The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-29, Page 8• THE; Luh ►.ec al SOW' SENTINEL,, LUCK$OW, ONTARIO OBITUARY ANDREW McDONAI D O.n Tuesday afternoon',, SePtem-. her• 20th, Dr. C. H. 112acDonaid o ,f t h e Presbyterian .Church, Lucknow assisted by Dr. W. J. ¥uarford, newly appointed pas- tor..of the 'United Church, eb* ducted the fun eral Services of the ',ate Andre* MacDonald from his home on Havelock St, "Luck ow, • 114x.' "1VIcDonald,• a son " of • the late 1Viurdoch, .1VMcDonald and, 'El- len ; Ileteher., was born July 16,: 1872, in. Kinloss Township' ;and ,spent near•,lyy all •hrs life, farming Kincardine and Huron Town= Ships 'where„ MS, hcinGest, loyal and industrious;character won' for hin' aY host . of :war;in; "fr„ierids For inan3r- years J he . was °.,an. active...Member and elder of Ber- vie Presbyterian Church, remain- •ing staunch, firm, and. :true all his. life to its, noble, teachings. • ' Tasking seriously i11 ' Saturday, August .2,7'th,.. he Was rushed. to. WinSliain • Hospital , and in spite of ail that medical skill ,and care- ful nursing could do,' departed this life . September 18th, • To ixuourn the passing of a dear. brother, ,he, leaves :two • sisters, Janet at home and' :,Christine_ (Mrs. McDonald) of Huron two brothers, Alexander at home and • Roderick John., of Spokane;,' Washington. Two brothers pre e- ceased h'im,: 'hid twin ,brother Archie Qt.:Huron Huron arid William, John .of 'Winnipeg,. Manitoba, Theremains . were laid to rest" Ili Kincardine'Cemetery,/ The allbearers ..were Gordon•. Alex - p ander; Fred, Jackson,;' Robert Me - Donald, Murdoch McDonald, E . don Henderson . and M e' n n 0: Desch Flower'' bearers Were Win, Bushell,. Ernie Crawford, W. J. McDonald, 'Ross Henderson, Mur ray Henderson; John: McDonald, Grant ' .IV1.cDonaid :a n•d.. Lorne. 'Card* The syntp'athy of the entire commnity >s .' extended to the familyunin their bereavement: YOa% See smart Wane* everywhere WOO** the:' aisle; slinuning black heel nyltt : G' quality 45 ge• Nylon 'hose. in to colors Go'o'd q Y $'!• . SUBST*DARDS-Rar `$1� ,. 9$' Sale ..;.., ,..;,.,.. $1.15 'ON _'SVBSTANDARDS. of 45 gauge, sheerand smart, N7.�L looking, yet the right weight for practical' service, you'want. Reg.. $1,65 Sale • 98c., SERVICE WEIGHT in silk hose, for cooler days or for those who 'prefer a heavier stocking.; Fall: shades Regi $1.50. Sale 98e ENGAGEMENTS Mts. R. J 'Scott, Wingham, wishes to announce the engage=' • *put of her daughter, Nora Helen to Mr.'Gordon Cowan Robb, son of Mi•. Chary Rabb . andthe late. Mr$.. Robb ,of Ashfield Township, • the .!wedding . to;:take ,place 'early and; Mrs.: -William Price of Koi(hley, England, wish to an noiince the';' engagementof their eldest daughter, Vera. Southern, to Mr. James Gordon 'Hyde, son of ,Mr.. Percy Hyde and the' late s. Hyde,. • of Kincardine. The ,1VIs Y ,� n marriage to take place the Fearly part. of ' ..October. . s•' The Time t ,n. take -advantage' of'intr.,' MONSTER air :gee 7 now . in full / swing with Specials Galore. , Don't miss this oppsrt'unity of saving'real money on :the out- standing buys: featured .in this. *d and on our. Sale Bill. Ii you did not ' receive one ;