The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-15, Page 3T$TyIER loth: 1949 ° , . . • - ;‹, • ' • THE LTICKNOW • SENTINEL, Lucialow, oNTRio- • . • •.. . • " v • • rAPIA : Local ancl e ral • MEN'S AD tOYS'• 00 Pants, Work Clothing,. ,Sweatera, Under - Special Prices., The ,Store with the ,Stoek,. TILE )&k13.1,ET STORS. " • :- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wasney and children are On. a motor trip to 1VianitOba. •••-• • • 'Donald Nracharles returned •!recently ..\frorri •an extended visiJ • in the West. • . Miss Bertha S,tiimork- of Toronto spent the week -end with her par-. • &its- Mr. and Mrs: 'Wrp,,Stiitis:On. • Mrs. T. ..S. Reid of. prillia , visiting this week, with, Mr. and • , Mrs, R, morivsQ4,. , H. Alt4p has.,;gone;,, to Walkerton to spend the lAr. and ;Mis.. Harry Alton. . • • Mr. 4nd 'Mrs. Eric :Cox; and: Jimmy of,Rothsay"ealledGon Jack 2. Campbell' at Point Clark on % Sum,- WiTY. '14acKenZie returned .; 'to. Toronto last :-week ..after •• visit- img With Mr. ..anit. Mrs. Frank • MaCKenzie. • • • • Rev A. E. TarVener is in, Tor - this week ttending: the, Trinity' Coll unnit -Center= • giSS*Cora MacQuaig and her' 'niece; Joan MacQuaig, •are spend- * two. weeks vacation., in Chi, • , • • ' • : . • . , • A family plot. 'should be graced with.: the , shrine -like ' beauty of. a monument which will be. everlastingly 'a tribute to those at rest. We havernany classic styles to suggest, and will. Work with you ,on cus- torn - designi. Exceptionally low" " prices. No canvassing, Which elimin- ates sales •conimissions. • Inscriptions ' Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 Years' Experience. •The qafest in Portable - Sandblast Equipment ' All work personally executed Brownlie ernorisal Alfred St, WINGIIAM • 'phone 450 NEIL 51actENNAN, Ripley,Q n.ario. • ^ • smitimmorminmeir a • 'MEMORIALS WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP • • famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. • Always' a 'large stock • choicest granites 'to- chose from. 0 0 • • Ceoietery lettering a oecialty All .modern machinery. • • , ' . R. A.. SPOTTO 'Phone 56 - Wigham, Ont°' • lb. Ilave a furnace. Installed • or • . repaired, before. the Co! `Weather. 4v • EEATTY DEALER Beatty Deep Well. Pumps Beatty :Tlikee7VVay Ptinips In Stook PluMbing and Heating' Eavetroughing` and Pump and Windmill • Repairing " • IA. 'FITZPATRICK R. R. 3,. Goderich • 'Phone 12-r-3 DUngitnnOn.- ._ • Mrs.Sam Reid and her sister. Mrs. W, R. Farrier of White-. church,- are in London attending the fair and visiting With, Mr. and Mrs. Rusa"'CliPperton.• ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Reid and • Miss Lizzie Reid were in: Clinton on Saitir-day attending . the fun- eral of Sam's "sister Mrs: Frank ' Leonard MacDonald is around lagain after being confined to :his home for over two' 'weeks with :phiebtiS. It. is LQ rd's third ,attack qf thi ailrnent lifr;, ..viand;Ms. Jim • Brown of Dettoit, (nee', jOan Murdoch), who 'are.'On'. their Wedding ' trip; visit- ed. laSt Week with Mr. andMia: Agnew , • Miss, Lois Henderson of Tor- onto, and Mr. and 'Mrs: po4, ham ,and•family of Stratford Were SundaY, visitors •with Mr. and Mrs: We4ingtOni-tepciersop:,:-:: Mr.; and Mrs,. Donald Johnston , • of 'Toronto and Mr. and Mrs; M. C.. Johnston, and ,Sharon ;of Kit- chener were recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnston. Mrs. 'Margaret 'Dudley has re- turned from •a two months' visit at Culross, Manitoba; with . sister, Mrs .• McIntyre ad Mr. McIntYre.'Mrs,Dudley made the trip by bus:..'v Mi. and 'Mrs.': T. A. Cameron leave' tornorrow for. their ''.61d haine at Lanark:Where they. Will spend.' two weeks visiting rela- 4ives ,and., renewing ; old, friend- ships.: • •• • ••• Mis 1Viad.elyne.. MeMorran•- has returned to Kingsville after :visit- ing .*ithher 'parents -Mr .• and Mrs, D. C..,,NICIVIorran. They also had as .their recent :guests, !Mr., • and Mrs. G. A7'-- 1,14$h of Welland. .D,.and Mrs. *in. 00 MacKenzie of St Clair Shores, Mich., visited' last week With his brother Frank and Mrs 'MacKenzie: He was; on. two weeks ;Vacation and was' en - route to. Manitoulin, and North, Bay :for a bit of fiahing. 04 then 'on to' Schumacher : to visit Mr...., and ;Mrs.:Toni MacKenzie. , • , Those .; attending ',birthday party,- on Sunday, September 4th", Or 5 -Year-old :DianneRitChie ,of • Aslifield were, • Mr. 1 anctl.. Mrs. Chester • Hinton, „Irene; and Ina.,of Oaliville;•.Mr: /and ..Mrs. J. G,,Rit- chip, Bobby. and Bonnie .of Nfit .chell;,ir. arid/I/1.i., and Jim of •LUCknow; 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Ritchie and, Graydon of.Lanes. • ,, . • • • • " • . -PLAN TO .RE -ORGANIZE iNpoog,. SOFTBALL. LOOt. / The re,organizatiow of the door. Softball ' Leagues being discussed at preaent,and if suf- ficient interest is shown plans will be made•to putithe tool) into 'Operation :immediately, following the Fall Fair. (0 • AnyPlaYers or teams' interest- ed, in contaeting, should' contact Harold Greer or .Biicl, ThoniPson .at an early date. . , . 5oo, PAIR' Women's Nylon Hese ,at redirect jarices. The Store with the stock..THE MARKET STORE. PLANS COMPLETED lrOR •' "BEST4 FAXR Ir? YEARS" • • „ Plans are all but complete for the Lucknow Agricultural. Soc- • iety's 84th annual Fall . Fair, • Which promises to be the •test in years. Full ;detail's Will be giv- en , in the next issue, of •; The Sentinel, and on .the 'bills and ,dedgers w,hich will be printed soon. The, dates -are Tuesday and Wedneado—September 27th and A0 meeting Of' the directors will be held next Monday., evening; September ptho_ and . "ti MIL Wm! PRESENTATIONS • FOR .1iNIEWLYWEDS.: „ W. and Mrs. Clarende Greer • were, honored on. Friday. evening at .• a surprise , party staged lby friend,a a n d. neighbors, •who I "drOpped: in" to: make the Pres' entatiop of a lovely upholstered rocker, to: •mark the , occasion •of their recent marr'iage. The 'even- ing . .w s spent in cardplaying •and C1iese .'checers - and. at Rincli. ' time the.. presentation Was 'made by . Vernon Hunter, after 0Archie Maclyfillan had given the • folloWing address, which ;read" in • part:' . :-• .: ..i" • • To Mr, and: Mrs; Clarence Orper, ...On behalf; of , this gathering of fileiidS'it,is. My•.,pleaaure to Wei - Come you as at . newly married couple 'to .the -,.c (immunity of Luck - now and vicinity ' ' ' • ' ' -, To Mrs_ G,reer's Many friends it is needless for -niet6' comment on , her. fine qualities,. but. .for those .Who'...dO not knOvy- hera o well 1 feel she should be com- plimented ' fr. . her sagacity in 'choosing 'Clarence •for her hua-1 band,: :whose fine type is eXem phfied by the -Character we have known:. as a ..boy growing up 61.11614 us, as .a man living among Us and • for his' record of service to our' 'Country.; 0...; ., 0 ; .' ...... rt Aa 'a token 'of ur• esteem0 and . . ;an expression ut best :wishes We ask you to accePrfifig gift,;.. . ..',;PresentatiOn 'By Council Mr and Mrs. Greer were also . liOnered:reeentlii by.rrieinbera of West WaWantash...TOwnship :Court: cil who :Visited,their, home and.' ;kreaented them. .with ..-ti sun... of ' money. ;.• Complimentary remarks ., and beat 'Wishes; were . extended . • iby Reeve Everett Finnigan Clar- ence hold.s, the Office Of' TownahiP treaaurer. . .'. '.' ' ." ''.' ..,' .• ' . ,• • . KAIRSHEA. W. L ACCEPTS SHORT COURSE -INVITATION' • The, August meeting of the Kairshea 'Institutewas held at the home of Mrs. ,Cliff Roulston when a large number of members and visitors gathered. After the usuaL'opening exercises, the:busi- ness was dealt with. An invitation' from the .Whitechurch Institute . . • . •• 4' • • • • " Aimotineing The, Agency For • • Made by well known Canadian Manufacturers.: -.-many attractive models to choose from, including MINIATURE CAMEO PIANOS If you are interested in turning in I your old piano on a new one, or in buying outright, get in touch with . . WIIITECHURCH "PHONE 711-J1, WING INQUIRIES INVITED . • " was read .re joining with them in; their short :Course, 'Which. was gladly aceepted, the secretary to :write them regarding AftersOrne discussion it was de- cided: to, cancel. the picnic for this year. A:delegate was appointed to 'the Guelphconvention'. and they Idecidedtodraw; the ticket; On the' 'quilt '.at, the next meeting. ' The roll' call was ' answered by nam- ing their favorite ',radio broad- cast. • • • „ After eonnnunity singing the topic 'was; .2taken. by " 'Mrs. '; Ira Dickie, "Holdu your head,hold up,.Your 'cheat, this is the ray to look. your best!'f'. • A reading by Miss MacLeod 'followed piano music, by a 4riuMber of our young •The McTaygirls 'played a Piano trio and: Betty: Jean Shearie. a piano: solo.' A solo was •sung4.Iby NoelMe•ecid and. in- atrUmentals' Were played ,by lyn_johristowanclAretie Roulston.._ Eve - Th topic on Health"; was en by Miss A. McKay arid Mrs. B. Scott favored *jth piano Music. , The .closing remarks •were given' 'by Mrs. acibt. McCormick thank-' ing4lie..hOstess and all:: who took part. '.141.ien- was, served -and social time followed,. • • „. KAYBAR• SLIPS are now avail=•' able at Ternpleton's, size •02:44.. • 'crowd attended. Joan Rivett was able . to Conte to ,the Party. for • a while., Durinethe evening, Mari- tta Stingel, read an- address to her m Behalf of all •present, ex- pressing best wishes or complete recoVery. ,,MisS Elaine Lamb ;./na4e the . presentation of• ' a purse of g4.00. • • ••' • • • ' . ..; • ; Rev. • James -Bright resumed .his pastoral • duties this Week, with: Sunday services: for the 'Dungan- • . • 1, , .1.. • .1:i 1' i .. • 00 , • , •'0 • kh• , . . •••.—.. • • ;1•1: • non,. Port Albert and Crewe con.- gregations;'$iis Norr.na ,Sherwood sang a solo, aceoinpanied by her . • sister Miss, Shirley Sherwood, at '• 'the piano, duping. the Dungan- T non service inthe;morning. The , choirsang an St ...Paul's • Anglican Church Harvest Hornet_ service ;will be held • on ,Sunday evening at 7.30. Rev. Blight of Bervie: will be the • guest peaker. 0 ; ' " • : • D•U.-.NO.ANN•pls! The Colwanash • J,unior- • ers, and Junior. Institute Sponsor- ed 'a benefit dance at the agricul- tural hall ow Friday night for Miss Jo,ati Riivett a inember of the Institute who was ill and in hesPitals most of the .stunmer. o.smomiiiikilirm;4iiiii.oloiso.sim.04=•41,41.04m4ionki....iiini1imm.ipunoti4ii041.00,4,,,iloominiwciimpoo4 • . • . • . 00 , • „ / cel'aes • immt•iiimlmolimpstem•wwwo.fosolowir.o44, . . • • . • Having disposed "`;of my. Grocery .. . Store, after 45 years in business in *Luck, •••• - ,,,• t.„ i , . • •-.--iiour-L-it-i-lo-Tivith-sineeres-t-Ahanks••40d--ap--;,--,•----,-•- :••••••••••---..0.-,-___••,,_ ....;, • , ,• , , •.'preiatitoti that I wish to acknowledge, on. : w; f• ' , •,' "7.: ..;: . ':••. '' behalf of 'i my daughter and'myself, your .-. generotisaild loyal patronage. ' ' • ' '. , .. ,1*, .i . ' ; ••••'',''' '''' • :',..' ./. ' • ', , . . , • ••• • . , . • • I • 1, • , ' • , „ •• .440 04. • k,!.. '0 . 1°1 "..1 „ „ 04 ••, • • .• O • . • 1 . * "g4 ' • . • • 0004 •4 • 00 • •• • • • 4 i . 0 400, , • • 11 44 P".•, •,;.•••v . ' • • • " 11. • • Our ---,business „Telations'Lhave :been cordial. arid pleasant and.the hailpy mem-, • • ' oriel ,these asii associations wilt be chersh- • • • ed' While life lasts. , • , • • #Otmi.anCceatioi,'MitArchie Smith, l• Wish. • the beet • and :bespeak for him •• • ..coiitinuaiiee.01 the ...goodwilland patron- age with which we have been .fitvorea. • Thank' You Sincerely, • Oarruther'sorC.hestraanctp.1-oviaidregde. / /Ma] 6 • . • ,.• • , 4 • 1 •00 '44, ' . • • . • • •