The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-15, Page 4M l?';A..,GGE: FOUR .VCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCINOW, QNTARIQ, • WHITECiAURCH Mr. Gibsonspie has sold his • farm west : of . the village; to Mr, Gordon-•Rintoul,. who Lias; moved there' the past 'week. This d the farm has been known .:as: the Gil- lespie home for n'eariy a; century. • Mr. Spence, , wYip hays 'bought the Carrick: house,' is getting it. painted and . is putting on brick sliding, • Wm1...Dawson •and James Mc- ,Innes ,have made `irrtprovernents on,"'their new homes eaate of the viilaige• Mr and Mrs, `Ab •Coultes spent ,Sunday with her relatives near Paisley. - • Mrs. ,Harold Young of, .� iMr. and _New:. Toronto visited with their„ •aunts, Mrs Mac Ross 'anc, Mr`s. Toni: Moore a'. day last aweek . • • 1 a A st • (* AD" ATES-1st insertion 2; cents,.a "wortt, 'subsequent AN;I' um charge 25' cents. Replies care insertions 1 cent, • o, word. Minim " ,ot, The Sentinel'' 10 cents extra. Legal advertising .10 cents per :count, line: first insertion, 5 _cents per . line -Subsequent insertions. M• INERALS and: ' Stock Tonics . • ' ' . NOTICE ' ' Lorne MacLennan,; phone 42-23, i hogs, every Will ' bem Shipping hg , Wednesday.:: Will pay top prices and ,pick,. up by • truck. ' John Fraser `Henderson;.Drover 'Phone .,.57, Lu�eknow. , Lucknow, CURLING:' STONES . WANTED— 'anyone 'having same, for .sale •en- quire .Aait, Se'ntinel'': Office; • PAISLEY .APPLE BUnER Mill ` S - teirrber. 19th and will open on, ep .. ..; ; • Will run' from Mondlay :to Friday,: CAR FOR :SALE—Model A: 1929 e ocid shape,.' $120,00. Ford .coup , , g p Apply` to Ivan Henderson.. 'rOR 1 ENT•-=d�ou'b1e-decker hen• pen. App1 r to Mrs. Peter Watson, Lucknow. • FOR -:SALE°' Sow, 1 pigs` 'weeks Old; : sow, due, 9 -::pig's, .:six a weeks old,. ,.heifer' calf, : 4 `mos.;. 200 , rpiullets. 'ready; tQ, lay, .:Going West, forced to :sell • Herb Miller`; `Lucknow, PROPERTY. .Y. .; FOR SALE—Three- g 'apartment,` , •hardwood d;w�ellii�u floors,'built-in ',cupboards, • furn Fs4-inch crushed• ace with• sawdust burner, .double OR SALE / .avel delivered, Ken Jardine, ',garage. Apply to •:Ralph: Hodgins; phone 68-w.' • F• OR.. SALE ---large .size ace. fsigerator,: White .enamel, pract- :Cally new, Apply to Wm. Hum flphrey;own, Lcuknow. STOVE' FOR SALE Quebec heater, large „size, burns • wood ` or - soft coal. Roy' Culbert, Inglis ,$t ,. tucknQW. CAR FOR SALE: 1931. • Clev. sedan, "in ' good • ;condition, ...good;• tires:- : Apply to Jack MacDonald, Lucknow. TABLES .FOR SALE Kitchen table, 5 feet long; ` and:, an ex. :tension table :With six leaves, at a , 'bargain.. Bell "Robertson, Lucknow.' FOR ' - about 85 Harrip-. Wyandotte mullets, 6 months old. Apply to Gordon McPherson, R: 3, Holyrood,., phone 24=:r 16.=Rip ley 'United •ChUreli, WAS. The Worn�en's, Missionary Soc- iety of; the• United .Church 'held their .eptember meeting at the home 'Of 'Mrs ' J: Wesley Joynt, Mrs Wilfred Anderson presided, and Mrs Tom AnderSon'rea scripture lesson. • Mrs E: Hodgins 'read a paper of the life of amis-, sionar'y in Africa,.. and. ''a poet. `,`The rive Precious JetiV:ele, was. read by`•Mis Hazel Webster., A' solo by Mrs; • Joyrxt • was accom= ,panied by Mrs. J. Halla Mrs.' Wil- fred Drennan gave: an , interesting reading on "Johri,Wesleys Spurs". In the ..Fort `Beausejour •museum is a pair of spurs that once . be l �gon ed!to:John Wesley,. It .i dif- . , ficult :.to look without •.a; thrill' On these spurs,,, With .•Gvhich John. u " Wesley.:., ur`:ged hik' ,horse and-. p- down thelength and breadth , of England I two .eenturies:,` ago. He. never spared himiself• to.:rreet: the needsof the people ..and under God, built a ,great' church. An in - vitae* . from the Presbyterian was. accepted for their meeting 'in . October, • • 1 1BB$ $• EPTTMBER 15th, 10,49 another, Mrs. A., PDX. gr.,: ...Cecil Hemp of .' Listowel',; Who is working on the ,grade;; is. staying with „Mr: axil "Mrs. Em: rnerson Mr. Ton?'' Purdon, who is . working on the hiighway, is: also, stayiiag , at, they same' horns. • ° OPEN FOR BUSINESS., Arrn,strorvg's :laundry ;service:.. and ` furniture refinishing bnsi mess Will open in the former' Orange Hall building.,on'' Monday 'September. 19th. Forinforinatiori. phone ; '92 Lucknow FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE 150 acres good "loamy.: land ,on Con. •.2; Kinloss, °close to Luck - now,, church and...school, 1: mile off Highway 86 ;, Good .:buildings ;equipped with :hydro ;and water,; Buildings, include house, 2 barns, ;garage, 5 acres •hardwood :bush, lots of sprixig Water running- thru farm:':: Will .'sell• Apo acres :separ- ' ately. ; Terms, 'can be arranged. Alex` (Sandy)' 'MacLeod,, R ' 5, Lucknow• LOST—license ,plate bearing No. T-3494 ,somewhere between Dun •gath on and Wingham. Notify George: Errington,• phone Duri7. Bannon i13 -r-7, • 'PERSONAL CHRISTMAS 'Cards Or'deir 'your personal Christmas .cards ' now and receive a prem- um of three additional, cards. Offer expires' October ,1st. Tele ;phone 35 and' our aa7nple album • Will be delivered to . your 'door. FOR SALE--B-room frame house with; bath, ; '-furnace, , . sun room, good central ,location, 'rrecently' de coratetl inside and outside. Tre- aven; Milling Co., night 'tele-; ' phone, Mrs. •Plewes, 139 IN MEMORIAM. STACEYuLn loving memory ,of : a dear •mother, #Edith Sarah Stacey,: who'. passed away ,;.two years ago;. September 12th, 1947. Often the silelit heartache; Often 'a :silent tear, .:.: Always a .beautiful memory Of : her We laved so ':dear. God: gave us the strength to `fight it' Aiid courage to bear the:blow, But. What it meant to lose her No : one, Will ever' knout God' d' Will you take a mess-. age To our, dear Mother in •heaven:. - above,. k • Just •tell her how mnch We Miss'. her And ,give' her all ;our love. —A1 •w a. y s remembered I ;D y Blanche, Leona, Lewes, Vera and Harold, ' Election Expenses Summary. Expenses of the threecandi.- dales .iii Bruce' riding, in the re cent federal election are official ly listed as follows,, Donald B .Blue, $1,041.53-, Andrew E.:.Rob-, inson, ; $1,593.73; Aubrey J . Mer- CO, er-C , •$361.77. We:. are sorry • to report Mrs,; Jack Ryanwas taken . to Lader- ich , Hospital last. Saturday ,and had,.an'oper:ation for appendicitis,. Miss: Muriel Watt, of- 'L'ondon and ,,Mr: Donald Watt .of Toronto- spent Torontospent the, week -end with their parents; Mr. and- Mrs.' Watt ; Mrs. Patton of 'St Georges. .spent ;the: , week -end ,• with :her, ;PIANOS ' -,Fall Sale of... -Used Pianos. Such well-known makes asr Heintzrolan, ,Mason .& Risch,. : Weber, Norhheimer, ,ete ° Special: prices and terms 'during this sale.. "Write for Mist of bargains. Heintz '& Cos. Li rated, 242 Dundas St.;: London. Taking Watchmaking Course Joe Agnew, . son of • Mr: and Mrs. E: ' H. Agnew,,; has com- menced a two-year watchmaking 'course in .Toronto. Joe' spent the, $umarer. 'ori' , the' U.:'S A. .lake freighter, ``Glias. S. Herberd". LIFETPRIA LAYING MASH NEW LIFE . LAYiNG nPELLET� REASONS 1 -We deliver in half -ton or ton 'lots—two days▪ ' 2—We will . mix free, any tonic required hi ` the feed. V " 3 -There' is no feed of better quality or, more economical. 4—We retainfor your convenience individual "records of ; w all purchases made by each customer—available to you , A y J t at all times, . • 5—We have. . at . hand information re , diseases `.eases . or ailments, and remedies for same. . • We Win Appreciate .Your. 'Patronage. Yoii Will •,Enjoy Our Service. CRAWFO D'S: Feed Stare 'PHONE 16. . . ° huCxNoW, ONT. GROUND -GRIP • '�'RACTO • ,. "TIRES. The .' Only. tractor tires': that:lake a center -bite right in the heart of the traction gone. " Firestones" . out -pull; . out -clean, out.: last .all Bothers.. • OR FIRESTONE"'TIRES wind Prompt Serviee: in prompt ELECTRIC WELDING and ' BLACKSMITH ' WORK - • Call at,. General • ,Accountancy Service for. the . small ; mer- chant, professional man: and, the ;farmer, In Lnckno*, Tues:, Thurs., and Fri•day.: Office in' Kilpatrick ' Blo S. J. PYIOII P.O. 'Bqx 74, Lucknow, Grit.' Phones:.Residence 234, Office 23-W. ,VETERINARIAN ilaveloek St:, southTof . Supertest Garage LUCKNO.W Telephone 175 tPOrter 5 Lucknow) ast End Pht ie'.87-r-4 Offen Evenings • Call' Write or !Phone .. LIICKN.OW : 'For full information o�n rative : Life Insurance or o -operative Automobile Insurance.: Will :Be:Out Of Town. Sept, loth to Oct ' 1st tion': = For Information See. Bob Boak 'Phone: Dungannon. 70-r-10' Also Sell' HEALTH & ACCIDENT and' FIRE:,, INSURANCE Your Business Appreciated , WESTERN' FARMERS Weather Insurance .. . ,,Mutual ,Co.: ' MOTTO:. Prompt, and ..Satisfactory;' ''Settleiments For information, .reliable protection,` satisfaction;' " • • consult your local agent SAM ALTON L,UCKNOW Phone •Dungannon . 84 r=4 - T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST N LUCKNOW FIRST, WEDNESDAY OF F,ACII MONTH . P •from to 6. p.m, SCIIMID'S' STORE' • kid MINNEAPOLIS .,MOLINE. ui me DISCS ANl3.. TRACTORS 1 OW A"VAI LAB -LE- ` LDCKNOW , P Insure In Sure Inurance CONFEDERATION LIFE Car,; Accident, Sickness WI ND=Western Farmers' Weather FIRE : Howick Farmers Mutual Consult JOI-IN . FARRISH ''Phone 169-3Lucknow, }. INSURANCE -FIRE, .CASUALTY ,and AUTOMOBILE To Protect Your Jack InsurtWith Jack Todays J A. McDONAGH':` R.R. 3 `Lucknow, Ont' Phone 61..5 : Dungannon.' r ►wDREW. Barrister and Solicitor LIJCKNOW, 'ONTARIO Office in the Joynt Block., Telephone` Office 135 Residence .31-3 tuartMacKenzie . BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton; Ontario.. I.N LUCKTOW Ea¢h Wednesday OFFICE'. IN HENDERSON BLOCS R .etherin ton,,K.0 g Barrister, Etc. Wingham and hucknow.. IN LUCKNOW Each Moiida 8c • Wednesday Located on the ground. 'fioOr in • the front. of `John giipatrick's MOM*'Phone Wing lam Ofice._ddA Eesideuce 9? Y h d