The Clinton New Era, 1878-04-25, Page 6OLINTON NEW E.R..,
«.trtll4 25, 1818,
9I M:MOU'S, 1
The hardest A.gricultural work on ti
farm—Basing st ruortgsgt',
Did you evertwee a country village
that hadn't the hest hress band in tl.a
When the poet sang of something
that WAS "strong without hands," be
probably referred •to butter,
The glorious tine lire QOtnirl„ 'when
a fellow can go out rand 1.011 in the hey
---and roll•stxl'ash over it Bidden nese of
"H'tsr nm'tight" is the latest nrtiele.
cii feminine- wardrobe, Painful, and.
shoeking es it pink' be''to.:Arta nervous
system, we will do ow, entire duty id
the premises, ladies. '
"I was net aware that yeti knew'CCol-
onel IJfrcon," suid ud gentleman to a
friend who pretended to -know all about
everybody. • "Know flim 1" elcclei:mod
the boaster, "Why, I•knew hip) when
hie father was a boy I"
Mrs. Pal'tington's remark eoucerning
going to 'ohtticb is so timely a8 to be
worthy of repetition now. .."Nothing
doe me so much good," said -she, "as
to go to church and hear a populous
pasture dispense with the gospel."
A girl boasting of her"lover's geneal-
ogy, her wise old aunt remarked •: " S'n-
sae, don't you '''ger marry a man for his
genealogy, for a man's genealogy is about
the hardest thing to get victuals and
clothes out of that there is : in 'this
A clergyman was'administering •con-
solation to a dying Highlander, when:
-,.he was shocked by the 'patient. asking
Mm if there: "was.any whiskey in hea-
ven ?"
ea -vena" Half apologetically he added,
" Ye ken, Si',tit's no thatI earn for it,,
but it looks well on the, table I'
Lady and gentleman argning:vigor.
ously as to whether there are :any.;fte
male angels• Tie "Noll, lean prove,
from Scripture that there areno worsen
angels." She—"Oh, iio, you ean''t.'
.Ae--" Yes; you mush "remember .the
passage, 'And there was silence in'Ilea-
von •for the space of halfun bour,f."
"Be.a good hoy:azld don't break y our:
mother's heart, for -then you'' would be
orpbau in au where 'you
would have to'listen to n. couple of sere
mons on .Sunday:and:two or three der-
itng the week," said his -mother, and that
boy has been good '.ever since:
A. man 'a cbatge of: to fiat, station on
a railroad having' signalleda' ;train to
stop, the conductor asked, as the. train
came to a'stand-still :. " Where are the
passengers ?" " There ain't any here,"
said the mans' °'Then why did'yon'stop
the train ?" snarled' the conductor, " •Ir
didn't know but somebody, anted' to
get off," was• the innocent `reply.
The NO* $1 J$rt Trade*
\Ye nye iu receipt of a letter trona a
in )11:incliester, Eng,, in
which we are infottnecl that a small con-
sigu.inent of lnter'icen beef had bees, re-
coiveil there fur sale and that its condi
tion and quality had gull very great
satisfaction to those who.hltd bought it
consumption. c'or e i n u t
for Our„r.slo_ deft
further stays tiiat people on, this s de_ of
the &.thaattio, who are not intimately
acquainted with the condition of affairs”
Hari llanufacini
Aust dogrel to .
The subaoriber, while thanking his many frioiscls for the liberal patronage bestowed on him
la the past,..^-•wooldA form-thorn..:that..he has.,,,.romovod to• ilrt!„new store, in VIQTORIa�
BLOCK, whore he wall be pleased to meet all his old customers, an'it•'asMciiai y` pow relies
as tray favor bins with their patronage, . Ho has on hand a large stock of
in England, can hardly form a proper the
pintutrwouldl•fabof adnttonthere at HEAVY AND LOOT IR.NESS•
inoderate !Irides. For several years past,.
'ever since the, rinderpest awept'th'rough
the lierda• of Great Britain, and struck
dawn thousands of.,, the cattle of
the eountryseem,to have bean �>ecril ar-
ly•liable to almost every epidemic'dis•
ease end. constantly subject• to the in-
spet!.tion of Government affiicers. Dia -
ease and the: wholesale ---slaughter of
beasts to prevent sprtead;of infections,
have' Of coarse thinned out. the herds
very touaide:ably, and robbed•the Mar-
kets of it . laege•portion'of its supply;of
meat. For :several years it was irnpoe-
Bible to obtain beef in, England, at n• lees
price than frons twenty-five to thirty,
cents per pound, •and the prune cuts of
•prirue beef Were sold' as high as sixty
cents per pound--muttonat ,the ',same
time, being soli• at from twenty to twen- 17,
ty-five cents. 'When the deficiency
'vas ,fist • felt"there was of Course great,
anxiety felt to mrake'up .the loss flow'
other sources. For time great efforts
we ro• made to 'supply the; markets with:
Australian'fuitton,'in tins, like
lobsters or. salmon, but the '•people'
took kindly to the new article of. food,
althotrgh the tinned article could be sold
at a.rnucll teas price than the home -fed
article -•n, aonstderiition,• no d'ou.b€,.`.to
the ivorlfingnian-and although the peo•:
ple did. all they egukd tolike it and ne
quire'.a taste' the scheme of imp,
plying England with fresh "meat from
Australia has .utterly failed. ItT•h.ere aro'
reasons for believing that. the contineit-
tai herds are the `'hot -meds of various
diseases, and that ,:from .the importation
of cattle from thcte the riildei-pest.and
other diseases have -spread arson, . tile.
,. b
herds`iu'England This'has necess;;ta
ted•the establishment of_a.cattle. guar.
alitine, and the jnspaction of all 'animals,•
imported; into .England front .continen-
tal countries. Altho igh.Amei'ican •and
Canadian producers aroremote from
.the Englishmarkets, it would seem• as
if they Were now in• a favorable position
to .command the -best market.. •Ile crit;
tle on this continent, have been remail. -
able free fropn elii leruic disease, and in
that rd;fpeot tha beef which' thoy'yield
is deserving of More .confidence from the
consumers -in'. England. Jt he niprov,e-
went of stock, careful indnngrment and
good breeding . Nave at lase .given the.
steak 'of this country a good standing,
and Canadian fed beef is now iror't'hy a
place alongside the best' toast beet of
" Old England.” 117:agnifi.cent s'tea11,-
erc, short sea passages, refrigerating ar-
reingementa, and other conveniences now
make jt possible. to supply' the'English•
markets with fresh and :sweet -'meats.
Indeed the prospect is that •we baave here
.opening to us a trade more, valuable.
even than we have in ori+ various Drains:
It . has frequently been said that the
most profitable kind of 4.fa`rwing is that
which turns everything possible into
live stock, and tilt -on. the contrary' tho
most extravagant and rumors, kind of
farming IS that which leads a elan to
•grow grain. If`this be so, we Can un-
derstand how tilt exportation of cattle
aflame* to.,England may lead to a
kind of farming which Will eiirich'the
soil, increase • the : substa•nce of thc.far,
hoer, and so add to the general, wealth
of the•country. ptir American neigh-
bors have already gone into the trade
with great vigor, and the journals point
to the present exports as 'en augury of
a trade that will exceed the general ex
iiec'tl><tious of 'the country. The race
is open to Canadian as Well as Atneri=
cane, find we may Trope that'the friendly
rivalry between the two coulitries. will,
'not leave Canada •behind..- jtautr6tlt
. ,itttr,
-California refunen to permit �*omen'
to practice law, ". :
A curious case of kiydrophobia.has oc•,
.cttrreil at.Ohelws£ord, in' England, A
mannanied Thoirias Hicks, while in the
net of eating his "tliiner, was seized with
strong convulsions, followed by appa-
renl locicjaw..HO was moved to the
infirmary, whore. ' lie developed pro-
nounced :symptoms of hydrophobia,
barking at those who approached him,
and requiringtwo num to watch hint day
anis night. It was known that he had
been bitten by a, dog about eight weeks
ago, all hope of his recovery was aban-
doned; but, despite the acute suffering
he has undergone, Ite'is now believed to
be shaking rapid progress toward good
health. The case has excited the grerrt�
est' .interest among t e !nowhere- the
b a£ h
medical profeasionr and twiny,YQn do
doctors have visited and examined
A Boston' shopkeeper sued for. lama-
ges Because bis store' was shortened
twenty feet by thewidening of a si est,
and in the trial was asked whether he
had not thus obtaineda better and a
stronger light. He answered 'that he
bal. " Then wihy did y.ou Claim dama-
ges ?" "Because," was the' reply, "in
this locality the quality of goods,sold
requirest'fhe -poorest light."
.During a dinner the conversation hap -
pelted to fall upon the household'affairs,.
A gentleman said carelessly. • "It is
very disagreeableto be obliged; to dis-
miss an old savant, but still I roust get
rid of my valet, de chanahre." "W'Vhya"
'" I have been asking for a foot-batlt'for
tate last eight years; • He has never
thought of it, and really cannot clo
" without one any longer."
A' young man, on becominn affianced
was desirous of presenting his intended
with a ring appropriately • inscribed,
but, being at a loss what to have en-
graved upon it, he asked his, father's
advice.. " Well," said the old gentle-
man "put on •' When thin you see, TG-
membernte.'" The young lady was sur-
prised, upon receipt of the ring a few
days after, to readthis inscription:
" When this you see romerniter father."
Little Annie is too. cunning fa any-
thing, and like most little folks, she says
queer things. A few nights ago her
mother had prepared her for bed; and
kneeling by her mothet'sside she repeat-
ed the Lord's Prayer as ueusl. She had
no sooner'coneluded it than'sho repeated.
it . again 'rapidly. "Annie," said her
mother,. " wily do you say your' prayer
twice a" Then the little innocent look.
ed up and remarked: a Well, Mamma, I
feel Just litre praying• to -night and to-
morrow night. I may not.!"
" Why,' how d'y'do, Mrs. Careful;
are all your folks pretty 'well?" asked.
one neighbor of another whom she met
in Hampstead it few days ago. "Oh
yes,' pretty well, thank you—that is,
about as well as usual., Father hasn't
been quite well since he 'banked up. the
cellar last' fall; and overworked himself;
thinks he hurt his side. And mother
has got the rheumatism so'bad elle hasn't
been able to .get down stairs for a week;
Matilda "
i tlid Ann
ahas Aslight touch of -the
diptheria, so the looter says : Jimmie
(can't speak above a whisper, for a sore
throat; Susie la just getting another ris-
ing in her ear, and•the baby has had
two more spells okroup, My husband
can hardly do any work on account of
his ,sore eyes, acid i thought I'cl die last
night with neuralgia in my heart—hilt
we're all about as coinfrion, How's
your follisi"
• :11rltips, .Combs, Brushes, T'u'n/es, j;aliiies, Satchels;: tfO,, (Co.
Bs has elan asides to his'buaiaaes3 that of -Booth(• arid Shoes, and lias imported a steels irf
1360t1 . and• hoe of" ail. kinds.
'%hicb• he will sell CBE#1.P FOR GASH;
1t001tr8'11Q l E't',--Set'eralrooms to let,''at'reasonable rates, imitable for offices, 'dc
the story- abo+re: the shop, in the building known as Victoria Block,
Alwaye.rin hand, first and second class SHIINGLES. which will be's'old 'cheat;
HORSE' FOR SALE—a good working horse for sale. '
Clinton,'1lat•oh 21, '187$.
O.. ki 'iii orrd tN Top--
t,• k b 8iir
S,e,rrro. es . . •e. - r�–i P. b.� ,•,+�,m .�. 1?`J re
htY el 3,1,.. e g a 5 e rte' y•
52. .
b' a.m o°' °.• Q. 'Qo . N.
o • ,P »a� o. 1
n '.1
,D ,d0
o 5,,,�.
Pe '5 _vw4.
c - c .
OR • m,,
m: Um;
'.. Offers will be received. by Joint L,ecls>:u,
Esq.,' Chairman of the douse of ttefnge Com-
o n-
mittee,:BiwssELs.B'.O., - .•
n �pr� !p1 m" 'TTry\ sad Any other fnf s,nmatory
•l l� l i Er, ei elase anted in otii 5 hefts. rrt•
Agar Skin Irritation, ulbers fret any Maude, and apUnp-
dud other diseases alb cauIod by ext, steid teraibut,
which produces inflateaatory Aatiet.. Fronton's Ab•
rotbont will posltively.ffedts Aura in 5 few hours, by
absorbing the Add patch front the system. Sold by
drnggtste:. 4Ptlee,S0o. Advice in perttoulet easesfree.
il'.• X. BAUNTON,'
Loadoai Oat,
From parties having S0, 75, or 100 acres of
land to se11,suitable for a site for House of
Refuge; The land must not be• more than
two miles distant from some Station on. the
Grand Trunk, Wellington, Grey and Bruce,
or London, Huron and Bruce' Railways•,. in
the.(:oenty of Huron.
Parties to state in theiroffers tiie number
of lot, .number of acres, price per acrealum'-
her of acres cleared, and distance from station.;
The fowler, or. any offer, ••notanecessarily
Accepted. -
By'order, , PETEP. ADAMSON•
• County Clerk:
Goderioh, •April 4,1818. 5
Money , to Loan
1 Pply to.
C. =DOG '.
Milton Ie 6t1i,1876,
Risks o'T ail descriptions taken at the lowest rates,
• `, 1tIiiO't T.
The undersigned leas on band `rand for sale
.,. o _,
EXTRA, FtdltjXS'; ''1;Rar0iT'sl3slr-.-
NEL 13f:At Tv, 'LATE. rtoS1,
AND o7'11E1i vAnrETIs5.'
Ile has also it large quantity of
Flour -and Feed Store.
The suilaariber,tb jg.tq.announce that they a have en-•
tered into partneseh p to carry on the husineos of Flour
Feta, end General Groeirice in the store
Formerly carried en by D: Erwin, Albert. Street,
Nvhere they' will; keep. constantl • on hand a large and
good,, stock of FLOUR, PE,r,It, rGENERAL Ou00E- •
• RIES ,•&o, do.
'at lowese prices, •
LA141111 PLIeST,Eit always; on hand
dash paid lot Skins, Tililos,•Polts, Fnrs,• de;
Altaeoonnte4ge,10» .Erwivaaoust `betikr; st
otheiwise they, hili be place's in Court for colleotion•
EitWTN .& S6'A15 iRET'I':
G'linton, Feb.; 7; 1878:'"
James Tewsley, butcher,
ivhile thanking his "friends• for the liberal' patronage
bestowed on him in the gest; takes this means of: in-
terbank them that ho bas removed from the alerket
Building, •
To the Shop occupied by E. Finch;,
Albert Street, directly opposite "the hterket, whore he
Will be pleased to meetthem all had as many new ones'.
as may favor him with''thelr custom:
o erg
ll '
New Patterns and Splendid Value
liaving bought from the manus aoturere• in Eng-._
land` and the United ` states, I. can offer the NE .
n these , oods ,and 'at rices to
.goor p • ,
i customers.
s m '' •
CLI- T_4O•
CLIIITOki, 1Maroh 21, 18784:
Sx7 .R,.:
4 .!
Aa kinds of Blear kelt in season, taut Sad"
ef• reasonable r0tm. • •
dllnEnilFeb. 1d, 18711• JAMES TEA/ISLET.,
Johnpayment, butcher,,. •
Thanks his many otstomors for pastfavors,: and begs
leave** notify Went that he hos ramorod Yram the ,tall
in the bracket building t0'
Iiunter'o aid Stand, Huron Street,
• Next. door to Campbell's Sainess Shen,
Niritero.lie will be pleased to -meet there all, and any
others who may favor him with their custom:, and he
will do his best to supply them with
.C?l>.:+t Oast 3144,176 -re, reasonable- rates.
Clinton, p'ob. 18,1878.
• dQttt It, X3ttXT.
All kinds of.Field and Garden ;sods;
rtit ItiiL'iON s 'ity.E.'. '
JA111E8 laTcNA1It;
Goderich, April• 18, 1878. • . :
And outer Alaniu* cturere.
Vain able Pi'oper ty
Situate along silo of the Grand Trunk Railroad,
At CLINTON, In the County of Huron,
Mid formerlyknewzi as the Wfrrriceman sdrttproperty,
aomptreing font floret ' of land, oh which are ereeted a
Sve.sGbr Brick build n8
88 *42, slate ro fr
with brick
engine 'mem 26 x 48; alscolarg
tl Previa 8tozehodee, ea,
puny 40,000be,bels;
cooper elope end stave arlitmber
shade, large pond of bit crater, for steam and oche-
. peeer. ,
Thie property re one of the boot rittutedfor mann.
laoturingpurposes inrthe County et Huron.
Tenni of payment trill be Mede liberal.. In event of
any ego end reaeonebl pto>lteble mannfectnring buil.
rases locating here, if desired, T wi 1 financially eeeiet
the enlrrpriee.
i'orfuriherpertleuleri apply tar or address '
7sttCIIA.Rl'3 tR,VVIN, Pao/lustros,.
R. ' it inions, butcher,
/raving tdoveti *Cm the ll'tarket Ilnttding, to one corer
et the '
hinicr' 20 'S'IlToftte Yucca, .
Will be gls 1 to meet n11 his old friers 1* end abatement
Shire. The liberal patronage he received in •the past
assured him that In bit tar premises he wilt be equally
Well supported, No pains will bo eparedteMeet the
-Wishes- of his customers.
11013ERT WITZ816I048•
Clinton, VIA. 14,1878.
• WiltESIE TO (i ET SfOOD'
GOOD' TEA for 50, 40; 10, 60,•and 76 cents Per 114
(loon SUVA% 11 pounds for one donor, °
000» RAT8111S0 18 pounds -for ane dollar.
A Ane assortment of
C iii rt {class arra C1r"ocke9,yve chea
flatland see kook before patehesing elsewhere. All
kinds of Ikodtoe talon in exchange for goods..,
k`>ltES OtdTEttSConstantlyonkand,
0Untori,afo*, „
.A_A-1. .G1! rr.CJLx.€9 : 13A:31120.
LL ,0O
:5Q4.D.. ,-''
006 ----
Buhr tlii salia as Cash, w,
LONDE- MORO, Maralo."i, 1870.