The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-05, Page 8• ra,
t°!'!!!!!. DaySunday llAay{ 8t11..
the mainstay of the nation ... Mother Merits tenderness,
anthoughtfulness every day. But Sunday is, yours to Jell
, her .... , Give •Mother A gift that is sensible and truly ap
preclated. :
Tia et
4,144 • WRECK
(Continued from: rage, One)
Toppled •Coa1• Cars.
A crane from Stratford moved
to 'ate scene Friday' .ev'ening and.
;by •-.2••::.ain.:Satuy JThorning. bad
the p;iSsenge'r coach .out of the
Way. For:bhree' hours they tried
without much success to move
the,: baggage car and ,finally
abandoned this effort .to conicen
trate :ori, laying•,the new line, For
some .distance the track had been
literally obliterated,"• ,as if a bull -
'dozer 110d: rooted into..the graven
gybed, .Scores of 'sties bad 'been re-
duced to matchwood- and actually
disappea•ed The new . track ha+"
to ',be skirted ;around the rear f`
.the I%'aggage cartt.ri give suffieaez t,
clearance, By late afternoon Sat,'
urday Pie..line: was 'ready "again'
for throuigb .traffic:'Both coal; cars.
'were'turned over down,'the em=
lbankment', to clear the •West end.
of : the. line. • •
4 , 4 :H,[)R$DA,Y,. MAY ,5th,, . ,1949.
Slips by . Holeproof . . Gowns .'by Holeproof . ... Panties.
by Holeproof and Van Raalte. Nylon and', Crepe. Hose,;;
new Spring' shades . Sheer Scams, Handkerchiefs,
Un brehas, ° Gloves; Blouses..
pr Something;; For '.Her Room—
BATES BEDSPREADS—They wash and wear for years, will
,,not fade; reach, turquoise and gold:
s Here - .Your 1st : Rally
Weary 'wrecking 'Crews were
given a breather Saturday night
awaiting' the arrival of- ant her
'100 -ton crane or "hook" Prean Fort;
•Erie, and: upon its: arrival the
two ` cranes went .oto Work'' early
Sunday Morning to roll' the 'cars
back onto' the line and , put new
"trucks under 'then. This job was
completed on Sunday' berf ore an
audience of hundreds • of people
Who - visited. the' scene from• as far
distant as .London.• • -,
'passengers Escape Injuries
Three passengers on ithe train
'esoaped wita shaking up. `,They:'
were. Mrs. Farquhar Beaton, 77
of Kincardine 'and her: two grand-
.sons, , 1Vlurchie . Beaton; 1.& and.
Jarnies, Beaton, ,13.
:!Thetrain crew. included Engin
eer' John. Holl ack,' Kincardine :
Fireman Bert ''peeves, Pal finer
ton, Conductor 'James Collins,
Kincardine; • Raggagemian 'Wilbert:
Avery, Palmerston and Brakeemen•.
James: Wall,':Palnierston. Wilbert
Avery was • thrown .heavily: across
the .baggage roar which. hung'' at
such an , angle: to prevent one
from, standing in•'it. `
First 'inkling the engineer .had
of 'the 'disaster. was when, the' air
line snaplped; autorgatieally 'ap,
Featuring • Evan ' Hedley„ Outstanding youth leader;
Jean. Hedley, lyric soprana
Full :
cote*, -•: Sound. Picture.
1 ,'
Tompson s
(Continued from Page One).
up M' back yards. Ilei is devoting
a good deal. of time to having -
`these'` conditions corrected and
outiip.ed the 'Powers ,of the .Board
of Health in: seeing ;that: their, reg
quirements pare met,
M. MacSw .en referred- to =the
wells. tests ma -de two, years ago
when some;.fprty out of fifty wells
showed.: `pollution ''to a degree
makingthem unsafe for human
consumption This : ;pollution is
'due 'mainly to 'outdoor priviesi:
The ;:wells were, marked ,as unfit
for use; . and • since then ten of the
forty householders have installed
the' domestic water Service:, Mat,
erial .shortages 'slowed up' these
installations pwt, this no longer
existsand, Mr:. MacSween is going.
to press • to ;have, these :polluted
Wells 'closed up': pernianenrtly•
Blinker Light
Cot ncil`:. is . to ,request' the apf
proval ',of' the .,, Department ' of
'Highwiays,to instal a'blinker night
at `the: United 'Church :corner; and
as another safety Measure. park:
ing is to ' !be prohiibited close to
the 'intersection; on the main
thoroughfare • .
Receive. Big Credit'
The 13th Power Bill showed a,
credit to the focal Hydro System
of $5,659.09: Total ,amount of* ac-
counts rendered;during the fiscal
year; totalled •$21,622.24.. Actual
'cost of power` was .$15;9'63:17, re-.
sulting. in . the above credit. Hydro
users` inelucde, domestic 3660, . cotn.-
mercial • 109, power .12, for •a• total,
of. 481" .consumers.
Council authorized' 'the pur•
chase of a carload of hydro poles
as recorifnended ;by ;the KE.P C.
Ivory :Soap
Mediwn `.Thar , 2 ffor 39c•or.:25c
Large • . bar- 2'
`Clark's -,To• mato 'Juice
Fancy. Quality •
48: 'oz' thy.' 2 for: 45c
ChampMagical Cleaner
Kills;. dirt, cuts grease. 2 for 19c
Wishing ,Well Gingerale
Large 30 oz. bottle ....:2 for 25c
(;plus deposit)
.Dewkist Green Ciage Plums
aviation Evaporated Milk
ree• Valley *peas _
26 oz. 2 for 21C
Rlake's Church Cook ..Booka
obtahiablE at' our • store.
'The, Store of Friendly Service'
Here. are a. f ew gift -suggestion i
Nylons:.- 4.2 4S, 51; gauge.
Lingerie $',•erie nighties Silk FYJamas,'slips, P
Sweaterioulses ;,Dresses::
s , . .
. T -TO TEEN ` '& ' LADIES'
l(IIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIgIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllll,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll{IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIiIII111111I111111I1111111111111111LI I IIIIII1111 /111111111111111111011111111110111011111111111111a
“... .
plying the emergency'brakes.: He:
glanced . ba* ` ito see • his gam
weaning, and plunging crazily be-
hind. him.
Everything ' perishable was. 're-
moved from 'the baggage car 1!'ri-•
day' afternoon; including . Bill
Pappas' 'fi1rn,for his'Friday night
show. The • film had missed ,the'
train' *on . Thursday.: and as a re -
Suit .there was .no show here that
Word of the wreck 'spread like
wildfire and spectators :",poured .■
o .ler .tahe Matters•farm from Fri- • TILE -LIKE FLOOR` ENAMEL,:.that is very' tough' and. wears ''
,day till.' late Sunday tg:.:'.see the ■
y gate' .to ; PAQ
wreck On. Sunda' -'the • � UA -A• water .paint 'that' dries hard m, an. hour'arid can � �
the .YVlathers Pamirs had to be lock- be washed:
• ■asauamimeiaiu isrss•iu.s ■cancan Essassss sii%■
Elie Painting Seasonis here
'ou Are
rIFSureYODof USatiSsfaction,
▪ UTILACThe; enamel that dries iii four hours::
IMPERVO ENAMEL --A high quality product, that dries
011 four. hours.
IN EXTRA : WHITE ENAMEL that ` sets up 'like' china.
'ed and 'cars.liner neirby Highway , . (A11,,the 'above are in beautiful. shades) • .
I. TILE NENV 111YTsiDE VVIIITE—G'Itar4nteed,U keep white as
.way policemen; which nurnbered • • . long' a,s it remains on the building. .
three at • One time; Were on hand yARNISHEs—plastic var ish a d ure ,iurpentine • base., ,
Niudi Nas. shot. 4.1, ama_. E beiutiful job and vvim wear well. if used ingide. •
us INTERIOR GLOSS—A meditim priced paint which' makes a- '
,erS,. and /late Friday Afternoon
(Alf the' above ht. gtock)
..two planes took, .aerial
eral idea of„, ,the ,*reeked cars '11,101i
stren about,' but failed to give:
urdie and Son
any concePtion of the 'details of is 'PHONE 10, LUCKNOW
the, damage.
INDIAN 13,14ANKETS-Large size, new colors, new pat -
IBEX BLANKETS—Grey, largest size .colorect borders.,
.NEW WOOL BLAI4KETS; faney colors and white, rain-
bow borders and plain colors, $7.95. Reduced $6.95
BED SHEETS and Pillow Slips, neW 'Wabasso goods at
New Low Priees.
tore Withr,The Stock