The Clinton New Era, 1878-11-07, Page 8vLINT0N NEW EltA,* To ollo FRIENOS--ANO PATRONS. During the past year we have worked very hard in the I0ndeavor to make tito Tin*. a paper worthy tho Support .9.1 all, and believe tbat ltavo sueeeeded in lootoking it oeeend to nom.' But to do this we have boon put to eonsiderable expense, and. thus tor the returns loavo not beer. fa proportien to tho outlay. Wo do not like to Ito coutinually asking our dubseribers to pay itp, anh would. mush rather' not do •it, bat as we very vital Mod motey to enable Ug to carry On our business, vie must. 'We have many hundred dellaa of subseriptions on:our book:hand ks Ivo -only ask, tor ;hat whieh Is pre. TOT1Y! our own, we trod our ouboeriberit will at once use the urgency of 012C easeoltd pay up. Thelsurvoot, befpg ever, and farmers beinordw 114 14 11013MOU to sell their grain, we hope Well Who are inclobted to. its will leavo a portion of Moir proeeedaylth us. goal Vattot0. • PROVINCIAL 'PLOWING MATCH. • r.fhe anneal Plowing Match under the auspices of .the Agrieulttiral and 'Arts Association of:Ontario, for .district No. 4, which comprises, the counties of Hu - roil, Grey and BructN• wlis.held- on the, Greenbank farm, late Fulton's, near this town, on Thursday last. During the previous night a storm had: been raping frolh. the northwest, and throughout*the whole time plewing -.was ,going on the storm did not abate. The snow VII was. not heavy, but just „stifficient to .coiter the grofmd, and. es. it Wag' a little soft, it balled on the horSeFsfeot. Although . good"tieldior •-theeptirposer-the land was net ,good order; being to wet. In consequence of the slay being' so Un- favorabte only one-half of the 'nsual cluantity of land was allotted td the cow petiters. If the weather had been fa- yorable..there, would have been a much larger number of competitors, As there n . were a umber Who had signified. their intention of competing who did not en- • ter. Coinparatively few •visitors were on the ground, as the wind was very :cutting and Cold, multhe roads leading there 111 a sloppy condition. • • The following were. 'the competitors 1p the different classes, and their ploughs Fansm-thass-,open to. all --D. 13, .IcLetin, Tuclrersmith, a IdeTavish plOugli,•of ThoD Tho. Steel, Downie, a aidron plough. ..1no. Marquis, Godericli township, 1V1iller plough, , of Clinton. Peter MeDougall, .Gederich town- ship; a Loa plough. Alex. Thompson', Stan- ley, MoTavia la plough, Clinton. -VVilliani on, Almu, Yeandle plough, . john Cahill, Ellie° township, a Runaphrey.plengli.• 'Wm.. Geo. Betts, .syoris ttoo $1; W. 'Whittington Work ; )31a0 hood, hos'e sfnifte, tic,, $6,30 AA, Haien, work, $1,25 ; J. A. Neltes, advertising end telegraph account, $f.50 ; L. I,rvein, account for coal, $1;50 ;, W. Bowey, bedding covers of tanks, $3,50, js communicationwas read front E, 13, Holmes, in reforencolto the soap of the town to be publiabed by xi, Balden Co,, elect one from Conn, jaCkson, protesting against tite votes and seat of coun, peat, on. -'..'theAroinuls of non- qualidcation; and two corn inimications in reference to _the purchase: of Vire Engine, but no ;Wien was taken on any of them, • • Delaney, Ribbert, a Humphrey plough. Wm. Forsyth, Morris; a Davidson plough. Bait. a tomate vine . t agrown. a legadle plongh. .Alex. I 1°. t- 40 2ild con. Tuckersnnth, showed us '.li t hall to the un - Hay; Turnberry, • Bitchanan, Colborne, a Runciman plough. , rusual. length. of aline feet, tea inches, and Nsoostn-Cx;ass - Maar-who never „ took al bore it.large drop of fruit. prize at a provincial or county match :-.I. B. HE CLINTON NE* Eitik. AvotnEwr.-.0n. Saturday last, ft , of Mr. -.Tis. Cartwright, Of the Oth con., lInllett, met with 4 shocking accident. hile elitting straw on a f.itack, with a ay .knife, lits right hand slipped, aurl passing down the face of the knife was almost severed at the wrist, the bane being almost .completely cut through. • GOIDERACII Itarants.---Tim IVIethodist Church T1 the Maitland etenceasion is undergoing repahs. ACw.n4yr,-.„..-A little. over` a Week sinee IVIr. L. ReaVelle, of the Maitland Moved by Conti. Chidley, set:, by con., fell and broke several of Ina ribs, Conn, Menzies,' that at). 'Order be draw0 whwh it i supposed penetrated his lungs, on the Tivasurer for $60; to pay insur- as he diQa en FridaY lest from 'the In- Ance On the to'wn hall for 1878-79.;„--• iuries he had received, Carri; L ed, • $00IETY.–-.171 - • TV AMU AS moved by Coon. 111e1tkes, sec. by as the Railroad Hall Debating , Coen. Chidley, that the balance of existing' i;ei the 7t1r con. or Goderieli Bowey and Izzard'esteconots, laid over township, was re-ergaitized• for the win- froin last meeting', be paid. -Carried. I ter on Tuesday of last week/ Meetings Council then -adjourned, wit) he held et et . ON , emu ' y Tuesdty -" • ` tr loc.kr.s are scarce this week. - Toe an inch thick has formed here this season. • • TnextE Was n slight fall of' ,stieW Tuesday night, - A very nice lettered lo.mp noOf adorns the front of the 'Rattenbury Honse. Tun week -night ,,iewvices in. the Pres- bytvian- Clmrelf tui Mill being eoli- th-med. • • Mits. J. A. Yuill of this place,: has .gone to Wciodstocls,. te take part in a coneert there. , • . The Ecoposior last week" had an it00; about " the yillage, of Tipperary, m Goderich , tewnship," Where is this village, inaly Mu. .1). MOTAUG111.0.1, W110 lias re- cwitlY been attending thso Model Scheel .„. 1. Busiwiiiss here is vevY TAO jiist now. Gun, streets are not over Clean this Cannot be helped at the tinie•of year. • the Oentiervatives.in the centre coristit: ueney canse,s curious Comments. . LisirrwaionT's complete.. " cOreorover" RE*.siencei Roosr,---It is •proposed to start a reading _rooni in connection with. the Mechanies' institute. in ts •shoi:t time: l• NEW ThitiVi,Ne.-0•‘. . Relibrn's new 'residence is speedily Advancing, to- ward coMpletion. It is quite a consul°, dious building, and „when finished will. 'add Much to the appearanee of the place. GuNroWiirn rtor.-The gunpowder plot was celebrated by an Orange pro- cession and a grand supper, at I. Emighse hotel. • Everything passed Off quietly, which adds :noel) te. the reputation of here, has. been temporarily engaged in Brussels school. • , Blyth.• • • • • . " • ' • Soolars.--e.A. seei held. at Mr; MR. Ore R. PATuL1.0, of the 'Weed- .Tohn Buie's, on the 30th Oct.,. in con, stock Sentin.4-Review, tintt Thos. Oliver, isTovkaulat 7, 1t$11;: (RODERIC Mr. D. D. Wilton left Seaferth on TWA* rum the litigael4 • clay for Scotland, lie take° With 11101 to S01100G A.TTexnAxen.---The attend- olgsgow quent110' eIVIes and eggii• anee at the Common sehoele for October was 767; of which ps were bop Rild 359 girls. The average etterulance was 6n, \viola pereentage 84. •;Kilo) 0' MixEn.---During the recent contest a young man was in a shop in town. The proprietor asked him how his father was going„to.yote„..„ The answer was, "1 belieire he will vas) Tor Ross, although he does think a good cleel et 0 on rao w e er About two weeks ago t we valuable' horses were taken from the farm of a gentleman in Ardifield, anti for tt time no eine conid be obtained as to who had taken, %et or where they were takeu to. It ilnitiiraiow 'been aseertained. that there li'ad heen a chattel mortgage on them aod that they were • brought to Goderio'n by two men, and ahipped 'ou,board the steamer Ontario, for Dolutli,the nocebiary papers having been slsken mit at the consulate there, The Clinton NEW, ERA until &Many, 2859 tor $1.50, in advance. . WHAT WE OFFE TWO MONTII FREEI • wet.° neetion with the Presbyterian Clmrchs Esq., M.P. for North •Oxford, which was well attended. *One'svas also towir:on Saturday last: . . . . . matt reniallioit. the other held at:the .house of Mr, W. :Shane„, on c,onnectian.: With the :chiy; that he thought the.ceraing N%intor th° 4th 1'4' hi (liar* which v.*' gi'ana' was.going te be the hardest for trade,. of any experienced, for some 'years. past. s-"ccess- - • . LONG VINE. -.Mr. jos. Ciklmore, of • .1-30•ILItoao•-e-The running of the L., Mo,Lean, lueltorsmith, a Barrowman plough. ANY one .wishing to get 411 olNeellent Mr. Wm. Steele, Down, a Davidson plough. Janaes Campbell, Emit Williams. Geo. jackson plocgh, London. Walter Whyte, Hibbort, T. Grey (Scotland) plough, Dan MeEwen, (Bay. field road, Stanley), Munro plough. Jas. Me: Denald, Hallett,. McTavish plough. E. Cour- Vice, aoderich township. McTavish plough, Wm. McKertcher, Howie; Mc Arthur litough. Thos.-Forsytb, Morris, Munroe plough. Win. Weir, Goderich township, Grey (Scotland) plough. Will. Dale, Tuekerginith, Munro plough. • Tunw-GLAss-Boys--4under eighteen years of age :-Andrew McLean; Tock.ersmithe Bar- rowman plough: Alex; McLaughlin, Ribbed, Munro plough. George. Alertly, Grey town- ship, Munro plough. d'olin,MeEwen (Bay flold road), Stanley, Munro plough. Ias. Hain. mond, Ribbed; Munro plough.. 1)erey Stew- an accident on tbe line near Toronto. art, Colborne, 'Wildman plough. Rola. Hun- 1 nosou o poger$ thought 1 • they had a long, tor, Usborne,,Boss plough. view.of the town should, ascend the Hose Tower, in rear of the , market. blinding where they still able. to' `tithe a survey .of the „eirt.rounding Country, ' . • ColutierieN-- r he paragraph, clipped from the &instal, stating that a inoiVor wia stolen from lqrs. Cassidynear Man- chester, is not 'correct. It was not sto- len, and not left to be -tested, but was tut old machine loaned to cut her crops; 2I1P, train en the Grand , Trunk due hereat 2:20 pan., Thursday, did not or- . rive until 1 o'clook9011.Friday, owing to Nearly all the plows Were iron, and in first-rate trim, and most et' theplow, in was well done. Bolew is the Ibit of prize Winners : Futer-thaes.-Ist Prize, John Marquis, $40, or $20 and a hers° rake frore Thomson, Wil- liams & Co,. Stratford ; 2nd, D. B. McLean, 0; fird, Thos. Gibson, $25 ; 4th, -lobe Ca- hill, a plough worth $15, given by Miller &- Tedford, Clinton, and„ $s dash ; 5th,Wm. 'Dickaon'815; 6th, Alex. Thompson', 810, given byGlasgo w, 'Macpherson & Co., Clinton;' 7th, Tho, Steele, $5, Szeosn-ClAss,-let prize, E. Courtice, a fanning will, given by MoTaggart & Co.,,Clin- ton and $1,0 cash; 2nd, James -Campbell, $28; 3rd; Wm. MeKerelier, $2J; 4th, James Camp- bell; a pair of diamond harrows, given by Thomas Tipling, Clinton, valtio VI, and $3 cash ; 5th; J.B. McLean, $10 cash; fith, Dun: can McEwen, $6:caela.' 'rniiin-Cidiss.-:-Boys--lst prize, Jas. 'Ham- mond, 25;$2ad, Geo. Martin, $20; 2iif;" Alexander McLaughlin, $15; 4th, It, Hunter, $10; 5th, A. McLean, $4; Oth, J. McEwen, $4; 7th, P. Stewart, 83. • . Jootias.-Firet.clags inen--James Thoreau, Stratford; J. L. Conrtioe, Goderich township; • A. A. McArthur, Lobo 4. and Alexander Mon- teith, Rippe's, &corm Alm Bolts' thAiSr.S.-,,Tno Kennedy; London;- Mr. Hutchinson, ,C4oderich ; and ' Jos. Salkeld, Stratford. • - Mr, W. Roy, of ()wok Sound, Chair. man of the Committee, and. Mr. S. Sinn. lie, Secretary, exerted themselves to the utmost of their ahility in forwarding the intoreSts of the mad. Taking all things -into consideration, the arranoPe- ments of the inatteh were well earned out, And the plowing *rag to credit to the' district. , ToWn Council; • • The regular monthly meeting of the OpUneil was on Monday evening, ' menthe's all, in!esent• except Mesons. Allison, Cooper, Smart and Jackson. The repeat of the Vinance Committee, recommending the payment of the fol- lowing accounts, was road aod adopted, viz to -7G. Rentgett, $11.17 ; A. It King, glass and glazing on Market House, .28; Glasgow, Macpherson Si: Co., coal for testing fiteengine'$2•46 ; .john Stephenson, tank tub,• $61 ; II. Scott, oxpenses to London, telegraphing, ikc., 3. Pox, work on tanks, $3; jas. Ferguson, filling tanks, dm, $1.26 ; W. . Cook, Work, $9.63; W. Bowey, brick -work on tank, t350; S Cook, excayafing tank $32.40 ;fl. Webb, Work, V 0 ; enough 'ride for their money_ this time. PUBLIC Smoot, T1:A011ERS' l'ION.-We understand that for the con- venience of •those teachers throughout the county who intend applying for se- cond class certificate, they Will be I)01 - /flitted to choose the High School they avill write at. They must notify My. F. Adamson the Pact a this choice. A. BIG Prawrs.---Mr. John Follancl, of this place, has a hoese plant that is of unusual size. It is' supposed to be .a ftflow crysanthum and stands three feet two inches-freni-the-earth to the top, is two feet four inches across the top; and at the present time has 130 flowers in full bloom. If any One in Clinton in beat it .John wants to hear of them, :UNUSUAL MUSE OP few days mince a lady in town Went ;may from home, locking up her house, het unintentionally, leaving a eat therein. It was discovered after it bad been „in- carcerated for three days, and removed by a neighbor, who found that, iu its efforts to get out, the cat had tern down lace cartel* torn blinds, and otherwhe done considerable injory; ," DfailNe BeetIS Sorkorrat:13.-burivg the past week Mr, Howard, clerk of the Division Court, has had a number of persons calling on him for advice. The cause of their trouble has been the receipt by them of bogus Division Court Stirainoeses, in the shape of final betide before entering proceedings. Mr, lioward is of the opinion that a number of small grocers in the city have supplied themselves with bo- gus copies, and take this means of compelling those owing them to sista() their bale. The one before us is 112 the matter of. Wm. Boss & Coo vi Darling, for the sum of $2.32; and signed William D. Smith. Should the per- king using them for such purposes, or by way of a pratioal joke, be foiled, they will in all probability have a chance of beeoinieg fern Mar with the interior of the jail.--,Muft. We are informed that some or the same sort of begas summonses referred to above have been circulated in To any rectiYing :inch we week( inform them that all processes lasited out of the Division CeltlltS are Signed.. by the Clerk and stamped with the seal of the CoUrt, and any person attempting to copy or isaue any paper purporting to be by authority of any of the 1,Yettr1a troy be held liable to proteention. crimi- nally. The perpetrators of this swindle had better :beware or they nitty meet the. Same fate promised those in Toronto. H. 45:13., through this place was the best thing that ever happened to!Blyth, Since that °courted the. village has shot ahead with surprising rapidity, and tbeamount of tosipesit done at this station would compare faitorably. With that of larevr 'places. Audit VA no %Yonder, seeing tiiat our gentlemanlyugent eantakethe bog any.otlier. on the line. • • .• O 21C(111)IINT.-4,,1lsc Tnursoay eveinug while Mrs*. Blade wag' engaged in some work around the stove, her clothes sod- deals- caught fire, and immediritelY 'she was wrapt Itt flames, which would have resulted in death had not the timely' as- sistance rendered- by Thonms end Mr. Richie in extinguishing the flames, al- though getting • .their bands' severely burnt. Mr.. Rieltie Wila bUrnt arimud the shoulders, nook, and arms, • EsEcrriosr oF Orrnunts.--:-At the •laSt. regular 'meeting of the G:T., the following officers were duly installed • Mr. Wm. Polk:elf, W. 0. '17, ; Miss Bella Bain, W. V. ; Mr. R. A. Wright, W. S. ; Miss Mary J. liage.rsou, W. A. S. Mr. C. V. Fleetly, W. F. S. Miss Mary McTavish, W. T.; Mr. Edward Sherrill, W. M. ; Miss Lizzie Wright, W. M.; Miss Janet Wilson, W.1, (1.; W, 0. G. ; Miss Mary Ale- Quarrig, AV. 11, lf, S. Hanlon." • ' the aniinals;wili be recovere'd queatien, SWEET POTATOES. ----We have succeeds ed. in raising sweet potatoes this R.ftSen lteectif: !arm Clutegoet in V'i) Pray. . to perfection in quality, eAul in size be- • — yomi anything we ever saW many , lot 2145.78tttloottu! folethae" hhat404:oldshlitii3s, weighing from fonr to five psfunds, aNiyulo Ata(:3,11r, 0.no, young, tor the limn of $2,15o, one turned the scale at 5.a poinnis, one in oil Mr. Wm. McLeod has sold his farm, need not ask if there is any north half lot 24,,Oon. 5, lVforritr, to David nada ,vho can beat this for NVO believe of West Zorra, county of Oxford, there isatot, but "we would like to hear eistr' fronrany other grower in ' the country, or the slat of, 83,800. , and if our experience will be of benefit s iTa.hrs,e,°Poloeon...414, flia5y0, not's•rtlefasrli')Iy' 13•°.t‘siv6,7•ETt to any' it Will be cheerfally given. , der, has been sold to W, BaWden, of 'Bice, MALiototis.T.Qur Conservative friends bei, for a itands9me figilto,: were determined to 1:04 up their stone Mr. Jas. Loo,dinau,, f Hay,I . 1 , o 1,is pure las- throwing to the last moment. .Tiap- ed the farm adjoining the Bethesda B.C.- pily wo have few exhibitions of. down- 1)ell.emrohh, nUinagh,origle.,thfoorairtueriirlyorezeoilo.hy; Mr., Agfa rullianitud, but on Saturday even- -bag whilst the election returns were be: MT' Wels-IVre71.pter, en Wealle8c1e7 1"t sold his 'farmf north hay :of lot 21, con. 8, itie received,. and. just at. a montent. to Mr. ;Tames- Eyame.of the township of when Mr:• Cartwiight NM addressing. Blandford, °Minty of Oxford, for $4,100. th,e huge number assembled in the Re form ileoms, some tnisere„t• sent a Mri IL C4ciall°1`11?Y'.°f:Seaf"th' has ditt' pose of his house aud lot on John street ..STANLEY. •Covsolt, 601410i1 Met pursuant io-adjourninent, ut-Vin Saturday, the 2nd. Nov, Members all present. The reeve in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting read and adopted.. Moved by Mr. Castle, see. by Mr.. Mc- Kinley, that the account of E. Holmes orf, amounting to $34.60, ter print- ing 4re., be paid. -Carried. Moved b Iv Aikenhead, sec. by Mr. Castle, tlit1t the reeve give an order to Francis Geoclwin for give], amount $15.00.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, sec. by 'Mr. Castle, that the reeVe give ail order to Mr, 13renermaii for gravel;•as certified to by seVeral pathmasters, amount $16.-=-- Ottrried. Moved by Mr. Castle; see: by Mr. McKinley, that the clerk get the necessary papersfor nomination and elee- tion for this tournehip, also that a by-law be pitesed appointing returning officers for this .year, they to he.ttiame as last year. -Carried.. Moved by :Mt Aiken- head,"sec. by Mr. Douglas, that the reeve ' give art order to F. G. Ruirtbal for $1.60, repairing culvert. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Pestle, sec. by Mr. Aikenheacl, that the reeve give alt ortlei for $1.50 to Mr. Wharton Hodgson for his services as constable at the court of revision of the voters' -Carried. Moved by Mr. 'Castle, seconded by Mr. Douglas, that the reeve give an, order to Mr. Aiken - to the aniouht of $10, to buy clothing for Thomas, Kay, an indigent person, -Carried, Moved by Mr. Aiken - head, SeC, by Mr. Castle, that this °sun: eil do now adjourn fo meet on the last Saturday in 'December, at 10 e'crock,-„- Carried. • Witt. PLUNICETT, • kdag 4.11.0 TFAAPPEVEZ stone through • •ono of 0thewindows, to Mr -Paehley,_ for.the gamut 8525,.eash: strlking 'a' yonng men on the erin with The -lot contains one-fifth of au acre, and considerable force and scattering lion- the house is a Mall but comfortable frame. drecla of splintered fragments of glass r Mr. •Peter Geiger has babght lite south through the room. The stone. tin.own half of Mr. Nicholson's farm, situated on would probably pointd • the Brolvascin line, Hay. Last spring Mr, weigh two s. HURON' ITEMS: • Geiger sold his own farm with the inten- don Of •Jnotting to the United State*, brit after visiting parts of Ohio and Kansas he • came to the conolusicm that he could suit Mr. Joh Rae of MelCillop, died in himself better in Canada than the States, Dakota; of typhoid fever, lately. • Rey. Mungei rraser iif-St. Thomas, has • • Sale' itegister. declined the call to Seaforth Presbyterian church. Mr. Moses lltfe, Of Par Line, Hay, slit a fine ;deo last oiceq11. Theca.rcasa weighed 120 Die.• Miss Bathe; of Wiughain, has .heeti gaged in S. S. No. 4, Morris, •st a Salary Of $279 per dminin. • A Child of Mr. &pine' 33eatty, °cock.. ersmith got bitellY scalded a few. days ago, opsolting a teariet off the stove. Tim Congregations of BlueVale aikil Ea - dies Prethj: terion churches, are talking of extending 6. call to Rov„ Mr. McKay. Mr. Ti•ann of-klensalL has soldhis. en - tiro herse, 11 Young Enterprise,' to Mr', Jr, Fie er, of Colborne, forthe handsome figpro... f $450 • tast week Mesh's, 'Cleilninghant Pratt ria Reynolda, were each tined .$20 and cosfs .by: an 'Eeter magistrate for aelling liquor contrary to law, • • • ' Miss Siale,Patton'at present engaged as a:imbue:it teacher iu tho aelfool at Beet:oilier, :has been ckgaged to take charge df No. 7; Colborne, at a ealarY of $265, for ,the year 1870. A ea't belonging to Wm. Duncan, tsf Bluovale, gitee birth to 'o• kitten with two heads, two tails and eight feet, all perfectly formed on tho ono bikly. The monstrosity was atlive When born, hut. expired shortly after. • , IL CohAini•of Blyth, met with it painfal accident on Tuesday: Ifehad entered the works of Alexander Su Craig, and was edg: ieg•couie staves, when his right hand came in contact with•the saw; lacerating it fear-.. fully. ' . • • At lilYth, lest Week. Meilits., NCKinnon (R.- McMillan shipped ten ors of wheat- to° Liverpool; and ..three cars of barley to. Buf- falo, and Messrs Boland Ai 141eLennan 5s,iiir)em,paedteri .eare of wheat,and or cars f .Duriug the past nionth 12,000 tons of freight have 'left Exeter station. The earnings for the inonth aniourit•to 82,000. 25. On Friday last 16 car loads of grain were'shipped to Liverpool atid fourter, Lion - 11011, England.' " • • 0 . Mr. John Leslie:, Grey, retorned from ' --hest stocks_in_the_countrv, imp.orted direct from the besC the North west on Tuesday. Helices the country and has taken^up 300 acres smith of Lake -Manitoba about 45 miles from Winnipeg. .fra intends minoring to his new home in thospring. • son' Of _Wm, Dennis' Reardon, of Sea Met With aTisery severe accident a ghort titne ago. It seem that whilst he and his companion were (lopping, the axe glanced and Struck his thigh, making a wound five inches in length. ' He is ddfrig Well. On Monday Danierbutzel, a man in the employ of Mr. James Taylor of Morris had the misfortune to fracture his leg at the ankle joint, while on tho way to Mr. Alex; McDonald's to thresh. The accident lorte teased by his leg being caught in the tracks on which he WAS riding. On Wednesday Dan, Simpriard, who was fast week found guilty of burglary and, of two chargee of sheeting With intent, waS senteneed by Judge Squier to flye years in the penitentiary on the Aug° of burglary. and ten years on each of the charges of shooting; the terme to run concurrently. • We will send 'the NEW .11.111,A 10. IsTrZY subscribers., front 'this date until 'January, 1880., for ; :5 0 1 arnr:stmilt„, &c.,, belonging to the estate of. O Cook rot 35, 4,0». m You may thhok your oven a treaseye, the alrgitaeh, Henrytownship, on the 1 4 h inst., a t 1 - ...„ . a, ,..1c1A iiiitt:hoeiiiii, mayaho:Balviol ,rociurvf:ttztll i O 1 p.)13., sharp, D. Dickinson, atter. a . et es ours. Will be &id 011 Illarket square, ou the 16th inst. . a bouSe and lots 775 and 775, North neATiNlisi'luAlTn'Aver htara 3 - • 2 street, J. PUgh, proprietor. Also, at , .11,er era 17111::5:4o liiiitYful' i • same' tinie lot No. 0, ;Victoria, street; - : Ana kis bl'ow is nkoth snowliclk . . a . or Paid•in ativanee. • This 'Mier is only to new .subScribers, will' thus receive the ,balance • 4.274 of this you' To, any one sending isa the . names of' Svc NEw SUBSCRI- • BERS, together -with the money, we will give a splendid Chromo or Steel -plate Engrnvin4 that would copt frem VI to $5-. 44 . . The TVeekly Globe and Nlow lJai-i.3 15 Weekk Globe alone -$.1.00: ' The .4174erfean, :dmioulturist and NISItt ERA, ilffiqcoltur.ist alene-81,50., Tell'Ibisla your 'neighbors, 'or hose Who . cerne to borrow the paper, and see if you cannot increase its influence and prosper7 Send mulles as sow! as obtained. Money.intist accompany all Orders. .E, Itor,Stus & SoN. ,.. • • • • On y Bgloy: BY .0. '1.:11,'IXOSTONE. • too. Stave never soon our little baby, • And never felt it's ' • ltrani it's pretty live 01 00)41, • Or ybior heart 'would thrill wit4 lots 88 and 89, Walker Street; lots 90 awl. 97, Victoria Terrace, •ands lot 67, Bond strebt. • Mrs, Tinkle, 'proprietor.. 1). Dickii•sou, auctioneer. . •, Local Not1Ces. mr..1...eanauder,Olieten, has specie/ facilities for the gumming of BONN at his blacksmith shen. Chll and see , , IlditAn ANL: CAKEq.—For good bread, eakeo, go to Cooper,s, who you will finda first -oleos biker. 'Wedding and other %peyote:1M made to Order. Bread delivered. to any part of the town, Remember the 'deck .nuron atreetriliatie Cotes hotel. ' • Rosy dimples m his cheeks, Awl his eyes are bright diamonds-- % Mow thoy sparkle when he speaks; ;Would you like to see our babn .vbL !olio° lad 1;101tihkonieceifawiirt:h Iva r.a.a"74-0. would you, twine your arms aroma hint That the-gocl of love and mercy • lreeItipreteet him for oar sae; For if harni beeonwe our darling I beliovnour hearts would brook. .1)11 you pay ,i'oea bless our HIM we thank.$ett for tbe word' O And the best and purest feelings • • I , our bosoms you have stirred. Did you say "God keep our baby 7" remember yon for this 1 O O Alitclionurretiainmin!leouvbweinpbb:istelLs.yost FALL 1878 '.01,M1111INGI NERO RA Yri vierroluk . t STABIASHE,p* 18 • ....•••••••• rnishin Li the above line•of GoodA we ore showing one of the finest and • A very sad and distressing accident cc= cured wcar Grata. Bend on Thursday last, resulting in the death of a. boy fifteen years of ago, son of Mr. Robert Adair. Ho was helping the threshers et Mr. Frank Allen's mill, and haring occasion to page OVOr the tumbling rod, was caught by a projecting bolt, in the pants near the foot, thrown to the ground, and instantly wound around the shaft. On the mill being stopped and he reloaed, it was found -that his clothing was torn entirely °Shim, nothino bet the wristband of the shirt remitioing. His left leg was broken in three places, the flesh stripped off, the bone much abattered and protruding; the right AVM was broken and torn nearly from the body, and faco much bruised, and two small holes in his batik. The poor fellew only lived about four hour* after, and was vita ,,tensible 'rust mewed, a lams stock of 1),V until he died, seeming to suffer no. pain Dew and Wrapping Paper. Con and until nal., near the ltuit, when he templed 'or see theK, at Arsto Era (OA ft pain in his abdomen. AV V • • English and American maikets. 4 • • IN UNDERCLOTHING We have a magnificent assortnunt, comprising All the 1,1tecsi • Seerre„,,it .and CANA DUOS mat:es. Large lines in ('r,cyra, huoi, tnd E:11) (.44,0vm. LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, and SHIRTS are bought direct front New york, and for style and fit, cannot be surpassed. All the leading Novelties in TIPS, BOUtii, ilitAtirsilloszBaY, Com,Ans mid Iliirnicettrarrtea, AT APS. In the ubove &pa:Went owe Aro doing atremendons trade, our • business having tripled during the Itt4 FtPtiSell. • • Large assortment. in ENGLISII and AMERICAN .4.T.1 HP 'LATS. „ Bov's AND Yerrt'll'S Ifkrs in endless variety. We ate showing splendid lino in HEAVY CAPS,which are selling very fast, . • A CALL RESPECTFULLY soiacitap. Is c 101 HING . c , , OlANVEN. Oct, 31, 1878. '