The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-03, Page 8P4E' EIGI 'SHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, RIPLEY IMO BEGIN NOW YOUR Sew FEW SIIGOESTIOICS .FOR THOSE WHO '. MAKE THEM 'GIFTS; OLD BOY pT ANNIVERSARY . The 62nd anniversary services of the Kinlough Presbyterian Church, were held On Sunday, October ' 23rd, 1949. The Rev. 'Donald; MacLeod, "B o f ,Thatnesville being the '.anniver- sary minister., Rev:. Gordon S. 'Baulch took• the` services at Thamesville for the • day. Rev. MacLeod, 'who is a Ripley old boy, delivered two .splendid ser.. nson* what is. • required of meanbers Of:the church of Christ in 'the world; and *which, if put 'into .+practise would, help ' solve n many off the world's troubles• and. snake `for pei rnianex t peace.; '• T.4 e Kinloug h'^congreggatian h thanks the ,congregations of .South Kinloss. Presbyterian Church and the Anglican church of • Ki.nlou,gh in withdrawing • their services, .and worshipping . with thein • 'on this.; anniversary o.ccasion... Special music by the: chola was renderedat both services, 'can-. sisting of a male quartette by Robert McDonald, Frank: Thomp-: son,, .John McInnes and ,Donald Robertson•; a solo .by Robert 'wMc Donald: and a duet by Mrs John Emerson and Donald Robertson. patterns for ladies' or child 'FANCY WOOLETTE in small pa � . . •ren's night gowns, pyjamas, infant s dresses fight shirts, STEIPE WOOLS 'E for men or boys' pyjamas," n 'CIRCULAR PILLow 'COT'PON--42". wide.' d`'wdol'and rayon 'for.laouseeoats, TARTANS—in all wool and '. . skirts,, shirts, 'slacks. • ,.•. • R: THOSE WHO KNIT—Bee Hivwhitee Baby Wool, , pink, FO, 'blue. Bee Hive Yarn for sweaters, mitts; "soc)iCs, plain' • colors and two -toned., Bee Hiive Super Sock Wool, suf- ficient in'.• hill for one. pair sociis: Size 12. Teton ASSESSSMENT .' APPEALS (Continued from: page 1) anent A1riderson ' Flax ` Products . ap- Onthe ;grounds that. this was an —agricultural -industry as such should' not be; subject to this tav Illleytt made ` no appeal against their property, assessment Which was `about double Increased, assesSnlerit on "river Totts" along thepond brought sev- eral appeals. The majority of res- idential appeals were supported_ WEEKEND , oppin Suggestions Wagstaffe's Cranberry ,Jelly .9 oz. jar ' 27c Sweetie ;Nut Butter 45c :'am 160,] It's new! A delicious blend, of honey;.. and :peanut butter., 'A real . treat for all the family: •s ne Fast Fudge Mix ,pace • ,.:..' 32c. For delicious ;Candy, Cake Icing or 'Chocolate. Sauce• Dare's Choc. Mallow Cookies' Cello pckgr:,: ' .. 39c. Crisco Pure.' Vegetable Shortening by comparison with other prop.,, erties, and xis each ease • Mr. Haney • referred to. • khis. • recorded •specifications of , . each building upon Which he had based hsfig- ures, and from this record sought to substantiate the.. basis ,upon :Which _he -had.., set..: the assessment It was not infrequient to hear appellants claim that their assess ntent wasdoubled. Tvvo appell- pealed,, :against the business tax, ants stated definitely that if no adjustment wastmade they would' appeal; to the judge.` The hearing was'. quite orderly :and,` if such was expected, there' was no fireworks, to speak. of. • Should Lower: Ta;,. Rate,: Mr. . .Haney explained' that .90 Percent. of the assessment of, .the Village .of ,, bucknow; , had been raised,: and that as a' result the tax rate' should go down if ex penditures • were:,•noti,-:increased greatly.,. The' total :.assessment :on; taxable. lands and' propervi.,nowu Stands : at 4616,673, an.: increase of $85,145 over the ' current 1949 as- sessment which totals .$531,538:- ' He,explained the., system'. the 1 Government has' worked out' in evaluationdiifferent . types of homes,; and: which he follows in Making his, equalization:,Ile ex- plained •how the 'per cubic; :foot of space us 'Obtained 'in'buildings -of , from one to tWo• stories, 'With; or without basements. or, . part, basements. ; This rate Varies . froth. 10c . to , 20c per Cubic' :foot. The age' :sof the building affects.;,the ;asseasrnent,,, MVIr Haney' explained; There is no depreciation. for' ,the first :ten, years on ; a` new house' .but . after that one •.percent per ;year, is 'allowed • with. a 60 -year. limit. In other wordsthere' is a' naxmum opercent d ation on , a :building 60 years of age .or, over; The''950 aaxa'ble assessiirient in eludes the ',following iteiiis ' Lands: Buildings RailWay, . Telegraph, 'Telephone Business .Tax' N oto• taxable'. • properties, but, boys; doing the serving, ' added .to the total taxable assess- ment for -grant purposes; .are, as follows C-hurches ' :, 7r 5 School „ 4.,:.+.46,200 $tandprpe, � Fire' Hall,' 14 6001• . Puirn�p .Houser Park, Town Hall and. Public Buildings .., 36,250 Post Office Condition Much .Improved (4 '^Young -Gerry MacDonald, 'son of • Mr.': and MIS. Garfield • Mac:,. Donald,': was quite-11.1--last-Week- and uite 1.1 last weelt and• on Friday evening was. taken to Wingham ; Hospital for dbser-. 'vation.. His . condition improved greatly• over .the ;wecik=end and •Gerry,,may.be •home again. by the time this`issie is out. .1 • lb. ' 40c Receive. a Roast Meat Therm- ometer at reduced price'with, the' valuable .certificate on each Crisco 'package. BATH;. SIZE: OMPSOWS The Store of Friendly Service 'PHONE 82 ' WE.DELIVER 'INVESTED`: NEW CUB•' LEADERS ON 'SATURDAY On• Saturday morning an inter esting '''investiture • icererriOny ": teras.. held at` the Apple Day. headquart- ers, ' When, two leaders and 'f4Ve qualifying Cubs were invested•as miembers of the '1st.Lucknow Cub 'Pack i The.:terins and .cereamonies as- '�sociated with the; Cub Pack : are ail based on. Rudyard Kipling's :story' ' ."The -.7u jungle Book". °E1mer1 Upmbach•; was invested as.. Pack `Leader, with the: title of ' Rev. ted 'Ryes Akela . He..:was i .. by A, E. • Tavener, : a former Akela` d• an authority ,on:Scout ;.and. and. Cub` •work•: Mr': Umbach in turn' invested Willard Thompson, as an assistant Cub leader and "four new Cubs who havd-passe' d their :;tenderpad :tests `and have ;obtained their. ..Uniforms, This: foursome i, ri c.l'u'd'e d;• 'Kenneth ;Hodgkinson; $ o;b b y Johnston; Billy Fisher and - Ian Marshal: ;Cub Ronald Tavenex, ' a .:former 'm'em'ber of the' Port Stanley Pack was received by. transfer • f 50 : epreci} : Entertain •Belgrave Y.P.S. ' Thea Ashfield United, Church• Young People were hosts to Bei-, grave 'Young People last Thurs- day evening, October 27th fora' • $ 83,500 IHallowe'en 'social. Belgrave. sup.- plied the worshiip perit�d : ,with• �.:. 497,62 • A THURSDAY, N'QVEIMBER, 3, 194b. • • theCold p° C For :' Iiiitt llIII IlIIllllllll„„„, „„,„..• THAT" IS JUST AROUND TIE,-. CORNER BOYS. .... • Parkas, Breeches, Doeskian. Plaid and Lighter 'Plaid Shirts, Pullovers, ages 6 to 16 IR Co t sets . ' Snow Suits, ;Coats, All Wool Dresses, Card . Pullover •• • igans, . . , • ;'ARIES '' et -to; look over our Coatsbefore *selecting Do not int • ,Fur trimmed. and .plain fitted your Winter Garinent. and 'swing back. J . " , TOT -TO -TEEN & LADIES' WEAR: 'Phone $9;w' Lucknow, Ont. is the time:, for KNITTING GUELPHS -3 'ply, 4` ply, 3• ply Iiroy with 10 pecent Nylon, -4.. 1 Starlite, Speedway, .�,MOi�TARCH--2--ply,-- 3-1)13r, P y, , , Pe , ,.. . ; .. ' STANFIELDS--,3 ply Sock yarn Monarch Knit's new supply; of 'knitting books for; µthe latest: styles in 'Knitwear. Baby Wool. SHIRTS -Forsythe, :Arrow .and Balfour. TIE Arrow; Forsythe: and -'Milne. PYJAMAS -Broadcloth • and •Flannellette .SWEATERS—Cardigans, •Pullovers. and .Sleeveless. Jackets, `Parkas .Reversible Parkas; . Station Wagon Coats, Topcoats . and Overcoats: F IT'S THE BEST YOU Wa IT'S : AT. IES' AND. :MEN'S WEAR TIME TO MAIL OVERSEAS C HRISTMAS PARCELS • •1 e .';Post Office Department ,Th . f. , draws, attention :to the • fact that the deadline is fast approaching for -mailing. Christmas..', parcels: overseas. To be'sure of delivery the •. 'before 'Chrlstrrias parcels' to United Kingdom, should be mail- ed before, Ncivem�ber.:15th Parcels'. with i'. an, European'. destination should be mailed b' Novem- bey, 8th . Ashfield _conducting the ,games. •'7,683 :and . contests., The .evening .ended 26,2.05 'faith `'a ' .bountiful .lunch' with the Total. OW IS THE TIME F! ENGAGEMENTS Stothers., 'Fergus, wish to announce the en igagenent of their eldest daugh- ter,, Agnes Grace, to William'• At wood - Bra4,bury, ,only son' of Mr. . and Mrs. M. T.' Bradbury,. Stock - 7,300 ton -on -Tees, England. The mar - Iriage will take place quietly in: $187,855 Fergus early in December. ew Low Me! e'. Have A Complete And Extensive Stock. Of Winter • Footwear: For All The, Family. NEW LINES. NEW STYLES dill: a Te-Our.::.F 'ces.•, ou o-Inveatigat athwell&S NEW BLANKETS, WARM WOOL .BLANKETS 'FLANNELETTE BLANKETS S BED THROW B'L.ANKRET The Stere .Wt R RUGS; OC r p.: