The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 405' 4 IA • 'U. w A.4 FACE ;FOUL THE . LU KNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ANT AD" RATES---lst .insertion 2' cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent . a word. Minimum charge 25 cents: Replies care of The Sentinel: 10 cents, • extra. Legal advertising 10 cents Per count line first insertion, 5 ' cents per 'line subsequent insertions, FOUND - A pair of „woollen blan- CARl3 ,:OF THANK : lets., A.pply, to 17uncan McCon- Hell,. •R, 6, . Lucknow. . FOIi, SALE --oil'•' burner, • nearly • new, medium size,' 'a : bargain. W R;' Fattier,' Whitechurch, ;.• .-FOR'.' SALE serviceable York' hog. .Apply to Harbourn Adams, R R: ,1, Dungannon. 'FOR SALE -•8 pigs,' 6 weeks:' old,.. Lloyd +Cline; 'R. It; 3, •Lucknow, phone Dungannon, 68 -r -L FOR SALE --6. little pigs. Apply' Arnold Alton, 'phone Dungannon .67-r-15. • a Mr, and Mrs.Solomon-: arid .family. wish 'to . sincerely thank C Da London Weathertrte C.o, WIPLL' ,,TRAINED office ' workers are, , in constant demand • NeW classes • begin January '3rd Write for booklet. Northern Business; College Limited, Owen ,Sound. DON'T BUY STORM 'WINDOWS .until you have seen . the .new.: • Simplex Combination storm and, screen • windows, Cut high .fuel costs with morecomfort, The in- serts are. easily''ohanged, ,from winter to' 'summer from inside Without use of :ladders. Free in -- stalling , easy, terns!s. For 'free estimate ,phone 35 Lucknow or write Box 38, Lticknaw. li,o'W1and FOR SALE `-- . 'new Modern one storey home, immediate possess- ion., Apply to'Geo,' Orvis, Luck) now, BUJ.i'ERMILK FOR ,SAL—fenv. barrels of.•' semi-solid 'buttermilk to'. • clear ' at' $3.90 'per •, cwt. Ronald Stanley; R. 4, Kincardine, :•phone Ripley -76-14 . 'frac : - FOR,'SALE-general Elec H.P.: motor, ; capacity' start induc= :tion ,110=220, '60' cycle, ,1720 RPM, motor like, new. " Art ••. Breckles, town. BUYING C bought HICKENS & FOWL g Chickens ht. on either live . or 'dressed 'grade.'; Premium paid on •:ell finished.. birds Goldie Mar - „tin, � ,, till; ' Paramount • all 'those who have kindly,` rem ''': membered them in their bereave- merit: These kind remembrances in :thought,; .word and ''deed* will. lonig b. e . Cherished • •Mrs,. Margaret Dudley , .';ack- nawledges with heartfelt 'thanks and. appreciation' the''kind, and thoughtful acts ' of Mrs, H. John- TENDERS ohn •TENDERS TENDERS :WANTED,: = By the ,TENDERS Wawanosh: Township 'School Area': Board for. a . caretaker for each 'school; in , Area,. No ..• 12, No. ” 3, .No.' 4, :No, 17, to take:. charge on February, 1st, 1950. Tenders to • be in 'hands', of;sec Guild,* ston, The Ladies 'of St, Peter's retary riot later than January .7.,. Mr: 'and •' Mrs. James F. I 1950. • Hewson ,and many other friends w. A. `Stewart, Secretary, • during her recent° illness. Dunrgannon; .Ontario. • Mr: and Mrs. Donald IL Mac- Kenzie wish to ;acknowledge with sincere 'arppreciation. and .. grat- tude, . the tire, ess efforts of those who responded. to the fire call, and the assistance'' and kindness extended'' them since their; mis-. fortune: Mrs. Will Fisher . wishes to ,heartily. thank the Legion .Aux iliary, 'the. Women's .' Institute, Presbyterian Church 'groups and Y her. friends in :general.'in the comriiunitty, ' who. so' kindly 'and thoughtfully . remeanbered her during her ',illness Thanks • indeed. andseason's. greetings' to all . • oNTARo ASHF1ELD PASTOR .TO :LIVE IN RI PLEY The induction of Rev: Joseph • THURS., DECEMBER 22nd,^1949° R: MacDonald of . River John,. Nova Scotia, as pastorof the Ash-' field -Ripley Presbyterian charge, will take +place.,early in. the New, Year. • The Huron -Maitland Preb3- tery has ,made arrangements for the induction. The service.will be conducted: by the moderator of Presbytery, the •. Rev George Milne of. Brussels, who also will preach.. The steps leading to the: call . wilf be narrated • by the in term moderator; the Rev, H . Douglas Stewart of Kincardine;'' The congregation will be address-• by • the. ReV . " G'.: Simpson of . Cranbrook..and. the. charge.'td the' .'rninis,+ter ' will be • given by the AO, Currie of 'Whitechurch.` Upon . arrival, ' here R•ev.' and - Mrs. MacDonald and two young' children • will •take up residence in • the :Manse in Ripley, which" has. beer. vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan .' MacAirthur,' to. . be in readiness' for the : new. minister arid',: his family: ". Previously the,Ashfield, Manse, had been 'occupied as the mini- report, that . seer's residenCe. ;It is 'now oc- d Mrs.' cupied :by Mt: ,and Mrs. Duncan, Ma1co1 -Lane; was confined , •to John Lane, .son of, Mr• an his. 'bed' for the: past. `week. Also at the: Lane home, is Mrs: Lane's 1 aged father;.: Mr; Wm. Con, gram; is in'failing: . health: Mr:.and,.•Mrs. Howard 1 cGrurre � of -Olivet .spent •Sunday -with 1VI3 and Mrs. •George • Haldenby. and Mr, H.; Bell . .. . • Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hodgins and '.family moved recently to Kinloss. 'where • .they ,have :taken up residence Mr. and. Mrs: Karl'. Boyle and. KIT HENER 'BIG -4- CHICKS, with. > ` eds.. f amy:.. visited ; on ' Sunday They re. 'the Choice of hundr erMr. and Mrs. Maurice;., Hodgins.'. . $intPson. WON ,FRIGIDAIR:E AT WALKERTON FRIDAY: Jack. Henderson of- *town won a -new Frigidaire -at.:-the Walker- ton Legion.draw onFriday night. `eked nip his:,prize' on Sat:: Jack' picked _ urday morning and,' was. photo graphed as he'received it . Jack ,bought *what :proved, to be the prize winning;. ticket while attending the ; Christi as; • Fair cattle sale _ in , the, .County town a"few. weeks ago. of „ successful poultrykeep s , • Mrs' Muton Walsh returned.• `CHA,MFION' GRAIN GRIN1 ERS Produce ' without coddling . • sold' and. installed. ElActrical ap cockerels at 41/2 months average liance sales : and . repairs.: Rural none than 6 ]ba .. pullets: good p . �ENBY says customer wiring . 'HAROLD '• HALD : ,layers, say c • Krnlougli ras, `Guelph This hatchery has•. CREDITORS been : at it 'more than . 25 years;, NOTICE TO e>•Estate of SamuelMorrisoin, they've ,hadk.experience Benefit the deceased.: frijol it Get tpricelrst,• order form: All persons, . halving " c l a' i r r s' from; us :Canadian', arpproved, against the ' • estate ,.Of Samuel:. breeders pullorwn tested Morrison,'•late of the :: " Village of ED v. '.BAKER , Lucknow. Lucknoty, :' in the, County ;of. • who died o nor about the;"27th clay, of.. September,. •1949;' are,hereby°>notified to send in to• the undersigned Executor, On. 'or before ' the • 12th day ' of January,': 1950, full particulars of their claims Immediately- .after ---!the,: said, 12th ' day.. assets. of. the estate ' Will be dis triibited ,amonglst the partiers titled,' thereto, . having ; regard only 'to claims 'of ,which the Ex-. ecutor shall' then have notice Dated at Lucknow, Ontario; thi . 12th :flay. of Deceinber, 1949: Gordon ;Morrison;' R, R. Lucknow, " ' Ontario; Executor: ' , R. W. :Andrew; •his<Solieitor •: herein. • " hciane after taring for -.Miss Smelt-. ,zer•' at. L'urgan JOHN WALLICE DIED AT NORWOOD' LAST ;WEEK The death occurred at Norwood last- Wednesday. of. - Mr., John Wallace, an octogenarian who is welt, 'kriown.'to a nu rriber • in this1, community. He is an uncle of W.: A. Miller and Mrs Ed •Thorn .'of St'. Helens :and frequently visited, ere.. 1 Miss Mary. Wallace,- is at-pres- ent tpres-ent :making:' her home at St Het- ens°with tMr.• and. Mrs Nfiller, For a number .of years . Mr Wallace has resided at Norwood with Mrd and:J,Vfxs ' Wim Golloher. (nee Margaret r i) er) atwhose. home 'his death occurred: He had. been in. poor health for: a: time and was in Peterborough.`Hospi- tal for "a.`tim.e this fall _r. Wallace. overcame. a Child - b od .' deformity that practically robbed:`him: of the use of his' legs, ('and lived an active and, useful: life; and. ' .by diligent work . ac- cumulated 'enough'; of the' :world's goods to make him ''financially TENDERS WANTED by ' The. West WaWanosh Township }School, Area Board for ; the :: following quantities of 'Wood:. iS.S.' No. 4, 22. cords_; S.S. No: 3, 25 cords; S;S.. No. 2,-20 cords; S.S. •' No. 17.,. 20 tcords; S.Sr No. 12, 5: cords:. This wood tobe/hard maple o • beech,' ix 16' •ches' long, and nothing small- er.'than 6• inches. or over .10in- ches' in • diameter. Also.- a ,cord .' of cedar. for: each school. The, wood to be delivered .and piled' at each school ..,by June 30.,::1950.:Tenders •tobe 'in hands of ecretay not later. -than January. 7th,' 1050, • W. 'A...Stewart,.;Secretary;. Dungannon, Ontario.. To Teach. At 'Tenth Mrs. ,:Jessie ICrrspin -villi re, sure ..teaching •again after• ! the New , Year, 'having accepted^ a :position :at S.S.;No. 3 Kinloss (Tenth ". Con(cessiori)', . succeeding Mrs. Eric Walden. • GREE'I.NGS May"' Chrrstmnas: greet you with a, smile,: , And"- New Years be worthwhile. well ALES T. ,MacNAY State .Fr'' fa. rn`ui Agent,., Lucknow . • - • SEASON SON$. .. GREETI'NGS- We thank :you .forthe confi ilencp,'you have' placed in us in' the past, and _extend to ou our very best wishes for r'•A• MERRY:. C_ RISTM.AS GOOD. HEALTH, HAPPINESS. and • • PROSPERITY In 1950 Lucknow,' Ontario, Ph4 ne •Dungannon 70=r 10' independent in . his , declining '• May yore enjoy yorir.,,holiday' withthesame heartfelt` Pleas- ure ive take in 'serving you! pin wishes for '%' a• e're all warped u / your happiness!, , ,,? r� E. CRAWFORD" ' / Feeds ,and Chicks • j 'Phone 165 it• / 4.091 4, , • o ', i 4 years. The funeral service• was held at Norwood on Thursday even ng . and on .Friday, burial• took place 'at Forest,. where Mr ,Wal lace was: in business for several. ,ears, and where his' wife.; • who'. predeceased hint . Several .years ago, is buried: 11ARAM.OLr`N`I`= We wish' etii'eryone a Merry Christrnas .. . Mrs.. Kingsbury 'gave, .her hate,, for the ecernber .Wom'err's t'ute meeting. The -roll . call was • answered. by 'a•' .gift . exchan,;.e. Mrs Tom 'twin" won the month- lv draw.:Readings were given: by Mrs.' Kerb. Erisifn, Mrs. J. Web- ster, Mrs. 5. Ketchabaw and Susie, Gibson: Carols were sung Tile January meeting Will he :held at 'the -home of Mrs. Prod Via,rtin° 'Robert f• Macintosh caught a, groundhog on the gangway of their • barn, .wl&h, should be an other good' ornen for: an Oen winter.' Mrs. Hovey • Brooks has been. in WirigharHospital with•,bron chial pn'eurxbonia.. •° Teacher arid pupils ' 'of ° Pa.ra- ,rnourit school .held their .Christ- irras•'conc.ert. on Monday, Decerri ber. • Simmons. -and Sons ltd HURON oflAD,•'GUDERICH