The Clinton New Era, 1878-04-18, Page 6'r•
j(.(00n' eon c*..
A litre Gild entertains bet blii ststees Beau,
' My sister'1l be •flown in a minute, and says
you're to wait, if yen please,
And says. I ;night etaY till she came, if I'd
promise her never to tease,
Nor speak 'til you spoke to the first. But
that's nonsense, for ]low would you know
\Vhat the told me to say, if L ditl'rit? Don't
you really and truely think so.?
"And then you.'d`feel strange here alouel And
you wou l TirkliTiWfa w to A %} ;.
Fop thachair isn't strong on its leg, and
'we'never use it a bit.
We keep it to match with the sofa. But Jack
saysit would be like you
To flop yourself right down upon it and knell,
_._ _.out.tbo sery;lastsarew - _ .
S'pose you try ? t won't telt. 'You're'afraid
to 1 0 !yon're,ateait1 they .would think it
was meant
Well,. then, •there's the album -that's, Shetty,
if sure that your fingers aro Olean,
For sister says sometimes 1 daub it; butshe
only'aays that when she's arose.
That'.t her picture. You know it? It's' like
her; bat she ain't as .good looking, of
course !
"This is air, It's the best of there all, 1'ow)
tell me, you'd ntsver have thought •
That once I was little as that? It's the• only
one that could .be bought -, •
For that was the message to ,Pa from the pho-
tograph maw where I sat---
That he wouldn't print off any mora till ho
first got thernmney for that.
"What? Maybe you're tired of waiting.
Why often she's longer than this.
There's all her back hair to do up and all her
front curls to friz.
But it's nioo, to be sitting here. calking like
grown people, just you and me. • • •
Do you think yoa'll be, coming, here often ?
Oh de b'But don't come like Tom Lee. •,
'Tom Lee Her last boats '' V•hy, tuy good
--nese! Ile used to be here day and night,
Till the folks thought he'd be her husband ;
and Jack says that;gave him .a fright.
You won't run away, then; as the did ; for
you're not $.rich man, they say. ,
Pa says you -are poor'IaS'a"church nieces: Now,
are you? And how poor are they?
"Ain't you glad that you met me? Well,1
• am ; for I know that your hair 'isn't' red.
But what there is left of it's mousy, and not
what that naughty Jack said.
But there 1 I must, go, Sister's owning. . But
I wish I. could wait; just to see •
If she ran up to yon and she kissed yoti in•the
• way that she used to kiss Lee."
Atoms olioterest to tie, Utile folks:.'
—"I)o-yeti-shat - !!asked--irsix-year-old
of a_ young gentlemen who had just be-
e gun to be 'down on the mustache ques-
tion." t0 Yes,"' was 'the. rel it'. " Well,,
you left some."
A. Scotch schoolmasterhaving•repeat-
edly and at last angrily demanded of the
pupils "Who signed the MY„lagna Charta'l"
a little girl: trembl nglyrepliod; •'PIease
sir, :it. 'was ns. me."
"a 1a, strove cannibalse asked n little
girl of her mother the other morning.
" Why, my child, what do .you mean. 1"
"Oh, nothing,,dnly:1 heard yon say'to
Bridget, ' Boy legs' • (boiled , eggs) for
"Does your sister Annie ever, say
anytbing about ' me, sissy '1" asked lin
anxious lover of a little girl.' "Yes,"
n as\the_reply; "she said if y.ou.bad rock-
ers ori your shoes• they'd make a dice
cradle \for my doll."
The Iittle daughter of a leading phy-
aician'irt a certain country town present:
ed the following as her first'• school es-
say " there was a little .girl, and she
was very sick.' They sent for tiny papa,
and alis died' very quick."
" Boys," said a rural school teacher,
"knowledge never comes without seek-
ing. Stick a pin there.," And then as lie
shot tip from his seat like .a jack in the
box, he offered a reward, of 'five dollars
for the boy who had stuck a pin• there.
A boy was taken to task by his timoth-
er for striking a•companion. She told
him he must ask the forgiveness of the
wronged one. Ido went up to him'ancl:,
whispered through- his clenched' teeth
"I've got to ask you to forgive me for
'"flitting you, an' you'd better speak right
up at once that von do, or I'l'l give you,
something to remember." • The victim
spoke tip.
As a freight train was passing oyer a
bridge at New London, Conn., the other
day, the engineer discovered a small boy
struggling. for life in the .waters of the
cove.lrce irotnediately stopped the
train, and unfastening ` tite bell -cord,
threw one,' end °fit to the imperilled
boy, who gra ped it and tied it around
his body, and teas Hoisted to a pli}eo
of safety.
" Edward," said a mother to her son,
a boy of eight, who was trundling a hoop'
in,the front yard. "Edward, you
mstn't go out of that gate into the
street." " 110, ma, I won't';" was the
reply. A few .urinates afterward his
mother saw him in the street manufac-
turing dirt pies. " Didn't I tell you,"
she said, •angrily, " not to go through.
that gate T" "Well, 7 didn't 'mother,"
was the reply, "1 climbed over the
A New Radford. four-year old desired
to accompany her,.mother upon a riche,
but was told if she would stay at home
and not cry she should.' bav° something
nice. Upon tha mother/is return the
child Was rewarded with a few gum-
drops, which wore soon disposed of and
more demanded, the demand being de-
nied. After . considerable 'teasing she
Made uao of the following caustic re-
mark Maixima, if you don't give me
another ginndrop 1 shall be sorry I did
not cry n'holx you wentaway."
.-' ItTNtORO U'; .
TI19 gitrdouel•'s motto--Letttiee plant.
Visionary fruit—The apple of the eye.
What is it 'you can take 'without
hands ?--• A hint, _
What scan carries everything before
hiin..r-Tie wailer
Iymn iooks,packet-booksand report..
er,'s boobs are alike in one plh;ticular,
ey_are.oi value only..; :hen,.tlliiy_oor...
obit} notes. -
Dio Lewis. says tt nrau needn't' snooze
unless he wants to. He most generally
wants to, though, by the time the sneeze
.gote..fax i*on.-deck, -+
"When ti1gir-1, gets Mad and rises from,
s.fellow s trues, BaYe,an a fcliakngef'i3 t
'thinks better of it and goos'back again,
that's,what•thcy call a relapse." •
Au exohanga t 'ants to know how to
keep an umbrella, That, isn't -hard ,to
do.:Break'all the ribs, let thezovilr bo -
come faded, and punch. hobs all over it.
Then you earl's give it away..
• You May talk :about women being
fickleand changeable till you grow tired
of your own voice' One particular
you will find her always the. same. Abe
never gets to old too take an interest in
a love story.
�C'�BSS ��a�u�catm
�d'ilaaler to .
oo' 'S 11140. s
The subscriber, while tbaukigg Ms many friends for the liberal patronage bestowed lin 'hile.
in the est, would inform them that he -,has removod„to.•,his-nann store, is. VIOT0IRLA•
o .e
-MVO' , herwhile li eases to -meet all his elft custctuers, and as many no* ones
as may favor him with their patronage, He bas en hand a large stools of . • .
One reason why seine men are 86 18-
different.• abort the oft-repeatedinjunc-
tion to lay lip treasure in heaven is that
they can't: understand the propriety of
putting their •money where they will
never see itagain. _
According to the' tables in, the. arith-
tactics, four roods make one acre, but
we have known one'usher to make•one
rude -The ,ocher. was on hisfoot, and a
friend tramped on it. ,It was an acher.
of corn, as ;it were:;'and .thereafter the.
friend Wilt a "corn.dodger."
How women' can 'manage to sit bolt
upright and not change a position, look-
ing neither to the right nor left, during
fz 'sermon in church, passes the. linden--
lide--standin;, A roan will sit on.a picket
fence all the afternoon to see a ball.
match, but put hit -din achureh•.pew far
three-quettters• of Ian Hour and lin will
Wobble all over the seat.
,A.young mar writes to say that 'he
means well toward 'all 'creation , and yet•
an of=make-friend w.ants:.ta:
know how hemay overeome his peculiar
disposition' and make it sopleasant and"
;agreeable tfrat .others will be:'drawiirto-
ward hien,instead of being repelled as
now.. There's only one chance for you,
young man -^-be a oaiididate.
popular ' of Utica, while es-
corting fi,`•young 'lady•honia the other
efening, attempted to relieve her: cough`
and, sore.throat her.s. troche.
IIs told hef"o allow:it to, dissolve gra-
dually: in her mouth. No relief was ex=
peienced,, and tlie doctor felt quite cha-
grined the nextday when the lady gent.
him a pantaloon button faith a note say-
ing he must havegiven-her the wrong
kind of a 'troche, and might need this:
• 'Gossip . for the Ladies.
14Xaiiie had 500 .divorces last year—an
increase of . 100 since 1874,. and: .bout
One to every twelve'marriages. '
'r' Love thy neighbor as thyself"—if
she is pretty and; don't Wear ' her:slioos
run overat the heel. -
barbeii shop presided, over by a
iniss of nineteen suminers, is the latest
development of woman's rights in Port-
land, Me.
I n England the Queen only can drive
eight horses on state occasions. There
is no objection, if you Wish, to seven
horses ands mule. •
An ebony coffin, lined with • white
satin, with a lot in' a fashionable cane.
tery, was one of the gifts proffered to a
popular actress. iii Paris. -'
• The Norristown Jlerra...known a we
loan who wee+•s" out her. husband's,
trowsers ; liut floes riot stat° whether she
wears them out on herself or ori him: •
The local paper says s recent Gratieot
County, divorce snit originated
10 a dispute over the breakfast table -as
to whether a certain bonito was ,brown
or white..
"14ladante," said a certain one to Airs,
Brown the other day, "you aro talking
simpiy rubbish." " " Yes, sir," replied
that ever-criishing lady, "because: I want
you to comprehend me." •'
Prisoners in the jail in „Beloit, '6t>is-
cousin, easily overpowered and gagged
the Sheriff, but found a barrier to their
escape in the plucky person of the Sher.
iff's wife, who kept them at bay" with.a
revolter until help came.' ,
One night the' master of the 'bine
overheard an exchange of kisses in the
corrider ; lie struck a match arida dis-
covered the chamber -maid and the Ira -
let she' blushed, held down her head,
and said, • ".1 though it was you, sir, T
had euooiinterod'
An Iowa farmer had poor lioaltb, and
his wife undertook themanngemneifb of
things herself. Sire now raises pork
and beef for market, feeds the stock and
attends to them with her ownhands,
plastered her house lierself, and isgradu-
ally managing to pay oft ar mortgage on
tho'fartn. , Besides air her nturierous
duties she . finds tiiho to read the news-
wain; Combs,. Brushes, 2'artcn. a, Tralisee, Bat.cltela, cCc:, if:c,
1.* 0. has Also added to his.. business that of 'Boots; and Shoes, and has ,iml orted a stook' of
'3o1os'. and Sttoe144 of all ikiUdR
Which he will. sell L33HA.P FOR CASH,
'1t0011IS TQ Li't',—several rooms to let, at reasonable rates, suitable for. offices, So'. •in
the story above the shop,' in the building known ar•T Victoria Bluok.
Always on band* first and second class SBINCFLFS whieh will be sold cheap
•HOBSE 'TOR SA E -a good working Horse for sale.
Clinton, Month oh 1 I 14,
• a M tc4r t. s..8 x' awry y
• n' ~ 9 i --lir � mp;'o'. A�"' mento
..• gots; ymme : b . p
a -Y' ' a "4 pop o K C• Q-if',.y
pg.m ,c., Is, w :,ere.° 8 . Qs...
F &) b °hFo„i°x' • . "' �t0� ^1.. .. pea
c. •
A; a„o. b• , 87 r
al i-� ib
d -r,1 e,��"�. :-oo• =.s -q"" ods o .. o. Q'�t. gy�p,!' — M
lag .5 , ,,,, 4,i0„,'' . .. Nilo ,‘,,2,".";.14 $q1. .: irT o
• l... -,_,..w.nO uof,..1 .='v0p'. tom'
c ,1-516Y_ •m tea° •W- •O o •
t. N @
'• .q .re , . o w f0 y _ r.P o ` . Ali t .'
Melts ;of all descriptions taken at the, lowest rates..
Clintou,1eb.70878. •"14+ , • ' .
'OAPITAL, $4,000,000 ;
.interest from Foto to Fivo per cent allowed
ou Deposits
LOU(4II, Agent.
Clinton, April, IS7&, • l.y. '
soh P1YXg `oft= tI1p•.
J$Iyrtie Navy Tobacco,.
or None other is Genuine
Hamilton, Match 21,1878. •
t .1..• S• U A.N O E•
\ rim INSu ,ANG1.,
!afrst•alasnStock arta Mu hug. Companies enter
W. W. 7i".i.Ita1,AX.;' J genf::.
Chilton, March: 1876,
„ . 'Money to Loan.
Ttzvll`CE rvNns, •A'1' 'MUT rift. telae. •
Apply. to . .
0. atbdt1T,
Clinton De 601,187k ..
Fliat_ others Menu I'.
Valu.ahIe Property
Situate along tide of the Grand Trani Railroad,
4t CLINTON in the County of Huron,
I ndloemerhyknown ad the WnirEnAAn-Itetiproporty,
eomp'ilsiag four acres of land, on whioh are erected'
tt adtcry Brick building Oe x 42,elate roof,with brick
t om 6rt4g�aido tat rr '
engine o '1 , gd amo Stetehbnee, oar
peony 40000 bnehels; (mope shops and stave or'lumber
shads, large pond of oft wettlr, for atoaiir any 0010'
Thisproperty is one of the test eitaateclotorMafrti.
fostering purposes in the County of llnron.
Tshed of payment il11 ae mutes liberal, In want of
any este and reasonablypro8m
tabTt annfeetdring bust•
mesa locating here, if esired, I vi I financially assist
the enterprise,
i!'ot tarfbtr•$rttoulare apply to bt address
T1 crut1.D tion 4, Pitot allax'oit,
i la tai and ]Cees Store.
;The subscribers bog to announce that'they have en,
tend int'opartnership to carry on the business et Flour
Feed, and General tlrocotiee, in the store '
Formerly owlet' on by D; Erwin, Albert Streett
APRIL 18, 18Th.
oD' ,.L"V' s
1 .
New aatter>ws•
.. � �• and Splendid 1,41aie
— oho
Having bought from the 'manufacturxs in Eng-
land' and the TJnited States, I: "can. offer•t�.e : .
, NEW..
in' these .00d � d ..e. o :.
EST .PATT�RIIT'S , g . �, ,an,. • at prices t
to Gut
Where:they will keep constantly onhand a large and
good stook of F.LQUII88, $co., , tor: f QENNitAL't0110CE-
, 81 &c.
d1.k.toe.0 priers.;
LD PLASTER: alwayy`oa! bund.
Cash paid Ser skins,-Htdoe, ]?elttl, ii'brQ, $c , ' + "INTON,'blaroh 21,4
LtI•I�%�'',OT $OOw STQ_
All accounts due to n,.Erwin must by settled at ,once,
otherWiso they will be placed in Court for collection.
Chnton,:6eb,7,18T8: '• „ ,
James.Tewsley, butcher,'
While thanking 'his friends for thelibora1 patronage
bestowed on trim In tho Bast„ takes this means of in+'
forming them that he has remo,ed trona ' the Market
Building, f ,'
To. the Shop occupied by 'E Finch,
Albert S et pt,;d;,reedy ogposlte the Market, where be
will be ploasod to inset them all and as many new Dries
torso lavor.hiin with their custom.
All kinds of pleat kept inscaeon,and odd
tat reaeonabk rales. •
• Clinton, l'al,t 04,1878: •?A1CLr4 1F, W8LE7f,
'OTIC • or EEA1Q1rAL.
John Dayment, butcher,'
Thanks hfsmany enatomere for past favors, ant begs
leave to notify them that Ito liar removed from the* stall
In the Market bnilditrg-•te
Nonfat's OId. Stand, Huron Street,
Next door to Canipioll's Vernier( shop,
wherb ho wfll be pleased to meat them" all, and any
ethers wire may favor him with. their enstnm, and l,o.
will do his best to supply them with •'
Ibmt Clave 2tReiTfi«t reasonable r•ictcs. •
yon'Ri1 NT„•
Clinton, V017,18,1878.
IR, Fitzsimons,: butcher .:
jffiivhn1ewoctx*cl*the itarkotiintldtng, to anecome'of the
-istnict VECIOSTA 7iXOr1:,
Wlltba gra 1 to moot alt his old' friends and easterners
there. The liberal patronage he -received fa' the past
assures him That in hie new premises he 'viii bo squatty
weft bupporled. No pains will be spared to meet the
. • "gibed othia cashmere.
011IiEXES 80.11CITED.
Clutton, rob'. 1.141578..
Desirable Fantle For Sale
T .Or 21, CON. b, TOWN81 1V OF HtrLLETT
l J County of Huron, aro miles from Clinton,w�and 4
m10. from a railway, Itoontalna led h ted' of usable and good sou. apply to e
11, BLIOCrt'ELL,
7bnekuow, No10.15,11817.
' OTTAWA, Oot..i91,1877r
UTIIO1tlZt b DI80OUNt 001 AM$I0cA1,1114:.
voxcha•ndtll1arthornbtfeet!ppbra6nt. i • -
nommiaelener of endows,
ice'• Ar.t. .a..I<i.x►.�'9
NO 01...Eggs: d66same as Cash,
X:t.ONbESBORO, March, '7, 1078.