The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-24, Page 7• • THUIRS,,; 'NOV'EMBE'R 24th, 1949, 1 r Lyceum Th.eatre .. 'vvINGHAM: . Two Shows; Each Night FIRST .$HQ.W AT • 7.i<5 .1[1911K 1411". `OLUYER :TWIST'' FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1. NOVEMBER 25, 26. D CAMERON, AlM G SyOR_ T�1MPEDE'' Matinee laY a':0 p �. MONDAY & TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28, 29. TYRONNE 'POWER, GENE: TIERNEY in That Wonderful Urge (Adult Entertainment) 'WEDNESDAY EDNESDAY •ez THURSDAY 'November 30; December lst. • X`�BRO " heO ray. A �h A. re -issued • picture': RMSTRO NG'S� .,LAUNDRY . SER:VICE, and FURNITURE REFINISHING :' In the 'former• Ora :Iail Building, Luck ;; CHRISTMAS ' CANDY ,Public Schools,- 'Sunday. Schools, .Churches ' and• , any Organizations` Nek ding Bulk "Candy;; We WiH Supply.Thein at Wholesale', Prices. TH MARKET, TORE past week, E S : Jean ' Henderson w'as taken to "7".'""`.."7—'"'",--7-1• Wingham • Hospital. on 'Monday •. THE LUC:KNOW'. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO ST.•H'EL .Ladies; please.note that the Der cerrvber meeting of. the Women's Institute will be held•'.on pun's - day, December ,8th .instead .of .the regular date; at the home of Mrs., Wallace ,Miller. Roll.:call, Christ- mas verse and exchange of gifts. Subject, Christmas,, in charge of. Mrs;° Charles McDonald, Program conmiittee and hostesses; Mrs. J,' Curran., •Mrs, F..G. Todd, Mrs, T, E. 'Gordon, Mr.. and, Mrs. 'Neely Todd and children 'of Stratford were week end. visitors With 1VIr. and Mrs D.. Todd•. • Mrs, W. A, Miller is ay.isitor. with Mr. and Mr`s Newton James in Windsor Mrs,: Alex MV. urdie and ':Bobby; and. .Mr, 'and :,Mrs. `1VIel Brown .of Waterloo were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrsi ? Otinson<. WOod5 Cr.'and nd MrsY W , Woods, wlo celebrate their golden 'Wedding anniversary, ' on Tuesday, were honored at a family ' dinner on Saturday evening.: Miss Nbrrna , Weatherhead of Orangeville spent the week -end at her home here. The., basket 'of :beautiful ,golden.. Minns in• the United'.: Church on Sunday morning *ere a gift from.. the Women's Association to; Mr.'..and Mrs. R.. Woods ,for their:. 50th wedding anniversary. Mr, • LANG„ SIDE w e • 1. The Y 1'.S. , seting was held at the home. of Mr. and Mrs, Farish Moffat on Monday even ing, with an ;attendance of ,186' James Richardson presided.:. Par- ish 1qutfat read the scripture and', Marjory •Maonald .led in. pray- er.. Rev, Currie . ' k : charge of. . too the. topic. Plans were made for a Christmas party to Ibe held, in the church on Friday evening,. December 2nd, • - The. Ladies. Aid :met in the. church on " Wednesday evening, Mrs. Wm. • Evans presided, Plans were made. for the Christmas meeting to. be' held on December 14th at• the home ' of Mrs, Nei'," McDonald. , ,,• Mr, and, •Mrs.. Gerry • Sclaapg &' daughters,•of•'Galt .visited 'recent- ly With Mr. land•Mrs f i,ob, t. • Dori akn •1str Mr and` Mrs, ' Farish' Moffat 8i Gordon Visited on, Sunday , at Harry Osborne''s; ,Ripley,.' Mr: Graham Moffat. and Miss Emma ' Richardson spent the week -end in Toronto. ' ' ' ,Miss Marjory ,.MacDonald ..at- tended'; the teachers'' convention in Toronto. • KI N L•O UG Mel. Brown' sang very effectively;: • WAGE SEVEN' Presents Thursday, ' Friday, Saturday, Nov, 24, .25, 26 The story of a bang-up, rootin' shootin'round-up of.' thrills, with GENE, AUTRY and CHAMPION, in "Robin Hood .Of Texas'' Plus the;: LATEST NEWS: ands No. 9 Chapter of "The . Perils of the Royal Mounted". Saturday Matinee starts at 2.3Q .onlay, Tuesday., • Wednesday, .ov.„28, • A rough, tough and' terrific story .of lusty men'.. who ou ht'• and sang and romanced.. as fury ' swept the land.. Starring :VAN. JOHNSON, 411 omanee. Of Rosy .: Ridge' with 'a splendid cast consisting of Thomas' 11'titchell, Janet. Leigh, Dean, S toekwell and,,Marshall Thompson.' The Last Thursday of A'tle , Month 4is, Draw, Night -The, November prize will be a Graham .2 burner not Plate. "Softly and. tenderly Jesus is Deepest sympathy is.. extended Thonnpson; sec., • Mrs John Em calling', at the service. iss Isobel_1Vfi11er_ar'dt Anne Todd'rnotored to'. Toronto on 'Sat_ urda ' y t o .attend the Royal Fair: where Anne • is exhibiting ,her prize calf. • ` • Mr. arid Mrs. Callum Cameron an'dCarol of Detroit, Visited. last. week with' Mr: and Mrs:. 'John Cameron to Mrs. Bert Nicholson in the sudden;rpassing pf 'her dear moth ' er� the late 1VIr's:' r ff "Cu ler: :Friends from . here attended, the • funeral • on; Friday afternoon ,. at Kincardine: • The Women's Institute ;•wi1l' hold the.Christrnas:rneetin;g:.at the .home of Mrs:Murray Murray on :;December 1st. Conveners are Mrs. Ed S:chaeffes..and Miss May Boyle, Motto,` one touch of Christ ma s. ,thee whole `world kin; ,a:, hone ma•de•candy contest; a child's gift is to be ::given for the:; roll call: Lunch • committee; sandwiches,'. Mrs. E,';Jaines, Mgrs. 'E, Ackert; cake Miss .Doris Barr, -.Mrs. Wil- liam' Burt:; . The Girls' Auxiliary held -the' November meeting' at the;- home of Mrs.' Ronald -Thacker • with the _president,`in charge, The word for the roll• call was . `.`•Rernem'ber' 'the opening, hy'm.n ; was °"Stand. up,.. stand up or Jesus". Miss Ionar Terry read 'the. scripture ,lesson and: prayers ollowed Minutes: were. 'read ..and.• business., dealt with: Miss:May.:•Boyle"read the, Y, thought ,for the day.. The".after- moon• was.:spent in• sewing, knit Xt. w ting' and,.: embroidery `and _t was decided to • hold :the' December, -meeting on Saturday, December 10th at : the, home of 'Miss:; Ednd Boyle The . thought' for °. the day will ibe given by Miss Helen Hal- denby• Mrs, , Tdm .Hodgins; is charge :of- the 'scripture. Lunch committee: sandwiches; Mrs H: Haldenby, • Miss Marilyn: Boyle;. cake ' the hostesses. --The .hymn-' *Breathe on ..me ' breath, of God and the , Beediction :closed the. meeting and a. dainty: lunch was • served. ` We welcome Mr. sand Mrs: Don, oldT' •McEwen , to our. coaximunity. • They moved t� their neo'' home the end of, the week. ' • Mr. ' and eMrs:.-,"Tern Bell and Murray of Toronto visited :with' Mr. and . ,Mrs . ,Bert Nicholson Miss Winnie ,• Percy, . R.N., of Woodstock, 'spent a' `few days at her home here. •Miss 'D. Orr of London: spent the. weekend ., with_iier . suer,, Mrs�,'Harold Percy. ,, ' .The Explorers ' Group of the Presbyterian church is holding a bazaar on Tuesday evening at 'the church. . Elect W.M,S Officers' The ' W.M.S, Auxiliary met at the' home- of Mrs. 'Alex 'Percy on Wednesday,, November 16; Pray: Orw'as•offered•by Mrs.: Ben Scott, The. scripture:was then taken by Miss' ` Nellie Malcolm, 'with For- giveness. or-giveness. as the tltel;ne. The roll. eall',was answered.witli the verse' 'of ' .Salvation. The study: book chapter .was summarized by 'Mrs. Needhatn ' Short pieces ere then. •read'by Mrs.. Frank Thompson, Mrs, :John Emerson, Mrs. Ben' Scott;' Mrs Frank Maulden and Mrs, C. Needham. Mrs. Perry Hodgins. took charge . of the el.- ectien of officers for the follow-. ing •year;" loges,, Margaret Rob-' ertson; • vise pres., M'r•s. Clark Needham; 2nd vice, Mrs. Frank Curiosity Killed 'A :Wife• ' 'Curiosity, as everyone knows; 'killed a,' eat,' but once, at least, ;it ',killed :a'. wife. Be sure to read "The • Case of the Curious Wife",, a..true-life:, mystery ` thriller : in the Arrieri,can: Weekly with::this Sun- day's, (Nooerriber 27) saire.,.of••The. Detroit Sunday Times:Ile sure to get. Sunday's.-Detxoit Times.: • HITECHURCH Mr: and ,Mrs .I.Soloinon of Grand' Valley , have purchased'Mr..,Wes' Leggatt's:'faun, east of the ; Vill- age. and have ` moved' .there the • OLD .'HICKORY • R is Contains `salt, :saltpetre, smoke and Spice. Cures •.and: smokes :mea(.: in e�_�uperatioi ;; Ready Milted ', No . , additions required.. • D. Finlayson;P� hone: 91-.w • Lucknow' • and had an opeiation.for•:appen dicitis Hex •.father,, Mr. Robert Henderson, is; • in--: Westminster :Hospital, . London,'• where:. he is. taking .treatment on, his 'knee. We are • sorry to. .report; .that Mr. ' and "Mrs.- Gordon Rintoul's baby. was taken' to Wingham Hos- pital:on Sunday for dbserration.' :o --In .Wingham •Hospital; on Monday,,t� Mr. and Mrs.Daw- son Craig, .a son. Congratulations. Mrs. Weiwood, }s home from Wingham Hospital where she had: been for a ,few days'::with blood poisoning .in. her h•and: Mr. Wel wood • was confined to;; the house last ;.• week ;with lumbago and Mrs. Shanley Moore' visited .aver the week -end at ,Muncey. ' with her brother, Fred Hall. ' Now is the 'time, to place, your order for : a n"ew resher This machine . can he seen in operation on dealer's floor. ARLE Vii. H�r'cI$S, Holy►rood Phone 36-r13 'Teeswater' anerson: areas,; 1VIrs. John Barr; organist, . Miss Margaret Malcolm; We1eoane. 'and : Welf`are, Mrs' Per- ry fljodlgins, , press secretary, Mrs. Ben Scott;. -supply ;secretary; Mrs Perry y, Hodgins; Monday;.. Nevem ber 21st was set aside:"to Make 'the prograanis for the' year; at _the. ,home :of Margaret arid; , Nellie Malcolm:' :w The ` benediction. ;as taken ' by' Mrs.. G. :S Boulch. 'A dainty lunch was :then .served by . the 'hostess. .We are sorry to'•:report'' that Miss "Jean •Guest .has been a pat.. EL:EC:T_R!O LU SALES' •& SERVICE Appointments made for . New Polisher Demonstrations. isher retails for '$29.75, • G: W. LAITIOVAITE 59 Elgin St., Oroderich, Boz 153 'Phone` 920-w • fent xrnthe °Winghan Hospital Her many ;friends. hope she will week -end in Toronto where she soon be well again. attended` . e Zthe Teachers'. Cowen-' Miss : 'Ka Gibson • y: spent the:: tion .. pimiumnimms■ne■ ■uu asuarsimmim e■a sees came` vP TILL'FURTHER NOTICE; ; PT .■.:- , W . ■ ▪ :,.�i • ■• WILL B ■ E�•OPEN, ■•�. ■: ;■ • T• u ■ �■ da an �� r.iiia �■ O NLS "O. '.E ■ I' ACH WEEK: 'r •mi.MOLA;• SSES'� And OILCAKE � ■ le.: t Available at Attractive Prices. 'Place- Orders : For. Fu a f.e've - --. ' :h, l"Y Treleaven I: : Day''Phone 9. V1h 'Phone :123. ■ MILL 'ENSATURDAY EVENINGS ■., .■■■■ ■■.011■11■\\■111■■■1■ M■iS■■ ■■11�■11.110.,,' N• 4.N. \\\N•N‘•\•%<•••\\\\\\•♦\\\\\\10\\\\\\•\•\ Feeds,' ertilizer. Phone 71 • Groceries Phone 27, .u'zk ov D�str�c:t Co -Operative !• ORDER YOUR STABLEPHOS N.OW!. Balanced fertilizer 'for anced`.feed for your hogs. low ,in phosphate..One , to day per animal is all that. of .your manure; Besides, STABLEPHOS absorbes moisture and:. odor,; keeping your • stables .dry and.' clean. 'We will be unloading a. car' in the net feWishyS, alto • •• your ' land is as essential,.as • bal `Ordinary stable 'manure is 'very: two' pounds STABLEPIIOS per is .necessary. to double the. value A CAR OF NO. I' FEEDING MOLASSES SHOP THE COOP WAY AssissesseigootsWagswooswocAmmivomvamakAA • • M • •,t/ • • t'1:» 1 •