The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-04-28, Page 6Y.
rR .
le Sonlerj. T.. Barele .VVEDDINg BELLS
r!oniers. manager
Electric ' - YOi1NGADAMS
oCo�imgha�n R �ydr4 " -
. uPortAlbert,
red # ► Barrae as assistant line Margaret' May Adams,, only .dau-I
Lady's Bag .Lost •
For .the past .few' weeks The
Sentinel . assortment of ;"lost,, and
-, soon* has been tra>is%r In Christ Ch ch; found", articles .;'has _included a
lady's black velvet bag. ,
,piper:.n endent of •Georgian Bay' ghter cf the late Mr. and Mr(1
... ' George Adams, Port Albert, .:* as , T1 a .
area. ,1 .
nkofier"ing, ,,1.:tletl• Church
Alerricka of •$arse united in marriage to Ross Young, ` •
regi a1 office, has been :appoint- eldest son.efthe,late Joh' Young
The E. a s t e r Thankoffering
meet ing was, #1e1d,.Tuesday e�te�
ed auger of Wingham area, of Dungannon. Rev', A. E, Turner ,, .•
. Ing'''. April : 12th �:.n �• the 'church
v i'c covets 600 square ' miles uc i-f.Orcncd the Get emeny-. basement. Mit. W. B. .,Anderson;c ansisithig ' of West a anush; .e. bt•ide, gis. en in: marriage by ,president of the `After eon Aux-'
Ashfield,, East Watiti*atiosh,, Morris, 'her brother:, Chose a' ,diary, presided. The ,:devotional
Grey,; `Wallace, Howick,..Tti a ei; ,aoardine suit i.vith acces� period v,as in charge of lvlrs. �'V, .,
ii b. 1E u do Huron, Ki is .rdii e;' se•ries and a corsage -of red rose-. R. Anderson 'SATS Har.�ey 'Web
• mr- Meraick was a 'palet officer! had^lielonge4 to .h, watch "which 7 sten and Mrs. Geo.. Andrew: Thea
anal uar, . of Culross ouds.. She, wore ...her atch mother and' r c offering was; taken up by Mrs.
laic ttiae ;.RC ,agl : the last, la double strand of pearls, the gift. Mc
R. Robertson and Mrs •'A ; s E.
Mc -
of. the groom:• Kiln. ' Mrs. •• W. B. Anderson :of-,
t. She -was.atterided by Mrs. Wil- .fered, prayer . Mrs. H.. Treleaven ;
Barn, wigghis, siste;T, of'.the groom, rendered a Iileasing solo Mrg. W W.
TirURSDAY,; .APRIL '28th, 1949,
vho 14►ore a•r re -.suit with; ,blaek'B, And+ rson:then • introduced.
g. Y
accessories'. and a corsage of pink' G A Stephenson of Cargill, cares "
i rosenuds. The grooin'was attend- ,id•en•t. of Bruce Presbyterial..She!
Nellf Pell? `:rullif rigor ed Iby Charles Adams brother of.
the bride. •
A • reception was.. held at the
home of the bride's aunt and
• tansle. Ostrez. g wniet.. rqm D Inv!
.Hamm t, calcium. enrich
avveelta. and digestion digestion so tooa¢ mu riven • yon more
strewth and boucisbmeat• pat on bare boons
a tlfaill. Bony limbs ,ill out: Egli hollows
OH no: neck no tosser[ etra>rny: body bees bant-
efa�rceil; slab' "bean -ole" loot, Thousands or
OWwomen. men. who never eoula seta beim*.
t.». now proud pealtby-looking bodies.
1 ;aan><the vigor-WhamlfeSL-blmdf—
Don't Lear getting toe tat. stoo when. you've `mned •
the, 5,10,15 or 20 lb. yon need for normal weight.
Cotes little, New ."get aequalnted" else 9nlV- 60e.
•: � leOetrez mons
Tonle Tablets for new vigor
this very day. At all druggists,.
2.5O each, ;
X42.50 Ea.
SOC per .c�vt
• size.: and `.
Phone collect:
Wingham 561-j
Ripley 59_16;: or. 38-19
Ingersoll 21;;
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
uncle,. Mr. • and Mrs: Frank Rising,
Sheppardton. • Later •the 'couple,
left "ori •aa motor trip to. Niagara.
Falls. For travelling .-the.- bride
Wore •a ,'burgundy.�Ashortie. , 'coat'
over :her.. suit: ' Orli 'their return
they willx reside ,,on the groom's.
farm .near 'Dungannon:
gave a very 'inspiring' address her.
subject being "God's. , Best Gifts'
and bur . Stewardship". A trial,
comprised; of Mrs. Hoag, Miss Belli
fie W lsh
As* for.:it either way both ..,
'made-mar'ks,mean "hit .sane' thing.`
puthortud bottle of• Coca-Cola under: contract: with dora-Cola Ltd.
• . Goderich,, Ont. : ' 'Phone 489.
Ra rtson and Miss ' e ren-
dered a very, , delightful ghtful number.I. . Stewart
A vote of 'thanks was .tendered° and d ,t
Mrs. Stephenson iby'' Mrs,' :J. W. brought
. The singing of 'hymn 568 social ' time ; followed. and lunch'
h e :mizpah ..benediction.was served Eby ; meMbers of the
the meeting to a close. A; Evenin+g`Auxiliary .
Presbyter:an' Eveninlg Anailiary.
'The Easter Thankofferiiig ,was.
. a jointnieeting of the. W A. 'and
'Evening Auxiliary:. held in the,
church. With Dr. C. u MacDon
ald , in. the :Chair, the meeting was •:
opened' With itynn:' 212 and :pray`
et by: Mrs.' Ja•ck 'Fisher.' Miss: •
Maudie ::Fisher read •the scripture'':
lesson, Matt. 28 ,1-8!1DI s •James
Little:: gave; a,'reading'ollowed by ;,'
hymn' 21.4;. and 'Mit., !Mason' read
a:. short story oxi 'the author '• of ','
the . preceding hymn. A; solo by
Margaret ,Rae :was followed. by •
the introduction : of ,the speaker,
Mrs, ,Sinclair of Exeter,_ ,by, "Mrs.
wm Douglas. Mrs, Sinclair gave
a very.interesting talk on :the
work of the''women .of the church
which was.'' greatly enjoyed: Miss •
Gretta Campbell_ moved,. ail mote
ofthanks :to. tthe speaker. and
• Winnie and' : Gwen. Stewart .sang
a ' duet:. After the closing .hymn, '
and prayer ' by " Rev: MacDonald,
lunch' was' served. ,
'i e4 to.
9 4
'HE BANK'S. the place- for my money. I always put
of my pay. into my: bank count otherwise
':urns; a yhole in mypocket.:h. guess h trust the
bank .'more than I trust myself ! I 'fi'gure that's
reasofi why my savings: have; been bu ldmg. u
he way' they .have. �,
other reason I'm sold on a bank accoint is
Zit I always know just where I stand. All I have
o is- take a look at my "pass -book. Thi y're a lot
better bookkeepers tlian I am
What's More what's 'limy 'pass=book is my bus ess
'and I, can' 'coi t gn the :bank seople 'to ,keep their
mouths shut .bout it. And that.,sults me )ust fine!
It's you? 'home. Insurance • may
protect it, but. won't make it beautiful.
�B-H�Pants do bosh.
_r .F
• GOJily 'to .your bank i:. not
liiIxe;. having to. deal with a state
'boreao buf that's how it would
Ve' under state rlloilppoly.
olrn W.HendersOfl.PJning i�A:
'Phon± 150 Lucicnow