The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 5;1tSDAY, MAY 244, 049 WEDDING. BELLS: HILDR.EII BURR' _ Patricia Shirley Harr a Max' ,Arnold Hildred were'. married Saturday 'aptItYattAVenne.Unitecl ahurch by Rev. S M,. Svireetsnarl. Sprang flowers were a 'pretty, .party cot the 'candlelight back. ground for the ceremony uniting n ° in arriagelhe ,daughter. pf eMrs. Barr, Trafalgar street, and. the ;date ,carry' Barr, ,to the son of Mr. and. Mrs.. Lloyd }Ii fired; of 'Kin a d'in;e, and a grandson of the late NMr,,dand. Mrs: Frank Cole of Lucknaw. . " •., Ross. Munro presided at the or - g and ;provided . a soft . back- ' gtolund.of bridal music•.during ,the, ceremony, 'Fs*, . her m arrtage : the'n bride .,wore a t witk gy •aeceSSories and. ar :1corsake ;of .deep "red; roses Miss•Flore'nce, ' •11 'clay, v',as • her ,attendant, wear- .g (beige with brown accessories and: a corsage• of Talisrran crosses.. ,Roy' Webster was •:}fest Following, a' reception' at • Palns Grove • restaurant the' couple . left cine -wedding trip toLOt'tawa..and, Montreal.' Mr; and. Mrs. Hxldred will reside. in Lindon. • F.ORBES- SIEFRIED :A•quiet; wedding took place at Elorain Latter ;Day Saints church on.' Tuesday, : April 26th,,' '1949, ?when' Rev A Dunn united in 'marriage Mary:.Kiafii�hTeeiri augh'= ter of the late Mr. Joseph Siefried and. Mrs; • Wm. Smith of ',Mount. Forest to Arthur Vernon; son ; of Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes of Molurt ' Forest: • the bride were .a .black gab'- ardinle'suit with white accessories: • •Miss. Violet • M,ttsselman of Elmira;: ,bridesmaid, . wore a'i blue suit With Pink "accessories, 'Both `carried '(bouquets., Of , sweeipeas. Mr. 'Geo Fulton of :Elmira ` attended. .was Igroomsn an Following the ceremony. a din - per was served at . the home of the• • bride's, parents; .Siizo 'Road, The .taible •was;. "dec'erated with flowers and centred with a.:three- 'Storer wedding :cake.,• .. • Later n t'he happy eoulple , left " ori a short' weddings, trip. -TY ey ,will reside in : Strathroy. OBITUARY • MRS PERCY; 'HYDE A resident of . Kincardine for her lifetime. of 46 years, Mrs. Pei.cy Hyde' died Friday,".May 6th ,ft her home there .after a lengthy illness. Elizabeth. Everett w'as a daugh- ter of the late Mr..• and Mrs., Jam• Everett,' born 'and educated m, ,; Kincardine Twenty-four years ago • she wed .:Percy . Hyde, • form- erly of St. • Helens,; vwho survives along 'with •two. daughters, 'Dor- othy; Mrs;, Donald Liddle of , Kin- caidsne; Marion, . Mrs. Arthur ,Col= • lins of Cl'inton'and a son;; James, •Kincardine; a •sister' .Mrs. Angus MacIver, 'Kincardine, and" broth- • er; 'Jack Everett, Winnipeg. -*She. .was an ' active and inter- • 'ested membei ,of the Legion ies Auxiliary .and ylas associated Kincardine. :United '', Church, wihose pastor,. the .Rev.' :Rarold Lawson conducted the; " service Monday • ` afternoon' a, the. ' Lin'lt- later funeral : home..' ` Auxiliary mpanlber. and many of. the Leg'- innwere in attendance. interment -vyas made in Kin-. Cardin ''cemetery. The. pallbear- ers were Cecil 'and Harold Hyde, Win., Tout,Angus MacIver, Earl Cranston and ,Oran '•Westell HER CARTER has returned to •' his home in Ripley 'after' receiv- -• 'ng. treatment in ..Westminster. Hospital. lkhinymein •women gain 5,10 ; 15 Its Get.New•Pep,.Vim, Vigor 1Ptiat a thrllll Slimy lig kba A out; ugly'hollowe • eu •D' neck no:longer scrawny; body losos bait Deneb, elckly.. "bean -pole" look, Thouaandn •ot asts ub,�women, mon, who never .00ufd gala before,:hptosapeigildydebud;rheyy that* peovo b vigor -biling; I1)1. Vtatmin Bt,, oalleluuin,tenqrdh blood i prove aPttto and digestion ao:tom)d Ives, you 1voro, Wepgth and nourishment' put flesh on bare bones.' • Don t"iesr gottlng too tat. stop whenyou've gained • that 10, 15 or 20•1bs, •you noed for normal wolght.l Costa little, Now "get acquainted" Stye only. 000.; •' ti takeout Oatrex Tonto 'Tablets tor. new• vigor; ...11444d Pl aide;. Etta vee," dtiy. At y11t druggleta.",p LUCKNQW • SE NEL,: 'LUCKNO ,. ONTAEICI FEDERATION: NEWS o f ` the p4(/?lit„ ,'whe, ra such need; �s pr.Oven.. "It•.may be • that ,solve of -(by "W V. 'Roy'`-: ) the old licenses, ,issued as 'far'• ,`.Food", :Takes A'• Ride" was the 'back • as 'x932, wererestricted subject • of ' yam im Radio Forum' to destination, but at present broadcast .dealing with transpor ►• many" licenses axe. being clarified tation. I'.C,,licenses and rules .‘to, persist truckers, Oto 'deliver to `" regarding same, • came in" for , a' any 'market .in Ontario, if- need deal of discussion. Problems' in' be.• ,There is nothing in the Act 'this ''Connection Were passed along 1 or in the regulations to ;prevent" to •,the Autornrotive Transport. As- sociatieri 'of Ontario, and Mr- J. R. McLeod; secretary of the Live- stock Transporters Division, ;'is- sued a 'release which we are quot inlg. We trust this info:rrnation 'will snake some' (problems, more clear` and create a better under- standing Aifter' listening" to the last' two farm . forum 'broadcasts;': this Div'- mA.""feels A that. "many- farmers stake the:"purpgse fof the reg-, ulrations under; the 2. Commercial Vehicle Ac't,. These ,false unpres- sons may have originated from speeches • made by responsible producer ' officials •with little or.: no _ understanding pf the regi la - tions; , frorn key personnel repres- entang : "i•ailw:ay, " interests • who could wa sh -the d sintegiration o f the tucking industry in''their ef- forts to `'secure .an unlimited 'trains crn, portati' Monopoly; Cr. from"the 'unlicensed.: tr.ucker,: wJhe would like to have the; regulations scrapped • Tri order that he might c o,=ri-t. irz3-ia e-truekin#--opOrations- without the. necessary compulsion to provide Arty measure of fro Lection.. to 'those who ,rpatroniie his senviirs, "(It- has been, demon-' strated .that'some of these. un- licensed truckers . reflrrcted credit on the entire•truckrng• dustry) . • • At the present time, live stock, milk :and cream are 'the ,only farm procd'uets . which • are ` regulated with respect oto;transportation. un,= der. the. Commercial- Vehicle Act: the ,• licenses .are 'issued' .err the basis of public need, and' con venience: An applicant fora PCV 'license' must :'appear 'before 'th'e Ontario'..MuniciipaF' Board, -Tor onto;. '" or in airy•, locality selected by the ', Board, •• where an' Open, impartial hearing is •conducted:. 11 the: applicant',can prove to. the l3oai d' satisfaction that theLpro ":posed service is needed, he will` be :granted 'a•. certifieate`'•for. lie- . else. As a matter of` fact; the re- cord speaks for itself.., Over 'an; eight year. period; fr arm.' 1940 to: 1947, • out of "2,063 applications for PCV licenses to haiul' livestock, etc:, only 208 .;were dismissed, ,or 7'8..percent :After: approval of : the app"lica• tion by the • Ontario Municipal Board; the trucker is. . permitted `30• days in' Which: to fulfill. 'the • re= quirements of 'the. Act. In, other -swords, before the license is act ually " issued,�-•�.��,,e trucker must satisfy the De` -at ant 'of 'High- . P ways that .his ;vehicle is' properly •equPped with; fl'ai es, fire:' extin-, guisher•' and jedvered with ,insur- ance•'protectioti, for cargo, prop= erty damage, arid. ;personal .liahil'- ityt 'Uril'ess..these • regluireinen'ts -'are met to protect the interests of shipper s, , no' license' wilt' be issued,, ' After "issuance of. the : license, the thickerMust:live ;up' to itis. • obligations, underthe act 'to,,pro 'vide reliable• arid • ,continuous transport ,services and facilities or 'else 'face th"e, prospect' of haying, ,his license suspended ' Farmers getierarly° would ap- pear to have two comrplaints against the .fCAT licensing sys- teM,"as' ?follows: is PCV licenses. ,restrict farm- ers to' marketing hogs, etc, in ,a certain market or markets named in• the ;license; ,and • 2, Fartncrs feel that: truckers 'under". the . licensing system may .not or.. are , reStri.cted froni 5 haul- ing return loads of feed ..back to. farms after the trn,ittal'pick-up of live• stock. n. , • It.•may be that these complaints,'" are more' apparent than real. Lic, enses: are issued to meet the needs ,,:truckers . from applying to have their; license. clarified. Should'. a' trucker refµse to initiate .an ap- „plication .for extension , or clai?i- fi�cation, there is .nothing.' trpre- vent a '`.stew• man from ,appplying for' license :to serve thesepartic= alar fa;rmers.;. The second complaint is absol- utely ,unfounded. Tw'o years.,ago, a rew.z'l, icerlsd, Class xFS" `(Fermin Service) - was;: estalblish,ed• to per mit' truckers; to haul live -;stock •to "'and'' front ,farms and.#sed, seed, • fertilizer and 'farin.supplies to and° from farms:. Anyone can make application for this license. In' 1947, for example, out f • 125 :applications fdr •:this ' Class• "FS" license,.' only '15 'were ,'dismissed, n or 12 percent.. I` • r' E an( appy PAGE FM Ofpor _.J. „- Ask for it'eitbyt••thay , both' trade -mark's: mean'•tbl'-same thing. Authorisedbottle& of .Coca., -Cola under.contrict. with Coca -Coto Ltd. DERICH BOTTLING WORKS •GODERICH, O 1'TAItIO • 'PHONE 4$9 eek e e a PARDON 'our.:pointiilg.. . With •pride. .• -But it's an event when' the number of bank workers• pAsses the, 40%000 may .- as it =did last year. at's 65 : more' than before the war. ' it's an event,, first• ,, because It ghowS'tlie increased ` use, of Canadian. bank, sec vices . . 1Vlore deposit accounts! pow over .seven million..` .'More funds: customers. , de osits.: noR reach nearly se • en billion dollars.;' -More servaces: to fanners -to personal 'anc small --business' borrowers, to war pensioners, to people receiving Family Allowances. e an event, too, because of the. kind".o men and - women. nd women who baye. joined our;'ranks BagO. to get ahead; t1ie 'i re..fYn'ding in banl ing an interesting job,:. cl allen ` .career. They can: tell' y'ou .low ••cin :�•ortant. Wig • �.. ►'e privacy u banking •is:to .the 'Canadian v7ay of "Uo n tliir,gs. .• G, oing to your: bank is not .,fike..halvinj to• dein! with a' state •bureau_: ;but th st's -how, at' Would be,onder state rnon ,4 ''; • • TWO 1- 2:0 • • 20 , • • Y. 5