The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-01, Page 3.THURSDAY, SWIM -ER ,. 1949 . THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L',t•CKNOW; ONTARIO - ,?AGE THREE coal an•c 'Miss; Marion Macdiarmid of London is: visiting' 'with Mr, and Mrs; Walter MacKenziet„, Helen• Irwin has; been, visiting in Teeswater w1tb.; ;Mrd and Mrs. Jim Hamilton. Mr B uce Diavidscl'n of Tam • Mr, ,and, Mrs. Ernie Carter .and family have moved from the Johnston farm, :on the Lakeshore. to Dungannon, , Mrs, Donald :McKinnon ' and. son Dougias returned the first of .motored from Manitoba, arriving the week after a two: weeks' visit I here on. Tuesday to spend .a • two yisitxig.vvth Mr, :and M. Mrs,' _ r .' ` with her sister 'at Port 'Perry, weeks' "vacation, Doug. is with,the lton'is ' Mr. and Mrs .0 M. Johnston; and Douglas. of Sarnia spent the' week -end With her parents; Mr, and. Mrs, Richard Webster, upon, returning:. from . a *tor trip .through the Gaspe peninsula. Mr.` and Mrs.: Pouglas Clark and children Anne •,and. Tommy' g Robertson,• Mr, and Ernie� Wilson and. R.0:M,P, at Steirnbach,- Manitoba, Mrs,• sons Kenneth and Donald' of Mr, and Mrs:. Carrick Douglas NIr. 'and - lVlrs, Jack •1VcCa11 of Saskatoon are Visiting h and daughters Jo d' D 4lida'y ng this . ."si ing. wit -Jam_ her Joyce' an iana, L_e k:• \ 1 th ahris par its, • Mr,• and parents, .Mr, and Mrs, Johri 'returned to their home in New - w cru iespn and other. relatives Yorl after visiting the past week 'Mrs. Pet' ,•MOCall,, • • ,� . and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs, ,Ronald Muton, yHama- arrii1 Tat of emple Clark theme home .Mr; and GarY` were recent IWisitors in an who has spent the summer' "Young Tolrri ,Muria a,'af H Lawrence, Nlr.. and 'Mrs Noble .John'• . . with �Bower of .IKirkland; Windsor with 1Nlr,a d 1Vlrs Cal Ston,, ;will ',return home at. the' Lake - g 'with his, rand, vin 1VTO aY.: ' end of the week: ,Pa epts, and, Mrs. George visitin• g Mr. Mr. and.:,Mrs Wilmmlot; Agar, andBower, Larry ,has been_ engaged son John of -Detroit visited a day ',Miss.' Ellen McBride of Tory •,at a, hydro,' construction :Hill and Mi•s. May Jackson%; 'of pro. ect last week r iith� Mr:, and ,Nlrs, W. 'hear 'North' Bay durlhg the sum Palm,ei"ston ' `spent' a few ' days' ,: Roiab, k f $rriwn me ,; r vlrith�Mr. arid Mrs. Fran Miss'Kath-leen, McIntosh of. the . and Reg. ;' -Gwen Stewart, is `holidaying ,at, Bell Telephone staff •is visiting. her ' home• here prior ..to entering the �•veek at Harrow, 'Detroit. and Mr. and Mrs ,Allan Hunter are Stratford General Hospital • inovmg to merit recently occupied by ;. Mrs. t ,Gwen spent' . .the summer: as, Nir and Mrs. George Robinson Larry Downs, .-prior , o her re.' assistant hostess :at .the mY, • W.CA... and daughter, Joyann'' of.Rock- moval to Carnpbellford. •Summer'Holane :at .Port. Cliffe, are spending two weeks • :.Stanley;. vacation with ,relatives ;h0re.': 'Mrs, Mae: Irwin 'moved on l . Miss, Marie Chisholm of Len Tuesday to the 'late' MacIendrick don ` is Spending her Vacation' at • Mr. • and Mrs; Art Wallace "of :;home; Havelock • ,St. • South. The l..the home of her:parents, •Mr. and. '.Toronto: visited :Thursday at:the. d h • 'the (MacLennan apart- ' esda on. London:: . Y as 8 student nurse. residence, she ' vacated .is- owned by Mrs. George Brooks who ..ob- tains possession: Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie of, Tor'' onto, •h.a.% been visiting here . for a'' tine.; Miss Catherine MacKen Mrs John Chisholm, Dungannon,. Mr Ronald, Oliisholan, • who is. driving one of Gordon Watson's: ‘trucks between 1] ainiiton and tie, ,Halton airport, Was. home• •for the 'week—end. ' ze_ spept a' fere days here oast- Visitors '.with Mr , and • Mrs,' jack 'Farris' : over the week:Were Mrs, Newton• •Dopkin sand dau-' g.hter .of :Trenton and Mrs:. S. M.: Johnston and children of .'Blyth,. borne of • Mr; and” Mrs. 'rank • Brow,n• and' 'Reg 'Mr,, and Mrs. Bert 'Money. and -Margaret Jean ,of Brantford were. ' recent: visitors with •Mr. and Mrs.. `Frank Brown." • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil,'M•acAlpine,: Don arid. Marilyn, of NMild-rnay called 'on friends here on Sat, urday Nancy. Johnston, ;entertained a number. ,of, ' young friends . on. Wed,nesd!ay of last , week' on , the occasion of •.her. • l Oth birthday; .and Mr,, Calvert and Mrs. N,. S. d ;Joyce of � Paris;ars, Mrs: `Andy Aner- • son of :London ' and . Mrs. ;Ferg Bullard and. Mr. -John :Armstrong of 'Tharne9ford were recent, 'V Sim tors with Mr. and. Mrs: Douglas. week. They ;,had.'.'been vacation - in ,a, North. Ba ' n o and Orilla, . Vacation- ing t,_ rh y a Allan Stewart, ;.who has spent the su•nYmer, with the Junior For- est .angers Algonquin': Park, is :pending this week - with his ln,rents,',• Mr. and Mrs: 1Philip Rev:; and, Mrs :J. Wilbert Lit- lico of R:achester are ',guests :-at the 'home ofher brother, Mr. J:. W `Jo rat " and 'Mrs, Joynt Rev. AB BOWLING HIGHLIGHT, HERE.' OR DAY. DOUBLES One of. the: Lucknow• Bowling Club's, feature events of ,the .year will be held.•:on Labor :Da n .ext Monday, September 5th- It i .the': third 'annual men's. doubles tourn-. ancient in co-oaperation with Luck:= •Y . -. .. .' now merchants :and manufactur, Lillico is chaplain.of rte<Mayo•, ,Ile" Clinic and the h tas .oRoch �'Rilf The 1 draw will `�be; made ester, - Minn:. ` . ' at 1'30 p;m.':There ..w h,'(he four.''twelve 1 I �IIIII I IIN II INIIIIUIIIII(IIIIIIIIIIIINI IIIlil ollllilli!I(i(!II!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIfl111110111@!IIIuIilllllllilli� .„�lihlllllb,llllllllllllllliliIII(IIlIIIUIIUINIIIillll!IIIIIIIIIHNIIIIhUIIINIIIIIIIiIIII III SPECIAL:° SERVICES A �t gh Presbyterian Churc SUNDAY-; SEPTEMBER 4th a,m Ser�„ice ;conducted .by''Pastor A: 'Vold: --Mr, 'Hoyt : of'.Flint, Mich.,' a leader., of The Gideons.:._ SPECIAL •. MUSIC INS`FRUMENTAL•'• & SINGING 1 •�11111181111111gIIiliillillili!IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQP!�!IIIIIII!I!!Illliiil!IIIIIIiill!IIIIU!Iillil!III(illlllll!IIIIUIIihill!!I(I�li�l!�llill(!Iilli!IIIIIillllllllll!!(III(IIIIIIII!!!Illlilll!iilllll!!Ililllllili�'•' tten i•usi.n HURON'S CENTRE OF MODERN'; JJSINESS :TRAINING Modern: a ui q pment • . Y+:ilserieYicel teachers. .4n- . _ dividual instruction,. New' .tyiiewrite �s._,P`�lace 'hint Service for Glraduates. Member ` Canadian. • Business Schools Association: ; Registration Week ,, . Plan now to visit us ' during registration week. The school will be'• alien daily from 2 p.m. to 5 pan: starting August 29; ' and We urge all. stu- dents to 'register as early' as possible. ; FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th • Phones: 428 &...166-w M WeaVer,�';Principal. G. Donnelly, B.A. ; Instructor. end panes.. An -added item of interest at• the tournament will be. the prize draw for two Gruen watches--ra man's .and a• lady's. This draw is throughP: the:kind co -Operation Wim.` . A. Sohm'id: • Tickets .: are available. from. members of the, Bowling Club ,,• ke Ma. tea .'.double' strength ' >and • .While, stilt .'hct, pour into glasses' • filfed with :cracked Add sugar and lemon to taste.. Q'N.yi.NC.E:..YOURSEL:F!. Drive in 'today ; we have a' Goodyear' Fire to suit' your purse and purpose.... see the DeLuxe ;. and the'Super-Cushion ... both recoi;d mileage builders ...' built for extra blowout protection and sq er=traction in ah yv'eather. • NTGOMERY MOTOR PHONE: 40 • FORD`SALES' AND .SERVICE MORE 'PEOPLE RIDE ON OD 'E'AR. TIRES THAN ON AN OTHER KIND • Mrs.,” WM. ,,Strauglian: 'of ,Rennin-. 1•er:who`is':in her. 92nd.Y .year and hale arnd.ihearty, Mrs..1:.Hamilton' and. Mrs—Montgomery g y . Mont omer of Dun goon •Mr. Mrs.., Ross MacDonald and' sono' John A. of Kapuskasing sand. • Ross' •. sister, Mrs. •' Marie Bromley of Toronto, were. callers on friends•.' here. this week. Ross, 'a son of the 'late Mr. 'and Mrs. .D.. S:' acD na 1V1� o Ld of LuclinoNv has°taught ,at Kapuskasing for. the past 21' years, 'except for 'four years spent in the Air Force, He` is Prin,cipal of the Public ' school:' Mr.- ..and :Mrs.': MacDonald :have. as daughter, . Joan, who:did not accompany ,.them" on; their : trip in this brief ''review• :eachweet he!re.' or as 'it. appears. ADD 10=YEARS-AGO::,CHAPTER: TO: .`FOLD` TIME'. COLUMN: On' the 10th, anniversary of the `- outbreak of World War II, We are;, • .adding a "Ten' Years Ago'' .Chap- ter • to The Sentinel's "Looking l aekw'ards" column.:. While the weekly press devoted little.space •''';` to the rapidly changing war -news. during : the long 'drawn- out'•con: flict, it did' .pay, 'close attention of ideal—doings and this new--, column will ' briefly' relive some of the incidents of . those anxious day However other civilian happeni,nig�s:,. will, also . Abe included JERRY DAY DOINGS:: 9 • .f f • • • These ,pictures.,,' taken at thle ' recent, Derry .Day "celebration -at Listowel ' are of local interest. Pictured 'above , 'is •• a. section' ,o:f,• the crowd witiicssing''the'parade: ', Conspicious_in. the 'centre of the: •picture .are. Mr. •,and Mrs. 'Fred • McQuillin and , soils, Ivan' and Barry. To the'. left ;are pictured Mr. and Mrs.'. Cecil' ,Mallin of Listo'vvel,•,and 'formerly of Luck - now,• at • the registrati'on booth. Cecil is •ecretary of the Listowel preceptory which sponsored Der- ry- Day. • —Cuts courtesy Listowel,Banner The total distance of the Great sd,akes waterwayt, system, ..from. Duluth to the outlet ;of, lake, On- tario is 1,16,0 'nilles`,.: • • • • f tp o • 1 ti -a. 4 Wit, yr„I; •.. . .. '.***11M wa l •.: i�l„ft•1t:.i �,i�ilt ..