The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-12, Page 3Jg,Sp..4 -MAY` i2ihR 194' Lova.. Vit. • drib • *BCT, YOUR davtenport 'froom, for .only $2.50 ,for .5' year, aged protection. One spray 1, Berlou strips 'moth damage -years or:. Beriou pays. the. ge, Wm, Murdie & Son, $ Eileen Hall of Trail, `B.C., i to .'her :parents here by on'; lViother s Pay. and :Mrs. A Gordon, Mc 1 all of Windsor stpent .the ,erid:wath :relatives here.. THE 'LUCKNt5W S..,ENTINEL,, LU•CKNf W, , ONTARI Dr. R. B Treleaven of. Oshawa was ~a Week•-elid guest of Mrs. M.' .A, Treleaven .and Miss '• Gertrude. Treleaven. • • •; Mrs.. Alex' MaoLennarr .returned home last Thursday from Victoria Hospital where .she underwent . surgery, and where shoe. was ' a patient for six, .weeks, . -'• 1 Mtr and Mrs ,Jim ingl,and and. Shirley' and Mr; Jose_ tih England spent the . week' -end in Galt ,arid W; G Andrew has been Preston land •attende'd the Eng- ig with 'relatives ins . Hama-.land=Ritolue wedding. in Hespeler. 'oronto sand Guelph. 1,. Russell of Ott 'A. ';spent 'and . family have n oved,,to Herb.. yrs'" Day' with ,.his parents, McQuillin's • residence near.• the rid , 'trs• W. A, R iasell., fla a mill> Mr. and Mrs: M'cQuiilin• r. Gigason, son" -Of • Mr: and have Moved to Carman's 'farm',on' the' Second ' Concessi n.. Sam ,Grlhser3, bias been. re:- • p4 ° tg treatment in' Winghain „ Rev and Mrs.' R. . c•Donald tal-Lor arthritis . and • family of Tillsonburg, Mrs. ,and Mei.'"Win. Iletwisit, Rob- James llrisbin• of Belleville, and v i Nancy and Bob Thorhipson .Rev, . •and Mrs Wr A. Henderson [mire. 'Spent ' Mothers' Day and children of Walkerton were relatives .here.].. week -end tvisitors here.: ' regular ° meeting .oaf' the pow :Women's Institute . will" Id. in the' Tovlrn Hall .on •Fri Vlay' 13tih at 2,30 o'clocic, s Mae ' McCoy,• sister :'of rigton, and •Earl : McCoy, is illy ill' in Victoria 'Hospital, ,, Wilfred "Drennr. received: g . distance ,pall 'on. 'Mother's From. JJ C... who was '.on his o.'Ashtisbul'a, Erie, 1'a, and Mrs. G. Hawse of Got - ere guests. -of : Mr. and Mr's.; Drennan- Saturday 'even Mr; and Mrs.., Wm. • Blue and daughters' Helen and: Margaret• of Detroit 'were :week -end 'guests of Mr. and Mrs J:•: D Andenson. Miss Helen Blue rs recovering from: „a recent very critipal' ;illness: Mr. and Mrs.: Jesse Wheeler ' of .Belgrave,. • Mrs.. • John . Cochrane and Miss Lillian -Powe1t of Sean . forth, Mr. and.. Mrs. ,Ross Orvis. and family, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Howson.. and .'family arid.:- Bill Orvis of Wingham; spent Mother's Day: with Mr: and' .Mrs.' George Orvis . pA4 TIM= ��'' HOLYROOD" 8-TUDE 'TS ON TRIP TO. TORONTO. " Fourteen- pupils of HAlyrood school spent an interesting -day - in: Toronto last week, under the suipervisiori • of .their- teacher,A Mise , Joyce Elliott,, assisted by Mrs.• Cliff J hnston.. • The: '.trip 1,P the 'clay, Which started at 5;30. ia.'rn.. was made in •Sherwood's station wagon, and • it .was' about 9.30 that evening when . they'', arrived . home. High lights of the d. ay were ;visits . to thee, museum, ..the` !appy .Gang. Broadcast ,'•he Evening Tele- ,gi am,:' the Parliament "Buildings Land fast but not react, the 'zee.. BOYS" CnIRLyS; WOMEN'S •and Men'sBatting•.. Suits and :Beach Suits:'•Qver s:hundred in the "lot: Worth $3,95 tQ $4:75, Reduced'' at THE ' MAR.KET` STORE, $195 DONALD. BLAUE,WOs. N' tIT NOMINAT10'N Dam old• :. B. B,1,ue•, Ri•pley baker" and; widely. known auctioneer,. w,as ,the <`choice •.of: the', Liberal nominating 'convention -tat South= amipton .last Thursday evening., He will: contest a Bruce 'riding 'the forthcom:rng Dominion• elec •tion 'set-, for :Jane: 27th. Andy: Rifbinson;;' Protgressiive-cOnserva- Live; has represented the:riding riding�y b at 'Ottawa for: the' past four year te.rixi He' was ' elected iii• June' of 1945, .. When'-. he ` ' defeated Cart -71 Whiclier, the Liberal, candidate, .. 'Who hail received the nomination over W ; li,! Tomlinson, the. riding. representative ;until. that time '' :1:'!r. Tomlinson was again a can-' • dk1ate ;at. last week's nomination . ' It .th'ird nominee, Tom Duff' of Tara, entered :,the' •fiel,d at.'.tlie; last. minute, and drew but scant ...support from the more ' than four' hundred voting...delegate-S. who. were jammed. into: .Southampton n tohall that sultry ,evening. psi the" first,. ballot Mr. Blue,. received :210 Votes. He was tied with .the other: 'two . candidates, •j; tomiinson getting 179 votes anti Duff 31 ` Blue had 'a.. substantial' margin of ..soi to 80.votes` over. Mr. Tomlinson on,'the second ballot: The meeting, which. underway *after nixie o'clock: and 'Lasted: for 1tliree hours, w+as•presided, over by Kenzie ' Foster;; `M P.P. for'. Bruce, Guest speaker' -wase L Hon. ,, Pierson;, ` Minister fair . External' Affairs.'Others on 'the'• platform were Walter Harris, M.P.for • Gi ey ruce '.and.R, ,S. Hetherin„-' ton, Liberal .Candidate in' North an. • .Five were •originally , nominated for. cantlidate, but.. two withdrew. They weir Carl Whither of Col-, /poy's Bay' and..••Rdbert Struthers•: of. Saugeen Mover and seconder.. ,of Blue's noniinatIon: were P :A: Murray, and . Rabert"MacDomald, both 'of, Kinl•oss. Township. There were 48 voting delegates 'pies Mr.�an,d=Mrs Sam Reid and Mr. Louisa Naylor iias gone to . and Mr. and .*s••Bill' .Humphrey rn to visit with Mr '. and'Mrs. and George and Dianne .visited. 'y' . l sylor *Jack: Naylor' • Of. Gctierich;' friends • on Sunday 'Mi loo spent, the week , - erid Hanyiey Reid • of', Goderich; a ,hem at ;London:; thee' of Mr.. Sam'Reid, as improi :• ing ,favorably .after spending two J .A• Robertson and months Victoria •Hospital aici envie ;,of .Mount' Forest' were undergoing three operations..': iy :guests of- Mr•'• and Mrs.. new,. and •• attended the an= Mrs A 'J, Wilson,: ,president of ;ary 'service" in . the 'Presby-, the focal branch • of :t1�e _,*omen's: Institute,. '''an ' Church on• � Sunday -d •Mrs.: P�iiTi' "• Stew- art ,even ., p , art; district • president, attended the :W. L:'•officers' conference field at the. 'Memorial Hall; • O AC, Guelph on Thursday and .Friday, Mrs., :Fred: Gilchrist was also 'in attendance: as a: delegate from the Mairshea I•nstitute Kenneth :Cameron is home from Wes tin inster Hospital, for ' a month.' He is wearing. a tempos- ary •',brace on.; account of :•'the. :spinal su:rgery:.. which..he under.-, 'Went, in connection with tki treatment he has received during •the. •past tern.• -Kenny is. feeling Sunday' School; well.•now,. anId as . put on, a good deal of ,Wight.' He •looks back on' in :'Rev. !W. J .•Holley: the ordeal•'°thr.ough .which he went as something • he certainly• wota'lii not want to 'fade ,again: i r TED CHI�RGH Q. LUCKNOW Stewart; Pastor .' $DAY, :1V[AY 15th;.' 1949 in ' Rev. 1y S. Holley. of Wiarton, rV.,i.(,0.1 , „ •oai1.... a fi w i 11ru �e1f�11ANI,��l U��4e�U�o• I 's `NEVV:! it's DIFFERENT! • FACTOR • 'a. • It's' HER'E,! liollyzvood's New Cream -Type Make -Up in, stick form, ,Apphies, srnoothly=stays. on long- er. Doesn't -.dry the .skin . and helps cover blemishes ..and fre ltles, Seven'. lovely shades. • ' SEE . THEM TODAY AT DRUGG>1ST. LUCKNOW, ONT. ' 'PHUNIE 13.. '.. E a e t• In acknowledging" his.. election, r.Mr; Blue, 48 -year-old Am'berley' ckstrict ri'ative,:' asked' for , the co-: operationand•,help:of tall Liberals to • :"re.vin. Bruce'; -arid personally' pre inised', t ''';`work hard to 'win .back the riding. to• be. part of` the • government. T: know .,is .going to govern this:coui try ,after the -next'`- ele tioni";,• Mr. Blue • hast nothing dispar- aging isparaging to say of :Andy Robinson. "I've gota nice 'Man opposing me but I' de not ,approve Of his poi- said' oi saki • Elect'Riding Officers Officers, for the Bruce Liberal. ASesociation for the coming year were also elected at this. meeting. .They 'are presidetit,•,Keririeth Sy m*n of Wiarton, ,last year's. sec retary-treaua er; ;vice president;' uzican Kennedy of TeeSWater; , secretary-treasurer;.:.Thomas N .Duff. of Tara. "1,„r” +‘N40.r.rwn.oroimw+i.rN wrrws►ir *..04 ewir niiwori►wiv 'O THE `ELECTOR R :. For 'the 'honour you .have given by. chops- iugme• as your Liberal Candiflate in Bruce Riding. shall endeavour• to' do my best, to carry flu • is- Riding .for the I.r •. 'iberal Party at the ` • Electron. on. June 27th. Your whole -hearted support and influence o uence.:' will be: appreciated. ° :.DONALD � .. �•BL�E VOTE.'BLUETOBEAT' DREW .:eega a .:��•...5eeeSem .. ee. « se SCENES 'AT . THE TRAIN WRECK MEN'S di, BOYS' Work Clothing+ Shirts, Pants,. Overalls &, tf aces•- v. wear. Special Prices. The Market '. Store, Y W. This picture shows : the ravages to tile, road bed with the ties redueed.'to fire' wood: To the . extreme left is. the;: ssener •coach .� pa K which reniained u_p_right ' Here can be'seen the-rear'•trucks-which were 'r'n off one .of the • cams of coal...: Int the ibackground •is' one of the : three bo z two of '.Which. turned 'o:ver .on .their 'side. `'Thocips!, , Thi*. is • i 'close-up of . the first ear• of coal, wshi h' "teetered" • at a precarintis angleand anis chained to. the truck. as a safety "measure follow ni ,the.., wrecks • u c