The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-22, Page 2PAGE TWO THE LUCNOil :SENTINEL LUCKNWN ONTARIO: THE LUCKNOW ' SENTINEL Ontario. : Lucke oMtt,. On 6Authorized as. Second Class Mail,Post Office. Dep ar. tment,, Ottawa} Member of Tl„,,ie C. W. N. A, • Established' 1873 PublishedEach Thursday Morning 'Subscriptioin, Rate' $2.50 A Year in Advance --To ILS.A. $3.00 .. C_.Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor,. ' i' fi" tF • • inn 'H TRS„ DECEMBER •'22nd, 1949' EDiT0L.Z. The old' admonition, "i# You °• ]iT S CHRISTMAS TIME,•. • , ' drive::d'on'it drink, if .yo.'•drnk • ft's 'Christmas timeagain, : ;and•. • the ,passing of the year seems lot to have broughtany marked' >. de ree of "Peace,an Earth, Good - .g will To Men", to thin turbulent world, ,,The Y :ear- has • seen the . •. . tentacles of ,IC hrist�-rej ectirig corn munissn ,reach ' deeper into the. Orient and in Europe. The Wes-. tern Hemisphere has enjoyed o ed a year of , carefree prosperity, in. a conal. land of plenty, 'while the Mother. ,in quick ' succession in national Land and European ., countries election s in. Australia. and •New. • ,continue impoverishedand with Zealand, eand' where forlong we. barely. enough od food and cloth- have been'' led to; believe existed .i• ig to' meet their meagre .necess NO SENTINE NEXT WEEK There • will 'be issue or The Sentinel published next week. ,Christmas falls on. Monday' and Boxing . Day on • Tuesday, and these two days' are to be observed and enjoyed—by The Sentinel• staff, there is little 'choice but to ,drop ,the issue, as it would " be Saurday morning •ihefore it would •be ,ready ifor distribution• : • This 'practise is; ;being.observed by numerous•, weekly ;papers, and. we trust • that our . readers will bear, with us, andthat they too: will erOy ;this" holiday ,occaSion. to the ,: full, :. don't drive", is doubly applicable at...this season" of the year, .;Un fortun ately .;yvhen` the driver gets "canned" .such good 'advice goes, unheeded '.No:. matter' unperturbed, socialists in this country' may try to appear,, there is no explaining away the double revere suffered. • There are Many who feel that. Christmas is over -commercializ- ed and.. that , Santa 'Claus : has crowded Christ out of 'Christmas. To many the, Yuletide means lit tie but an orgy .c f excess in -eat the Garden of Eden of socialism.. Newspapers have ab tit.: two things' to sell—space' and sub scription; and. it would be jus as consistent to , ask your. grocer for, a :dozen oranges "just to, fill up" as to ask, a publisher.; for a W No Luck/In lee-Makiri'g Ice -making 'efforts at the arena have :been •for naught 'so far this season. 'On 'a couple of Occasions Pelt McCoy has had a fair found-, ation built, only to lose it in the recurring mild . spells. : CHRISTMAS:- SES -'� .{"DONORS ND• : • - Grr TIURS., DECEMBER,. 2241,, 190 Z!he Lucknow and. District; ristrnas Seal Fund had 'grown° 700 :at :the. 'end .' of the wiweek,, Nth LOOKING"; 'BACKWAR'DS THROUGH ' THE , .-,SENTINEL FILES Sixty Years Ago. Thomas 'Douglas wasappoint ed engineer. of-the-Tnew - water- works ' system in Lucknow, Jokin:'..It Gamier,. M.D., wrote, a verypoirted letter to The. Sen- tinel on the filthy conditions of the privies : at. -the School Asa: meniber of . ,the Board he was :publicly .'ilemandirig ,• action . for new- lavatories and ui in als•.• a steady response to this inkin v�rorth . nng�and dx _____ ns__ -e-_-__-§. _ -boost __:_ _._....y project:' This amount, . ns the .true sYg-• `dozen lines -in -the-paper to boo •.. • ' some 3U0, short But ;to xnihio • n howesver, is still, $ • Christmas 'strikes. business -or some Project. where . . nxficance. of � is � of hast ear's rriark;;::which° the.. near - the promoters' or sponsors will 'home,w and 'a .custom that,.re-'revenue; with • tl% idea . local committee ' has `aimed to ly 'tea:>thousand .years old, � realize a revers • • . one'sIt's. kindness in; surpass. news . faith and ' hope. that you are: doing a : out spirit permeates men's hearts' and helping. •in to "fill' up" space., 'Try Follow up cards were sent p P g as reminders last week and these are expected to have good °re-' sults as a,;good many have simply neglected or forgotten to contri- bute to the •• fund. • • minds;. ' and prompts us . to for to get a free dinner at the hotel get self interests,: and .to: think,.in • or; restaurant o r a few gallons terms of kindness;., help and • as .a the service station lust :.d 11 Of gas t long failure. goodwill to one . an • a , lishes�to fill: up" •So as • it ,stomp this,, e' .a o Christmas can never b lete list of donors; ' the Christ= � : • n � im. ortan�t � event � in the civic . incomp It ins Christmas;; a:n,d , .. • • . A ' � P ... •the � . is scheduled follows Gordon MacPherson, R; life of the Village . ... Gordon , ., MacDonald; . Miss �to mankind the. will and. spirit to:: or Friday:. night.; .Its -the annual �; .Rev:. C. _f of, creat -urination meeting and calls for: Marion 'L. .MfaeDonaldi Mrs: W. unite in the urgent task no • and representative. turnout- -of 'vill- E. Harry 'Nixon; Durnin• ging. one worldryof brotherhood a represent, , . , , Gordon;� . ' And more=it .im-' 'Phillis': William Cox, • Russell :goodwill. • . 4 - . ,•; : • ' ' ' • age; electors... , .P .,�• :._ � • _ ... And now, on the threshold; of 'poses : a responsibility. to serve the.; Whitby; . Peter iilof fat; William n in which: we : niti alit `' in its needs for civic ilson• Wallace. the. Yuletide season -in mu p _ . Y.. k. Ross.Mrs:• T F..,,W celebrate .the. Birth • of Hun, whom : and' educational adm• inistration Miller Samuel Cu ey;•John M. P J: hosSpindle led. at Lanes, in his 76th year: Gar'dner wa worshipful' nastcr. of t Zion • ' Orange," Lodge • Mr. • D. Patterson, a . highly es teemed resident of the' village,. was honorably.acquitted on a charge of ••. ,practising -. dentistry Without a license. It. was shown that .: by manufacturing, false teeth•he had in no way violated any, : of • the provisions of the den- tal act. • MeSsrs.. Angus 'MCKenzie and Rose Anderson' disposed .of. their i m'p: o, r t e d• , draught stallion, A"Oroveshire' Oak" to John. Gilk- inson' of 'Orangeville •for..$2000. G. W:: Berry received word': O. the 'death of his; `brother William in Detroit. ' lVfr: GebrgeeMrd eton's :pupils- ��r•stinas time. d. him at : i �presente With .'a "handsome pickle ',cruit,, Johnstone'& 'Co. of that city. J. P, O'Malley of Detroit 'was fined $500 on a reckless driving -ch'a•ge; in-onzetwith t - fatal ' accident: •nearon Teeswater. which instantly qianned the life.:' of Miss ' O'Callah , Twenty-four hours later . his sister, Mrs. Jam- eson, . died of her injuries, James Pier. ce, age '80,; of Holy rood; 'died' in WingliamIospita .. �' l 'Herb. -Duthiewas, manager of -•. the Walker Stre: .. ; Waiter-Sturdy;'was :.fin M`ichi�: .gari trying to obtain nfQLmation'. about . his•. 413rotherY in=law, vvho mysteriously disappeared early °in . October, from his farm -near 'Pontiac,' Police were working .on ,the theor • thathe had bei ro- • b lied and. murdered.r:. ' m�as message, that alone can give we -know as the Prince' `of Peace, may give ive.us peaceful;minds,: ... • ` so that as individuals and nations • We may live in understanding on - WRITE • A LETTER have yeas. some often Howyou.. in the'p' aper or • seen ;some- • Fr Ida y night's. ' nomination meeting .',should not be taken lightly. Municipal government to • day demands • 'sound,: and ' con- da' demands ,sound, and eon-' scienscious: , a• mis ra ion. • tendance ' at this 'meeting is im •portant , But ' still :more import= ant; : in e'v'ent.. of an , election, is the: ekercising of; one's franchise. thing on . the street and 'then told o •' ylo rrselfthat-you,: should -write al• — TtI long -way :from • letter to'.the, newspaper and yet ';those da ys of no Waterworks,..no ' •for some reason' or other you put .hydro,' no'sewers, no' high. taxes,: -' :' `" Off :writingto the paper .and, fin-- electricity, in :most .home ,few no allY neglect. it altogether• .' / bathtubs or telephones, 'no Fe- :is in many; milk' bottles f'no Writing to papersfrigerators, •. no: , . la es uite 'an established ecus no; .trucks` ' no .moving Pic. .p .. c d ,, cars,, �. In England one of . the best o firade unions,.. no paved... torn England tures, n etters : to 'no atur� are. 1 lanes � ' Y�.o radio, read fe to. no�•aarp , ' columns.. Here.' theslacks,no electric the editor"short-skirts,''or ordinary reader - has a . chance, to stoves. • no, oil ,furnaces,;.no Baso into print; here • , ro twin put his • thoueghts• in P, ti . , line; no ;service: • stations, n • he has .a *Chance...to, ; criticize the,. 'jos_: rid swimming' pools ,except: policy' of the paper; and here..he' : in the treacherous. holes' 'of ' ttie 'has• the' chance to put' his,. own. river, no brief bathing suits, ideas :before the public. k ..n one thing Newspaepers• as .o ly g •:before'',:the . will• 'print , .a letter Y. p. from a reader, andWthat is that 1 • .;the .le¢tter.. be signed, ,although they. will not reveal :the writer's .;., name .if the latter desires to hide_ • behind a non de plume. Of course. the letter must not :be libelous if it is 'to be published as the saine. 'libel laws ' govern" letter writers las govern the editorial ,staff'of. a newspaper, k d C 1 T h' ut So' the next, -time you have a of the Walkerton. High ;School Miss Elizabeth Welsh; David g beef, or 'feel like :, giving •some- . District, " at • the request of the 'Todd; Mrs. Edgar I -loll man; two municipalities: Walkerton John A. McDonald, R, 6 William. ..one a• little praise, or if you just ' ., feel like writing 'just, drop a let Municipal Council has received a Spindler;. William Orr; Dr, T. ter. to the editor We are, always ; letter from the Department re -"Brock Cleland;• Richard Gardner;, .y questing a report "regarding ;the ' G• W, T 1 r• 'Rev, John W. glad to receive thein. ' Aitchison; Me]1vin:Morrison;.'•Chf-' ford•Crawiford; Elmo :`Pritchard; Mas Ellen-. Alton; .Joseph : Mac Millan Clifford Murray;.. John r•ar-ri Maulden;Elmer 'Johnston; Sil- verwood Dairies Ltd:;, Canadian, Legion No: 309, Anderson::, Flax Products;: :John- W. Henderson. • Planing 'Mill, 'S:O S Club' John Jamieson;.';Mrs. ' Mary F. Ander son; John . McRae; ' A. Emerson McKim; Gordon ' Anderson;, Miss' Gertrude' Treleaven Ernest •Crawford;. Robert A. •Rae; Wm.' Porteous,; Elmer . Uantiach; W.L MacKenzie; 'John .A. -:MacDonald; Robert McIntosh; Wesley Guest;' William ''• Burt;. 'William` Bower;' Everett West; Wm MacIntyre;• John A. McIntosh;' W B ;Ander son;' .Mrs.: Alex McLennan; Alex McRenzie;• Henry . Gardner; Miss Catherine . MacGregor; F 1 o y d' . no Wilson; 'J'an/ e s ,Pickering; R.. fast • frozen •foods, rio ..rnargarme,' Woods;' Williarri Schmid. • W.. O: • Hunter; Lorne Woods; Harold Haldeniby,,. Henry Donais; Allister., Hughes;. Jr.' Ca McNab; Oliver Barkell;. , :Albert• Taylor Mrs. J. W. :Henderson Donald Hendersoi ;, John -S. -Craig; �Vm; G. Reed; Wrn, Griffin; Ira Carron bell;; Dr. ':f. Corrin; .Arthur An - 'drew; Mrs R. •V. MacKenzie Peter Carter;„Wilfred Farrish; Douglas Graharn; Frank Ritchie; 4 Thirt -Five . 'Years' Ago Donald McIntyre died at: Loch- alsh,'in • his 90thyear, Jaynes. Johnston was ,critically ' nedwhen he oured'. coal :oil .bur.... 'P, on the fire. which exploded 'and .threw burning oil over him.: arid' the room.' Mr. 4. C. Murdoch, his ,neighbor, •: helped'smother ' the flames that' enveloped. Mr. :'JJohn- John - stall; Mrs.: Johnston' ran to; .give the ` alarm 'and, in returning to' rescue ,her . baby, •bath elle.-•and the. infant suffered• comparatively minor' burns. . • The ,death Occurred of', Mrs. e • ntosh of. Con. ' 4_ `Peter,; MCI , , loss. "She, • was :.survived 'by, . her husband and nine daughters. Phillip Stewart •had the -contract.. for. mail . delivery on R.R. No.' 4. and Ed Purvis on ' o. ' Mable Levis died .at St. ` Helens • in hey 28th ::year , �• died :in Toronto. Dan,°Kennelly• , At one, time he was employed in, •Lawrence`s hardware. Kinloss :-Council, :re-elected' by acclamation, ;was, ;.' Reeve: D. ; Mac Donald ;• • and :Councillors John Mcbiarinid 'Charles : • Baechler, Joseph Tiffin, Ed'.I3;odgins' • James Aitchison; • brother 'oaf Thomas and George . Aitchison, of Lucknow, was .killed by a ..train near Hamilton. He lost, both legs. and died. of loss..of blood. before Medical' aid; could arrive:' •, , "Nothing But The Truth". •was ' presented by. the Lucknow T)ra ' rnatic Society, The ''cast 'included ..:; Wilfred Anderson„ Joe Hassall,'. Rev.. E. O. Gallagher,:..Elliott Miller; , Thomas' Watson, T.orna :' Carnep'bell, •Mrs. J. 'Wesley Joynt, :Mary , Aitchison; 'Margaret :But • - ton., Rena, MacDonald and Phyllis MacDonald. Sunday ,night horse racing on Main°:St , Was being frowned on, and :