The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-29, Page 4• it ;.F 2 • 1 t • • :$I?iNxI1�tE ' °rL,.L' U�CKNOW, ONTARIO' OWN . -. PAR ;MOUN•T "WANT AD" .RATES -1st: 'insertion 2; cents a, word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge; 25 cents. Replies cat'e • of The Sentinel. 10 cents extra. Legal advertising; 10 cents per Count ; , line first insertion;.5 cents per ' line • subsequent • insertions.: FOR SALE--IVlassoy-Harris disc, I 'CHAMPION' GRAIN, GRINDERS • plover, Jack -Henderson, R..'• R. 3, sold and installed.. Electrical .airs' _• pliance sales and repa� Rural Luckxw, ' �'°' • ° ,, wirrng:,. HAROLD; HA . .... FOR 'SALE--- furnace blocks.:' Ap `1inlaugli E ply to: Joe Weiler, P 6, Lu,ek; WQ,OD FOR, SALE--zmaple, (beech and ' red Cherry body ands ,limb.: wood; : also elm. body: wood ° .and -. box :stove and furnace bloelcs.: 1±'ran11 lViiller; phone '46.4.-5,-Luck'- FOR, 46-r 5> Luek.FQQR SALE- -room frame house: `withbath; , furnace, 'rsun •room;. good ,centrallocation; recently de costed inside • and outside. Tre leaven. Mining ico'....night. tele- phone,; Mts. Piewes, 139. ,� iece• •show 'suit,'. FOR SALE- 4 p.. . • °size 3 .; Years, r just ':dry' gleaned j Mrs. Darold Johnston, Lucknow STOVE .FOR SALE—Gook stove,.; nearly new. James 'Conley;=;R3, Holyroodl, • .FOR SALE Quantity of . dry • cedar; 14 •'inch. Jim : Burt, 6th Con. .Kinloss, FOR 5ALE-= two fur coats, musk- rat. and seal, both size 18, AP - „ply at Sentinel Office: MINERALS and . Stack' • Tonics. Lorne 'MacLennan, .' phone . 42-23, LucknoW. Y loss, Alone Teeswater, 36-4-12. STRAYED' -4---dark roan yearling heifer, small', 'horns;:White .star,; vreight 500=600* pounds.Anyone. knowing whereabouts pleaSe not- ify Ernie ot-ify:.Ernie, Hanna; Con:.. '10,: Kin. ...CURLING ;STONES ' WANTED .. _.an_y-one having same for ; sale , eii- • ' ire at Sentinel•' Office.; CAR, FOR 'S°ALE=-=1937 Chevro- let ,coach.Appyto: Dr.WO : • .r : Rhoad, • R. '3, . •-,Lucknow, 'phone: Dungannon q0,-37. WOOD FOR SALE.-' ,good: ' dry wood, :4.00 per. cord.. Orders' of. 5 cors or more .; delivered. John. 'Austin;. R. 7,' 'phone '82,-r-22. .HOUSE FOR SALE centrally Iodated,. chi:Ace , : corner: lot, ':with two -ear garage; Apply to •Ellibtt 4.: L Lucknow. attic ., ,CAR' Fore SALE•;late 1946. Dodge coach, 'motor recently .Overhaul- ed, :four :.new. ,tires. Apply :` to J. W.. Joynt,:'Lucknow. CARD OF :THANKS Richard Ellott wishes to; sir cerely th ank all those who re . membered' him .so kindlywhile he . was in, the . hospital. These kind. acts' .w re . deeply ap- preciated, ki e ;preciated,. eiscanizaw OUND �GRiP •GR -TRACTOR TIRES 'The only .tractor 'Aires that ,take .a "center•biter”, right in the. heap the traction .zone, : Firestones'., out -pull, put -clean, .out`. •• last all others. Mrs. George Gilchrist wishes to most: heartily thankall those who so kindly remembered her in many Ways while in .the hospital:Albert Porter's,. and since.returning harne Such Lueknow. East. End Phone 87-r-9 kind and : thoughtful acts were ICOR. FIRESTONE`: TIRES • and :Prompt Service in ELECTRIC .:WEEPING. ITH: WOR.,. BLACKSM. The August • meeting of Para!'+ mount, :Women's . Institute. 'vv`as held at the ;,honie • of Mrs Emile MacLennan. The roll . call .was answered . by an exchange ' of ,bullas and house plants.. it was. -decided to attend the District Conference at • Whitechurch..n November.' Mrs, ;Hai'vey °Hrooks: gave a ,splendidpaper on "Plan-. .ning • :Home Gardens": Mrs. Or- land. 'Richards' gave an. interest- ing :report on the convention held at Guelph. Mrs W. Dexter gave a reading "Jack4 Miner and the Wild .Birds", 1VMebers . ple'ase brink payments for renewals of I.luron •Co-operative'Needical'Ser;, vice to tl'e., Meeting, of October '• Messrs. Lyle, NlacDiarrnidand Rae MacDiarmid are ` 'spending a few `days with their brother, Mr. Grant. Mad:Akit d Pre -Nuptial Showers Y' Tw.o showers. were held at: the home of Mrs. John.' Elphiek •in. •honor of her daughteJosephine, prior ;to her marriage `'Lucknow friends g'a v e ,a, miscellaneous. shgwer, the bride-to-be ,receiwmg, many • useful.. gifts;, Paramount: friendspresented• her with an:. electric - toaster and 'woollen blanket. There was a `short pro - ,gram and ,a mock, wedding. A pleasaniti.g . evenin was,'enjoyed by ,., all. • 'SMS,, SHP1'EMBflt 29th 1949 .. 4 DR ''1,. B...CLELAND, VETERINARIAN HavoIock 'St., south. of Supertest Garage--: . •LVCKNO* • • Telephone 175 YOiING DENNIS RIGGIN of Kinca dine -has -received :-=an vitation`".from. Lloyd Pollock ' of Windsor. to - attend. the hockey .school .operated:'by the Spitfires Junor OH;A.: Club. •It was young Riggin's ', perfor trance that cost Lucknow Midgets . the. W.O.A.A. championship last winter. • deeply. appreciated. the,.relatiVes of aerie late. And-. rew McDonald(wish to extend r the �e.artfelt thanks and ap-.' preciat#on for the. Many acts' ' of 'r dness and expressions o f sym- OT1iAC Et?R'5ALE=-in good . l th shown, .at the ; time of their AUT pa y, • raced right for ' departure, and also •workng ' shape, : r p clean brother s quick' sale:;, Howard McGuire, R•. for . the ,beautiful •. floral • s 6Lucknow. received from 'friends ., and, ;neigh , bots. ' We thank the Doctors of Lucknow, the nurses apd,Doctors of Windham.:.IHospital and also the special nurse, Miss • ;MeOnaig of Lucknow. • FOUND ., a =Ian. girl's red coat.; =Left . at the ' arena the . night of the carnival. Apply 'at . Sentinel pffice. WOOD FOR 'SALE -m vrood and : cedarixed hard : wooor rails. . ::'Earl oDoriald, R. 7, Lucknow,' M1a Phone, 82-r-11 'Dungannon. PLOWS;, FOR 'SALE --National•; 8, ,tw:o$uriow walking plow' and";a Quebec sulky ,riding plow.' Eldon Miller, R. ` 1, 'Lucknow. .FOR: - R: S L,E--singld' .bed, • 'springs -an d • mattress, at a 'bargain. Apply s 'to 'Mrs. Gerald Rathwell;. Phone 117 Lucknow ; WOOD OD , FOR SALEL hard maple body Wood. :wood.. (Mitt Hackett; -R.. R. 7. • * ,Lucknow . pliorie .67.8 • ; Dungan non,.. 'FOR ,SALE boy's_ royal blue . velour three-piece, winter' .ou , Coat, - leggings ' and ; hehriet,, • size 4-5 ',,Years Apply''at Sentinel 'Of- fice. NOTICE 'TO'` ,CREDITORS' In ' the Matter of the Estate of . . ANNIE .McLENNAN; Deceased., 1TOTrCE IS 1- EREBY .GIVEN n Evenings in s Your Business Appreciated :. IT'S _ NOT TOO L ATE^ -but the sooner :you begin your training. the :sooner.you'll be earning. En - toll. now. Northern.Busmess-Col. lege,. Limited, Owen Sound. that, ;:: all persons having: claims 'against the 'estate of. Annie .Mc- Lerman, ` . who died .'-at ;the town, of Wingham on the Twenty-third day. of March, A D::1949, are not- ified to'•.serid their 'claims duly verified . ; to.' the . undersigned ..be - lore the :thirty-first. day of Oct- ober • 1949,after ��which::date the estate will be distributed. amongst the parties • 'entitled thereto hav- Ing: regard only to such cclaims'as.. are then received DATED at. Walkerton Twenty-second day. • of ,Septenct ber, A.D:' .1949.. , • P. St -nail fart MacKenzie, Walkerton, ..Ontario, • Executor: • °• PURPLE GROVE Mr and Mrs.:` Will :Arnold and ,family .'attended a fainly gather- ing at the home of;: Mr. 'Tam Col well onSaturday. , A large 'number attended ;a mis- LIFETERIA • LAYING MASU or:. LIFE LAYING PELLETS' REASONS: 1—We deliver in half -ton or ton lots—two days' 'notice. ". 2 --'We will mix free, any tonic 'required 'in the feed:- -' 3—There is.. no feed • of better quality or more :economical,' 4—We retain for your ',convenience . individual records of s all purchases; made by each, customer—available to. you at 5 ---Wel have at hand information re diseases'. or ,aIIments, and remedies for same We Will . Appreciate ° Your Patronage. You Will Enjoy Our Service.. RAWFOFeed Store 'PHONE 165' LVCHNOW, ONT. cellaneous shower= for Miss- Joyce Needham; on, Saturday -MST: John`` Blackwell of ,Kin- cardine,, also 'Mrs. Fox ,and' Mr: Albert,; `Blackwell : and 'son of. London: visited at Miss Margaret, Robertson's 'recently.. Mrs,' Gordon • Avis :and 1111x �s and r, .. Carl visited: -:with. Mr.: and Mrs_.: Will 'Walsh, :Mr.; W11 Bennett of Kincardine and Mr. and .Mrs.;; Richard visit- ed , at the : home: of ,,Mr... Claude Dore • ori Sunday Miss Doreen Collins was hone for' - the week -end Mr,: and Mrs: S'am'Emerson and Hilda. visited.`rat' 1V . -Angus Gra ham's 'recently •The W.Nt.:S. met at ;hhe home: of- Mrs. Jack` Emerson last „Wed nesday wvith; an,, unusually large -atteiidance, .about . thirty ldes� .being • present,' Miss • Catherine Gibson favored With a 'solo. Rev. Baiilcli-'closed the -• neeting.,with 'prayer.' A dainty' • lunch ' was. served . by the •hostess, • ' Th a vegood reason ere- is r3' why, after ,35p y,ears.,in' the. collection of debts we are busier •than ever. • • ., • It's Experience plus Efficiency. Let us prove to 'you -that -- we youthat-we can , get most satisfact- ory \.results with .that. ' list • that is bothering you ,You'll be delighted. and remember you pay us only 'for results ;actually obtained. - KELLY ::& IKEN Orangev01e2 Ontario. General Accountancy :Service for :the small mere dant, ;professional man anti the 'farmerw In' LucknoTues;,' Ichors•, and k'riday.' tr./thee: in 'Kilpatrick Block. S. J. PI( P.O, Box. 74, Lucknow, Ont; Phones: Residence 23-J; ° • Office 23-W. , WESTERN -`FARMERS; Weather Insurance Mutual Co. MOTTO: Prompt and Satisfactory `' Settlements For information,: reliable rotection,' sat sfaction, P , consult your local •agent TON.`. SAM AL h I.iiCKNQW 'Phone .Dungannon 84-i-4 *. T; . 'ARMSTRONG OPTOMETILIST •. U'KN' IN %, C OW : FIRST WEDNESDAY. OF • EACII MONTiI from: . 10 am'.to. 6" pm. AT • M:: SCHMID'S' STORE • '.�KINGSBRIDGE . " .'Mr, 'Clarence -] u erty is vis- iting -,in Hamilton.:: ' Mr: and Mrs. Louis Hogan have returned 'from their honeymoon, 'Mr., and .Mrs, ,G. 'Hill 'were week -end visitors with. Mr: and Mrs, W" Lannan. . ', :Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin . Ea' Loretta, Marie attended the wed-' ding of their son Jack in Porcu- pine on : Saturday.. Mrs. • W, • Lannan' spent a few' days last week in ' Hamilton. This • coinm:unity was' shocked; to hear of ;.the' sudden passing in Blyth ; of a former parishioner, Mr. Henry past Hogan; ' ` Call, Write ' or 'Phone ERON LUCKNOW For` full inforniation'on Co -Operative • Life Insurances .. d operatives Automobile' Insurance Will-$e::Chit Of .Town Sept ..10th to Oct.lat. For Information„.. See Bob. "Soak 'Phone •Dungannon 107r-10 Also . Sell HEALTH & ACCIDENT` and VIRE INSURANCE Insure In Sure Insurance• CONFEDERATION. LIFE Car, ACcidenti Sickness. :WIND—Western °Farmers' Weather F1fRE- Iowick Farmers. ::Mutual Coresult JOHN FAR:RIS:H 'Phone • 169-J • Lucknow: INR U AH E S FIRE,. CASUALTY ', and AIJTOMOBILE /.:: To Protect Your Jack ...blare•: W ith isck' : Today J. A. McDONAGH R.R. 3 Lucknovv,';Ont.; Phoned 61=5r -Dungannon ANDREW Barrister, and. Solicitor LIJCKNOW, ,ONTARIO lock, 'the Jo �n: Block Oitice im y Telephone Office 135" Residence 313 ua �rtMacKeni1e... BARREISTEit, & `. SOLICITOK Walkerton,.-°Onta}�io IN° LUGKNOW Each Wednesday., OFFIUE- IN.. HENDERSON BLOCK .• R: S. ('etherngton,. K.0 ° Barrister; Etc., , • Wnghani 'and, Luckoo'a" IN: LUCKNOW a.' .Each 111Io>n�a�•& ..W edn' eadax9, • Located on' the "grouted floor • in 'the'° f ront off. gilpatrick's Building *Sohn 'Ph'one, Vlfifgham Ottce' 48 ; .'•• ' • :E,eaidence 97 • ti •a ■ ;r. ■ a C C a • i -1 ''t :. a • 1 1 .1 • •1 1 :N 1 41