The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-31, Page 5URSSDAY, MAARag 31st, 1949., 1 LyceumTheatre . ,•W�INGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW. Al 7.15• 'TONIGHT — THURSDAY • A FOREIGN AFFAIR • FRIDAY & SATURDAY APRIL.: 1, z • •HE Y FO N.A R , O ,* s... Ox-BowIncident. Matinee Saturday; • • MONDAY & TUESDAY' APRIL 4, 5 BETTY .OBABLE',: :DOUGLAS, FAIRBANKS, Jr •9 ie .Lady rmine: WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY APRIL: 6, 7 ?.. LUCAS, M. , ANDERSON, " 11. 10ANTINE. Whisper ng City (Adult Ettertainment)1 : THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL• , LUCKNOW,, OWTARIO LENS • The •play, "Busy as a ,Beaver,', will be presented in the Com- nunity Hia]:1 ,by the Luckxiiaw, Draniatic Club on Wednesdays' evening, April -kW at'140-Under the auspices' of the Women's As- sociation of the • United- Church.,. The April meeting of the , Wo- rrzen's. • Institilte-will-be-tieldtat the hone of Mrs, Elwood Bar. -. boor : on Thursday, ° April 7th • at 2.30; Roll call, Paying of,. Fees; ,svlbject,. • Historical ' research;; • in charge .af Mrs. Stanley Todd; Pro- gram committee :and hostess, Mrs. John .Cameron, Mrs. W. A. Miller. Ws: M; G.' Newton : has' return-. i from a visit with ',her daugh- ter, Misr 'Charlton and Mr..•Cnar1= ton at Port Alma ; Miss Zoma. 'Newton, Reg.N:, is hotrme pn s'i�cl�C, letve..froan Victoria "Hospital;, London, suffering from' a.srundown condition following a severe .cold:. Mr. Cameron. McTaggart of Aurora wad, 'a recent visitor :with kr. and 'Mrs. F:. G. Todd and. Mr.: and Mrts...Totrn Todd. • BORN RiA MAGE=--Utr. and ' Mrs . Ctiyler 'Ramage of Chicago ..announ the arrival of` a' daughter,.• Linda en •Sunday, March : 20th. CULROSS CORNERS Mn ; and ''Mrs. Alex, `McKay: of Hamilton .spent the` .Week end with Mr: and Mrs. Ross: Mrs. Walter Hodgins. is visiting. Mrs. Hamiia':for 'a fevtr,:days; and Mrs. Roy McKee Mr.. and Mrs Davidson *and Missluth. McKee'; spent an' 'afternoon. with: Mr and Mrs Earle` Hodgins Mrs. Whitehead and • Everett visited •with.'Mr. and Mrs Morley Wall On •Sunday. ;v. n sana■U■alio/tlIU■■ innnliI■ensintinsmalI>fI stnninnami• e r: _ IFT'S . BABY • .CHICKS•: • , Complete :: Line of : Hog, Poultry and.' Dairy Feeds with : molasses: Corn,, :Bran, Oats, Wheat;. Barley: Shorts,. and Middlings., SOYA BEAN OIL: MEAL:. a ,.. Available for March delivery will replace oil cake. is;:: releavenH 123. •; ■ ,: •:'• ,. a. ■ ' ■ . r:. sssa s■ ■■fs8'ai■■ars■ses a�suu.. �a.■.■.sau;8■ 808■' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / %% ♦%o \a\aa4a ♦ %N.\S.\ a%e\a \• N.• %\%\%So\ • grow Better ;Crops ri •. ,ORDER....., NOW :-..FOR SPRING :-.DELIVERY...:'. and. take ^advantage of our Cash ; Discounts. •. AVAILABLE LR, ANDS Co. Op 2-12-6, .2-12-10, 0-12-10, •O444, 20 percent,superphos- •phate'.We can also give you a.•triple 'strength. pebble to sow • with, your ..grain, . • :$,1.00 A Ton Discount g TO Those Trucking Their' • Own Fertilizer. We also : stock Co4)p; Brand Feeds, ;Seeds, ' Cor, Hammer Mills,' Milking Machines and 'Coal.. Lurck. ow Dis r t: Co, -O er�tive' : SHOP' .THE • CO-OP WAY° 'PHONE; 7.1 o\♦ ♦' \S' ♦♦awe. <.♦♦••\\. _\\\‘‘o\‘',..\\%s\•s\\‘‘ rt / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / PAGE FITE WEDDING' LLS: ANDERSON_ DOUGLAS A wedding, of interest took. pie the early part of this month vv'hen• Dorothy Esther Jean,: dau- ghter-of ,au-ghter-orf lArr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Enlbro,, Wasunited' in Marriage to David Franklin An- derson, son of Mr, and ,Mrs. Fred- ek_Andde on..of uekno =The ceremony was eld at. St. James. 'Anglican Church,' Stratford, With. the L rector, .Canon F. ,Gwynne. .ightbourn officiatting'. The ibride, looked lovely in a' ballerina.. length' satin. gown, of blush pink• overlaid' with ' point. d'alincivdn• llaee, featuring' a twelve; ;gore skirt. off the -shoulder neck line and 'Ione pointed• sleeves. she were a shoulder length veil of .White net: and carried; a :bon- quet •^of • Hiibber•t roses. The bride; was attendedby her'sis?ter; Muriel Douglas, 'Who' , wore . a. .:sheet length goyim: of : turquoise blue crepe wiit'h mating' •accessories and, carried a ;loucluet ' of Hiibbert, roses..: The grooth,srnan Was Chas Andexhori of •Wo ,;now, •'barother of the -groom Ushers 'were Charles. Douglas of Em''bro,: brother of the bride, Arthur. Andrew: of . Luck - now andEdmund • Edgar of . Stat ford. The groom's gift to the bride. was a set of luggage .The bride's. gift, eta: her.: attendant ` wras. a - goad oortnpadt, while .,the _groom's.; gifts to' the best- man and ushers eluded a billfold •and sets of 'Cuff: linnks! and tie phis. • At, the begimniing of the• service and d,uri.ng..:the signintof the reg-. sister,';: Miss Gwen Stewart of Luck- row sang` `Thri .thea Years", an.a "0 Perfect ,Bove". •• Following , the:cereunony. a re- ception Was., held, at :'St Paul's A n g 1 i.ca p.. Church. parish, hall: Where scene seventy-five , guests. w e r .'e assembled The bride's' Mother received her guests'; WearH. niig a. "moiety. iblue:,gowai;of !aconne crepe With. navy -,accessories ,and an orchui•: • corsage.. 'The groom's • mother wore. a 'grey crepe dress :with an :orchid corsage and .bla•ck. accessories . • Out -of -mown guests ',Were: prep-' ant from Detroit, ;