The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-01, Page 1• 42 50 Yearly In, Advaflee: --- 50c: Extura o LtTCKNOW, ONTARIO, THi7RSDAY, SEPTMB,ER 1, 1949. EIGHT PAGES. Lucknow Studeni 01,, Nine Bruce ounty Bursaries. Students of ,,unknow High School :have done exceptionally well' in : winning four of seven i" n=rn Povicial student -aid: T D.ommno bur$ r crieawarded by ° the De- s tment of.'' Educartion.. to, 'stu per, r.uce County. The nuna, .dents of. Brucet bei of bursaries • for scholarship), ' anded• each count' or ate; . , ,�' .district, is o7'� . `'the• basis of.caunty" pgptfla .. n M tion ,and enrolment -in the higher' school grad es, Three' of the four •Lucknow winners were rural :students;: Betty E. Marshall of ,town won, a'Norrnal School bursary With a value of $250.00..• There • are two such bursaries awarded in Bruce. Ray. L. Stanley,. son'•of Mr. and Mrs. WM. Stanley of •.Kinloss • Township Viola; J.. Cook,* daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.:Albert .Gook 'of Kinloss .Township; 'and : A,. JY o ce • � e1 ' hte . of Mr, �Can1 �? h daug �' ,and Mr;;. Wni. !Campbell. of Huron Township won Grade III:• bursar- ..::ies,;.having..Values of $100:.'each.. There : are seven. of these. 'Ibur- saries awarded in `'n the Couty. In ;addition there :arethree university; bursaries awarded•to Bruce ,students, but none was. :sought •b ` Luckniow , students,' Y , These bursaries are, paid in two equal: instalments.. The first. half, one •n;onth after'` the' student in regular atten'd'ance in the Fa 1 :and 1 the second• thirty 'days after :thesuccessful student '. has been' in . regular'; attendance fol - • lowing the Christmas holidays. ',The (bursary -Winning record of ucknow .High'. School, is;' being. well•'maintained, and is• an envi-• a l One t r ,b e o :that .1b lugs '�distinc^tatoa to the Se oil .and' uc . ,credit• to students and'- teachers•. alike BARGAIN! Ladies.- Flannelette Night Gbwns, ' 1 . ng sleeve, short sleeve,. 'high. ' ° Ow neck, 'all sizes including e • . large. The • Store with the .Stock. ,MAR KET STORE. NEW :PASTOR' AT KINLOUGH' Pastor A. Vold ofbrid e Wood g , -near;Tarontoy has been appointed in charge .of Kinalough Pentecos- tal Church `anctrasstuned his >dut ', les about 'three weeks- ago. He : is a resident pastor.,and is making his home at Mr. and Mrs. Har - Vey ar.-'vey`Had'gin's. Pastor Vold is : arranging for, special services on `Sunday, with the evening service in ,chargee of 1Vir.. Hoyt:of ' Flint, Mich., who is an , active 'Gideon leader,. FQUNO' RARE BEETLE Gordon Fisher, son 'of Mr., rand° Mrs. - George' Fisher,, Boundary East, ; doiand: n odd. looking beetle ontheir farm, a few, .days ;' ago; and • which turned. out ''to be • a • praying. mantis. The insect quite rare' in` :these Rants, although. while it was on display at .The• Sentinel Office; a couple of those who-saw;it, .reported.-having--seeen'i the same insect in this locality wring the Week:g I The `pu �r acio'us''1 Tei noc� rugaimal: has a grosteque form, and 'Was green in. color. An encyclopedia • description sea �Ys this of the Yin- sect:.'"They' frequent trees and plantsand the' forms ,and 'colors of their bodies and wings are so alike the leaves and :twigs which surround them ;as to'' give . thein memarkable : power to elude servation.' ,The praying mantis has received its nine' from the' peculiar ;Position"ofthe anterior' ,,Pair of legs, . resem lbling that of a• person's hands at ,prayer. In • their -habits they are ,very vor- ,aciebs,, killing insects '''and cut- ting ',therm. to pieces. They are natives chiefly of tropical regions; but are also. found in France Spain land' : the warmer Parts of Eurof, Theyp _ ; p <. axe • 'very pugnac- iU.a _..9_.. s ri _v . d are-. .�., _... _-_ _ .. .e � ;�!b -:-ane:::. .nese �. t -Ohl fi.p_ �' the pi �rpdse of Watching thetri figli,t". • , NG: TO ET G _.. OPP. S'ITION O_ FOR TUG-OF-WAR :TEAM George g . Kennedy, nedy, president 'Of: the Lucksaw Agricultural:, Soc' Frey, informs '•us "that, an, .effort is being made lo bring:' the. crack, Finvaro• tug -'0f -war. team •to;:xLuck- •riow.. on Fall Fair Day; Se: tem=. Y 'ber 28th. Y • i Albert McGee of •Por t Albert, who captains t'he Ashfield,.team, winner of the John Hanna tug of-war'trophy is (being urged to organize ;a team of district 'stat warts to gilve these , Erribro husk ies 'a pull. What the outcome- will 'be. :awaits ,to be. seen. WON SET OF, DISHES .AT PLAYHOUSE 'DRAW • Shirley Johnston, daughter' ;of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston 'of L',uekpiow, won• a lovely set of • dishes' at The Pla3house'' on Thursday evening. It `luras ;the first of a' series of Monthly draws that that is, to Ibe held at this 'theatre. During the'' ninth each theatre patron ret.eives' a,.numb:ered• tick, et v;'th e::dh • admtssion ticket. ' and the hcildc.r of the lucky number at the .month. -end • draw will be suitably. . rewarded" . The''Se .te'rnber . p rize will be F two $5:00 • shares. in 'the .Legion's new • Ford : oa h• 0 .c c TO TEACH AT BELGRAVE 1Vfiss Pearl Jamieson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: , Ewart Jamieson of Ashfield, '• has accepted • the ,principalship of the two=room school at Belgrave Pearl taught last. year gat: Sale4n`,,' • ,Miss Jamieson, returned recent- ly from a motor •trip .with'friends to '.Vancoulver, Theyalso • attend- ed the ° Oalgaryo. stampede,. .The y The highlight' of _the: ;outing -Was the train `trip';through the fiockies WILL, COMMENCE OFFICIAL • VISITS' EARLY or •OCTOBER iMr' T. J. Salkeld, .District Deputy' Grand Master of, North Huron. District, A.F. ^& A.M.; Will comiinence his official visits ''to' district lodges in early • October.. Mr. Salkeld has ,appointeci James E. Little as district'se'cretary and A, E. Tavener • as • district . chap lain: Mr.. Salkeld's 'fall itinerary 'prop vides• • for 'visits: to 'Palmerston, Brussels, Listowel, '.: •Winghan-r,. Wroxeter .and.' Tiverton lodges. Visits' to.;Other district, lodges are deferred' until the spring: ' ; .: r. • DOING PAINT JOB . AT RECREATIONAL CENTRE With a, view to an early un-` official , opening of tile, Commun- ity. Recreational Centre; an in- terior cleanup and decorating job is now in !progress; , --Fred Ernberlin is spray paint- ing. the ,vestibule, lavatories'' and the north :ring of• the building,• which will then be available for the : color" •:•scheme of the. walls Will .be -pastel shades; of• ream g Cie*, tx . and re Withwhite • ... . w,rt a ...: ceilieg. , r • r 4 A ., e ' : o •�•k bee all d b The • w.r be c. y 'Clansmen. on Tuesday night in order to' speed up. the work. . Local paint dealers have do- nated.. sufficient paint for the in-. terior redecorating work. Office ,accamodation isbeing sought in the building by, Bruce County '•,Health Unit for their, resident 'public ,health nurse, Miss: Edith Munroe: .l . WHO. OWNS THEM? 'AWAIT ,FIRE TRUCK HALL ;WAS 'FILLED; FOR BARN DANCE Luoknow Town Hall was fil3ecl , ... on Saturday ni;ght4or the .CKIITX barn :dance, and the dance floor was crowded for the dance'WvYici followed, . It, was the second appearance of the Barn ,Dance gang in Luck- now this year.: On ,their first : ap- ' ' ear• .."ar ethe hall failed 'to ", . _ c0 odate thecrowd that'sox ht • adma stun.. It as • originally ;. �__ planned to .. -hold Y Saturday: nights,•(broacdcast • in; :the Arena, but the' show was switched to the 'town hall at 'the request •"of CKNX, 'due to the arena. But' medical yscience has` the ans.- pices•' of the L• ucknow 'Agriculti r al' .Society ,Which received .30 ` per `cent of the gate. The total take was $37850, with CKNX :receiv- ling ,$264,95; .and the Agricultural; ' :Society $113.55. • • Arnong The Sentinel's lost and found• collection is a lady's neck piece'. and a lunch• box.••The, neck piece was found. in -the ball 9ark.. Thelun li.', boxwas; left in the United Church several The finishing' touglies .,have;1; weeks• ago. 'been • added to , the new fire hall, the construction of ,;which : has ♦V. ILL. PREACH • been ''financed.;bythe Fire. Cam CALL SSUNDAYpang. '.The. doors and windows have been'•arnted'an' appropriatP: p p�. red to , make the • cement ;block' .structured stand out prominently. chimney was•' b ilt last -Week. week: A,c y u 1. • i ' ' •. ow readi-. [ t.nd the is n ness to house the 'neva `fire, truck, delivery of which is 'exlpected' within a few weeks. • • • building. 'CHANGE NURSEY:.SCHO'OL OENTNG' !DATE: ONE: DAY • The Lucknow ' • Play Nursery for • pre-school` agechildisp is i L NEW at d LEGION'S W e �ehru'tel o .. , .. .. . e e the direction of M •s. A. E. - _ _ 'under t r HA Ta w�ene�r: The .opening. date. has' : r N n u ♦ v i Lucnc know' Branch 'of.' the :Cana adian Leiglion` received . deliver.: Y the end' of. the Week of their :new Ford,: from : Montgomery Motors;' •and it was on display' on Sat-; urday evening for the first time. gr e ` co lor with. wHite wall tires e • sThe. car is a coach of,gre nish t and : he er,• and 'even uall'y "becoinehe property ' of:. ',some luckYareholder -. A, linniit of • 800 •'shares 'in this. oar ;will .'• be ; sold at.' $5.00..a share, with; .th' lckY shareholder areholder ge t tvng the smart. mew ` for ana dditional 'two; .:bucks. ., li� a for the' draw w :Dead n,hether..,. o � :not tl a 800: shares have ,been , , sold is' Remembrance 'Day,: Nov ember nth,. but` we �f the. quo.ta'iunderstand,' s .sold prior oto that ' time, the draw'° will: be •made earlier •It seen -is likely that" the de=: mend for. tickets.will ,exhaust the 800 shares 'well 'before Novebei.. l l th, . 'and ..anyone wlho is • plan- ning to get a .ticket shouldn't de- lay g too long.in doing ,so, :