The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-03, Page 49 • 4. • PAGE FOUR,. Ti E' 1.50CKNOW BEN A L IFCKNOW, 0.0 ••w, ,,N' Air DATES, 1st, insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent insertions sl cert a word.. Minimum charge 25 • cents. Replies care. of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count line, first insertion, Scents per, line subsequent: insertions. OR SATE' -three purebredDur-. arn, bull calves from 8 to . 16 onths.; three ' vlell bred " collie ups. James Forster, - i.. 1, Luck- ow. ` FOR SATE,-.goor Oxford • ram. 1 Wallace Miller, Phone '11 -on -42. ; 1 m n F9R SALE,;; -ten > .pigs ready to wean: Sid' Ciardner, ,LucknoW. FOR SALE -electric,. razor,•, 'Sun- beam • Shave . Mister, 'practically .. , new. ; Phone' 117, ,Lucknow. ' '; FOR"SALE• 1" .hepilo'ck, good ' .. also '2x4 hemlock '':, :pluinp� stock; The `Lucknow''Sawntill Co°. rt CAR EOR SALE -1929 Model A coupe, $95.' ' • . A ly.' at Sentinel Office. •:• FOR' RENT heated apartment. Available,, now.' Apply Gammie. :Apartments. . ° ' TRACTOR FOR . SALEordson ;tractor .and plow. Gordon -•Fn. Struth- ers, R. 1, , Luclnlow; • ; ROO1VxS. WANTED --r2. rooms; un - 'furnished. Apply at Sentinel. Of - fce.„, °, lice. PILLETS FOR SALE •-- Barred :Rocks • • 2 00 L•:A Le_.;:,_ amiltal,__ Lucknow. ' ' . WOOD FOR SALE -''hardwood, body or limb. John Gaunt, . White-' church, phone 401-w2 Winghain... FOR`''' SALE ''- • Military. saddle.;• ;girl's' bicycle, vet ' Of single' heavy harness, all lingood ' condition. Mrs.; Phil; Smith,• R. 3, ,Lucknow. STOVESFOR SALE =- electric rangette and :white..' enaitneh coal'. stove, both nearly new. Apply to: ,Mrs; Philip Stewart, ^Lucknow. FOR SALE --5 ';good early' calves (3 steers,_ 2 heifers)';; also 6 young pgi s. ”' .James Clii'bert,. ' Lucknow; phone Dungannon 70-r 3 • TRAYED• from: the Rose' ifarrn, 'Western cow..Anyone"'knowing: f tier "Whereabouts :passe,, not fy- Dave Stewart;' R. ',3; . Goderich,. r horie '12-14 Ripley. OI.-. SALE Y ' 1930 Chev. ;panel ruck, Al'.mechanical .condition,: ody, good, will trade. Evenings.. ixcept Saturday,. Sows: wanted on hares for' winter: Apply to Don. VlacIntyre, Jr., R. 5, Lucknow. FOR SALE -electric andtreadle sewing • machines, :portables' and cabinet. We 'also do, .guaranteed repair work. Phone Hanover' 403. or write ,Singer 'Sewing Centre; Box 306, Hanover:- . , • FOR, S.ALE=1',:'battery radio m, good condition, no further use; will exchange for 'electric: Art• Hreckles, Lucknow. •, CATTI,:..' WANTED --scan . feed' a. number. ` of ;cattle for the winter. Lowrie .: Ritchie, ' ft.i : 3, Lucknow;', •ph'one Dungannon 69-22. RANGE FOR SALE - Wingham Clippekr,' .•::with reservoir, white. enamelled,. steel top,. like new: 'Harold 'E: Haldenby, Kinlough. WH?Y PAY MORE?, - •: Beautiful: Christsn as -'cards With .seasonable, messages and scripture verses at 35c °;a dozen;• CHRISTIAN BOOK SHOP. !CHAMPION' GRAIN GRINDER'S sold . and 'installed. Electricalap P liance pales and repairs. Rural .-Wiring. HAROLD ,HALDENBY, K:inlough. /• WANTED, -FLOCKS. to supply us With hatching eggs .for 1950.'seas- • 'on. Flocks culled and •bloodtested free of charge:: Guaranteed ?prem- . ium plats hatchability, •premium, paid.,' F o r full • details" write Tweddle' Chick. Hatcheries, Lim - Red, Fergus, ,Ontario. UYING;'CHICKENS &FOWL~ require 400. to`•°500'• heavy "cations: or• »cockerels wireekly For that ex- tra finish' 'on your birds we have a •-�izpply ,...oaf.:_:serru milk. 'Goldie Martin, Paramount.• FOR SALE 1, H P.and 2 H.P. G.E.• 60 cycle 110..-220. volt heavy. duty ..motors; portable table •saw, ball ' bearing shaft;" 18"'saw,.:V belts; 1-Y2 H.P. •Wagner motor. 30 - day. • giitarantee ', . on motors. .Ted.. Howey, 'Lucknow. • FOR SALE = 'household., effects; bed, , mattress; springs,, dining kw -pi 'Pairs, ,two couches; : kitchen table, .coal or wood heater, also 1947 Dodge i ;ton pick-up, good condition;"'' low : mileage. ' . R. B.• Quance, Havelock St., Lucknow, in former 1 arvey.T'eleaven,resi- dence NOTICE To • B'lu'e Cross Subscribers Subscriber's -may -pay their Cross.: dues from now . until the deadline On November'.1.0, '1949, to the 'Blue_ !Cross :Group. Leader. Of the .Wen's .Institute, Eliza- beth .G. Welsh; NOTICE ..CLERK'S NOTICE OF -FIRST:', POSTING .OFA VOTERS' LIST, Voters' Lists, '1949; :Municipality. -Of Ashfield,. County'. of Huron. Notice//" is :hereby, : given' •, that • I have' cofnplied':»with Section' 6, of The Voters' Lists' Act ,and that• have posted 'up, at //my 'office . at R rio-W :'oii the 21st.da R.. 3, Luck , , Y Of . Octdber, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said .Municipality . at " Municipal Elections, and that such list '.re- mains re -mains there : for inspection. • �= • And I;herelby. call' upon all vot ers.. to • take immediate :proceed- inks ;.to "have' .any errors, or : aims= :'ions .corrected according to: law, the last day for appeal, being.:the., .11th day- of Ndveni ber, .'1949. • Dated this 21st day of October, C. E McDONA:GH, Clerk:. 0 'From:' Your Winter Layers By Using NEW LIFE or•`LIFETERIA FEED'''(Pellets or Mash) 'OYSTER, a IVER I;v SIIELY:S GRANITE GI><.IT COD L , • a •From C AWFORD95 Feet Saone' WORM NGi IS•A MlY'ST ► ; R. A. Finn's Worm Cures,' Tonics' and` Minerals ,give results • Laying e • rDay y USE • AJAMES'WAYAUTOMATIC TIMECLOCK , . y OrdeHn ' g Halt ' Ton Or.:.More"'Of Feed Youi•'Gret FBEE.: DELIVERY 'PHONE 165' LUCKNOW re4"°4 e44ifitithA _GROUND GRIP. TRACTOR' TIRES The only tractor :tires., that. take' .a, 'I:center-bite right In th'e heart of the .traction zone. ' • Firestones',' • out -pull,' out -clean, out- . last all others. ,r IRE'' TONE -TIRES: and" Prompt 'Service ,in ELECTRIC; WELDING and a * ITH WORK $LACKSIV� WORK 1 eau at ert Port&s Lucknow East- End Phone 87-r-4: Open en Evenings'` P ax Your Business Appreciated. ONTARIO. bCIJRTH CONCESSION Fi „THUHSDAY, NONF•,EMBER 3, 1949 A large number ,of ladies at- tended the shower gi,'v,en for Miss Grace MacKinn n in the Legion Room in Lucknow last Monday night and alsothe tr4>"usseau tea at' her home last'Thursday tatter - noon. ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1VtacKinrion, and Miss Helen, Macintyre of Flint were^ here for the.Elliott MacKinnon wedding. ' - Mr. W, MacLeod of Kincardine. visited ;Wednesday at' the-' home of L. M'aolver.. A . large crowd, of teen. - age young .people: attended 'the Hal- ,lowe'en party, .at, the hoine of Mr. H,aroid Johnson last Friday night. '=M'r. ,; Dunca'n'Ross :and son,. and 'Mrs.. Reed of. Saskatchewan •and", Mrs. ,Srah MacKay; .anal .Mrs. 'Jas. Ross ' of ` Toronto assisted' iVtaelver's ,last Tuesday. Mr W.• F. MacDonald is :havi•ig a, bathroom installed in his' home. Mr. Stuart Brough : spent:' the! week -end in ,Paisley, ' Mr. Rennie .Graham and`sisters Anna and Jeari of `Toront,o spent the Week -end "at: the. hoarse of 'thew .father, Angus' Graham. Mr. and Mrs:, Don MacIver and three ' sons and Mr;., and Mrs. Thos. Blake spent Sunday in Tor- onto. ' ' Rev Eaulch.,'of ,South ,Kinloss• Church •conducts.. °religious "'in-: Struction. • in. our ' school every Wednesday. gr,' and MVirs. David Brough o Paisley. sited at :the home Of 1 y__v.i_... Ira ,Dickie last Sunday RECEPTION HELD FRIDAY A reception',,vtias .held in , the. Town Tall on Friday •• night in I-.onor of..: Ma .' :and Mrs. Gordon Robb sof:Ashfield, .whose' :mar- riage took marriaige::took place .early .in:'Octo ober.. Mrs. ' Robb fWas formerly Miss ' Niora Helen :Scott' of ,Bel - grave and a member` of the Wing-. ham Hospital nursing: staff. men, women y , f� ill: NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS:• airs 510151i Anyone' Having :; a n, »account ! ! against, the estate • of Mary ! E -of y Cot. Nowa Pep, Vim, Vigor Moore, , late of the Village Lucknow, is .requested'to:present wha iitlnilll Bony llmhe•nn.out,. ugly honowa same to •,Russell' J. Johnstone,. Lucknow, 'not later than Noveni- b.er 5th; 1949. • ° Gordon, `Moore, ` Acton,. ". Ih1OTICE• � ��... COURT OF:"REVISION - A Court of -Revision on. the •1950 :assessment' roll .of ...West„Wawa.. nosh .Township; will be •,ield. the Township Hall on Friday, November 4tl ,• at, .1 U a m. purloin Philli Ali up, neok'no lander scrawny, dq loges' half ..starved, 'Loki, "bean -pole" look. Thousands of Orli women men, who never could . kn •before. l d are Low proud 4f shapely, ps, Clerk. ' , healthloo7 n bodies: They thank the special vigor -building, flesh -building tonlo,•Oatres..its tonics, etimulante Invigorators. Iron, vltaulin Ht calcium, enrich blood, improve: appetite and digestion so food gQivesyou more. strength and nourishment- put nosh on. baro bones. Don't fear getting foo tit. Stop when you've gained the b, 10, 15 or 20 lbs.• you need for normal weight.. • Costs little. NeW'get acquainted else only, 500. —Try famous (Nitres Tonlo_Tablete: for.•{ie./ vigor. and added -pounds, this very. day. At all druggists. R;. Ye B CLELA►ND. YETER1NARIAN , • Havelock St., ''south of "Supertest garage. )i.UCKNOW Telephone 175 General Accountancy Service ' for the . small 140 chant, professional man and: the farmer, In Lucknow, Tues., Thurs., .,and Friday. Office in Kilpatrick, . Block. 9 S ;J. P Y ;M' P.O. Box 74, Lucknow, Ont; Phones: Residence 234; Office 23-W.° . • F. T. ARMVISTRONG. OPTOMETRIST» IN •.LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH . from 10 a.01to 6 Drs. WM. SCHMID''S STORE CARD :OF THANKS I Wish to -s, cerely thank Dec - tors. and nurses 'for: their service's; also neighbor's, friends, ;Lucknow United Church.. W. M. S.,, ' W.. A; groups and' Sunday School• exe • cutive, • for their thoughtfulness in'' remembering fine. in various Ways, during •my stay in Victoria Hopital, London, ,and'Dr. • .Mum-. ing beautiful pray-•. ersaThese kindnesses were• deep- ly appreciiated. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan.' • �;w„w, CZ.uriea w ecorated chair and . Mrs.. Jack 1, urran read an -address and Ruth t i*I "Slyvia Curran "broliglt in a't eavily laden decorated wagon filled .high with gifts. ear Ruby, ':^ We your friends' have gathered ere this evening to welcome you to our community • and give to ou our best • wishes:' Although'', we have riot knowp ou for long .our acquaintance ith you has been a pleasure well orth ..having. '” . We. hope that your life in our idst, will' 'be • as enjoyable • to ou' as your,friendship will .be to `We.ask you to accept these gifts aping they will convey t� ' you sur very best. wishes. • . 'Signed »On .behalf of your lends, ' Mrs. ` Clifford Crozier, acs, Jack Curran ' " Ruby thanked all for their houghtfulness'` and asked.. all 'lie isit :)ser . in..her -new .home. All. oined» in singing • "For she's a,: oily good fellow', after which: a ainty lunchwas served;. WESTERN FARMERS_ Weather Insurance Mutual Co. MOTTO Prompt , and . Satisfactory Settlements `For ' information, reliable protection, satisfaction, •consult.,your:,local agent ' SAM ACTON LvCKNow .: 'Phone.. Duiig annon 84-r-4 Call,. 'Write or .'Phone MER. LUCKNOW or ,full information on Co -Operative, Life Insurance or o -o era i:� i • , C p t we Automob le 'Insurance • 'Phone .Dungannon' 10:1-110 Also' Sell HEALTH & ACCIDENT VIA. FIRE• INSURANCE Insure, In . Sure Insur'anc e CONFEDERATION LIFE Car, Accident, Sickness WIND -Western Farmers' Weather FIRE=Howick Farmers ;Mutual Consult .•FARRISH •.IOHN• 'Phone: '169-J 'Lucknow FNSURAN FIRE,,; CASUALTY and AUTOMOBILE To.Protect Your Jack Insure With 'Jack 'Today J.. A. McDONAGH '. *ILL3'.Lucknow, Ont.1 :Phone .61-5: ,'Duflgannon DREW d Solicitor ;IB>iirrister. and • LUCINOW, 'ONTARIO• • ,Office, in the'.Joynt Block Telephone Office 135. Residence 31-3 4 Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER 8t_. SOLICITOR Walkerfoui Ontario N., L.UCKNOW ;Each` Wednesday a OFFICE IN HENDE1t,SON IBOCK..:. S HesNler.ingtan, KFC. Barrister, : J;tc. Wingham arid, LuChhow , r IN L ,JCICNOW Each Monday : &Wednesday Located on the ground : floor in the front, rof 'John Kilpatrick's Building: ' 'Phone wingham Office 4,8,' ;Residence -97...