The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-03-17, Page 8• •R,., .. Rte, n 1y 17 Wilkmodoomvpicipw -.... NTARICr . , LUCKNQW S�ITINEL; LUC'&1V�JW, Q lotfillNN U111 llmotiom siotl lii r TRspA ,, MARCH. 17th, 1949) ,•r SPRING! is just around` the corner. It i$ the; thine• .t..0 -` 4.141111E of • . r New oar CHURC}i NEWS 1 Presbyterian Y P• 'S, -, rte• meetipg of the ,Y0444 au4cg Penpale's • e�ttyy was held I • • 0,4 Y.= +{p 1 Y, 4 We ;have a good range of • ••sfzes • in Congoleum, Gold Seal rugs, at. the' new , .prices. Sizes 6x9, .7%1x9; 9x10/2.„ 9*12 9x1314,' r ,,'q and 9x15 ' ` .r:• •. on Tuesday; March 8th, The meet- ing opened viiith the singing ., of hymn 2X2. 'tlhe. poriptnire ' lesson w,as rea.d`by Mary Anna Macln- yre Rand ; i mr••`483 was sung.: Af- ter therea*.aiting �' f the Lord's 'prayer, Marion MacDonald' :con- ;ducted a sing song. Gladys Chin and. Ruth Johnston- favored with a duet arid .Nlorman' Taylor p'lay- ed. a 'piano solo,, Betty Miller gave are,ading 'and Matrgaret•.Rae sang n solo. After the' singlirug"of 1-13tnn :521. Gladys MacDonald closed in praYer. Drennan• -Black: Group The. March •m.eeting . of ` the �Drei nan B` acl� group .of the '{y0,1 men's : As.socLa'tion. ,was heldr on _ W'ednesd'ay: at-jtle h'oane cif Mrs. TO OT- .. Rae- . with 'an 'attendance • of• •22. TTEEN & • :. . • '� AR LADIES Mrs Black presided, Atter the devatienial ekei'cises, the , ol11)ca11; N1111111ll1111 01,14111141111', 1011ulliiillIIiIIHIIIBIillll11111111011 1111ll001.1111191 111#110111IIIIuIIUIOIlliglI IIIIIIUNh11111 IUINIUIIItlllllil,hfil llll i Receives P.V. • CHAMBER :.OF . COMMERCE License Alvan Sherwood. of •D1ungana on, • has been granted, a, PIT. :license #or ar'bus service between Dun -0 Bannon and, Gode i ieh, 'Alvin also ans Specializing on a chartered; bus service. ' • M. ;H. Garin, - Lucknow i ave • on _ x on these Shamrock Specials St. Patrick' Jelly . Beans Lb. Stoney Creek Rhubarb 20 oz. tins. 2 for Grand for pie Kellogg`s- :Ali Bran 16 oi..• k ,.......,: ..:........:. 23c Fruit' Belt Dessert Pears .20 .cz. tin Cho ce gtuslity Froin -seleete orchards ni Ontario's celebrat , Ted Niagara' Peninsula: • Sun' -Maid Seeded Raisins 15 oz.' box 25c 'High in food value, Bar ton's Asparagus Cuttings w' 20' oz. tin 27c Standard quality. These and: mala,. other "Sham - •rock ' •Specials" : - can• be Pur;., chased •inn , our' storey up ill: closing time . }Saturday' night. Look ' for •onr 'spechtl green Siamroek price cards. WHILE WHEY LAST.,--A•'Hap py : Gang Family Photo : given' awa7 ..free with the 'purchase of 'any ••Colgate , Palmolive pro- duct, Super Suds, Vel, Fab'. or Palmolive Soap; : ,' • HOMPSON (Continued from page' 1), .local •'CIhamber with the Domin- ion !body, which: works on= a nat •ional scale to 'represent: the ir''ter :est' of Canadian business at: Oft' tawa; ' Each'' Ghaniber, •:':'regardless -Of 'size, k1'as':.only; I nie 'viote :on nat- ional ;.policy., Thee interests, it was .stressed„ ar:e mercantile, in- tdusal;S'aigricultia1 and civic Mr 8ainith orit7ined •yarious-:lo,ng; range:: and short,: teittnK: civic 'pro- jects:. projects that ' many Cligintheig ,have and•; are taccOnipliSshii g' The •es ARRIVING LlIS WEEK. iltomot r for )a • L A DIE..:.S AND : "PEEN •ACi<ERS .. ......... . • Shorties 4n.4. Full Length: •Also ,Coats for ages 7-12, 2-6,' 1 2, :3 BOYS' S ITS, agga: 4 to 16 Years; . was answered with :an.Irish song. The ':scripture -was read by Mrs. Eldon I•len'derson. •'Irish readings. were givieni: by Mrs. T.: McDonald" and Mrs J. C. , mol4ab aril 1VIrs :. Webster gayfe..a 'musical . number:. A contest;.;'and social half hour were held at:. the' :close of the meeting. - , , McNay -Kilpatrick, ,Group The•' McNay-Kilpatr'l `•GriouP: of: `the W.:. A. met nit' the"x home of ,Mrs. W. B.''Anderson wig .20: -ladies present. -Th meetii 'open 01., with • singing -of.hy¢� 148 tot Io'Wed, by the ' Lord's'' prayer • in unison. • The roil call Was answer- ed: by my favorite'.' ris i song; 5ence' ,af' the' Sucoe vf� the:C ofrio:ictinecr ricks readyb3►membersinmuch amlilsement:.: Tlie; sora, . ure lesson"'` Was read by: Mrs. •Yia'ses• of ,its.�a�ctivity • .Pt,• R. :Ctiaber't. •' 1Vlns.• E. Crawford, , r 'Fire . ;Truck 1Approved 11iTis: Carnegie : and ' 'Mrs. mavens Reeve : Solonhon game. credit to had ` harge: Fob' the .program: hus • council. for: sponsoring';; this Harold 'Treleaven gave a reading: movement. He took the oppoi tun; `• three'. days oto `see",: by, _ Helen ity to inform 'the that `Ke#ller Joyice and Joan Campbell •alpproval h'ad• !been. received froan;''tank ''a duet; "Rose a f.Tralee" ae the Municipal Br3aifor the . spur eon anied•' •try Miss `Welsh: The; chase .• of a new ire.°;truck,: and meeting Closed';' A s�oeial'.icup 'of =th 'the 'Fire :'Com . was- .ro- tea -,ani lunc+h': was served A ` uilt. at may A .. ,q ..seeding to .build a' shall to &fuse for the missionary bale was .quilt ' the iiew ' equipment VWe have ed ' at' this .meeting. k een,fortunate !here in' respect to fire IosseS, he said,:: and added Hunter -Jones Group of W A. that 'good f ire �prote!ction could The March meeting" ofi;.the w; ::was held at the hone; of Mrs. Abe an encouragement to industry.A ; A scare o Nelson' Bushell. `M¢* Iiuriteir had' • > rs Voided,their • •chatge of the: meet ing• which op- o�piruons' in the matter.- ;All;' were • ... •., ...: :.: . 'advocates'of the C' of C:�� `ut .the enc l by. singui;g •hymn' 388 'after Which the. Lord's. „prayer wras re- u -. ,o arose if the new ;,bod: Y n Y� plated in unison. The'scripture w o,u• 1 d • over! • , or 'supersede • reading was taken iby, Miss Bell other' torganiratiions vv'liieh in tl><e Rolbertsan, follorwed•txy prayer by ast have s ` �� ed a.: oi-dhw'hle :.. ... .., ' p e 7 Mrs . Hioag, The iniinutes of last purpose . in' the v'illsge: The.: con- ..., , _....�_ � ,.... .. , - ciusion seearied to be:�'thrat the 'C: meetini.gt' . ere • dread :and Adopted. of C. • •:hsd '' 'a job Ito , do in :The treasitz• s report was given: wi other - Plans.. were made' for 'the' bazaar: concoction . , th o h r organ a which is to ;ate 'held • T the. base-. tions, • whether 'or not they event-' wall becaane:.ass milated b ,it. • ment of the Church,:: April• 23rd. y • Y, It will be A vote or thanks wias tendered ' atiPreciated if,ari'embers'. d'onlate baking or • sewing to this. the speaker, the. Women's. Insti-. { A letter was read from Mrs. Jas; tute `and fit D. Th chair-Ma�•' thers.from Byron • The, roll call m • •an of.the 'planning ` committee ",was '• ansrovered Eby a ;•household: for the, banquet. hint.. Anyone having clothing for ' _i� sing song Prier to`1Vtr mth's' ;the : bale. please., leave. 'gat. `Mrs: address was led by, Bill" Pappas ; George :Elliott's:. Hymn x483 was, with Wilfred Black ai the piano.sung.' A • 'reading was given'' by. The nominating committee was Mrs. Harold Ritchie,.::also one 'by. composed of W. B Anderrob, 'Ev4 Hazel Webster. A vocal dtiet -was eit rnnitaan:, D iiV ...J_Qhn _ 'x�n by rs. lloag �aiid- Mrs of •: e arch Lay-Awa eo st 5.00 Down : keeps": a Suit, Coat or •Dress : for you. . NDBAG > W •SH°IPMENT OF LADIES .HA . S Black,'.. Navy and. Brown • re .: h Country: Club. • White : Shirts ,orsyth "Prince Albert"- .colored' woven'' Shirts i ens of Braces s Socks, 'Garters, .Ties,:.have arrived for Your Spring •:outfit. • CHAS.; E..'WEBSTFR ' • r■�'f■���r>•��p���■■r�t�u�f■1•pHu�a�■��■■■1■■a■■gas �• ■ ■•: • • ■ • '' ■ Men'.'s 4 -buckle Rubber 'Overshoes, special $3;25 Li.'; Men's: Felt Top Rubbers. Special _ W ta.fur cuff omen : s Fleece, Lined'•. S:nobao , , to. wear over 4hoea black'• brown, kred. .� ,. e w� 75: .Clearig >n ati•��.4.75' .Reg: $6.95 Clearing at _ -- ;59. Reg.9.50.:Clearing.. tat $7:50' luN! iiiitIiutiaapIR11N11gYW1gai a :N. ■ a: a we There , were po members 'present. The April meeting will , Haiel Webster conduoted . at Ahe .home George: E);. and Mrs: ,Clirff Crawford. : Friendii. Service. storvI3 b h 'Caan "Iti&n,0 %fiohirliall and WS 'Harvey Web which lunch ..wias served te" Parrish • stet; 'favored with a piano solo I vote of thanks given the'iuistess L WOOL,•BED THROWS All the wanted • colOrs-ii4e, green, blue, gold 'and wine, Satin bound. Reduced $6:95 • INDIAN BLANKETS , in ..aniazing new colors. • • • 1.1 On on NIP ro 8 er yo Er fiE so ca as 1.211 16 BE an EN 20 bo yo 9 for fil 151 BI aL