The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-01, Page 7THTJRS., DIC. BER. 10t; 2.1040;• 'L° UOKNOW • SENTINEL, UGKNQWR O •TA UO ' PAGE SEVEN, SANTA LUCKNQW BOUND, TO REACH OARE. 'DECEMBER • 10 Santa Claus •' is .heading this way • and is scheduledto arrive' in Lucknow a Week rfror. Satur- •day,; December 10th.. He'll he•here '.in person 'early that afternoon to take part in the parade, and will. _.,take ..in. the show .._The, mPlay-_ house and .,help pass .: out the treats to all the children, But •we're expecting, a Santa- graan from the Old• i ent. an* dray . Wea eso rnpre about this `, next. VANCE A, STATIA, former pub -- Usher of, the T, eeswater . News, died at Trenton.'Be• was in 'his Blst Year, - and had :'spent sixty-, four years of his life as a printer and. pwblisher. DECLINED PRESIDENCY, 01? BRUCE; POLIO CHAP.TER. Mr. Nelson 'E, Bushell;, was . re- cently •informed that he had. been elected chairman of $the Bruce County Chapter of the ,Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis. QVir.. Bushell, however, felt that he was unable to accept the appointment arid.; notified the Voilndatign that, effect,; The eIection Was '. by a ,nail ballot. of .fellow citizens of Bruce County 7 who by their contribu- tions to the fund are members of the Canadian Foundation, which has as its • purpose , the fight -against poliomyelitis. Zhe Foundation will• launch the Canadian March . of Dimes in January, .on 'behalf • of this work, and IS taking steps to . set up .a •Chapterin Bruce County. Other officers of this Chapter include, J. ' F: Cove, Walkerton,, 'secretary; A. C. Marnoch, South- ampton, treasurer; R. H. Martyn; Ripley; H. R. Magwood, Kincar- dine, Miss , Elsie Sym; Wiarton, and P, :Stuart MacKenzie Walk erton. // IS • �sa:4�x\Cs •�TMI� r 0-0,LLION-.SOLL:A ' 1•:• Evety one of;• the . B ,of 1't'S •1,?00 000 ';depositors has:: shared in the writing of it: ,'1 Simple and straightforward; ittells hovcw theawo billion -dollar resources of=•Canada's First -Bank- have; been -put to work Ihow these -resources - born of the deposits of. our .customers.,— are helping.; Canadians in every Walk of life to make a better future for themselves' and. for Canada, • You can see these dollars at work everywhere ... B' Of.M::. commereial.loans are ,at :the, highest', year end figure 'in the his tory of the•Bank. • 04, or WHAT THE Bof M HAS .TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS:. CASH: The B of M has cash in its vaults: and money 'on`deposit with 'the , Bank of Canada.. amounting. to MONEY in the form of notes. of ::cheques on an ',deposits with other banks INVESTMENTS: The. B of M has: over a billion' dollars'. invested in high-grade government bonds and other • public securities, whwh have a ready, market. Listed on the Bank's books.,at a figure not greater that; thrift..: '.. market •value, they amount to • The 13 of M; ,'has other bonds,' debentures; and '. stocks, a substantial part- •of which represents 'assis- tance to' .industry for plant development •.in thepost- war: period. •These :investments are carried at CALL'LOANS' The B of M •has Call loans which are • fully protected by quickly saleable. securities, These loan`s amodnt to- . • QUICKLT AVAILABLE •RESOURCES:. The resources listed above, '. which . can quickly' be turned into cash, cover 7B% of ,all °,that ' ;the Bank owes toahepublic. These "quick assets"' amount to $1,602,090,910.01 229,296;309.15 156,733,757.58 .1,044,968,842.21 122,917;348.16 48,174,652.91 ,LOA?iS:.During the year, 'many milUons ,of ..dollars ',have been lent to business: and:industrial .enterprises foiproductioa of -every ,kind=to fathers, fishermen, r lumbermen and ranchers -oto citizens in all wallas of lite, and to Provincial and' -Municipal. Governments and.SthoaDistr'cts. These loans,, now at the highest "" year=end figure,in the Bank's . history, _stand. at', DANK BUILDINGS: ,In 'hamlets, •"Villages, towns. and. large, cities from• coast. to coast the 13 of M serves its customers at• 541 offices. The value of the build- . ings owned by•the Bank,'together with furniture and equipment, is shown, on, its books ,at ., OTHER ,ASSETS: These chieflq represent liabilities of. customers for commitments made by the Bank. on., their behalf, covering foreign and domestic,. trade transactions , TOTAL' MEET IT RESOURCE 3 WHICH.THE B of M H�F15 Tb.M •. ,$2,139,GSti,2G3.44 OBLIGAT ON 487052,653.41. • 17,850,169.22. 32,394,530.80 WHAT THE ;B bf M OWES;. TO OTHERS: Derowsi While many business firms, manufacturers,: merchants, farmers, and people in every type, of buss .' •tv _s �_ ness ,have, substantial deposits' with the' B of M,.• the- -stA t `- larger part'of the money on deposit with the! Bank is•'�1d. u'. the savings of well over a Million .private citizens ' •The total of" all dej�ositt is'• BANK 'NOTES:.Blof•M bills in circulation, which are payable on presentation, amount to • : OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items; represent- , ing mainly commitments' undertaken by the• Bank on behalf of'customersin their foreign"anfl domestic trade ''transactions .,, a • . ' TOTAL OF WHAT THE •.B of M 1OW,ES ITS DEPOSITORS ,•AND OTHERS''., . TO `' PAY •IT ;OWES, THE B of At ` HAS ' TOTAL 'RE-' SOU CES, AS 'HOWN ON ' THE 'LEFT " SIDE OF THIS STATEMENT, MODNTING TO; .•t ... 2,139,688,263,44 WHICH MEANS s HAT THE, B of'' M HAS RESOURCES; ° OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT.OWES, •AMOUNTING TO $ 8- 5,155,810.61 '$2,019,142,697.65 3,621,916.00 31;767,8'39.18:,. 2,054,532,452:83 • • This I gure✓of $85,155,810°61 is made up of money subscribed by the shareholder"a and, to ,some extent, of .profits which have_from, time, to time been ploughed back into, the; ' 'business' to, broaden the Bank's, services ,and to give added protection for the depositors. EARNINGS — After paying ali overhead expenses, including staff salaries,;bonuses:and contributions' to the Pension Fund; and ;after making provision 'for contingencies, and: for depreciation of Bank premises; furniture arid equipment, the •B=of24 reports earnings ;, for the twelve months ended October 31st; 1949, of . $ Provision for 13Orninion Income Tax and Provincial Taxes . Leafing. Net Earnings of .... .• • ' This amount teas distributed as follows: Dividends'to Shareholders . ;, . $ .<3,600,000.00• Balance to. Profit 'add Loss Account':: 2,216,56,97 • • 9;221,569.97 '3,405,000.00 $ 5,8:16,569.97- I E VERY _,,►WO�t;`K.INC1YH CANA DI AN S N ..•<v. , ,\... •,vr, "•:'r`• :,r:4 `\\ ..r:�Y;>;:{4`,t .t•.4: h;.:. •,t; :4: f i:`.•.: •:r::.a,.y...,....tyY. r \)., f�'t• ,.:v .? ..ti t•�^,' 'J •.t4.t .•�*:}•.•. r.rh.•;t;•k;l ,( .� .hs:.5• vg•Aty� v 4*• + ,:.•7.... r. _ • }��;iti'r vk✓vyvkhrv�•<v �:•:'f}, .. y 4F• WALK OF` t.t.F.E•'- SINCE• 1 $ 1 7 i✓ <\r1<,, ���f' '_*"•.. "+\\iM Y:;1; \�'\Wltti 4\1`?\ _h.,•. .\•'r.:••r.•t'' \ � .ti } r {2i•. .if 4. 1. . : r.v •. • S. ,jr ...tt. :f.., •. • ♦ .. :<r:1ti•:4•:4:•••0lr}rr:{':•Y •. 'r(i'irA\✓J•,..•fti: r�< A.• or 4 :4 0 • • 0' ,,..zy;;