The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 8PAGE 210M 2 a • SIENOW, ONTARIO LUCKNfI.W SENT NEL, LUCK .. 4, 4a 4404x4 bots Qd tflorio 1 tv.2 444044,4►c'Snbam00404,611,04twl9 T iuRS.,DECE1V1'.BER ,22nd; 1949. til rf0 ',#41 kl .: i Voj lk 471 ...-',:::, „, !,1 pi! 1.1 a r�s•� 47.1 .1r.:: 4074711=kv . wa►.wi rr�..�;, 610 FIRE DESTROYS ASH FIELDBARN Loss, estimated at $8,000, was caused by '?ire 'which last Friday right ; destroyed the large barn Qin the 200 -acre farm of Donald McKenzie near Port Albert, west of Dungannon, The loss included the:Season's ''season's crops, 50 pigs, and other livestock. • It 'was: partially covered by insurance., About_half' the pigs, and the cattle .and :horses, were ,removed from the blazing building. Spontaneous conibustion, vas the only explan . ation`.that could be advanced as, • the cause of :the outbreak ' When, 1r..MacKerizie. reached the. barn;"'. '-there ..was fire in• the stable arid :the ,.stairwayto.the barn ,appear-. ed to . have been• .4 away the barn was filled to the roof with,' hay 'and about 15'00 bushel,' pf• grain. . :_. The fire was first seen about 9.00. p.m', by lV r, McKenzie, who. saw. flames ,:when h'e happened to look toward the barn from the house. • Neighbors came uu ick: ly' to help, but the the.fire had .al- ready gained such headway that'. jt could not'be. checked, and the efforts: of. Mr. MacKenzie :and his neighbors weredirected to sav- ing some ,of, thei,livestock, and to ,preventing; the spread of the, fire. (b to other fat*uildings nearby. A large ' henhouse ' 15feet, . from the barn. was in inn-nine/itdanger but- was saved.•,probably.. b .' the. 'fact.`'that a, brisk, southeast wind :died` down•' soon:: after the fire was: discovered.. ' R The farm is on the • fourth . Con- cession of Ashfield .townsh'ip, a. short . distance east of the .Blue Water .Highway. • :Tm.plements lost in the 'fireiri= clu'ded a hay rake and, a manure :spreader. Three`' sow's: and: their litters were destroyed.` Horses? cattle . and pigs which were.' saved from the• fire' were taken to, shel ter ,in .the; barn:• of 'a. nei.ghbnr, Harbourn Adams. The fire was given i`mjpetus ' by . the .burning .of,.a _Ldruin of 'gasol'ine was' ` stored 1n ; a leanto. ' at the barn.:. The, .Ibtr ling ,of- the fbarh was the,^Second`. majorrnisifortuxe for the McKenzie a 'short space of "time ,A '.month ago .their 11-month=.old , daughter was seer. erely. •urned• by scalding water rpm : a : po pui ea • o e s • e,. Donna has 'been ,in 'hospital. most: of the dine since, but was. able` to return home: on,Sunday. .MacKenzie•' Turas formerly. Flor- ence James , ofinloss'. Township., Let I3ving; thoughts; so glad and gay, go 'winging -on -their way, and bring you every happiness this joyous. Christmas Day! y • ' atir` # " 41 0 1i s4? iotti 4 "'. iU O# liDatl 'tt. 4s it;Ds ftirotiv'. • DS1for; (HRIST Choice Quality Applesauce' Sweetened,' 15 oz. tin .... 15c 'Wagstaffe Cranberry Jelly iit.i... 12 oz: • jar: 25c. Old English Plum Pudding Christmas, 'Special! 1 1b.' .tin c; iF .Aliens Apple .Juice 48 oz. tin: 25c': • A' liner Fruit Salad , Choice Quality Swee .ene 18 oz tin 33c Barkers Animal Crackers Chocolate coated Bax .... ,. 18c Smyrna Table Figs ; ..,... 18c 8 OZrpckg. .. Bowes Mincemeat 2 'pie tin 39c 1mported: English Toffees .1/2 '16. (bag Fancy Mixed Nuts Ijb 35c } ti: at as Stf, • 14 CANDY CANES -,-- Assorted Sizes WHAT ISD. .r /1 Christmas Grapes, Oranges, Tangerines, Cranberries & a° host of other fine ' fruits and vegetables.' One of the joys of Yuletide is t.ke Opportunity._ to put seine the . routine and customs. of every day • buso tress and ,in real'. sincerity wise you A Merry Christmas and a Happy New ,Year. ompson's Grocer; AC IRNOWf:EDGE DONATIONS TO DUNGANNON SOCiETv' cuRismAs GREETIIICS )U .ALL JOYS A VERY MERRY •c i1USTIVIAS DAY ,4. TOT-TOTEENand LADIES' WEAR 'Phone 89-W Lucknow, Ont, 0011A !i4loa@,aiOaQ,illi; !1 @Plitaki 1140 Q+014r # tg47Q QeA;011 1114%, • Mr. • Marvin';Dur•.nin, secretary of the Dungannon Agricultural' Society, 'acknowledges three do-, nations to :the • Society which were not previously 'included in they list of donors They are, John,. Durbin, $16.00; :tom ' . Rivett,: '$15.00; 'Jo'hn Bennett, Mr. Durnin ` requires ' all who'. 'have. p braised donations; , . to' make their contribution at: the earliest possible date, s� that the books can be dosed for the ;year.' .Supplied As °.Teacher. 'The Ashfield Tow,`nship School :, Area; Board has 'more than an, Dick '"retired"' from - teaching a. a few days ago to• supply at Dun- . , :. ,. , ...:, ,� . •. a i;ouple ' of The. Store of Friendl Se vice . Phone . 2, We Deliver efficient . secretary -treasurer, in few• years ago. • to, return of the- gannon , school for r 'person rinrth'was i11:. .. jour forfret' ikt„i ttffigtitM#miii,i4ftitivigno teti i'' rigs# : the person of Richard Kilpatrick: farm, but came- out of retirennerit days While 'Alex S t DJ # itir �''t'�I. f i. #1t> i tOl tWitimAttit> #is it *atilt imiri ' flits ymistifi 4i" 4 'tirtivtuta itie�. iitrtieto'�t1ti'ito tigeti t lil�'i ' 4 . mi>�i�i:�'4i�'iR�'ilt!?'Ot�7itr:tt+".�' WEBSIE.' LADiES' AND' MEN'S WEAR •' b 1tto!ti t►.ori►;+ofte rine tomb xaOli aantA it a t t ttanoiroa&e1 an ckage of `Good Aa ii2Ori sinasg a hearth -fire.• And as eheerg nit itablare Are our many hearty wishes • For. your Happy Holidays) The Stogie We Stork whin uvoto v4 4R atop ► # 4 opto Alit sio #04 cop # #i R ►4-041,7001/161$44/.WM4G !#Ri # 40404,c a I { •