The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-24, Page 41.98,Gz FOUR (9 fi • "WANT AD" RATES -1st insertion 2 cents a word;, subsequent --insertions 1 ° cent 'a wordy -Minimum imum charge -25 --cents. Replies care e Sentinel 10' cents eictra. Legal advertising 10 •cents per ,..., of Th,,.i . , e ...,� .. counat.. line first" insertion; 5 cents per line subsequent ins4tions HAY FOR SALE—about ..10 tons„ HEAVY BREEDS started .capons Les Ritchie, R...7, Lucknow, ' . 1/.from. 3 to 4 weeks old.- Can sup - P13' up:.:•!P" 2,000 " • " weekly.` Queen: FOUND --a sum of money, Apply bncoder• stoves, used. one - season: `at • Sentinel ' Office: . . • Goldie Martin,. Paramount, ,phone ROUSE aFOR SALE—Seven-room Dungannnn, 68-r-6, • brick house: in Lucknow:A� ly-7-7--------- •TM. PP AUCTION SALE of farm sate* • at, Sentinel`Off ce • and impleaiionts ,at Lott .6;° don, 6, SLENDOR TABLETS are • effect-: Kinloss •'Township, 1 milewest of bre.' 2 weeks' supply $1, 12 weeks, Graivel Road, on T ursday,'Mareh death:: ' r, OW SENTINEL, LUCINOW, dN'1+AI(1; NOTICE What 1. said at Holyrood Hall a'btiut ' James. 'Cochrane was. not :correct:: ' • 1VIrs. Faust; Moffat. . TENDERS TENDERS for 10 '.cords of 16 inch hardwood to, be delivered to Dun- gannon United Church—.—Tenders. tb be received, by March 31st. • •ec. • Mrs: O tt , ,a Kipp, �P! S !. Phone 52-r-3 Dungannon: CARD • of. THANKS WH``TEGHURCI-U Mr, MPS. 1 selcay. from JYiatisi, India, • who is in Toronto, spent Ia .few days with. his sister,' Mrs. ' R. Mowbray, Wingham,' He atten- ded service m his old church here a week ago .Sunday. We, weir. come, :him. home again, He .also .attended_ i e_ coanmunity • cornett and was given .a,'hearty welcorie. Mrs, • Johnitoni •andI fr. 6g* Mrs. Ezra -Scholtz • spent- Sunday in London with Mr. Lorne John- ston .whe . is a patient in: West- Minster Hosfpital.for the past •few weeps, He undetwenrt 'a:; serious .operation on Friday, , M,aster Rayciond • Adams...: suf- fered a.severe cut `below his' eye Friday` evening. Some bos were "scuffling 'inthe service :•`:station, When he f,ell iagainst; the •stave;; ire wkai ru0hed,.to , Vin am; hos` pital int' bemg,fear the yet was inij ured. He i, ned • liome on Sunday and "we are glad to re-. port he will •not' Jose 'the sight 'cf his' eye, r Chalmers' Church W.M.S. held their. meeting at.:t'he' Manse - last' Wednesday 'with • a ,good. "attend. ance. Rev.' Mr, Sut+heiiland 'spent, a fewdays in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and 'children • Of Paisley 'spent Sunday : with. her sister; Mr.. and Mrs,' Alb Coultes.. Mr, ' Kerry of •the eam,e • place „.Spent :'the. ,:'d'ay wtith them also ' .The , United" W.M.S.. held their March meeting in. the ''church :on. ,Wednesday,. Marsh 16th, The worship seryice was con;ductedby:. the `fiurst : • vice ' president, Mrs.` Gilbsn' Gillespie "in;the absence;of the president, Mrs. , Jas. 'Falconer. Prayer. Was:given Eby Mrs. V..Em erson Mrs. D. Beecroft gave the chapter' from. the •stiidy book:. Mrs," • W. R.., Farrier , .gave 'a :piano instrumental.. ..The roll: call was answered by an : attendance, of. 12., Trhe hyinri "0 . Word of ''God in- •carnate";'was "sunk';` and 'Mrs: Scheid closed the ineeting . with •prayer, :.:The !birthday ; tea was then enjoyed' by all: The h66.and and relatives ofri the•1ate.' Mrs. Wan.. Baldwiri•ws'h to express their sincere tha'n'ks ,tea i their friends and delis ors who *ere so thoughtful "during• her illness, and , at 'the time of her •r $5;•.rat Do;wn's•17rug Store. 24th at 1.00 See bills, No reserve as fariri`.is sold=,, Alex F . Surther= FOR SALE -,good elean : barley,' ' ' e for seed,1:15 "a' rbushel, land, Prop.; Donald B BXtYe, 'Atic. stiitalbl $.. •. resl Wdhb, R • .1, Lucknow; . Phone AUCTION SALE of farm stock & implemnents, at Let' 22, Con,. 10, Kinloss Township, 2• miles east of Lucknowgravel, • at; one &clock: on Tuesday, March 29th. •Uhas. Hod- gins, Prop.;' Donald B. Blue, 'Atte. • FOR. SALE ---150 bushels of"wild goose • wheat, grown. from regis-. tered.seed. Apply Howardor Earl Hrarris,.`,Holyr�ood.. , LOST • _-,. counter check book in aluminum • bolder: ;bearing , name of 1Vlungo . ° l.' acFarlari, • Finder please Ieave at Sentinel Office: • FOR SALE - set of new truck chains, 8.25x20. Orland Irwin,'' R. ;2, ,Lucknow, phone Wingham 400- r-5.: FOR SALE—good, used refriger- ator, 145.00. Owner now in 25- c c le area. Apply Harold .Greer's Y l?Py Store' . `Lucknow. FOR SALE-oie4'year old; Dur..: dam: cow, '. milking since October, . g 1st; : one : Durhain: calf, ,about five 3ronths old. Reginald McBride, R. 1, Holyrood TWO: PINTS OF BKRLOU `spray- ed on your 9x12 rug protects it from moth• damage 'for .5 years, or' Berlou: pays the damage.: Aver= age cost only .fifty.. cents a year..; WM. MURDIE & SON. AIM. FOR . THE RIGHT markets =with' the. 'right "chicks 7- Bra Chicks. ..,Prompt 'shipment on day - olds :or' started pullets, :mixed; ,cockerels. Catch the 'better mar- kett *lib March chicks 'Get price list.''. agent - D.': R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow FOR SALE4-450 N.H. x B.R. ;pul- lets, 8 weeks old•, •500 Barred Rock ,pullets, 7 weeks, old; 1000 Rock x Leghorn. pullets; 5 weeks old;.,900 'N H. x RR ,ixuxed, 5 -Weeks .old; 300:Brown • • rnpullets; ten days old; 500 -White Rock mixed 10 days old: R. E: Crawford's Feed Store, phone 165, •Lucknow: TE N`D..ERS 'TENDERS WANTED for .12' cords .16" elm wood not less than 6" nor more thane 10 inches in dia ,:rn eter. ; Wood 'to be:delivered, to ' 'the Town Hall, .L ow, before. August 1st; 1949, enders to be received :.iby the' undersigned' by April 5th: '.Jbsepli. Agnew Clerk` of the Village. of Lucknow.- :'NOTICE TO •CREDITORS Al 1 persons 'having : deigns •against,• the estate of Edgar Holly- man, late,' of the .ViIT,arge of Luck- now in, the County of • H'uron;, `re.- tired Baker, 'deceased, : wrho', died. on or •about the. 9th. day.of Febru- •ary,. A.D.:1.949 are notified to send 'to :the' undersigned. ,on or, before the 26th' day of M larch, 1949, full .particu;lars. of ` their.' claims` in. w. r)iting .Immediately, . 'after the. said 26th :day. of March, tie as- -sets of the said testator will 'be. distributed '. amongst ''. the• parties entitled •thereto, having regard: only ' to..claims. of 'which- notice shalll then :have been given.. Dated,, this fourth' day of March A D;.' 1949;•. A,f Winifred' Hollyman, Luokri,ow, ;Ontario,`E•xectitrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS., In The Estate of ` John Charles McKenziie,:. Deceased::. All persons having 'any claims or demands: ;against the estate of the : said JohniCiarles.: McKenzie who. died on or about the : Twent- ieth' day of •December; A.D. 1948, are''. required on • or before the Ninth. day "of April, 1949, to send their claims, duly proved; to the undersigned , *Executor "of : 'the estate. And . further. take ' notice that after such kat mentioned date the said executor wwill:proceed to disc Crib u'te the .: ass'e'ts of the' said -de: `ceased; having regard. only to the claims .:Of, which • he shall '-,then have notice, and • that; the.,said. executor'' Will not be . liable for the .said, assets 'Or any: part.' there- of `to any peon or persons :of whose claims notice shall. not hatvIe been receivedi by him at the time of: such distribution. , Dated the Fourth day of :March; ..Frank ,'P. •• McKenzie, • R. R: 5,::. Lucknow, Ontario.' Executor of `the saidfEstate by his 'Solicitor;. P: Stuart Mac- Kenzie: • , Ica '0 .11 We 'Invite . You To See " ^� y .. SX THOUSAND STARTED CHICKS Rook x. Leghorn . • N. Hamp. x B. Rock, Sussex x Leghorn ' Barred Rock Brown Leghorn White .Rock. • PULLETS, COX, MIXT D any other. breeds :available: Place your • order,. day-old started. Phone, write . or see CRA FORD ' ,TPHONE 165 LUCKNOVON T. i►� or Your New Life and Lieteru Dealer, LIFE TERIA =the 'gUality chid.°seeder ;atioirest price. v;' . Quantity of Oilcake Meal Now "A , wadable.• 1 of DON'T `B •FOOLISH„. don't -.1et .good egg and meat -markets pass you up'because you didn't 'order your chicks early .enough. There's sound reasoningbehind early chicks. Kitchener Big -4 Chicks,' of course. Canada Approved,;backed by a breeding 'program on Hatch- ery's own farms. Let us quote you prices ED.. V. BAKER; Lucknow. TENDERS TENDERS' FOR -GRAVEL , Twp. of West Wawanosh Sealed ';tenders' plainly. marked, will' rbe ,received' by •'the 'under. signed until sx-o'clock;..Monday, April l lTh; .1949, .'for crushing' and hauling, 4000 cubic:Yards :gravel (314, inch:size) on `a flat rate (basis, gravel to: be placed on roads any- where in -Township as directed by Superintendent: Contract. must be finished: by October::lst. A• mark- • ed cheque for $ 200:00 'tri , ac eq $ . us. company ` each tender. Lowest or •any tender not necessarily '..ac- cepted.''' Lorne Ivers, Road Supt Dungannon; Ontario. NOTICE TO ; CREDITORS In the Estate` of Allan.::Gordon Grant, ; deceased. A 11 persons having '. claims against, the estate: af Allan Gorr don' Grant, late; of the• Tawhship of <'Ashfield, 'in.: the' , County of 'Huron,; Feed 'Merchant, deceased, Who died: on: or. about -the '28th day, of .January, 1949, asehereb . notified: to send • in to ' the : under signed Executors; on • or before the 31st day of Mardi; :1949.,'l pa rticulars of their claims, Immediately after the said 31st. day: • of Mai h, 1949, the assets of the estate will be ` distributed amongst t h.e. parties.• entitled' thereto having regard only to claims of; which the ' Executors. shall then . have notice ' Dated at Lucknow; Ontario,- this 2nd :day of March, *1949. Frank MacLennan, •'Lucknow, Ontario, and B ChishQli'n, R.R::. 3, , Goderic , On- tario,'' Erxecutors. li..W. Andrew, their Solieitar herein. GIRL GUIDE NEWS The regular meeting of the i g Girl Guides was held, on :Friday night at' the Legion. Rooms. There were sik. Guides absent • o; , • d rs. "V o ern;"sur'leader; sub- scribedcopies of the 'Guides'' ,paper These copies will •go to the patrol:.' leaders and our Lone _Guide.w., The Girl Guides` of Lucknow would , like 'to thank'those who have responded 'so 'generously to the ' •letters :they received last Week, The Guides ..have ,not. yet decided how rnfuch they will give to the .Ifuronia Guide Camp fundi Sonne of the Guides tried their .Laundress ;badge at this meeting: After the business was over the Guides worked on their sereno-,. worked Mrs: McKim then. told a story of St. Patrick, ' After a recreational period. . of songs ,and gimes the -meeting was closed With taps.: WROXETER HAS PAID a . total of $600 to the four � munici"1lities which :sent .fire' ' fighting ui .�1 p ment to their aid during last fall's fire. Wingham received $225, Har. riston. $200, Listowel $100 and Brussels $75. S° J• J. PYMM Accountant Business; and Tax Service for the 'Small Business Man, the �Psrra1 n air•Ldra#esshio e ' FarmerM. • . Office in. Kilpatrick ; Block • TUESDAY; o ' SDAY And SATURDAY., 'Phone ;237w, LIIcknow • UtorObi e �ners TH A,Y`, . MARCIT 24th; '1949 Buys McBride Farm Wilbert Sheene .ot Bei -vie has, bought • Reg , Mearkle's :farm at Kinlough. Reg is continuing to:. reside on the darm. ' WESTERN' FARMERS °Weather Insurance -Mutual-Cm— MOTTO: MOTTO: • Prompt anti. Satisfactory mn ete e .. : Setis For information, reliable' protection, satisfaction,' consult your local agent SAM-'ALTON LVCKNOW. 'Phone' Dungannon ..84•r-4 • RNIT • OPTOMETRIST: w'. ':IN.LUCKNOW FLRST •• WEDNESDAY OF, EACH MONTH, ` from 0 a.;riar to . 6 pini, , WM.'SCHMID'S STOItt ';n. Insure, In 'Sure Insurance • C onfderati. n eLife o f WIND, CAR, FIRE -Preferred Rates .foe' • pteferred : risks.• • ACCIDENT ,Se„SICKNESS Consult . . JOHN FARRI� H S :'P.hone '7-r-15•. ,sun annon • NSUR"ANCE VIRE, .:CASUALTY • and AUTOMOBILE To. Protect Your . Jack - Insure- With`Jack, Today A.• '� cDON'- 1VI O ACTH R.R. 3 Lucknow, ' Onit . Phone 61-5 Dungannon • ANDREW:•-• 'Barristerand Solicitor Y. `� LUCHNOW, ONTARIO Office ; in the Joynt. Block .Telephone Office 135'. -.' Residence 314 Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton; Ontario. ., • ION LUCKNOW Each Wednesday riri'tpay two prices`' o your insurance For the. most economical ' and reliable protection in AUTOMOBILE -INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE t ' FIRE INSURANCE' , SICK, & ACCIDENT INSURANCE, and' .• : Y . °HOSPITALIZATION See'or Call -T. Ai.CAMERON Luekpow, Ontario. Phone Dungannon 70-r.-10 :: r OFFICE IN HENDERSO111 BLOCK` S. Hethering, ton • r Barrister, Etc... .Wingham and Lucknow` IN LUCKNOW Each .Monday &Wed pe �ssday:' Located on : the ground floor • in the ,front of • John :Kilpatrick's ' Buifdingr. 'Phone Winghan.' Office 48 ' : , ' Resin en e 97