The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 140 iii r, If PAGE FOURTEEN' w7rjEallik :yrm;r�+zrrr'w was. .�r.:.; i� S,.. I—, icwsrrr,i��� THE LUCKNOW • SENA •. LUCKNOW; ONTARIO THE RING TO. BROADCAST ;. CHRISTMAS DAT MESSAGE , His Majesty, the King, will broadcast his .customary Ch rist- Masas message on Sunday morn- ing, December 25th at .10.00 a.m. He will speak. from his country' home at! Sandringham. , . , The King's Message. concludes t: h e Commonwealth '+braadcast which carie l.en ces at .9.00 aria, and has 'become firmly associated with 'Christmas in millions of homes in the British' Empire. . The theme of this year's round the -world program: is "Industrial Development Within the Corn nilor}wealth'"•' T h` e well • knawn• ;suede ' and;' screen star; Robert, Donat, Will again be narrator.: . As the Canadian contribution, to the special ACiiristmas .broad- cast . A. E. Powley, News -Feat- ures �' . ned a. pickup Bram the' Mast oil Kf<ifields of .. W e s t e r n' Canada.. 'Throughout the, werld; ';listeners' i will' ear the voice of. a,Canadian oil worker talking 'about the rich finds intAlberta,•. and there'll be another rterri picturing a typicalChriiitnas celebration in . 'west= ern Canada. 11.S. STUDENTDANCE' ' VAS BIC,, s>7CCESS A very erlloyab time was had by' students,, staff, and .a number; Of ex -students of L'ucknow High ,School. at a dance on Thursday which marked . the close Of the Christmas. examinations. Music was supplied by Farrier's orches- tra !and IC= MacDonald was master of ceremonies, A numiber of novelty' dancesadded varia_= tions The spot dance w•aswon by ,Margaret" Chin and Donald' Stew art and the ehrnination dance, by :Betty, Hamilton, and Murray ,Mc- Donagh. There was a Sadie, Haw kins . dance, tag', dance, ' and,. a.' (n room dance Which created 'much merriment., Lunch was, served to conclude a pleasant: 'evening.. .1RATN' !1 VENTED.' HYDRO', JNTERRITPTI.ON SUNDAY • THURS ,. PE'GEMBFR '22nd, :1949 roti;tooistniselmitigeomariEtaislinuminarmonernivoipt,„. A sleigh full of good wishes and joyous tidings: that•speak of wondrous things. to come,in. the bright 'lie* Yecxr!`: • w . Editor of the CBIC, has' plan- .' Certain sections of the v age 'o the Citizens • of Bruce: , i a 1 � take , th s oppor- tunity of extending to you all, the Compliments , of the Season. DeWITT o ER, president of tletinghaan ;Branch: of the Can=. adian. Legion, presented a. new electric ;refrigerator to . Wingham 'Hospital on behalf ':of the',,Leg- ion. , • were scheduled for a ;hydro' in terru$tion on Sunday; which did .not anaterialize because of gain. Thee. local hydro system has. ,for Several weeks.been undergoing a major repair and rebuilding pro- grain;,, rogram,' , that should make it like new: Hydro reserves which' have been buil; up, for this purpose are. more .than ample' to take -care of, the. work.. Sunday's proposed shut off was to havp, been 'of • tiie longest dura tion ye'tr Phe_worl_has;been,_car- vied: but so ,far. with but brief, interruptions ,arid With :a`` mini muitm f : inconvenience to. hydro users: in general. ' } as µ .. •. +.. a. 4,..„ • ,y, '+•+ •• .`.� . a s . , — .. µ • •'... : +>t �y,, ,y : µ • ' ., h-. • . `,. . +.- . +... .,.. µ '�- . .rr r .ni (.rY (.f++ (.Nr .rh ( .rig ,rN i ,r>'i ! .r r I (.+,'r ' .Ji (.rT .rit I .r1r .rr� 1 .rTr .ri! I .iii r .ri•. ,yi rT' r .ii t .ry1" µ ••. M µ. µ . µ • `i. . . µ •y, i.. µ +.. µ ., i- 'S+. •. '9. . •,:'i• •T, t •n'i i --ref ' rai •� ,r,+ r .n+' i rx ,rir may r .. r rr' 1 ,iii I '.iii (.m .•1' ' .rN ona 4,04 V Iue .P. for Bruce: Bilis June .Collyer RECEIVE B1.BL,ES FOR ATTENDANCE: The`'Preabyterian Church Sun.-`. day .Sclzoolaiconcert •was held on Wednesda ht •of °last week: During • . the ° evening Rev 7.VIacDonald presented .Bibles :'for'. the: most' 'regular: church .&attend- ante ' to Ruth . Johnsto'n a and Bob Mowbray, : '• The progremincluded instru- mental, music by Cameron LMac , Donald' I r. James 'Little 'and. „ .Everett West, recitations by. June. Pardon, Nancy ;Forster, .Allan •Mowbray,. ' Garry 'MacDonald,; Nancy. Irwin, Elizabeth. Ann 'Fin-.. layson, • Margaret Ann,.' Mullin, .Ronald Reid,. 'Janet :' Finlayson, , Marlene . Stanley, Dianne Jaanie- h son; ,chorus by Marion, MacDon- tat class;' song, Miss Ma.cLeod's class. ; violin solo, Jack Kennedy, solo, . Joyce Mowbray 'song, : Mrs, Fisher's : class; ., solo,'; Dilly' Ken- riedy readings, Miss .MacLeod's class; piano duet, Ruth Johnstone and Winnie Stewart; solo, Wilda Reid,: and a :concluding ,pageant, "The Light Men". } ,J• '4 rt yy, • . •, • .1•, KINLOU.GH: . A :'Very 'Merry Christmas to Congratulations to Mr & Mirs. Bonnett who were Mar- -Tied •ar.-•ried en Saturday last. • • Rev •1.. 'W.., Owen; Mrs. - Owen, Leonard and Sandra of South-. amnpton renewed acquaintances. here' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scott, Mar garet Anne and ' Ronnie of • river- ton visited duringthe week with . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schaefer. ' The teacher "and pupils of SS. :t No. 2, :Kinloss, held' their annual it Christmas, tree ar'id . :concert on .2 Friday . evening. On, Monday. ev-! 'ening the Anglican Sunday. School• held their tree .and con- cert and' onj Friday ,evening the Sunday • School.of the Presbyter- ian resbyter Ian Church *ill hold their tree and 'program.. r Mr. and .Mrs; Ed Hedley and farrulywere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Ili On Saturday 'evening a Christ-, c Inas carol senVii ' e will • be held 1 in the Anglican Church at 13Q ft f an Christmas day; t• When there will be no service. 5 Phone' With just room• enou• gh to . o. ueeze in ' our : greed) Thank you, :good friends, '• for your: patronage throughout the year. • rill . °1950, we . will. ` maker "every effort,., to deserve your Continued confidence.