WORKS Goderich Ont.' *'Phone: 409 ..,wa4r.ur.Gln►•:+o'.sI41r,i.w+lw.iii;6se�i mm . A Civic, Ho iday'.For, The .Village Of Lu'cknow And 'Cali' IJ'' oil All . Citizens . To Observe • The Same... • ro, • N/01,I111.O4111.II�II�IM�I/�I/r • LO Reeve. W.. LO A;, ,SOMOP�