The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-01, Page 3Imo e ;e 5' TITURS,, DEtCE'M$E>4 1st, 1949. THE LUFKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO L a bonalci Atgnet4 rias beep# hi Wing'harn Hospital: ' with. pneu- monia. . " r Mrs, James Solornon, who was 92 years of 'age last Augus't, is ill frith' pneumonia at the • -home of. her son,, Austin Solomon, Mr,:• and • Mrs. Eric Edmanson of Tororito spent the week -end. •with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. -3",: M. 'Greer, • Reeve W. 1• . Solomon is ill; ;with , an , attack • of the shingles,, land -will be confined, to his:.hokne for an indefinite: period, Russell Robertson, who: was on a .hunting trip for' a, few days,' 'brought. home -a deer • the, `latter part of.the Week, :. _Marguerite .McKenzie has been •in°'bed with 'pnetnonia this 'past, ,week :'•We• -` ail. hoe She'll -be • up,-: •arid around for: her 'eighth 'birth- day, Friday, Deceinber 2nd. Representatives of" the : local Scout Troop and. Cub'' Pack are '.attending the annual 'meeting'. of • :.the Saugeen, district,"'which is .be ing held,, today,' (Thursday). in 'Walkerton; Little Jarie Joyzut, year-old dau- ghter of ' Mr. • and Mrs,' "George Joyrit, is a ;.patient"at the Child I rev's ospital; • London,.receiving. treatment :for a"„stubborn case' of eczema ,ter eneral .'Harold' Aplin, who is a patient in Wingham ; Hospit with; . • heart condition; is expected to .remain there for about another month. •' a • doubly 'anxious ightllastT t a Mr Thomas ui e .Tues- Tues- day. On,,' top of the fire scare at The Playhouse, she learned from a radio report that the lake boat. her husband is on, was .in trouble at' sea with a damaged propeller.. Mt..Quigley telephoned the next day to relieve her anxiety, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton visit- ed last week at the' home. of her father, Mr. J. R. 1VICN'ab. Mar- garet is. librarian at the R.C.A.F. library .at Goose Bay, She' made' the . 3,200 -Anile ,r6iind' .trip fl ght by T.C.A.. plane, :arriving, in:L.on- don last' Wednesday. On the re- •turn,,flight she made :stop-offs..`at Otta,Vtr ' and 'Mo'ntreal: • Mrs. , R. m. Holiyrnan of Buenos Aires, Argentine, is 'a ,yisitor with'. her sister-in-law, Mrs E d g a r •Hollyrnan ; The forn1er's husband, who was .a' representative; of a Welah :Coal exporting con-ipany in South; America, died •suddenly four :years, ago., .A "sister lives . in London,, and ” a :brother, Frank Hollyrnan,.;•lives' in Blyth. Mrs: Hoilyrnan ' finds;.:•our Canadian winter ,(or °'Mhat she has 'seen' of it so': far) Vile • interesting,' .and. certainly, to her, out of the ord- inary. . „BANIt;1tEPORT RBELEC floN.• OF, ECONOMIC HEALTH :Outstanding feature: •:of the Bank'' of. Montreal's 132nd annual report ,is 'the', •,P fact, ,that, for • the first year-endin, .the, bank's his ..tory,. `its total, resources,' .exceed the two -billion dollar, mark;; : while. .. deposits • c.omrrnercial .loans the at 'record levels, .: `Arrays a: dependable, reflection o f ; t h: e { LUCKNOW ITED CHURCH • Minister Rev. W. J: Mumfo .d, • SUNDAY, •DECEMBER 4th • 11 a.m . "Bring Me Your• '., • Tears" 12:15.' pmSunday' . School: 7 pm.: Question and Answer Night. The-rublic, cordially invited td -worship with us. nation's .econonnic -health, the -re=_ port of Canada's senior 'financial institution °this: ''year shows: sub- stantial growth'. • in ,practically every phase of the Bank's oper-. ations: The • annual statement. appears in. this issue and: is -presented in such form`; as to 'Make 'it about the 'most easily, understood bank'. statement:' issued BORN CRAIG ,In Wingham General, Hospital; ori 'Mon'day,' November' 21st, ?to Mr.and 'Mrs.' • Dawsox ` Craig, Whitechurch, a son DOWNS --in Carnpbellford' Geri= eral hospital on' ',Saturday;`` ,Ioy ember.' 26th, to Larry and: Dorothy ;Downs, a daughter, :•Judith ,Lor- . raine. PHILLIPS -.-In •Winghan General Hospital, on WednesdaY►. Novem- ber 9th, to .Mr.: and' Mrs. Russell Philli R:2�L ps , , ; ucknovv, a.' &ugh- ter, A inted . Agent', pPp _ Alex McNay has been a ppoint-, `eel dis_trictgent..for the -State, Ear mM utual- Auto bile Ihsur= la4111110,o.111MiNIIIi0.611.1141•1011111111.1.`I)4MM.»i.,MIN0IIIIIN1f.. 8nce • .c o. MR • 1t0,o ur. 1114:A4:4 E0011414 `ut v tt %ru u G471E •r 4411t;0:iitr urw Q 0 +Q , '..4.: 1:'h iiitsY.ti}i'•.•}:t\i, i' tti :; ... �iiit,:.Ila1• �'�t n ts,t 1• t 1 t alt ttY.i i$' F , t'•. ldk�,,,, ttilui t ,,tt sl,llil `.1•'stu.. :...,.. a......... �•�'. er ' WHERE'VER. IT'S : C0I1D 1 • • •'ciu can really 'turn ;on the heat' with this nest! Leo . , a,nd tia ilaake your rooms glow with coiifort.: Safe,, silent, odourless and' elegant, , the• Leo.'is used in :nlaces where ordinary ktti o-' senc•.lreaters .wouldn't be tolerated, it pours heat into. -a good fi sized ;room, can.. boil a kettle, and can be 'carried aityWhei°e. Will give , years Of .faithful. ser'ice ...ju`st• what yon. want: 2 Very economical and very warming -heat • output can be regulated -burns 40' hours on one gallon of No: 1 distillate g gi or ;kerosene. Available in rich pastel color's-'-erearn,.;light green' and .gold to suit your furnishings: lsp't this just what you want? ' t 'LEO' ROOM. HEATER• • I6 er • Phone • ,1 t0 .. Luc' • oW +a4t+a 4#11431,+ 0a' ,4a *a 4011ragren 0 a!a rr0160rar r40ble STUDENTS EXCEL • �T ,!,H.S.. CONCERT Student's" of Lucknow High School" again proved able enter- tainers, and made a big 'hit,with large audiences on Thursday and. Friday nights at the annual Com- mencement exercises..• The fact that. Principal P, W. Head had taken illthat day,, did; not prevent him from, conducting the band on both, evenings,, for the opening number of the pro- gram. - The .public never r ceases to marvel at the accommplislirrients . of this. •Band and . their leader. The Glee Club was: heard in• four numbers • directed by • Mr. West, :and •'with ,;,accompaniment. by Joyce OaMpbell.; .Joyce then favored With two solos•.with Mr. :West at the piano. i "Let's Have ] Jo. K� ockeris The 'address of welcorrie° was:: •ably given, by Ray Stanley,:;pres ident of 'the Literary Society., Ie .thanked the audience •and stated. that. their 'presence was an in spiratiori to the students. Th revenue from these Commence nrents 'w,as used for :purchasin equipment for 'the school, lie said, and • stated' that among* the„ pur.-. chases in .the Past: been' a. movie • projector and: •a radio phonograph. • Canadian paintings are being purchased • for the school rooms from the proceeds of the Pupil Parent night .and the Art ” display ' this fall.. • Ray ha•d`mucl 'praise, for 'Luck now High -;.and .its staf•_;., of, tea 'Criers. His concluding rem'.ar. ks brou ht hearty 'pp p lause:• "I hoPe g, . pe Lucknow- High School' is•'.here .to stay, .' :Let .:us have', :'n;o knockers, and. work together . and it will be here to' stay". Present•atio•ns Presentations of :awards, di- plomias and • scholarships made both, evenings by, members 'of the Beard of :Education. • :Mrs. Morgan Henderson' "1pre- sented Intermediate ISchooi.,:."cer- tificates' to "Shirley 11.0binson, E1= eanor `:Murray, ":Patsy ;MacMillan; Shirley Hodgins; Joyce Haldenrby Mary Jo' Anderson, ' Margaret Cook, :`:Donald <Haldenby, 'Murray McNain,•- Wayne: , Johnston; Jack. McKim, ,,Kathleen.Lane, Noreen- .Kilpatrick' Wanda Scurrah; Lor= •raine MacDonald, Doleiia Tainan and. Marie Percy: Shields were presented•,by ,Mr. A. E. 1V1cKim.;The Grade ZX Fin=: layson .,Bros. rprofici'ersey :.shield vias won by Gladys Chin arid the • Grade :X Wm. MacKenzie. pro ficiency shield'by '.Mary Jo Arid-' erson. r Mr. Gerald Rdthwell Preientecl proficiency -cups': t ,,HG-iady-s ' Chin .for proficiency,' in Grade.,p. Eng- lish 'and to Jack 'McKian 'or .'pro: iciency an ,Grade '10 .:Canadian: history Mr. 'Robert Rae resented ath- etic award's to 'Don ' Cameron,; enior .boy, champ;. Mary Ander- on, 'senior ,'girl 'Champ; : Donald • Thoriipson, junior boy :champ arid Carolyn •-Gibson; .: junior g•i r i' champ: The awards' were r,•,ack- m ,owledged, by ;Don Caeron.. On ,Friday evening Dr J:' E Little presented honor ' gradua.•;- ion diplorp;as to ,Aaron Boak, Wilfred' .B1l;ack,' 'Betty' ;Marshall and 'Ardonpa' Johnston.• Second:', ary diplomas •.went;to Don iC.am-. eron•,0 Ray.••Stanley, Joyce Gamp-` ell; G•Wen•.Stewart, Mary Ander-•; on, Mary Chin, Gwen „Treleaven nd Viola 'Cook.' • ' ' - Miss' Betty:. Marshall, • Stratford' orm•al._S.chool student, this_. ear,._ ave �a• very' splendid valedictory ddress on. Friday evening.. 1Vir. K C. Murdie presented the m. A, ,Schmid proficiency.shield o ,Gladys Milne ;and cups' were' resented • by, Mr, Gerald,R.sth- �yeh to , Ray ;MacKenzie 'for •pro. i•ciency ili Grade 11.mathematies nd to Joyce Campbell for pro iciency. in. ,Grade 12 languages. Mrs. A J '•Wilson presented the omen's; Institute $,50' scholarship o Joyce` ,Campbell, and the lansmen's. scholarship, of lar 'aniount, was; presented •,by r. W.: V. Johnston, to Ardonna ohnston. 'In Ardonna's. •arbsence was, reeei 'ed" by her nether; rs. Noble Johnston. • 'I`wo short .' hutxiotrous -plays rovere 'presented by the, students, o` did •wine (Very creditable sting. Between..plays Don Cam - roti ,and'Mary Anderson played tronibone .and °bari.tone duet,. g: s s • a b •t I3 a f W C i it �wh a a PAGE H.' ,. ct Today Support This Worthy ,Cause' e eying And l&iEn-gg—Christmas -Seals- DONATIONS . _ ..O.RECEIVED: � AT ....: THE BANK : OF MONTREAL, LUCKNOW ' mit . r. irr. Ar. n o The cast: of the' first eplay, "The Stolen Prince"- was, 'comprised of Jack McKim,., Frank Alton, Doug Haldenby, Audrey Ross, • Donald Thompson,: hompson, Norma Sherwood' Bob` 1McNain, BettyJohnston, Bill. Baulch, Donald McNay,• Donald, Stewart, Bob Armstrong . ` 'a n d Margaret; Murray '' • , The second' play, With a lViexi can setting, ,Sunday; 'Costs": Five. Pesos", was Presented by' Mary ;Chin, Murray 1VIeNatn,: Winnie Stevv�art,' Mary JO. Anderson 'and. ' Joyce' Baulch All the ,properties used ' in the.. plays were' • made, by Mr :West', A,folk dance:was presented• by Mary;.belle 'McQuillan; 'Mary Mac-, Millan, Edna Reid, Gladys Chin; Margaret Murray,, Thelma Bush= elI, Carolyn Gibson. • and • Betty Durrain .A�ccompananent was bv. Norma Sherwood and Charlene Smatni • Member f the Ba s, o . nd included i.. cornet section;. `' Wixitnie Stewart 'Bruce Johnston,' Viola ;.Cook; 'Mar. garet, 'Mary and: �MorleY Chin, George• Anderson; Wayne' John- ston . ; clarinet, ::Shirley, Hodgins;, bass, ' D• an 'Rose, Elsner • Uinbach; • �►RMSTRONG'S LAUNDRY SERVICE . and. FU1ri,NITURE• REFINISHING • the former Orange •Hall Building, Lucknow altos, ' Jack McKim,: Joan Camp.' 'cell, : Ruth. Anderson,' .. ' Gladys Chin; baritones Mary Anderson, • ` Don ald.:.Thompson, • : trombones, 'Don on '.Cameron, Joyce • 'Campbell, Donald yM;acIntyre, drums, `:Mur=M ray . McNain : and' • Ray ••. MacKen zie.•• BORN . WEBSTE R- •- In Kincardine ardiie Hos- e" pital, on Novern(ber 8,' 1949;• to. 'Mr,.and 'Mrs. George . Webster,' Kincardirie,�a son; Robert George,, .0711040 04010.407 404040.40t#€',.i► r',, .1l ip •10ite rif u, 14 Q,' lwItanlid. :NOW On Hand New, Modern.' �x. chubert `and Sterling Pianos 6 •A'Choice of one of, these.' small models will"add. charm ani beauty' to your ,best furnished room: A CHRISTMAS GIFT that Will. be ' appreciated by the family'•for 'many., .years to, come.: 1)jfferent Fin hies Available' Good Tone Moderately Priced. -4- Trade-in Accepted. • armlet:-arrftei WHI'1'ECHVRCB , '•Phone /11-J-1 Wingham • • 1 •