The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-10, Page 3THURS. i\TOVEM BER.:10th, 1049 THE! LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO • ocal and general NEW WARM. Underwear for all •. the Family. The ,Store with the Stock. THE, MARKET :STORE, ' Bill Blue of Detroit is Spend- ing a.. week'.with relatives in the coananunity. Wes. Joynt returned the'' latter part . of the week from, a'• Cattle buying trip . to.. the West. Mr; and' ' Mrs.' Wxn, Huston of • Berkley, 'Miich, spent a few days with' Mfrs. David Huston;' Mr; and..Mrs 04, 'B.:1)60c u • are .leaving in 'a fevw • day'..s, to .spend the winter at '. Daytona Beach; Florida . Mr . and j,Irs Bruce Davidson Of . k=end With • ..Hamilton < visited, : over the ireer. Mrs.' Russ �. and* RdbertSon.• , . , . •. • C Mrs.', Hurgh " Ferguson of , ',Am-. berley is visiting this week 'with her. • 'daughter; Mrs. Clarence Greer and Mr. Greer. Miss Christina . Carrick is con- valescing att the hoan.e of Mr. and Mrs. HoraceAtchison, in. Wing- " haat, following a, major. operation `she recently underwent in Wing harp Hospital.. Mr. :and Mfrs, Alex -Sutherland spent a few .days; in Toronto;: x�t the week - da Wcbster- omen's T � ti - Note .change Mr. and Mrs. W.,;...Porteous. spent; Sunday in Toronto' with 1Vliss: Mary; ,Porteous? who„ carne, -frorrri Montreal for the .w�eek=eiid on the "rugby. special They were •aecomlpaniedd to Toronto by; 1VIr. 4arid Mrs E. H Agnew who with their. son. Joe. n spent: 11 and :' Mr, and Mrs: Gardbn Webster of Port Credit' s;pe, end here and attended �the"gath- ening on Friday,=eveHing' inkhonor of his sister Miss. A LticknaW. tute . Meeting' will 'be, held this afternoon (Thursday), November 10th at 2,30. Hostesses, Mrs,, Jew- itt; Mrs:. H,eivat, _ Mrs, H.• Nixon, Mrs, R. T, :1Douglas..- of day. . Mrs. 'R:, H Thompson andMr. and .Mrs.. L. C. `Thompso Thursday and Friday 'in Toronto with Miss , Lorna Campbe Mrs.N L: Campbell. Mrs: Camp- bell's strength is +gradually 'fail= ing her: and she is now bedfast muchwillbe ' of the time. She 934'in Deceanber, $0 ;WINDOW CARDS UNLESS': EVENT: IS ADVERTISED The Sentinel . Office, finds: it necessary. .to adept .:a . policy of - no window .signs without-: , as, •sociated.,advertising" On the race of it •this may;' seen rather severe; butt . it is done not from a •; per "conal .standpoint! but in fairness " to those organizations or iridivid-. uals who•:see fit to have bills printed` .or : tise , newspaper space •;to'. advertise ..their event. 'The,:Sentinel Office window .is ;the traditional spot for 'deliver � ing a message, and :it's • Use will in the future. be . devoted.: to 'those, who.' have ibills :.printed or to those.who:'.advertise the 'event in the paper ' • . . It would : �be as to � fair . buy. ya parcel qin one=store and ask. -an . other merchant to. deliver'it, as. it is to sketch.a'sign.,and ask The Sentinel -to -.•-"deliver the* message'.', free in competition ' with those. who have paid for the. service. ED I W DING .BELLS�� 'GALBRAITH-EIGIIOTT • ' A quiet weddinig', .ceremony was solerrinized'% in the United: Church parsonage, evKincardine on Friday, ening; Novem er -4th, when Rev. Mr. Lawson (united :in rriar •iage, Mr. .Pdward .;J-ames -H :nry- Ga1Abraith of Wingliarn and. Ivy;; Lucille 'Elliott of Kincardine; At- tendants of the bride ;and' groom were:' Mrs. Geo Fisher :of, Luck - now and Mr. Win..,Bain',of •Wing ham• After a honeymoon in De troit the happy couple will re. side on. the.groom's farm. north. of Winghaiii. • LUCK'NOW UNITED CluIUR.0 Minister::Rev.. W. J- Mumford M.A., , SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 1100: 'a -m, r "The Carpenters of God". • 12I5`p,nd.. Sunida:y School. Classes ter .41 ages • 109 , p -m.: Question and Answer' Night. Several ;interesting questions" have been handed in. Come and worship with `us, and hear the answers to these questions• • oewti..noein,l.toymo„logo.,• . R1 MOVES' .RAIL . FENCES, BULhDOZES HAWTHURNES • The old crooked raih fence, once . a familiar: sight on ' every _:farrn,:::_is . fast.._4isappearing-_:Last- week .,Eldon Miller of.; West Wa warosh' removed about` 256: rods Of rail fence on: the former Neil Carripbell farm, 'and employed a uhlydozer, to root.`out: the thornes t h a tc have ''flourished. there. Eldon bought the north "sev-' enty acres of this; farm,' and: Elmo Pritchard. owns the;south portion -f° a °' 1 acreage. "Eld. � :sirni ar .". • ". � 'breaking. up" n1.uch. at. this: farm except for a :portion of pasture land, which he will -fence off:; The ,.old .fences ` which he :took.; down:';were• all cedar and'pro-' _ciaicecLab-out:4000. rails, which -E1- 'don . is.:offering for 'Sale: . •MASONIC. LADIES' NIGHT WAS' HELD ON:.FRIDAY Members' of Old Light. L.odge, A:F. & A.M., held ,their animal. ladies' night. party on- Friday elf... ening 'in:the Recreational Centre: The event Opened',.With a :fowl. ,banquet when members of Luuck-. iaow' Women's Institute;• served a; delicious' dinner. Interesting fibrils, were shown in the ,north: wing of• the :build- ing following . the: "bantiuet, . with Ray:Stanley :operating. the. High School projectdre for .the show;- :ing of' these ' pictui es: •:,Dancing concluded a :rnost,. enjoyable ev- ening. DAVID COWAN of Ashfield Won- g- Eureka` vacuum' cleaner,: with.. attachments; as the,grand, prize in connection With Blackstone's anniversary sale in; -.Goderich... Weekly ' prizes ' were -aWarded. during October, with one of these being won. by.Mrs. Thos,, . Blake of •Ashfield �: • . , , ` LEGiuN'S, 'CAR -:DRAW.' TO ; E',HELD,.FRIDAY NIGHT ''': Eight 'hundred shareholders • in the Lucknow Legion's 'flew .Ford car .are,expectantly-aivaiting'that mceitind moment , at midnight on Friday when the winner . will, be -decided ' The' draw will •be••made at the • a ri n 'u a 1 Remembrance Night dance being held in the Recrea- tional 'Centre;" Nilckle bingo • 'will also, be played in the 'south wing of thebuilding for chickens: and other prizes.:'• p This 'Afternoon Because' of the Remembrance Day Holi- day on Friday, Business Places on Luck- now will Remain Open This Afternoon, , Thursday; November '10th Lucknow Business Men's Association ....fir roni“ ..ri i LOCAL; B`REE ERS • WON WEDNESDAY Two -local bree rs,:-,of tire - bred . cattle, F. G.• Todd & Son of St. Helens and • George Ken- nedy.. of Whitechurch,..‘ did ex- ceptionally well at- the annual. Christmas Fair at Walkerton last week, Purebred' cattle Wer e shown on Wednesday. Among . the laurels 'won by Todd's Aberdeen Angus' herd were' junior . champion, r'bull, re- servedgran ,champion• bull, first. for junior: herd, first for senior yearling . heifer,, first, for senior and 4junior heifer•, calves There were 35 •entries in. the Angus class, the competitors, be - `frig ';Ribey . $s Son': of Tiverton, Ft3rnke' Bros,:. of `Elmwood anal F. G Todd and Son. • In the Hereford class, Mr. Kennedy had. the senior :cham;. pion bull'.and the grand champion buh.e placed first and second for cow, first fOr senior bull calf, first, .second and third for junior heifer calf,' first for senior herd and first for• , junior ..herd. There were 54 entries . in the Herefords, the competitors being Alexander Bros. of Pinkerton; Jack •Black' Of" . Chesley, Frank Thompson , of Wingham , and Geo. Kennedy. •. ° George MacDonald of Amber - ley. did well 'in; the..: Shorthorn class, in which there were 68; en tries. : Among' the, honors, Mac Donald Bros won Were-.serri-or and junior' champion female and: grand and reservecha¢x%p "ion:' Installin•g Guard : Rails •• R, ,'A. Grant of :Ashfield :has a crew; df • men, employed in -install- ing , guard , rails on Highway. 86 'Between Amberley and Luckn ow. Construction work on: this stretch. of .road was completed this fall;: and it is riow rn readiness; for a pemanent surface, " which:' is ex- pected•'to be laid next year. MISSIONARY• ADDRESSED: -MINI'STERIAL GATHERING-' •' The Wingham and, District council 'of :-churches . held 'their- .monthly meeting at the .home of Rev -C. B. Woolley, Vionday, of terrioon, •.October` 31st' :with; :fif teen ministers in attendance. The address was given by ., Rev. John: Stinson, 'missionary .'from. 'China.' Mrs. Roy Alton :and Mrs. T. A. :Cameron assisted the . hostess with..•refresh`m• ents and at h t e close of the.;, meeting •.a vote of' thanks was ;'moved 'by Rev_Dr. •MacDonald.:• ..• —Mother—In—Lauf. Passe The death• occurred recently,,at. Clarideboye qf Mrs. ,Eli Carter, : mother-in-law of Mrs, Mervyn Calmer,, who waS formerly Jessie Buckingham. Mrs. Carter suffer- ed a fractured hip Sonne time ago `and was hospitalized in London for several weeks. She . returned to the:Carrter home at_Clandeboye' recently where her death' occur red. Death was : due -to a severe 'paralytic stroke to which she succumbed within: a few hours, PAGE THREE FLEW TO CHICAGO WITH PREMIER NEHRU'S 'PARTY George Robinson, son of " M. Tyndal *Robinson 'of town, was. . one of the air Crew that flew Pre. miet" Pandit Nehru and the news , .. men to. Chicago, followinghis. Ottawa visit. George is .with: the 413 Squadron at Rockcliffe. The. airmen- were in the "Windy City" from Tuesday to Thursday, and: stayed at the Palmer' House. SPECIAL 3ARGA1NS from November 12 to November 19. POTATOES, .E- b 1.25' AT O S O'er a Time To.. Get Your Winter Supply. APPLES, basket _ - 45c . . Your Choice—Macintosh ,Reds, Taiwan Sweets, Spies and Snows CELERY HEARTS for 45 JUi■niauunnn■■iiu:uu■iuuuua■u uiiiuu•apUuui•uunusim ii• os. - • s • r ■ ■ TI ■ • • u A Civic Holiday' for..the. Villa ge .of Luckno ;: and L: Hereby .Declare ,'R emb ante a � riaNovembe d • ▪ • call upon .all: good citizens to observe the sane. • ■ �' ■ F•.' M IVI RAN E •, - • - .-- . ', A SERVICE .O R E , B . C ,.. ■. :■ will, be held in the United: Church :at 10, o clock• : :. ■ and at .the' Cenota `h at, 10.551 am,, followed` by al ▪ Memorial Decoration,. Service ' at , Greenhill and'■■' :, ' South.Kinloss Cemeteries conducted bthe Luck- ■ '; i ,' now: Branch .of ,The . Canadian 'Legion. ion: ■ ■ `. A. �" oLOMort _ Reeve. :" nu■unuuunuw■■■wnniosameasunnnw■■u■innwoo wommoisiow5m With: -and' UIBOR SpY1NG N,DEE. EQUIPMENT .: Slash manure -handling time and labor costs to .rock -bottom .. by using big-ca- pacity,John Deere' Equipment.. ,With the John Deere No.,;25 Loader , and one spreader, one,man can handle up to 35 loads of manure per day.. The simple, rugged ,No. 2.5 Loader has..exclusive fly- wheel drive and parallel arm construction to insure •'faster, loading and less . work for the operator. The sturdy, sure-footed; all -steel • • Model "H'.' Tracor -Drawn Spreader. and the light -running Model "K" `: Horse Drawn Spreader are':. ideal working mates for the No. 25, Loader. See. us for full information. n 04, SIMMONS• and SODS, uron`Road,.C�oderch, Pkone:11�1�. ca JOHN DEERE ..77te. QaaMm&, > 4•�;>y��ty�k • i • 4 0 ., •