The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-22, Page 6rl 1'4 t v. 11^ to , GE SIX THE .LUCKNOW SEINITINEL, Tic NQWr °ima I, , STARTS- STrUD I ES FOR MINISTRY STRY Alex « MacDonald,. a •grandson of Mks. Ewen MacKenzie of Lucknow, has been accepted as a. student, for 4he ministry .of the Presbyterian, Church in Canada, Alex Was certified, at a meeting, of the Presbytery of Huron-Mait-. lands•• whichconivened ' in Wing - ham last week; He 4 entered..•Tor- onto „University'. this week to .commence his studies • Alex °is a son of Mr.' a}ld Mrs.. Alex (Sandy) ,.MacDonald. ' of 'Niagara Fails'. and former Luck nowites. His,•xn;otl e"r .was former- ly, ly, Margareti . MacKenzie,N Alex's grandfather was the late Bei/. 'Professor. IVIacKenzie, whose death' occurred forty years ago; little more than three .years ,after, he had. been :appointed :professor of •practical theology at'thc'"Pres-- byterian Colhge, Montreal.. He was only 46 years. ; of' age and succumbed ;suddenly to a .heart ,attack when about tai` :deliver a lecture.• - . . Alex'has, been' employed at GoderiCli for the past couple of - . years, nd attended Knox 'Pres-- DISTRICT h DEALER' S. • byterian . Church; He is. quite well • knowfi to. Many here,and being DY E:` � . . L. STUB _• : • .. . .. • � y• . ed bandsman; H. a nt. • _� ZINN & 'SONS,. � . A. E. HI+♦:WI a ver experienc Ont. � ' � R. ],,•Dungannan . Kulcaxd�n ,, O .. has assisted the. Luckxio�w". High Auburn, O , .,. „ te.relatives. ' School: band on more than one BELLS .. .far the immedia occasion.. , . . WEDDING E xotel then Mrs. Haines.- the bride's..mo ,. • There was an. interesting side- RITCHIE-=HAINES wore.:for her dau• ghter's wedding,' lei's acre tante'" as a • a corsage light to A p A quiet autumn wedding took ; a navy' silk dress' and g for the. nurustry.; Dr. C. a e at the United:Church:mianse- of gladioli petals. Mrs,: -Ritchie, studentcknow, Is -ere - beth the pl c TH, • MacDonald o€Zu nesda � Se' ` ernlber 14th. at the ' � room.'. Mother, 'wore a black •. on . stn on ,Wed •; .y, Pt ,. 1? convener . of .c.ojrrumittee 'high' ob'n' when Margery. Eliza-• ,crepe and' also a; corsage of glad- and it was' his ' 1 le es n dents and co g beth (Betty),' youngest daughter: ioli'petals duty..•to examine lhe •candidate' of 1Vtr; And Mrs. Wesley Haines Later, amid showers of a .corL--; r 'met, ., .. .. ,• , • vcthen•:Presbyhe .y .:: of Wingham, was: united in mar- fetti and best wished, the happy :e .,of meetin and 'of : The, . plat i' 1iv 'ria e: to.•William:Harvey Ritchie, •coupler left for their, honeymoon:. Was St: :.Andre: "s g examination 'son Of.'Mr. `and Mrs. Wm;; :,travellingouth , to. Niagara. and in! 'ham eldestChurch, W g R•tchie . of„Ashfield.'`.Rev.. W. A; other 'oints..'. 'On: their return Presbyterian . �• p �: , � and, it , so. happened 'that it wase. • : BeeCroft officiated ,at the cere- they ,will reside on. the grooms a, -the Beecr Ythirty-nme.;years to, the. d y„ ' farm :. near' ] ucknow. bei: zrony, • ecoid' •'`Tuesday : in � September, w' .:. f r her wed- . MacDonald. had•. s, The, bride chose o :.,`:f910=that; ,Rev .. ine snit :CO' IPLETE EAYETROUGHING examined,and ec di blue waol gabard _ "OF :THE. HIGH SCHO, • L been similarly'''. ex � , . small black' hatand inatching'ac ,•,.. c .ce ted.; The examinhrig;” ~converter. p cessories.' • Hier ' cossaee �as red ' iM Lennick of Southampton, : at 'that -time . was : the late r' " .He onlyat- last :iw'eek ,,completed._ the .job 'of Better. 'Time "rases. r J perry.. • her sister -Edna,. who•-eavetrou lin the :Lucknow `High , tendant Was . ,. �. g g and ne • suit:.sim=: "School. It iwas iecessa , to build . • ehose;.a; navy.•gab .. . �-.., �'.. • 'BITUARY mar: to the 'brides. with black': 'a scaffold to 'trough:: the tower, and wore • a : and ` " hile. the : actual work - of ut HITMORE • and fink .ac essores W ; 1? MRS. FRAhTK W ,. : e of : deep. .pink ._Butterfly, sir ' on .':t1ie 'es,vetroughing took, h _<occurxed, .in Alex corsag... -. g. : • . ..:. The death. roses.:'; only .a few hours;:. it required .ands : Hospital, .Goderich, on , r p .• rve ' only.; :brother, Eldon, some:`hours` .labor to erect.. a e •'b• r;-8 'of. Mrs, Ha y s forty Thursday, Sept m, g acter• .as' best • man the 'scaffold: Mr. Lennick is :now . Frank ` Whitmore •' in her • 79th • Fohcwin the ceremony, a 'din- offering for sale, the' new .. lum- � •, Whi. `ore fractured . , , g . h . i year. �M'xs, ., tin . , ;: held at:• .the Brunswick . 'be~ , used 'in :the' scaffold. •her s her hili Over..a month'. ago: and. had since been eonmitied to'the. T1 tUz •s , S 7/gly $ER '22nd,, . s • AS LOW , $11.85. . with Allowance On•. Your Old. Battery • ,• : Store .. Canadian. Tire Corporation. Associate "WINGHANI KINLOUGH Mr. and': Mrs. ..;P A. ' Mtiirray :visited`, last week, with relatives • at Chicago; Joliet Sarnia and ,Pt. ng a O e Iuron. Mrs: Frank' Johnstone and son Carm',an , visited last week at Toronto. 'with- Mjr. and: Mrs.•'Rar= vey Johnstone: and also: attended .the,CNE.. •y A umber from: here .attended the .Western Fair ;;at 'London dur- :eek..... ng :thew Mrs,,.'. Roy : Graham and. Madon- na visited`' on Wednesday " :with 'leer' sister, Mrs. Angus -McArthur. Mrs,: Ed Schaeffer.*Visited re-. 'cently With :.her, daughter, Mrs:. .Andy Scott.. at Tiverton: S .Miss •,Ir'lrrua Hodgins,' . R.N':. of t Catharines, is spending a •'while at her' home here. • There wil be . no ` service • in' l , the_Anglican' 'Church ,:next day . owing to the I arvest` Ser- vices•.:at ``Kingarf. . On the .. next. Sunday, October 2nd, the service will b.e :at .3.00 o'clock;.with•.Sun- day Schol at 2.15 p m:,. `Harvest°;Thanksgiving, services Were `held on' Suidlay last at ,the Anglican �church.;:The Rev.,' Ral'ph, Blight took .charge of the'morn- ing morn-ing sertvice. The, soloist wasp Mrs ;lack Hewitt. At the evening ser-.• vice . the Rev. A. E. • Tavener of Lucknow as ' m c e rs. • he, 00 -a: IN tilt xirisT four years we added more, than;half a million to a phones and installed,new equi trent in .eve ex-,. 1p. ,,...: P �• change in Ontario 'and Quebec. At the, same time we were .. able to make substantial improvements' ire service But it took. a lot of money, over two : hundred million dollars! .« .- . Where* re-maans : much iobe-4one j ManY 'aPph__ cants are still; waitingfor telephone ,service, and many more' sub- • scribers' present service' is not adequate to their needs. We intend to meet ;'their wishes, :acid to : continue making the service clearer,, faster, better in every way. This will take more . illioits for riew'equipment and: m� buildings.. As • in the past, this money must come from the .sarins •of thousands. nds of Canadians who are willing to invest in the telephone business. THE: DELL TELEPHONE hospital . w was, hang M Born near Lucknow, she > was'Harold Haldenby was' soloist' and a daughter,. of. 'the late .Robert an 'anthemwas, sung by the choir. and'Jane Reid. In 'her 'infancy •her _ . Mr and., Mrs_• Charlie Hodgins mother , passed ` away. and :' her and family oif Wingham visited on early life..wa►s .,spent : in Stanley `Sunday • With friends Dere; township' with her.grandparents, Mr: and Mrs;, Karl Boyle, Mari the late' Mr. W and Mrs.:.Robt.'1Zeid. .In 1893 she :married Frank 'Whitmore,- and .moved to • ,God- erich township, ;residing : on the. • Bayfield Line: until fifteen years ago, , when "'the couple. - moved to Holi esville; . Mt. Whitmore ,pre- deceased her three. years ago and for the past:~ three yeas' she had resided inGodericf.: •• Mrs. Whitmore is survived • by a ,family of four sons ' and three daughters,'. Frank • and Harold of Hamilton; Raymond ; `of Goderich tow:nsliip;,' Kenneth, of Blyth; , Mrs: John Young (Rose), of Toronto,:: Mims. Wilbur Welsh (Flossie), of. Clinton, and Mrs. Carl. Cox, (Gay). of Goderich.• There are also nine grandchildren, and three 'great :grandchildren.. She . is survived .also_by three brothers and: five sisters .•John' and Harvey. Rei' -d,`` :Goderich; Sam Reid,, Liicknow;' IVfrs., Oniens and; Mrs. Pasha; De- troit, .Mich:; Mrs. Pipe and Mit. Nicholson, Goderich and •` Mrs. McIntosh, Wingham : • • The funeral service • was held, 'atlfie-Beattie funeral home; Clingy ton, on Saturday afternoon, .Sep-, ternber 16th.: :Mrs:' Whitmore Vas an Anglican and. Rev. B, H Fara,. 'rector • of ''St. ' George's Church, Goderich, conducted the service. Interment took place in Clinton: " cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Thompson, ' 'Oliver West, I}an Gliddon; David Elliott, ' Edgar Trewartha and Nelson . • Reid. FlOw'.erbearers were 'her two grandsons, Ilarold and Douglas Whitmore, . Thomas • Murphy and Leslie .Jervis. The floral tribtites. were 'Very ;beautiful, attesting to the respect of many friends. Mrs.. Whitmore was a devoted mother • and will be missed Most bythose. who knew her hest. .COMPANY OF CANADA end with relatives at London: . The Sr.. Auxiliary will hold .: quilting "on Thursday ,afternoon. The Girls' Auxiliary. will. Meet cn ' • Saturday afternoon at'' the. home . of Mrs. Bert Nicholson: '' TO START.' THREE YEAR g COURSE.., AT McGILL • Miss;..1Vrary Porteous;; daughter of Mr. and , Mrs:, W.. A, Porteous;: left n •Tueisday,•for Montieal, uv'he e' she with coinm+ence a' three; r • at. McGill iv. a3''' courQse n ver=. ye U sity for: her Bachelor of ,Science. de ree.'She Motored`.there with" • g � her parents. ` Maryspent, two :years••at' Alma pe - Y.• College taking "'•a' course in dia- tetics •and : will -f-ollow'<this . up at McGill to obtain•;her degree. She will study' at MacDonald College at' Ste. A n; .de •Bellevge,• •nearby Montreal. Presbyterian Guild '`..The Presb erian Young. Pee, ple's 'Guild: onMonday ;was open. ed with the • catl to worship.. The ' scripture. was 'read " by • Gladys M•aoponald. A 'prayer. was ' offer- ed by Marion Graham. Miss Mary. MaoL.-eod led in; the Bible study. Gladys.. !Chin . gave i reading, A favorite -quartette, Dr. MacDon- ald ;Noonan Taylor, Elniier`;Um bach'.. and George. Chin,' sang. The ` roll. call wias taken' and business • 'discussed.. The, quartette .favored•, again With a selection.;1VLa� ion •, Macbona.id'::led' a• sing; song which was, greatly 'enjoyed, Dr ;Mao.-. Donal& closed the mecting :.with:: -iyn and Carol , spent the week- ' -prayier ■is■■ai�■is■■■r■■■■.i■■■I:■■■�i■■a■■■■aauU■■i■i■■■ ■ .._ ■ c + . n • ■ ■ �'. ■• jII ;Fair'1 _ Thursday, September.29.4▪ .' ■ II AFTERNOON PROGRAM ■ Rur nin . Rces . Huiirdle ni in . 'Chariot Races, Pony Rides, . Freak Conveys es, Etc■ 2 HORSE RACES; ■ .• ■ $200.00150.00 ',■ Pace, -purse. :: <2.27, p`trot: or Pace, purse • • 1 ■'; Little German Clown , Band of New Dundees ■, .1 ■ '■ . All School Children Free ■ • •1 . ■ ■ ■ • • EVENING PROGRAM • • ■ Act . ■' 3 � PIa y..by � ,Ripley Dramatic Club • ■ : ■• Dancing. to •Furrier's Orchestra ■ i • •iaiaiolantdarn■si■t■imtiaaeu■ea■imi i■irowlc :'Eorne DurnYnPres. T. M.Durnin,Se.,Tred.. i• i i •n •r