The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-24, Page 10Acm 'f'EN: Arm we% NoWSENT NRI*► LIJOIC.NOWi ONTARIO AUTHOR ;RELATES BOOK SETTING Mrs.' Marie McPhedran, author et the recently published•' book,, " Golden' North",: ga' a an inter- esting talk in the 'Town .Hall on` Thursday. evening. The :crowd was: , disappointingly srcina11,, but diose present were enthralled by Mrs. McPhedr.an's address, which. described 'intimately the person,: riel of . and, the background 4 for her 1Vrs, McPhedran accompanied her:°hiisba:nd, `a mining 'engineer and prosp:.ector; into. the Flirt Floe. . dilstrict in ,•1929,• and it is:in that; district the ;setting' for the book Was . laid. For her address'. on Thursrday.. pight,: she; wore typical back oods ' attire. ,She ,spoj e twiCE in ' the afternoon • to tie •High School and Pulblic School pupils, and they too were charm- ed by her story telling. .Dr. C. SEI. MacDonald; . a ahem ber , of •the Library ; :Board under whose auspices this occasion Was sponlsored',, acted.. as ' chairman. Mrs. Thoniias .Quigley was at the - piano *hile he-pianowhile the• audience gather-. ed.. An • interesting program pre- ceded Mrs. McPhedran<s• address arid' ., included . • a ,vocal solo • by Catherine Agnew, .w'ith ` .accom Pani± ientt' by Mrs. Quigley; re- -citations, by •,:Nancy. Johnston, -Joyce .Litt1_e_and Ann, Crawford; violin 'selection. by Dr., , Jas. Little • With. accompanircnent • .by Miss Marion MacDonald; . folk .dance.. by Giadys Chin, Edna •'Reed, Marybelle.. McQuiliin,• Mary Mc- M llan, • • Carolyn, Gibson, Betty Johnston, Shirley Ross.. and Mar- ga?et 1Vfurray, with • piano;`,accom- p'animient•, by' Norma Sherwood,: and a piano selection by Mr. ,Ev:-. erett ,West 'Refr.eshments were served 'af- ter, with tea'.. poured. by. Mrs..' P:. ,W. Hoag and Mrs. C. l•I: .Mac_ 'Donald.. During .the 'lunch hour DISTRICT AN ANXIOUS TIME the: gathering inspected the dis play of new: 'books', • . although-•; it was regretted, that only,. a smiall percentage; had• arrived in time :for this ,showing During°her stay here, . Mrs Mc- Phedran c Phedran •was• the guest _ of Mrs. W.. V; Johnston, 'secretary orthe the. Library:Board, . ' • =Ms. ; NQVEMB1R, ':24th; • 1949 SPORT AND DRESS . SHIRTS' Flette and Broadcloth- Pyjamas, Scaa Continues Every Article In The Store' >ON, SALE• Shop Now For , Christmas ,An s, Ties _ M PLAN YOUR rot NOW! CHECK: 'THIS LIST• of select, fresh' fruits and nuts- for' .your Christmas baking Seeded Lexia : Raisins, Bleached Sul- tunas, Australian ` Seedless, Fancy. Currants, Pitted Dates, Mixed Peels and Glace Fruits, Glace and Maraschino : Cher- ries, ries, Glace' Pineapple` Rings, Preserved Ginger, BoWes., Al- - mond icing, Walnuts,: Almonds, king Sugar, Coconut,': -Decor- ettes," Food Colors, Extracts az. Citron, Peel .Ca —o-. Of if you 'plan on buying : your Christmas' 'Cake :or :Pudding• ;this. year, we. suggest you buy one made ' by Canada Bread. -o- And here is "an 'early ; hint for practical. Christmas giving. A 'Canada Bread GiftBos con- taining. a 'Plum' Pudding, Christmas: ;Cake and. Delicious Shortbread: packed in attract- ive bog. Come' in and ' see' them • and place ' your order now. MISSING LAD GAVE` tINTAIL The Kintail district had a few n}� ous •: hours . last .Wednesday ight when •a' :widespread search w s organized for 7 -year-old Pat- rick O'Neil, 'son of ;Mr. and Mrs.' James• O'Neil. Late`• in the ,a'fter- noon, when he. was supposed • tom be bringing in wood for his moth- er, .young ' Patwent to 'the nearby farm home `of'- Maurice., Bowler, where he . frequently ; visited When,' he failed, to return home after leaving .Bowler's, a; prelim inary. searchwas; started, and by ,nine o'clock:' the distraught par en to sought the aid , of ` the pro- •vincial-.police;: • It seems` that young Pat Wand- ered about ;the fields and finally lay down • arid, dropped off:. to sleep..Awakened by ,the calls of the' searchers, and. ,probably, fear - ECK .THIS .LIS' FOIL ristias GINS IFor .Her ';.. DRESSES—All, wool Jerseys, crepes, ,Gabardines., SKIRTS' -Plaids, gabardines , and wools.: ' • BLOUSES—Nylons, .crepes, flannels and cottons. SWEATERS—A11' wool and nylons. 'U4:OVES--Uhamo-miede,; Wool,' kid: , HEAD SQUARES—All, wool and pure silk __� __PANTIES—Yellow, blue 'and white. NYLONS- 51gaOge, 2 p —for,.$ OO For Him. SWEATERS—Sleeveless, puhovera and cardigans. SHIRTS=Arrow, Forsythe. and Balfour: TIES -Arrow, Forsythe and , Milc►e. PYJAMAS—Broadcloth and :flannelette: • SOCKS -Wool, Kroy wool with -nylon: Scarves, Gloves, Braces,. Belts, Hankies, Garters,' • Arm Bands, `Tartan 'Plaid Shirts .IF IT'S THE .'BEST YOU WANT IT'S AT IES". Op..,MEN'S WEAR BE'' PREPARED WINTER WEATHER AHEAD utility, Guaranteed finest KAIRSHEA W. I.' MEETING;. On Thursday, November 17.th, the Kairshea Institute, inet at the home of .Mrs.. D. 4 • MacKinnon, where".a large number of mem- bers. and visitors *et. Mrs .Fred Gilschrist, thee president, • was in .the chair and the . meeting ' open. ed with the usual exercises, ,Fol- lowing ,the business thee. roll call, was' well . responded, to by telling some . : incident bringing back; .._1 "fondmemories" ing the 'consequences, he made his A good ' program followed with *4' undetected to the drive •shed. on 'his : father's farm and" hid the Area Convention report giv . -under: some of :the 'mazrhinery:. A en by ''Mrs: Archie • Maclntyre 'and another very interesting topic' on search• of the. shed' had been made li r b u t ,' Donald Drennan "Points'• of `Interest in nruce earlier, , ; 'n .a in County",' prepar,.ed • and given .by went through' the build? g again • after midnight when •he found the Mrs. Farish 'Moffat. Mrs.•William although little the Scott gave• a very._well prepared ightened lad,g• •worse from the experience, ex- motto on "I -nay not do it •well; cept being. ;cold and hungry.. • but I ' will do my best".. • A solo; by' Mr's.: Chadwick:. accompanied by' Mrs. H. Houston was much enjoyed and a humorous reading'' was given by Miss A. McKay. .p Wm. 'Pappas, proprietor' Of The This was followed -by a pianoin-• l .1ayhouse,_showed:four . films on strumental by_ Mrs.. Maltby .' and * F Thursday. afternoon to members Mrs. Hughes agave .a reading: of ' the Fire ` Company: These After the closing remarks by "shorts" were all pertaining to Mrs. L. McDougall and responded the . chemistry, of fire, "to fire to, by Mrs: MacKinnon this inter- lighting nter:fighting z .methods' and to the care esting meeting . dosed. with '-the and handling of fire hose. The. ' National Anthem ' when lunch latter film was particularly .Valu; was'served and a .social hour en- :able. • ,.• •. toyed.• • -74 The Store of Friendly Servicei 'PHONE 82 '.WE DELIVER t Showed Fire Films y Canada's Leading Makers - CHIL,JD'S• P1TLL,-ONS Child's All .Rubber Pull -Ons in black, brown ;or red $2.19 RUBBER OVERSHOES• All .Rubber Buckled Overshoes;_-_ - Men's •sizes, 6.12: ; $4.25 Boy's sizes, 1.5 :: $3:59 .` Missse' sizes ,• 12Y/ -,' • 3 $2.69 Childs' sizes, 6-12 $2.45 -MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS with insoles At $3.25, .$3.50, $4.25 ZIPPER OVERSHOES. Men's Wool Jersey zip- per Overshoes $4.25., AVIATION BOOTS Men's -• all rubber avia tion -boot's; slide "fasten- er, .heavy lining. Priced ,.., $9.50 up 'W•0140:EN'STSPI ASH'ER! ,Women's all :rubber `. Splashers with conceal ed slide . fastener, black or brown $.3.95 WOMEN% VELVET . OVERSHOES • e Laced � or nceaiea eo slide fastener $4;95 to .$5.:95 • ' SNO BOOTS• Women's : air rubber Silo: • 'Boots, fur cuff, for;over shoes, in black or brown, warmly', lined.' •. $4.95 CLOTH OVERSHOES •." Men' : $3.3 4-bkle. $4.35 Men'ss 2-bkle... 5 'WOMEN'S PULL -ONS Woinen'•s':all •'rubber steel sbearlingshank,. linedremoveabPull-On,le _V a insole, black or, brown.," Price $6:50; $9.50..• athwel • B .. , o' t. NEW r BLANKETS, WARM WOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS' BED „THROW -BLANKETS CAR RUGS, e Store •