The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-15, Page 6THE CLANSMEN'S. S ANNUAL,, 7'HE N .THE ARENA, LUCKNOW umannanniV at. 8.30 o'clock; • Featuring a real variety show by • e ryHappyCousins iJA i 11 9 N'l • t of Elmira." THURS,, SEPTEMBER rl5th, :i940 LUCKNOW . SENTINEL,.LTCKNO W ONTARIQ �„ – _, = , .. �... .• rays I nd. solo •numbers, comic songs,: comic. (quartette a skits; comic imitations, magic,, . crayon sketches, • piano, hylophone and. cornet selections. IN. ATTENDANC . LUCKNOW PIPE BAND STREET PARADE.: "AT '• 7.30 . rr ! I • o BELFAST' BRIDE c A (miscellaneous: shower 'Of much interest was held on • the evening of September. lst. ,a't the home of Miss Elmira Elton in honor of the bride-tobe, Miss Janie Alton,Miss Donalda Hack-. I ett was in charge of the shower • book and.' the recipes for 'the eX - ening •for the. 'guest of honor. Miss. Alton entered, the living room. to the strains' of the bridal played :by Mrs, 'Spence the hostess to a .chair decorated in pink land ., white ' streamers.: • A rea'din'g was 'then e ?given, `.,Now the ,Dorn got dressed for :the Weclding'? by,. Mrs i . Dynes, , Caine 13.el1 Miss; ,Freda Hackett 'enter, ed. the rooan dressed as a groom, :arid • pinned a corsage; on the bride -elect.' The gifts, which were in .a "Wishing You Well" were in charge of Mrs. George Alton,.: while - Bernedean. •Alton read the verses for her., sister: A, 'mock wedding was; perforin, ed''with, Misses Hilda Lane; Elaine Little, Freda. „and 'Lois , Hackett and Mrs.. Bill Wareing •taking •part,.. *41th:'''the • bridal' March''be irg played by Mrs: Adarri John- ston; ' A 'Short program followed. ,Miss Alton,. expressedher thanks. arid .nvit d. the :gathe'ring' to: `see her, trousseau. Lunch was served with . 2.a bride's,:.cake:being carried in by Miss Alton's . tw:o. ,nieces, Misses; Betty and Marjorie.: Alton W FALL FAIR �P trnival Games, ' Bingo; Prize ' Draw. FARRIER'S ORCHESTRA Public School Children ,.15c ena Admission 35c WATCH': FOR THE • ECIAL Regular $2 00 English borie�� nn:oun � � W. W. Hill's I -laving. taken. v r' 1VIr. .... Grocery Busines respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the 'residents of this community 'and , will earnestly„ strive �to'Merit a continuance oft • e good predecessor'has long enjoy, will that my � ed,. ' It viii be my objective to give the public prompt 'and courteous service and quality. merchandise at fair prices-- rocer ARO -11E. SMITH, Prop., Drop In, And Get Acquainted. We'll Be.Pleased To Meet You.', china, cup and saucer for :only $1.00 at °both ; Lucknow, and', Dun,: ga nnonfall ',fairs.. Less than cost Down- From The Wait sociation, and has- duties' require fall•fair .day only one to a, • •� Andrew of Calgary extensive travelling , spent his `drew, , ati rodeo Canadian Hereford Breeders :As h Dave, . , • + on .the Con ,customer the week -end here. with:tinent. He flew East, and attend-WM A. SCHMID: Lucknow.:; her, Mrs. ' Isaac An ed the' O.N.E:. as well . as making with. Mr: and Mrs business call's at Peterborough r rkland Mr AndreW and: Ottawa rhe :Went to ._the. 7iolds a pronunent office in the Western' Fair at London .from • ,•. •. SOI • Mr. -and Mrs, Eckenswrl ler : pf London, Mr.: and Mrs. Jos. Cassidy and. son Graham of : Clif- ford spent, the w'eek;end •. with Mr: and Mrs..: H:A. 1Grahar3 Master Douglas Fickensw�.iller, `who'has spent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs :George; Gra-' haze; returned to his ..home,; in London Mr: and Mrs: Ezra Stanley and family returned home, after .visit lag, .with relatives •et ,Flint ''and 'Lansing. Miss, Beverley Stanley who has spent the :past 7 weeks there returned. home with them,' 'Misses , Margaret and. Nellie Malcolm. ,accompanied Miss, Helen i Malcolm• -' when she returned ' to Toronto .Mr. and 'Mrs. Mac 'Nicholson and daughter. Marron visited , on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs . Bert Nicholson: The' ' Sr. Women's ' Auxiliary met on Thursday afternoon at the home. of Mrs. Maurice Hod- gins with a good attendance. , Af- ter the usual • opening exercises, Mrs: ''Wm,:Wall .' arid Mrs. Ed Schaeffer took '•Cha'rge of the -work 4-7and•---the-afternoon 'was; spent , in 'Making ' . quilt: blocks. Rev. R. E. Blight. closed- the meet-. ing- .arid a,, dainty lunch was : ser - • .by • the hostess: • Next Sunday; September. 18th;' -Bon e Carton' itutheiek•A'figttior a Coca-Cola undo; contract with Cad:a-Cola Ltd. GOPERICH BOTTLING WORKS' Goaiiiih,7 Ont. Phone .489- iiimtwisiovoripoommalei • New Time Tables Effective September 19th contain many : important changes. or -information _regarding schedule, changes consult yOur Local-. Agent • all's estaisrari 'PHONE 16 THE WESTERN 'ONTARIO iviciirOmmts LIMITED last Week. '. with Miss Winnie.:Percy, MN.; qf Mr. 'and Mrs. Woodstock, , spent the 'week -en. with her mother, Mrs. William. sEcAusE One-third the weight of galvanized steel Easy to work and handle. MANN Does not hist, rot, shrink or warp; Enduring, weather -resistant. ••• C0041/CAL Outlasts galvanized steel by 'many ° , years'. Requires no,.paintings. • utumn_c•ffers,the-opportunity to _carry_ouLneided con.? struction ,repairs --On Ihe farm. ALUMINUM RIBBED - ROOFING. and SIDING offers the answer to the mateilal problem. Available in:sheets' six; seven, eight; nine and ten feet long ... Saves Money Warm in winter . : Cool in 'summer ... Easy to install ... One-third the weight•of steel, • Does not rust:rot or shrink . ,,,,Rectuires no, painting. • HUGH RUSSEL & SONS, L Steel irid Metal Products wirlkoesee le mollifies sod Twits Montreal 324 Gerrard $t. East; loronts a