The Clinton New Era, 1878-08-29, Page 3AUGUST 29, ,1S78 I3UMORQ ' . THE. 0a:. ,i`U 7ti N ' - ,ERA, a Theta isn't a vegetable: that can ketch up 'with tomato. 13y ,accident, 14 Bestea paper lately 'headed a marriage :notice "Ingenious Attempt to Swindle." The. blaekeznith is' about the only workmau that, secures .prosperity.by he. ing always on the strike, . Darwin says .a woman loses one-tenth a her time looking for her il,imbl'e, He recommends that' a shelf for it be attached to the frame of the mirror°°, • A great big ripe tornato,if well aimed, will do -more -to make. au aratnr forget hisasnbject than all the cheers a mad crowd can utter. Squate,u&il?sellas. are repotted. tis. the latest things in Paris. What's nothing. We have been using square .umbellas a long time, at least they are never round -when wanted. Griggins has an idea that married• men suffer much less than baoholers during hot weather. It isso easy, he says, to bring ona coolness by finding fault' with the cooking. • • In the lobby of an•iun. the following inscription is painted on the wall in conspicuous letters : ' No personwill get credit for whiskey in this: 'house but those who pay- money down.'„, • . A pian who jumped • overboard and was .drowned, left a memorandum, say- ing, ' Whiskey did this,' 'The coroner' said that water did it,•and thatif, he stuck to whiskey he .might, have been. alive now. . ' Whiskey is your great enemy,. said. • a minister to Deacon Janes. said Jones, ' don't the Bible...tray; Mr • Preacher,- that we are to love our ene• - reies r ''Oh, yes, beacon'elones ;.butit don't say we are to swallow them.'' An undertaker being Weed by:a lady• who was employing him at some house- Bold work whether he'could take a glass .flow or wait till he had fi.niebed the j.ob, said, ' I'll he takin' the glass noa, igen,, for there's been •pow.er o' sudden deaths lately,' Ari`old lady passenger •WAS so. much. .impressed by - the polite attention 'she received from a railroad- conductor that' she recently `left him two thousand five hundred dollars by her. will.. .But. will this catch, the eye. and .bo --to the heart of other conductors 9 ' -' 'Did I ever see -a. flying ,maohine: V remarked a man with a cabbage leaf in his hat;`at the market the .otter day. "VTeII, I should sorter conclude I -had. You'd just 'orter Seen them fast:.trotters of,. Hens -the- reaper on the downhill -side a± the fieW. Fly! Well, -I should: reckon r One of those Sunday -school teacher's who are always desirous of drawingout the ideas of • children, asked. her class what they supposed Daniel said when he was placed in the _lion's ,don • One of her scholars, who has a practical turn-- of mind, answered, ' GGaod-bye ! I'm a goner 1' A soldier on the eve of haul -esti -lit his, unmentionables to the tailor with n view to having a piece inserted in the •waist- band to protect his heart.' Tho tailor; suspecting thet• trio.soldier might turn his back on he enemy, placed it iii the. seat. Accordingly, when the time dame,. taking refuge iu a hedge, arid finding the tin baits propel•itlace,'he exclaimed that the tailor knew better where his heart lay than he did himself.. • Be was a bachelor, had travelled ex- tensively; and•could speak any language, dead or alive: Hieroglyphics were no- thing to him. But when he .returned home the other day and talked, to his sister's baby, and when it cried and was pacified by its mother saying.: !Did his naughty wauty- uncle witncle come homey womey and scarey iiiy'littla put- soy wutsoy,' he .,just leaned' over,.the back of the chair and 'wept. A city elergytnsn. was invited 'tn -•- ,rata ill it email country •ehutali, ant the choir thought they would• get op a very elaborate performaniEis for his, benefit.. The were More !ambitious than successful, and' when they had finished, before giving out'his text, the preacher looked up to. the gallery and said, 'My friends, if the angelsinllea v n should hear you sing they would come down and wring your necks.' ' On- the first visit- of -the Iiottt•- ►`.--. to one •rif the appointtlientsin-.-County, be gave out lines of a hymn and waited. for some one to lead the singing. ' No- • body responded. "Brethren,' said the preacher, ' the Lord has not blessed tae with the power of song, and I will thank some one to Mise the tune,' tit the name time looking earnestly et old. Weibel' Jones, who seethed to be the bell -wether of the flock. 'Fhe bell -wether geld, You needn't look tit me, forthe •Leal' has left me in the teirno fix r y • In one of our Sunday Schools lately, a teacher was instructing !a juvenile class about the word glutton. - ' Sup• pose,' she sttid, 'a man should sit down todinner,c eat 1 aft l ti as Much 8 errs a f 71 per. sons -then got up tied go to a restat - rant, and eat a let morn -them fill his podkets with crackers and cheese, and keep eating, tvbttt-wclukl ,ya+it<rialls-slieb- a person 4 The bay who can answer, please holo up hie hand. Up went the hand of a silt year old boy. ' Well, what would you call suchti man 9' asked the teacher. ' A. dnrnod clog,'' rung out a clear and well italicised. reply. - 'soma sedges.." When tempted to scorn the little du; .tree of our calling, -let us think of such -n' say., gs as the following 1 --One' 'day a Visitor at Michael Angelo's studio re- marked to that great artist; who had been, .describing, certain little fitislireg. " touches' lately given to n • .statue, But these the only trifles," t" It may so," replied the sculptor,''.' but recol• loot that trifles make perfection, and` perfection. is no trifle.", Inthe salve spirit the great painter I3oussin account- ed for his reputation in these -Words, Because I, have neglected Nothing.'" It is related of a Manchester nanuftte- turele chalciin retiring from business be purchased au estate from a cortein noble- man, The arrangement was that he should have the shouse with all its fur- niture just as ib -stood. On taking pos session,-howetter, he found that.a, cabi. •. netwhich was in t'he invontory.had been w•. l . y e. vapplying 0d ail on..ft3 tothe former Pomo dt h .,1 y b .. owner abont -it, the latter said, "Well, TARE' COUNTY OP I1.UIRQN, virtue A WIT : t 1I y ofa Warraut, issllcd under the' hand of'the Warden• of the County of Huron and the Corporate Seal of the said County, bearing date the Fourth slay of July, A..D., .1S78, to �i11ic directed; for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the. un.. dermentioned lands, 1 hereby give•notice, that unless the said taxes, together with all lawful posts and charges, be sooner paid, I will,'on . ' e be . xt F la!a• .o De � nen.. 1/Vednesda, the ourta . f m �� AT THE .HOUR OF ONE Q'4I,OCK, F. M., AT THE mart House. n the Town of Goderich, I certainly did order it to be removed, 1' - . but I hardly thought you, would have I Proceed to roll, .by Public. Auction, the said lands, or so muCl the1el f as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. cared for $o trifi ng' .'matter'in so large a :purchase," ",Niy lord," was •the reply, "if 1 tad not all - my life .attended to trifles, I. should not .have' beent able. to purchase this estate;.and, excuse'me for saying so, perhaps, if your Iot•dslsp l;ad eared more about triflesyoualight not have -had occasion to tiell••it.h - Alow 'They •Iiuy. and, Lyon in 1QJlttdrld. :A nut -brown Maid is attracted by a brilliant rod and yellow scarf.. She asks the sleepy merchant,, nodding be-. fore his .wares : • What 19 this rag worth 9' He tinswer:+, with profound indiffer- ence ' Te14 "1-To? -bre,1 Are you dreamingor: crazy ?' She drops .the coveted nock -gear, and moves on apparently horror Stl'icken. 'Don't be rash !' 'The scarf is worth tWenty'real3, but for the sake •of San.• tissima Moria; I offer. it to you tit hill(: price. ' Very well l • YOU _are' not suit ed, What will you give'I': 'C3tramb,. I..'Am I buyer and `Seller'. as .well ? .•'T11e thing. ''is. 'worth• three' reals -more 18 simply robbery.': "11[aria l Jose 1` and•:all the family We'cannot 'trade.' Sooner than sea for eight :reals T. shall raisethe corerOf my brains! .Go thou? • •Itis eight' in the horning, and still thou d:teamest r:: She lays down the scarf ;elnctnntl3> •saying: • But the outraged inerehantsnorte, scornfully • '.Eight_ was any 'lost tvoi•d 1 Ge I' Shemoves away, thinking how well that sofa.WwoiLlt1 iooi in th`t� "li(i ll's Gardens; and casts over her shoulder •a. Parthian glaueo and 'bids-- " Six r ' Take it 1 I is madness but I cannot waste time bargaining.' Both congratulate themselves on the operation::. ].Io would h>1've taken five, stud she would. have given seven.: - Canadian Workiianehirr at Paris. Potll Canada and Ameiee demonstrate by their exhibition of a.'griouliural tools, .the immense superiority •of . their work- ••glen over those of Europe. A well- known French manufacturer told ;Gtr. Perrault; the Canadian :Commissioner, that his unen could not , turn out riich work as the pitchforks, )ekes, mowers, scythes, etc., exhibited by trans -atlantic people. lie could give be reason for it. 'They ought to be sable to make suck steel,' he said, but they are not.' A pitchfork such us we show -one which' has tinOs: that when sprung entirely ontt of place will spring hack -cannot be found in ally European exhibit. The nianttfacturerts bite their nails with cha- grin,. and endeavor to . fathom tho.•ren- Canada`s educational lisplay, •is ex- renne y ergo enc ins. Tt compre en' s groat variety of the inateriel manufac- tured for object loseo318, and exhibited l)y the Edntion)ei Depository of To- ronto. ' The specimens of natural his tory and, the appliances for teaching chemistry and geography, aro very coil• piens and perfect; 'One of Canada's e;t- hibitJ wllicli attraacts European . atten- tion is the railway furniture sa elabnr- ate and so• ltterly ditFeeen•t froin any- thing in use here. I :believe that the . United States makes no exhibit of this kind••.-inoro's the pity. The Catledians exhibit lamps, signal lights, the furnislr- ing of private snlootie, the uphotsti'y, eta., nil of which produce . rounrloyed wonder o11the part of the 11ear;an'tey,. and even, the t trltvt lied rlf the aristrr eraey of lrlutdpe.----Pitrh Po'sto)". Jon7'rtal. " FAT ,'1:01'%E'S• :1:11Sb"Ol1TU ES. '-5ntne of the savage tribes enter their dwell• robs through a hole in the roof, and when a person beeolnes so et fhat lie amulet 3h4 i1), he is regarded as an outlaw, ILO this sys• tem been alto 3ted ire the United a t d , tatC. t +, States, to I , 1 "oat.laws" could not have nuule a • mo tive demand for Allan's Anti•F tthan now exists. t-1undreds who- had lived in constant fear of sudden death have, by its Use, been re- duced to a cotnfortablo li'v1ng. weight; The -Anti-Fat is purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Sold by druggists. A mart'ted woman in West Iiobeket , has bods twenty-six children, naillely, eight tinges twins, twice triplets ce fotar'. at ai.- birth. 11 x019. Lot or part of Lot Patented or Amount Costs, . Geneessioa or Street: Acres .0, COM- •Total, Anpatentod, of;Taxes mission. TOWNS.HiP OF. `ASHFiELP. - pt oR. B }:.2 1st I4 Division . , 50 Patented .. $2s 72 31 80 - 333 52 N pt 1 - ars, W Divtstaa 40 Patented . , 22 08 • 1 03.:: 23 71 1 4 lith W Division 100 'Unpatented, 40.08 '. 33 51'41' TOWNSHIP,. C - 'iVptIS . BL, . Colljns - Part. 3 • ,,, Maitland ' 'Sean II, ICin g•. , . r Part 3 ' ;_Aialttanil wrii.ltliller. ,,,,• Part 4 -, Maitland Collins . , .. Part 100 ., , .-T,Iaitland James Craig .... Part 100. , Maitland J. NY, Colrius . Part 107 Maitland John Clifton , Part 107 ' ' Maitland ld part $ -. Tlayfield 1V;part5 • . BeyAold` _- TOWNSHIP OFGREY. , 27 13th'' 100 • Unpatented. • 20 01 • • 180 . 30 81: 28 .. 13th • 100 '1Jnpatentea. 20 .01. 1•.60 30 81" 2(1: X4th 100•• • ilnpaton3ed. 5157 1 88 , 33 45 25 ..:. 15th .. ,.,, 100 ;ratonted 33 90 , 1 08 34 88 ,.. 10} Patented ., 4 08 1 20. Patentor, 1 150, 1 13 2 Patented 1 50. 1-13 .2 'patented .310 '113. Patented .. • 3 68 r 13 } Patented.....36 • 1. 25. • Patented „.0 35. '3, 25 . Patented'.., 3.73 -1 18 • 43 Patented , 24 30.. .1 70' 42 Patented 21;04; 6 18 2 69. 2 00' 4 80 01 7 00 4 91 20.00 1 00 ' X2'04 • TOWNSHIP' OF HAY. NV A. a loth : •50. Patented , , 0 .32 8 1,•551 N k 0 - .., r ako,Road East : , .. , - set Patented .. 13 05 :VILLAGE OF ZURIOM, IN HAY. 'theirs Survey1-5''Patented•. ,, * 7(1 1.10 • 1 so a a T-5 •Patentor,. 7(1 ' • 3 10 •:1 RO •1.5 Patented 34 .. 1 l8 4 5 tr " 1 , Patented }.., ...3' 3 34 I 18 . 4 522 " "' ' 1.5 'i'atented : 3.34. • 1:18 7 '4,42. Patented "„ 3.04' 1 15 -4.10 •rc '• Patented 3 04 1. lo 4 10 1 33 1 40 10 45 11 45. 43 • '41- 49 • • • , Part. 30 .TOWNSHIP OF HOWIOK.,' 3rd ,,,. }. 13ntontetl:. 3 70 11) , .1 ,,. 103 i'atcntnd 37 39,. VILLAGE OF GORRIE, IN TOWNS -UP; --OF HOWIOK. ;1.83 . 1.13 '00 HO LLETT. ...O •• 17.0 2`08 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER, IN TOWNSHIP OF '0 1-5 Patented .TOWNSKIp•-OF McKILLOP. � 50 Pateijtod • 9 01: t'3 3• 10 e 1 1s 4 0.1 2:es .. 30 42. Npntl 14th 'TOWNSHIP OF 7STANLEY. , South Pnt't ;3 ..., Dhyfeld hoed North...• 75 ' Patented ;, 17,43' - 2 211 49 72 Vit:LAaE1 Or .EG'illOiiOVgLLE„ :iN .TOWNSHi t OF TUOKERSMiTel...' 1') .11'rst',t- •3 1*.dentes, ., 2 51.. • 1 15 3 66 . VILLAGE OF HARPURHEY ;IN TUCKEI#SMITH, 23). . 13.olvk nd f.alt'K 1.3 Patented .. 1 13' 1. 13 ". 31.' • 24 •• Hurl+e) ., • 1.+ Patented .. .a'1 :: 1.1u 1 a4 251 ,.• ... 1.5 Patented, • 34 1 i0 16.13 VI' .AGE OF BLUEVALE,.' IN, . TOWf1SHIP OF TURIIBERRY. . r 11' t'aatvlen's Survey Pateatod 17 Y 1,i 4 85 43 DnuettcsSurvc' Patented 153 :.110, °.04 ,tLLAGE OF WINGHAM, 1P4 TO'JINSHiP OF :TURNBERRY. Pak 37 ulna"o' 15", Silage 107 , Maga 171 1'IlingeSk173 . ' 1'!)) 0 2:31 . , 1 rilag0 203- T'tllogo 315 Wine 11 . . Pisiler's .TOWNSHIP . N33 ' .,.. 7th 8; TOWNSHIP • •1st 144 Monett .•111 t0 . 1 5s 21 17 • lath 100 'Patented 18 35 155 10 00 51 Patented 19 77 1 333 23 32' 1 'Patented 4 47 1.26 ,'- 5 07 Patented ,. 10 74 1 35 12 00 rote)1tet.., 7 03 1 ee . 8 30 :Patented 4 01 . r 18 5110 Patented , 0 27 1 85 • 7.52 . Patented .. 0 71 1.23, 7 00 t ato)lted „ • 933 1 10 2 09 Survey • 1.'a '.Patcntei 4 70 1,23 00 OF EAST' WAWANOSH. 100 Patented t,3 89 2 42 -50 3} OF " WEST WAWANOSH. . - . .. VILLAGE OF`OUNGANNON, IN WEST: WAWANOSH. . Tal -.,. IleSltttlispurvey 1. - Patented a 117 - 1 13" • 2 30 VILLAGE OF BAYFIELI7. • 3 Lh lr"" m, Patented , 1. 61 1 13 2 74 -311 Palwrt3 d .. 01 1 1, 1 ir, rerouted ., y 23 1 10 •1 42 0G5 Patents 1 . 2 ai'''''7T713--- '11;•71011 [„ 1 lila ---1 4I 304 'p( Patent .. 2(3 . 1 10 325 i attirtcd .. , 2; 1 10 13383•,., 'Patented 233 110 ani. �. I8rtcntcrl . 93 110 • (370. " Patented ,. 13 18 1 15 711 ,)'.ttcated .. 2:1 1113 733 I'atontcd ,,. 1 92 11'1. 770• L'atented 103 1171 7117 Patclrtod .. 1 e? 7;31 P1311nted 773) ' - )'attntsd 7811 ,,,. . raceme 7dr Parental - 78`3 1.` Pateutnd 23 Wig. P:ttentell t 784 i 1a tontcd , 21 78:1 fPatented . 21 1811part3 ..Ran eI' •4 P5he1n1t0e1t ,, 52:0 1 • li patentedc.t.. I .:1 I(i 5?t 13 Patented it 8 933 1 3') • 9 50 .1y.. .... l'atontuf . 13'00 x 43 15 00 VILLAGE OF EXETER. 11. Taylor's Sum 'ey .... I, iertente"1, .. `3 55 1 Is 4 73 .. Frmteestolvn 1nrvcy.... , Patented 3 20 1 in 4 47 VILLAGE OF WROXi TER. iron fel: Street, East-- t . Patented .. 11 57 1 313 13 05 VILLAGE OF WINGHAIVi. •' • • ".. 23 .. .23 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 1 33 1 33 1 33 153 05 J 05 113 . 305 1 10 ' 123 1 i0 x 33. 1 10'_ 1 33 t?f -103 111, 133 t 1:t..,.......i33� 1 1.0 . 1 33 1 10 1 83 1 111. 1 3;1 1 10 - a 63 • ar part 31 • 33t t Pot 5 Perk 25 11111 Reserve' ViflagpLot'30t3... ax 103 5- `1 s tt 0.1011111° Street Los41taiNvay portion.... :, (3r,s•ernnlnllt Sumo} "ttor itro t SLr c r ta�itrnE • lrtto't 1 c • 8adler•s Survey', °,.. • Median's survey „ 1) 11 ,Y,. County 'freossure "s Office,/ ,Goderieb, July 41133187 8.• j .. •a. l',(tcnt<al Patented Patented at 7 , its. l Pattitot t,ntulhtl. .P:ltentell 1 . Patented Petr ate 1 Patented Patented Patented I Patented Patented • • • .."• 037 .1.84 7 42 a 93 • 1 in , 17 4 03. 1 20 ' 5 83 700 1281/ 027 r 5. s3 3l 08. 1 4 1 13 :2 50 T 13,1' 1 13 3 81 200• 111`3 381 r135 .115 381- 00 1 7s 3 81• 2033 115 381 2 CO 1 13 1 AI 2 011 11; 3 41 .00 •113 381, A. Mr .4,OSS Treasurer, Coady o ttlrort. QT.1C On and lifter this date, I. will aell..no goods on .credit, the troublein collecting 'trifing amounts beim; such, that I have decided to SELL .POR CASH ONLY, or keep the goods, All outstanding .accoun-tsmust be settled at. anee,sand-Witllent• further notice, as I am making'arrangewents to Igo out of the Books and Stationery business, and the books mu;rt positively be olo$ed at once. • ' Z.I t NG1- ° OT 'TJ-: , In.y entire stook Of ;a being; all new and, excellent • pa ttern> , no better''s'op'' porta nity- . can be !Lad #br 'i .eusse. • 1Keeiiei S g ettixig' theAc-- Gle-oods .."at '...„, "V'Pholesale i'ricse; . • • Sia.° liAll...T yr ,, .(UYJ `,:. entire stock " of . Window h?aper6a-and Carpet Felt;... I!; 4L4IN OUT, m:... entire, stook '' or ilbles, 'Prayer' Books, and I ymu -.. Sia t•17 IN(* 4001E5117, myentire stook of Miscellaneous 'Eook , 'Foolscap, ;. Letter P"arpers, Note • 'Papers, Emil ve1op<*s, and full ., lines in Flank Too1>c • and -:.face. Statio ear ::•, at .lobbing ri,oes. Note, the - Stand --Next` door to. R. ;Callander & Co's *O.T.,OF'TfM BIG BOOI.i;, 'EMPRESS AND T1 L1 GRAPO OF,FIGE, Clinton; July'I1, 1878.. A ruILL OTICEi N-OTICEI. NOTICE. • ••_ .17,..0$1TWEL SOLD' AT. QAST4 6utier aml Eggs 1ii dlic 841N 18..0, HUGH'WALLACE. LONE ES11ogD,, March 7, 1878. eel