The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-24, Page 5ut, 1049 �Lyceum Theatte., -W1NGNAM Two. 'Shows Each 'Night • FIRST SHOW AT _ -4111 Tp NIGHT �• 'EHURSD •x . DONALD C) SP'• :in HOW. GREEN 'WAS MY Y$ LE' . ' iID Y "&:' SAT TRDAX.` CS. 25. 26 .. , OWALL ' ,;ZUE •EN 1ANI KIDHApPED• Matinee Saturday at 2.00 p.m.. MONDAY' & TUESDAY MARCH .28, .29 JENNIFER JONES, _JOSEPH; ,GOTTEN DUEL, FN; THE..SUN. '(Adult)Enteartainmtnt) WEDNESDAY' & THURSDAY' MARCH 30, 31 'JEAN ARTHVI'R, MARLENE DEITRICH, x JOBN' LUND FOREIGN `AFFAIR THE LUCKNow SENTINEL; .L• UCKNUW; ONT,ARIo. KINLOu.GH Mrs P. A. Murray vL Ltect in London with "her daughter, Miss Veronika "Murray; .student, nurse at .St Joseph's Hospital '',Mr. and Mrs; Andy Scott ,and family off: hear Tiverton :visited with Mr. � and..Mrs. Ed Schaeffer We are pleased to, report that Mr.. Nfiitnn •, Walsh, has, returned home from. 'Wingir"aQrt; Hospital and is making a favorable recov .ery. • The Xoung People, held a, most successful St, Patrick's social .in The Anglican . Church on Monday evening. After the usual deviat- tonal .perkxi the committee, Mrs. Schaeffer, Misses Dods $arr, and Helen` ialderiby, took charge of. the program,'- games and a ntes.ts: Mrs.; :H. %ialdeniby 'favored. v.rith an 'Irish solo 'and; elerybody ' en Toyed a` ; pleasant ` evening:', Plans are. itzaderWay.dor religi itis slides to ,be shown' •on .Good Friday .and everyone: is invited to. attend.. Mrs. Torn. Hodgins and ' Miss Betty Gillespie visited in St Catharines during the. week with Miss; Irlma Hodgins' and Mr. end Mrs; Cliff, BorthWiek., Mr. and -Mrs, aaw.ard Halderiby entertained friends.,on Tuesday •evening. .last When 'the Wear. Ever. Aluminum agent demonstra- ted ` the •proper cooking methods, •with:".this swell' known product Mr snit M s. 'John Robb; Con. 10, 'and ...Mr.: and •' Mrs. Howard McGuire,' •,Olifv'et visited,:on Sun- day .with, 'Mr. and Mrs:: George Haldenby.'• '• Mr, Harry Bell and riierrtbers of his x family :attended; the funeral of his' nephew, ' the, . late Joseph' Bell at Salem:' We ,are sorry to report,• that Mrs. William' Percy has ibeon , il?l 'for the past week. Her.many friends hope 'she tiv'all 'soon be well again.: Her daughter, Miss. Winnie Percy, -'has'tbeen. caring for her:: lisommilessigiassievalooloomisminisursonisimioneimiise ■ ■•' ■ . ■ ■, . ■ • ■ . ■ • ■ 1 ■ . ■ . •., . SWIFT'S' BABY ; CHICKS. Co"` plete Line of Hog, , ' Poultry and Dairy Feeds with molasses., Corn, "Oats, Wheat, Barley Bran, Shorts rr " and `: 'Middlings. SOYA BEAN OIL MEAL vailable for March delivery . This. will replace oil cake. • .■ . • ■. t; • ■.- ■ 1 • ■ ■ . ■, On■ss■■a'■iii•a■■;iii■i.i■■oianui••pisu■.■U•1 Ria■usime Trelea a 11Aaling Compan ■ Phones: Day ` 9, Night 123. • Grd'w .Better' Crops With.. FERTiLIZET,' ORDER • NOW FOR. SPRING, DELIVERY ;and .take advantage 'of our Cash Discounts. AVAILABLE BRANDS:' Co=pp 2.:12-6,2-12-10k 042-10, '0-1,4-7, 20 'percent-•shperphos Pilate, WVe can: also give you a. triple strength pebble. 'to soW with your "grain, • 4. We also stock Co- pgd •Feeds, Se�� Hammer Mills MilkinMachines and Luckriow District .PAGE' VH' TO. CANVASS. FOR DUNGANNON . R. O. :The Dungannon Red Cross ani- nual meeting was held on March 18th.- Marvin Durnin was re elected ;president,- Mrs. _O PQpP first vice president, Mrs. Mel Ree s Reed secon�iva,ce press t.. Wilbur Brown, seccr.,etary •and .Mrs, Lorne • Ivens, t�-easurer. ' The campaign has been. under•- way for a'week. The 'Dungannon quota. Vis. six hundred' dollars. Cann vassers will be calling on the dit ferent lines. • The Ontario Divisiiox ' of • the Canadian, Red Cross Society IS made up of 280`'' branchs. The public sirite'd ' attrtude `,and un derstanding 'effort of 'volunteers. in . the individual !branches ,makes Red Cross 'the great, Organization that it is thraughvut4 the 'world.'. ',Canadian. Red Cross peace time •senvaces '• include, .national ,blood ,transfusion service; Outpost Hos- pitals' and II -liming stations, aid, for: sick and:: :disabled:. veterans,, `Canadian • Junior RedC,ross, *stance' for. c for.ippled:children, tis aster . relief,' niedscal and ` dental services, s+wunmingand water safety program; first .aid. instruc- tion, home nursing courses, nut-, rition , service;" sick room supply; loan'. cupboards, Canadian Red. Cross •;Corps, :emergency nursing. reserver h ' o�irtemaker s :service; highway first'. aid posts. • Pass: Music Eaans nations Misses • . Delphine.:and ."Maxine Hunking of Auburn; .pupils •of A.: E. Cook, were :successful :in pass ing "GradeII .Theory, (midwinter exasunation) ', of The loyal , Con- seryatory:; of :Music of ':.Toronto. Each obtained first class .honors with:'95 and 96'`marks resPective ly. /. FOURTH CONCESSION Mrs. George Gilchrist has'. been Very All =with.; a severe attack 'of, the flu. Our school attendance has; been small • the :past week .as so ' many of the pupils have the !flu.,. IVtr John ,•Dickie of Arial-ton several: days last week at the home of his . son, Ira Dickie. • The Kairshea W I At. Home had a good cro• wd A good pro- gram and all ; had a good time:- Mrs Frank Fair of'=Ripley, spent Monday afternoon at the home .of Don' MacIver ST:• HELEN'S• '• Reseiiv'e. .Wednesday,-. April '6th for :the play;,,, "Busy` as .a' Beaver,' to :be presented, ' by theLucknow Dramatic,',Club.: in the- Com'mun- rtv .liall, under the ' auspices of the Women's Association .of' the United' ;Church.'. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry and Miss Doris.`Taylor Of 'London ,were week -end .visitors with Mr.'.•:and Mrs..'Chester Tay- lor[ ' . Mr. 'Frank 'McQuillin spent a few .days. in Windsor, •the ,:guest 'of.his sister, : Irvin McCabe, and "Mr Y•McCabe 1i rd i :-. ierT zlt1= 'Anidrew• Were ..visitors on 'Satu -. 'day with Mrs. Todd's :parents,~ Mr. and Mrs. Young. • . The Young People" are present frig ,,theirla,y "Urcale'*CY •Hits A New High". i;n • Auburn on. ; Wed- nesday. night arid :Ripley :on Fri: - day, night, of •,this /week i Had Finger,•Am fated , Mr. •Jack Fol er had '•the mis fortune to ,hav ,the first fin.gr. ion .his right ,h,,rid Brushed • while cleaning' out t e grain roller at Mr... AndreW Q:a.. nt's on , Satur:- day' afternoon.• At the' Wingha.n Hospital as w :fi;grid • necessary o•arrrputate partof , the ,finger Mrs:John. Miller, Mr. add Mrs: Alvin Miller, lSonna' and Doug1s f Strathroy were week -end vis tors :with 'relatives here" rt • • Presents atur4ay. .Thursday, Friday, M. arch^' 24, :25, : 2 ore than ever,.46 lin in .:his ,newest d best yet GENE AUTRY King of the West, m a. ~real thriller., ROUNDUP" ;Fns,. ;"Hold That;. Lion" Car oon and News. Matinee Saturday at 2 15 p nt•. ;onday,,, uesday,'\ e'sdayMacch x8, ;,29, 3 By Ben Ames Wilf,ams in TECHNICOLOR GENE CORNU :EANNE , TIERNEY - WILDE • CRAIN cENTuirr-Fox ricnate First Show 7.15 Last month we gave 'you "State Fair". This month we bring a ;picture that was hailed among the. top, , , inotchers, from a great' a book "Leave Her To •: Heaven oalie Harold Ritchie !econd..Show' 915 CO-Operativ,e t SHOP., THE . CO-OP' WAY PHONE 71 � 0 -• . iicvk`'Mc•'ii • r�• • FERTILIZER. SPREADER and SEEDE See the' New GOLD STAR" Model. with. 2 -tmp-r ove d le a=n irg4eaturr"es #/11 SPREAD WET FERTILIZER HARD FERTILIZER',' G BEEN FERTILIZERT; CAKED FERTILIZtR LUMPY F E RTILIZ ER°. .�L pGG/N8 Ac t' $0W3 • OSILL GRA.MIS• '.•,:060MES;610,14SSES d st:ti■g lobs "od- x•.1 set • hsiabh if nMoe iStotaiis et less.. come IN TODAY See'how EZEE.FLOW Pulh•erizes, Mixes and Spreads uniform applicxtaions of ahy'fertilizer . ; . regardless of condition at top speeds 'without clogging. See' how easily the EZEE FLOW micro - shutter adjusts for accurate sowing and spreading . from. the tractor "seat! ' 13ERFORMANEE GUARANTEED, Built for. Long Life and 'Years of .. Trouble -Free operation. The Nevi 10 - foot Gold . Star EZEE FLOW, ,',is the 'Answer to your; fertilizing; snd.seodis g," problems, See 'it: today! ,,. ., • 4' t ' • p narevv's mpjernent Shoff