The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-15, Page 8�A,GE EIG" • THE Luc See what the have .been 'hunting RHER P.• Wool Glo. a •Lingerie, Towel Sets, fylot:z Hose,• "Lace " Table Cloths, . Maderia Pillow Slips, Blouses Pullover ,Sweaters, Handkerchiefs FOR. HIM.. .. Fors th Ties, ' Socks,' Shirts, • .Pyjamas . (. Y ;) �. , Handkerchiefs Sweaters ' Gloves. FOR CHILDRE'Ns Ski Socks, . Sweaters,'.,Ties,•: Mitts.. Bow a .ENZIE-an' Olshawa General Hospital, on. Flriday, *December •9t11; • to Mr. and Mrs. Roir Mac- Kenzie, a son, a ,brother. for Rod- die. 'od-die • WOUI.LtEY--in • Chesley, on Wed ,nescla' y,`Decemlbeir-7th 0. Mr, -:and, :Vlrs. C. Eric Woolley, a daugh-, ter,' Margaret Ethel, a granddad: ghter for Rev.: and ..MTs C. B. Woolley. tt ;y SUGG EST.O. FOR. iristfl; as iv f g : g Here. • is a practical gift sug- gestion ug gestion: for that "hard to pick, ,for" ` person and the last min= ute shopper. `• A Christmas E .;' FOOD' t.�PARC from Thompson's, attractively packed for ''holiday giving. And for sick and 'shut-in. box of fruits air* sweets would be most ap- preciated. Order early from Thompson's. • r,. !a: 1, a r,, • T.( • a CHURCH NEWS Presbyterian Guild The.. Presbyterian Guild open ed ••with the; theme. "The 'Lord is My strength .;'and song". The' Lord's prayer was repeated.' Ray MacKenzie read the scripture. `The bible study was taken by 1Vlorley`Ci Yn: A Plano solo was played by Ruth :Jeihr$ton and Winnie Stewart . gave a reading. A cornet duet .was 'played by Mary, and `Morley. ; Chin Hymn?•: 745 was sung and the' Meeting closed 'with. prayer TARS., IaECE1VlI31! R iath 194; KNOW SENTL► - LUCKNORT, ONTARIO ,�1o++���`ao�+��+��t,sre;sr+t�t�atalar�;iwwP�k,r�4,srl,r�a04�l�� COUINCL ACCEPTS. »`' ESSOR ROLL ASS � ..._...:.. ... , I ucknow Municipal Council's final meeting of, the year was held on Monday night. It was a five-hour session :that comznene- ed. As, A court of revision. This. was followed by • a thorough dis- cus"sion• of the No. 1 Water sys- 'tem well and it was 11.10 • before the ' routine business of, the year, tend windup ' got underway. . Reeve W., A. ,Solomon, suf- f icently recovered • in health to have attended, was .unable to he, preser:t because of the illness of: his niiother, who passed aiviray thatevening. Councillor. McNab presided.. Four • appeals : by• Assessor Haney to. increase his', original assessment -,,on '.the properties •of W.. A:. Porteous; J W. Joynt's block;'' Mrs; Sarah 'Collyer and Toni Anderson,'. Jr., were sustain- ed. No action ' was taken on J. W. Joynt's appeal to, have his ware- -house, assessn ent, reduced, whidh :had been increased; from $200 to $1700 A •reduction .of • $100 on' the landand-$280 on the house was. granted Stewart LaVis. This concluded; the work of the Court of Revision ;and.' a motion was uraniniousay;supported to sc cept the assessor's roll as revised, to' complete the task of ... equalize in . th�_�assessment, which was. . g assessment, one of'the ' Major undertakings of` the Board this year. Mr. Haney' -s account of $450 for _dbipg' the;. work was passed' United Church Y. P. S. 'The; .meetings was opened with hymn 53' followed .by the scrip- ture by Helen, . Irwin: Business was discussed ;by. the . president and it. was decided tohold the annual carol singing` on Monday, December' .19th. The theme ' on Fellowship was given : by :Noreen: _Kilpatrick:_;. Charlene Smith gave. a piano solo followed iby a read ing by; Margaret' Rae Contests were conducted and the meeting closed with the benediction. • • 'Are:'gifts that are appreciated--- should, ;t be ylons, Sli s Panties or Gloves. N; Shps, WE HAVE 'THEM. ALL 'BY KIYSER i '• Beautiful Gift Boxes Supplied At NQ': Extra Charge • i .A' FEW OTHER''UGGESITIONS.�.. . Tinted. flannelette for ladies, girls,Mor PYJAMAS m eQsY p . i . boys;; en aline' t, ` `• HrovsgcoA' S, -.all r wool plaid' or 'bengaline.' b g iV , s ar, boys.. CARDIG.PtNS, PULLOVERS—for ladies glrl ck wine . brown, gree ' ,i f•I11►NDBACxS--grey, bla. , , /� ' • look aroulid,--we'.'have ,� 'You ,,are i avit+ed le conte • in and.. a ;host:,of Christmas Gift. S}lggestions., Sht�fl'S TOT-TO'FEEN anti LADIES WEAR. 'Phone. 89-w Lucknow, Ont. , ..Wt amaNI.+?oorall 'toss#, i!4 F+#sG" ouxt,r.m,c3 obatibspl spit maft,t i'u,wmobli ooA Council :named K. C. Murdie as, fire chief,': and gave approval . to the • other officers • and firefight. • ers. Tt 'was pointed -out that the mnembera off the•'Bridage are now covered by .the Workmen's ,Com pensation:Board at a .cost of $2.25, per man. • Councillor McNah reported that the Town 'Hall bec had�` n given. :a` thorough ,,cleaning. and , that a Group I of the W. A. Mrs. W. • V: Johnston was, hos- tess os-tess for the.Black-Drennaitgroup mee ing on. urs�a • y with. Mrs. Black presiding.' The scripture- lesson was "read • by Mrs. Harold AllinThe roll call Or good used piano • .had been purr chased for the hall. A balance' of $19.50 ;on the Lib Mary Board's :annual ;grant ;of 50c� per .capita, was : passed. Two street ' lights are to - be in- stalled along the highway . at: the n northern ,corporation liniits. • The' December :'meeting ; • of Group III. of the W.A was held On ' Wednesday . afternoon 'at. the OgilvieGinger Bread Mix was answered .by handing arr the `.home of ' Miss 'McGregor.: Mrs.' Also grand for ginger gift : bags • The., prograan include': Jones Presided.- The 'meeting' .opo ' 30c- aa- piano •solo -by ;-Mrs --:Quigley;: ened':. by...singing the__�C�hr stmas coolcies' readings'. by Mrs R. Rdbertson hymn "While. Shepherds watched iTilbest Quick, .Mix Hot Rolls and Mrs G: MacDiarrnoid end "their Flocks",:. : after Which ' the. Just add iwater. :. ...30c: Glrstmascaro • is The Meeting bmg Lords . prayer'w• Mi . as, repeated 'in �• . weis closed with the zp en- unison.' The Christmas scripture ' t ion and a contest and'social was 'read by Mrs. Nelson ' Bushl•. , 'Nescafe ;� � edict , 4 oz jar half :hour followed. • ell. The treasurer's' report show- •� 65c� Sem; up to.,:36: cups , ' .ed ,".$11:5:13 has'been raised . .. It that :all haven't MeNay-Kilpatrick ,Group 'was : urged . ''wh'o The McNay -Kilpatrick Group sent in their contribution of fees. of the W.A.: met at the home ; of to try and have them in to Mrs. Mrs. ' A.,' E. McKim..:Mrs;, McNay Harvey Webster, the treasurer, dor "* / ;shoe. • '• • • n' opened to either'of the.group :leaders be-.. Warmly:lined; for wear over the foot or ; oe No need • resided and the'meets g p. Lth. Christmas carols • and , pray- fore . the Fend. of December; Mrs. t! read: the": Mumford led in ,Prayer: A: Very er.. Mrs. .Roy Culbert ; :,; .. . • tive : & interesting Christ-'" :NYLONS . scripture :'lesson:`, After ,the bush , mstruc. t ,g,,; ::.. .. BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY .N , • for eas :,., P. . y- .' attractive •ness..and :reports, the • following, mss message was given � �b Miss- • : Trio �. necessary,' in att Made' smart aide out, no to • g • acing: : •: ra am' was given:.' Christmas; Dean' : M►acL�eod...:Two .. 'pleasing • r� ' • . � $1.40 to ,$2:25 P readings' by Mrs. `.Ew•art 'Taylor Anderson: and . a Robinson, Joyce, and Joan Camp=; and. Mrs.�W. B. A and' . Oranges and Candy duet . by M1 Mrs:' Harold Treleaven bell. and Gwen Treleaven:. There get your :choice and: Mrs: J:. W Joynt. AS this was were ' •13 . members present and: 5 on' our closing neeting: for the year . visitors. Roll call • was answered Mrs.. McNay: thanked the- mem- by a Christmas ,decorating , hint.., �� - �`•�"��� � "Hers for"`�their�lelp •sand co=aperar ,A -vote` -of -thanks --was -given-the tion:.Mrs. EWart Taylor moved 'a hostess -!and to:'the two presidents hearty vote of thanks to the lead -who served.. so e f f i �c i en try y ers for":..their untiring 'efforts in throughout 1949:.• "Silent Night"; ''PHONE 82 • • IVER. keeping . up • the interest 'in the was sung and the, rnizpahe bene- .: WE DEL �_. • Y ` Group.in every: way: A - contest diction pron,oiinced. Lunch was enjoyed e b all. served. rbc 'fit i a sir #ixxt; # #t srt�#; # 1: # bi #ri >~.�or br d '1 . . e' �. -. �. w w •� . arid. lunch 'was y d Y r: '- #a1#O# #i.rti ttig# '# 1igii'# 1sitAi ig islafttotto#>' i ii�,",�� irtio too " #t4:P " t11 ' a t1:o 'ra b #ti # i'? " ii'' # • . re Tb" Like is ong that comes from .' LADIES" and -MEN'S WEAR • WEBSTER S L .., .. . . So drop in now, `:while selection is extensive, and see the hundreds of ways we have of pleasing a lady or gent., / v IF `. IT'S THE BEST 'YOU WANT IT'S' AT LADIES' AND MEN'S W e+#f,#rnr##ate##ar#mr##t+#ra'e#ilii.. At Bridge Opening . A noteworthy ,event last; week 'was the ` official 'opening of , the new concrete ono Y , the .Bayfield :River on Highway way 21: Free ••Press• pictures - of the event•. showed':H,!on. George Doti- ' .rN. 'l l �t tili ii Rt/P iwootoloaO otoo0.+ i?40,4.0botih l + 1 nett; snipping''the ribbon, with Elmer :Webster,, reeve of Goder -ich' Township, .assisting;'Reeve 'e'�t`�''F"YS�-a�9.�„ .,,f .lui,;c .:Roti• .Webster and' the 'late •Mr: Web ster, f or m e r. l y of Lucknow, where tie farnily. is well:known.: `Blue ,&': Gold Wax Beans. . .h ' Fancy quality: 2 tins 29c ;F'or, •a nice change in vegetable Hande-e-wrap. Heavy Waxed Paper 100 .feet , 27c With vital. edge y . to ristmas 61 o. SLIPPERS FOR 'ALL THE FAMILY fine selection of Women's, 1VJen's and .Children's Slippers, tit A, 'reasonably priced.• ' 'MEN'S .. ' • , FLIGHT BOOTS MENSandWO',' 1�,5:_ to suffer with cold,.feet. Be wise and buy your Christ- mas Nuts,. 'O" this week and' of the selecti ti quartettes • were sung :�by:.Shirley ' boxes ... , . ay>we suggest the , Glf t of 'a Pair o Shoes . FOC/T*EAR ;� , •.. , ��UBBEIt � `law ; prices, `• ek of I ubbeif FootWear'at ...:... A -.complete sto � _-. I0MPS0' Tlie Store of Friendly Service; a�lsweil l hTh t �� Shore . C � :11:1 ""'. 1�ifR\ IfRRIfR 000/1! w inti alisingl Ri'. 1R�4 444wi rOi�• R7lA.+�1A 01-0,0 11Rt ... •r